How I Went From $0 To Arizona’s Youngest Millionaire w/ Real Estate & Stocks (RICKY GUTIERREZ)

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hi i'm ricky gutierrez i went from filming videos in my college dorm room to now running one of the largest youtube channels in the world for those who trade in the stock market and i'm one of the passionate few today i really enjoyed my interview with omar uh talking a little bit more about my backstory and how i got started and scaling to a point now where we've built this multi-million dollar empire i hope that you guys enjoy hey guys welcome to this special episode of the passion view podcast today it's your host omar here and today you're in for a treat because we get to sit down in our brand new interview here with none other than one of arizona's youngest multi-millionaires who's done so through real estate investing stocks and flipping cars just to name a few things but a serial entrepreneur who literally started from very humble beginnings and from his teens went from being a kid in his dorm room making videos to now reaching almost a million subscribers through youtube and building a multi-million dollar portfolio including a million dollar plus position in tesla as well as a car collector and tons of other things you'll be blown away to find out in this interview from at the time somebody who's only 26 years old so i promise you you guys will be blown away inspired make sure to pay attention to the very end because you will leave with the gem that you can apply to your life to take it to the next level and also if at any point you're watching this interview and you're like man i would love to share my story my products my service and be interviewed right here on the show and potentially partner with us to help feed a million people through feeding america well you're in luck because you can right now apply in the description below either during or after this interview to see if you'd be a good fit to be interviewed on the show either in person or via zoom want to find out more simply apply in the description below and see if you're a good fit but with no further ado i want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy this powerful interview with ricky gutierrez i appreciate it thank you for having me absolutely ricky it's been a long time coming i know i've been trying to do this for a while and uh i know here we got the the cars laid out and kind of cool set up man so let's get into your story but before we do can you tell the audience a little bit about what you do now and kind of what you're known for today present day yeah so uh as of now every uh kind of just like as a daily routine my mornings consist if i trade live every morning with our learn plan profit group right after that i upload my first video on youtube i've been uploading videos consistently on youtube since you know like early 2016. this really just started as a hobby to now really just now it happened um after that i'll try to get breakfast um a little bit of maybe i'll hit the gym and then after that uh follow up with our team and so much of my time now just consists of really just managing but it didn't start off that way so i'm really excited to kind of just not only share my story but now how it's grown to the point where i now have the people that i surround myself with and how we've been able to grow not only such a large following but such in my eyes an effective culture and what we plan to do in the near future so that's awesome man now where did you grow up and what was your childhood like because before you became a multi-millionaire or entrepreneur or any of that you were just a kid working with dad right yep so take us back you know where did you grow up was your childhood like and then where did the seed for entrepreneurship get planted for you as a kid yeah so i grew up in california southern california uh most of my childhood so we moved to like um the yorba linda like placentia area uh when i was uh in second grade right uh but right before that i grew up in like paramount bellflower area my dad is a tileman so my weekends consisted of uh every single morning at six a.m or five a.m he would have some form of job site that was 30 minutes an hour away i was you know um anywhere from five years old i remember my cousin used to live with us and either him and i would go uh with my dad or uh even up until like 12 to 13 years old uh he just instilled like a really good work ethic in me and uh i think that i learned a lot from he had such a big passion for laying down tile as as obscure as that might sound today i think that's where my passion for now how i've transitioned into like entrepreneurship and especially trading the stock market uh i just remember growing up every single um weekend and he would remind me this is why you have to do good in school and if you don't want to do this for the rest of your life you need to make sure that you know you do well in school you get a good degree that was kind of the idea especially both of my parents coming from mexico both immigrants i think just instilled a made it very clear that if i didn't want to do that for the rest of my life which i'm going to be completely honest i did not enjoy waking up super early in the morning to lay down tile although i saw the passion that my dad had for his work i just knew that that was not my calling and i think that's what really motivated me to begin to explore other options i didn't just like randomly wake up one day and was like i want to trade in the stock market it was definitely not like that but it stemmed from understanding that i didn't want to do that i wanted to do well in school i was originally working towards trying to become a project engineer or a project manager that's what i was going to school for and one thing leading to another i was buying and selling cars buying selling phones kind of like i'm sure a lot of the people watching these videos and one thing leading to a hobby and some more successful than others i just really began to grow a huge passion for the stock market and how old were you when you started doing your own entrepreneurship stuff like flipping phones or whatever yeah i my brother when he was 23 years old uh opened a used car dealership and i remember it this was in san diego so for half your team they're from there so um i remember going there um on like either three day weekend he would allow me to come visit my brother was like a huge motivation for me um and i would take like gatorades and i would stand in front of the lot and i'm telling you these aren't dealerships with like concrete floors nothing like that it's like dirt lots rocks uh border of san diego it's like chula vista uh and the border of chula vista and pretty much mexico so we'd have a lot of clientele that would come from mexico try to buy a car and i would be there with a refreshing like drinks or snacks and stuff like that so but again everyone does that right um and i i just always had a big passion for buying something and then trying to resell it uh when it came down to buying and selling phones um it was during the iphone 5s and iphone 5c era because i knew i was very very proactive in buying and reselling those how old were you at that time i want to say 15 or 16. i was also buying and reselling on ebay this was something that i did with my cousin so we were um to my understanding especially in our area one of the first like ebay super sellers when we got to a point first off we weren't even 18 right so we did it with our parents account or my parents account and one of the things that we got we got so good at what it was that we were doing we're buying stuff through aliexpress buying stuff through like ubid which is like an auction based website and we would um we we began to sell so much on ebay that normally when you open up an ebay account you have to wait 14 to 21 days for your you to have access to whatever it is that you sold but we were so proactive with what it was that we were doing and we sold so much that our account became an ebay like super seller account that we had access to our money like right away and we just were on the hustle for about like a year to a year and a half and as we grew older we just got into different hobbies he began selling on amazon uh i began to focus more on buying and reselling cars and that started when i was 18. and that was on your own like curiosity or did somebody show you the way my brother my brother was again a huge motivator for me because um he went out of his way when i was 18 years old he took i think it was like two or three thousand dollars that i um had and he was okay with assisting me on my first car flip and this is one again he has his dealer's license so we went if you guys have ever um bought and sold the car through auction it was called insurance auto auctions which is like salvage title cars and that was a very big focus for him so he bought a car and it was a honda accord or honda civic he bought it for it was a 2013 uh was it 2012 2013 13 i'm not too sure uh it was pretty messed up but he said we can buy for two to three thousand dollars about five thousand dollars in pairs all together about eight thousand dollars and then we could sell it for about 13. he allowed me to be a part of that process i didn't do anything other than giving money but it's because he like sparked my interest in knowing that i could make money buying something putting some time uh and money into and then being able to resell that i think that that's really what sparked my interest in that which later grew to a point where uh now we're one of the youngest people here in arizona that own um a car dealership and it's a used car a lot and it's very similar to his where it's a dirt lot it's nothing fancy but it's so cool how a simple hobby and just the spark of interest can eventually lead to something so much greater yeah the power of passion yeah absolutely now talk to me about what drove you at that age because most kids might have tried these things but you tried them with an intensity was it because the fact that mom and dad maybe um instilled the fact that you need to set yourself up financially was it your brother what for ricky forget about everybody else for ricky what was it that kept the pulse so hot what is it that kept you on it on it on it through your teens so in 2007 2008 i always viewed my parents again my parents being like two hispanic individuals my mom was a stay-at-home mom my dad worked you know that was kind of like a very traditional household we were very close family i kind of grew up with the mentality that there's no such thing as real friends it's just your family and that's that's all that your life should consist of family and work family and work um and then in 2008 2007 i just remember that my dad obviously because of the market crash no one needed that tile work my dad was also an unlicensed um general contractor and because of that it just like it went from being pretty good to being pretty bad and i i always viewed my family especially my parents to be like the ideal example of what i hope and wish my future family to be and when i saw them struggle and when i saw my parents borderline you know talk about getting divorced losing the house my mom not wanting to get rid of the house and then that being a breaking point for my father um just being like like walking in eggshells i would come home from school hearing my mom cry every day in the bathroom and it was just because of the idea of how bad they were struggling financially and my dad's like look the market isn't doing good right now we can sell this house it was a very logical like and i was on my dad's side originally where like it made sense let's sell the house we're going to move to like bar store or victorville i like vividly remember this conversation because it was such a turning point for me where like at that point moving forward um i didn't want my parents to have to pay for anything that i like would ever ask for and i think that's where it really stemmed from where it got so bad to the point like i'm all about being frugal and that's originally how i started uh but it got so bad that like i remember like especially being hispanic we have like a hundred cousins right right and i'd have a bunch of my like yeah it was we'd have all our cousins come over my dad would ask oh let's go to like mcdonald's and i would order off the dollar menu and i would like punch my cousins when they were in line ordering drinks when they're ordering things that weren't on the dollar menu because i knew it was such an issue my family but of course my family's not going to openly talk about it right um and i think that became very unhealthy but it's like that unhealthy obsession and becoming so just aware of their financial issue and how that affected what i viewed to be such a stable family i just knew that i wanted to get to a point where my future family never had to be in that same position so you were literally thinking that in your teens yeah wow yeah and then how did you get into stocks where did that come about because now you've helped with thousands of people not tens of thousands i know you've got facebook groups with over hundreds of thousands of people right yeah we have 300 we just hit 310 000 members within our free facebook group making us the largest facebook group in the world for those who trade in the stock market and uh it's it started with again with my brother um he got me like into watching like ufc videos right everything that my brother did i just wanted to do and that's your brother's name roy roy roy you were little ricky little brother ricky yeah and he was just like my idol um at like 23 24 again him being a car dealer he would come home with like hummer h2s uh dodge vipers i just thought he was he had pretty girls i was just like this is like what i want this is like this is my idol and he would take me to watch the fast and the first movies and i remember seeing the gtr and i was just like dude i want to buy a gtr i searched up how much money it cost to buy a gtr that's where it began to like get to the point where like when i was buying and reselling phones buying and selling cars you know and learning how to try to trade in the stock market um it was much easier for me to understand how to buy and sell a car versus how to consistently make money in the stock market but it started all around the same time where i was searching up quick ways on how to make money and like it was very popular back then before uh that was one of the search results and that's what sparked my interest i didn't actually consistently start pursuing it until much later but it's because of that simple idea of i was motivated by a gtr and i one day just wanted to get to a point where i could afford one and that's what led me to like you know people that watch your videos especially you know all the amazing people that you've had on your channel everyone comes from such different backgrounds and such different reasons on why they got started right um although that mine got started with the idea of one day wanting to buy a gtr when i was 21 years old and i bought my dream car i realized it was not what i expected yeah at like a simple just to put in perspective i flew to san francisco i was 21 years old i think it was like three months i think during march of 2016. and i bought the gtr i was driving it back from san francisco back to arizona and the check engine light came on no way on the way back yeah and it ruined the overall experience for me i then began to see how expensive it was i wasn't a very social person i didn't go to car events i didn't have many friends so then i just i worked from um like i worked so much from home i didn't go out to eat anything like that so it's just like i never really drove the car and i caught myself to a certain point where i began driving the car when i didn't need to just to get that attention and then that's when i began to see how sad it actually was um so although that was what motivated me now that was the car i bought it for 59 000 i bought and resell that car i bought it and sold it a year and a half later to another student at asu uh for 61 500. every card that i've purchased except for one which is the mclaren uh every card that i've purchased since i've been 18 uh was always with the intention to either resell for a profit or break even it's all about mitigating my risk right i have a huge passion for cars and regardless of what people's passions are if it's clothes if it's you know watches at their shoes especially more now than ever before i feel like if those are your passions and that's what motivates you and that's what you want to purchase with your money you can do it in an effective way where i bought this ferrari off of a student you know uh it was a distressed seller where they needed a cash buyer i'm the solution i bought it for 200 000 and this was about this was september 28th uh and right away as i drove it back home i got an offer for 210 000 so i could have made 10 000 right away based off the spec i think i can sell this car for 215 220 000 and to think that we live in a time today where i get to drive around in a dream car enjoy it make videos with it which helps everything it is that we do and then on top of that be able to turn it around for a profit i know people do that with watches people do that with shoes people do that just of how accessible things are now um it's just it's such an amazing time to to be able to like do well and do well in areas that you know you want to pursue yeah vertically integrated too because you get to have your cake eat it too and then sell it literally yeah yeah and then uh in terms of like stocks though do you remember when you first started um you know did you start paper trading first did you sort of get the ball rolling i mean how did you what was your first foray do you remember your first day ever buying a stock setting up what was day one for ricky yeah this was something that i had to set up through again my parents because i was not of age right when you started 14 was when i first started searching into it i think i was 15 when i opened up my first like ira account or uh trading account and i think it was through etrade or fidelity um and i started with real money i didn't know enough to know that paper trading was a thing and that's why one of the main reasons now because paper trading is so accessible if you guys don't know what paper trading is um it's being able to trade all the real stocks that we all trade uh but not needing to have any money on the line so it's like simulation trading but it allows you to practice and test what it is that you're learning off of youtube or whoever it is that you're learning from in real world markets real world markets and real world conditions um yeah i didn't start paper training until years after once i became aware of it but that's the thing it's like how am i supposed to know that there was this thing that was available when i was literally searching up every question that i had of like how to buy a stock how to sell a stock i was learning from people that were much older than me everything was super boring cut and dry and i think that that's when i when i started making videos on youtube about trading in the stock market it wasn't that i was the best it wasn't that i was making the most money i was making videos about i bought my first house at age 20. this was before youtube before anything no one cared i made videos about buying and reselling cars ford mustangs jettas genesis even my gtr no one cared i made a video about like my first 100 day and it was off of like a lower cap penny stock and it got over a hundred thousand views and one thing leading to another where people began to ask me questions and all i i was just i felt to be in such a blessed position where like people were asking for my time my attention and my opinion that i began to obsess about it again i was a kid in college that didn't have any friends um all my time was spent either working at a full-time job at the time um and or trying to hustle and buying and we sell things and these videos would only take me a couple minutes to film so if i can be a solution to someone else simply by recording something putting it online and people see val in it uh that's crazy and although it stemmed from a very simple idea of like um wanting to buy the gtr and i was you know definitely um trying to be as proactive as i could when i was much younger i just think i had a lot one of the main reasons i think i failed very early on is i had a lot of growing up to do i was very immature and i approached it in a very aggressive way where all i was focusing on was very i'm not saying that it's not the best way to approach it just in my experience trading lower cap stocks and penny stocks was a make it or break it approach and i began to learn that later down the road as i began to do better in other areas i began to approach the market in a much more relaxed way which allowed me to focus so much less on the dollar amount that i was making and so much more on does it actually make sense what i'm doing and i think that's where a lot of my success stemmed from where i wasn't so obsessive about i need to make money in the stock market it's more of like i understand now what it is that i'm doing and i know over a matter of time is when it can you know begin to add up and now you know years later especially now recently with like tech pulling back a lot of my trades back then with only a couple hundred dollars uh now some of the trades that i take i have a really large position right now in tesla with over 1.4 million dollars and you know my biggest day back then is now you know not it's it's not i don't say a bad day it's just not the best day yeah right so it's been a progression of course so two questions from there number one as it relates to youtube you said you started putting out content and it took a while for something to hit what advice do you have for people to kind of um kind of you know a lot of people are trying to get into youtube start saying how important do you think it is to kind of throw spaghetti at the wall until you find like what your audience wants but also what you enjoy if you could give any insight on your experience with that yeah and i've i've talked to you about this because um i remember when you were first getting started and you were killing it your first like your first couple of videos like hundreds of thousands of views and millions of dude my videos were getting like two views and they're probably me i was i was making movies off of videos off of imovie i was recording off of my gopro um it it had nothing to do i honestly again just enjoyed making videos i enjoyed putting music that i liked and people if they if they're watching this video they can go back because those videos are still up they can go back to those videos and they're so poorly edited so poorly filmed um but i just i enjoyed it i it was a past time for me and i think because i i don't say i didn't have anything else to do i just i wasn't distracted by anything else and because i enjoyed it so much um i was so consistent with it which is one of the things i've spoken to you about where once i began to see people find value in one area more than the other um i just began to double down on it and it went from uploading i was uploading one car video my main focus originally was car videos i was going to dealerships with my gtr and test driving cars like what's my next daily driver i went to chevy i went to ford i went to mercedes and videos did not do good i was uploading consistently um one every other week um videos about treating the market if i did good if i did bad whatever the case might be and then i would post updates about like oh my two roommates like renting out my house no one cared yeah i just remember the more stock videos that i uploaded the more attention it would get and the more views it would get so like anyone else i just began to double down on it people are like how do we connect with you how can you know i ask you more questions so like you should create a free facebook group everything that i did and everything that like was like has now grown to like my instagram and all these like different ways on how we connect with our viewers uh all started based off of viewers suggestion it was not ever like oh i'm going to do this because i think that it's going to lead to this and then that will it all started with the people that were watching my videos were literally i was so influenced by the people that i guess i was influencing yeah so you took imperfect action like you didn't know all the steps but you took what little steps you did know and as you took one the next would reveal itself or it would call you to it and and it began to make sense on like you know later on down the road having a free facebook group how that can be a value for you know being able to get other people to follow me in other areas right and stuff like that and that was that's what began to make more sense later down the road but originally just started based off of me trying to listen to the people that were commenting exactly and what i love about this is you didn't start right because now you have all these streams of revenue and you get to help people you have students obviously you have trading you have youtube you have ad revenue from that you know you guys have the tech bud solution with apparel but all these different things just started with a dude filming a video that nobody watched yep and you just kind of kept taking in perfect action with it how many videos did it take to catch traction because i know a lot of people watching this put up through you i'm sure you've seen it they put up four five six videos it doesn't work and they're like ah screw youtube literally um yeah probably dozens right oh no dude i have more videos on youtube than any other trading youtuber i have over two thousand videos um i want to say probably over 50 to 100 videos before i even started making any money because back then like you had to hit i don't know how it is now but you have to hit a certain tier yeah yeah i remember when they sent me like 136 and i was just like i am getting paid off of making youtube videos yeah i i thought i made it i i started my biggest focus back then was i had my first house right i was renting out the two rooms there i was going to asu six months later i bought my neighbor's house my biggest focus then was as i was making videos and i was trading my biggest focus was just reporting my rental income to then work with my lenders to be able to qualify for more property so then i bought my neighbor's house rented that those four rooms in that house and then started reporting that then bought two other rentals and as i was doing all that um it just like it wasn't even i wasn't even talking so much about that on youtube uh it just i was just literally just trying to figure things out along the way and i i now with like everything that is now online and and how accessible things are and how structured things are it just wasn't like that back then and i i'm just like in such a blessed position now where i've i fortunately was able to connect with like the right lenders the right real estate agents where they're able to guide me in the right direction and although in the very beginning you know um it started with making a couple hundred dollars even a year i think it literally was a year a year and a half after i started my youtube channel that i made like a hundred dollars but i remember as soon as i made my first 136 dollars i got so excited because i was like i'm gonna put this towards my income which will then allow me to qualify for more properties it went from 100 the next month to 300 the next month to 500 when i hit a thousand i was like i'm making 12 000 a year off of making videos on youtube i remember sitting on my parents couch because i went to go visit them for a holiday i swear it was just so surreal to me i was working at verizon wireless i've talked about this openly before like i love commission based jobs if you're going to have any job while you're in school i think a job that pays you beyond your hourly wage is super super important that really allowed me to qualify for these properties and i just remember calculating i need to sell these many phones i need to sell these many cars i need to you know make this much in the market i need to make this much off of youtube my rental income my income from verizon i was just like i was like dude i'm going to buy everything in arizona um and it was how old were you when you bought your first house 20. 11 days away from being 21. so did you do like a 10 down or what 10 down yeah again back then i i grew up in california and the cost of living in arizona was much less um i bought my house for 167 000 this was in 2015 uh and i think it was december 21st so you put 16 000 down give or take around there yeah we're closing costs and i'm so curious how much did you have in your bank account separate from that 16 000 you put down what percent of your liquid net worth just because a lot of people would say did he go all in or did you kind of have no i was really good at saving money um i had i want to say like around 80 000. what's the key to saving money for people out there because i know a lot of people ask you that like you know as soon as they make a little bit of money like your parents nearly oh right was that yeah you're pretty frugal right you're i was much more back then it's really hard to say frugal and there's a fry behind me but again i buy and resell them right yeah but um and i kid you not my dad's super frugal i grew up with with that around me right um i'd have to wash my paper plates and also it's a light-hearted joke but it's like my parents newly getting divorced over money really instilled in me that i don't want to ever be in that position right um and because of that that and it wasn't a question of like i didn't enjoy the finer things in life i didn't care for more expensive food i ate raisin canes every single day when i you know uh was in arizona um my biggest focus was just increasing my income uh trying to qualify for more properties that was that was all i obsessed about 24 7. um i had relationship at a relationship back then and it became so obsessive about what it was that i was doing that i gave it up because i all i wanted to focus my time and attention on was just my work and and building you know if they didn't align with like what i was trying to build then you know it just wasn't going to align with my future self um and i saved literally everything i think even to the point even when and even when i met you um other than my business expenses i think i was spending about a thousand to fifteen hundred dollars a month even when that was when i was in college even went to when i was making over a million dollars a year how old were you when you made your first million uh when i made my first million i was 23 within a year when i had over a million all together with my assets 22. and was your goal always to be a multi-millionaire or anything or it was just grow the numbers whatever it ends up being it's just progress one day after another it wasn't even about like i remember when i eventually looked at my bank account and it had over a million dollars it had more than a million i had like 1.1 or something like that and i just became so obsessive about my work and what it was that i was doing it wasn't about the money anymore and this is one of the questions that you asked me about like what's the business behind this building that you just bought and i openly told you that like now my focus isn't so much about me trying to make money anymore but it's more about like me wanting to do and pursue either ventures or ideas that i see valiant i just have found it within myself that making more money doesn't make me any more happy but making sure other people around me do well or pursuing ventures that i see valid are much more of value to me what do you think the biggest misconception people have about your successes because a lot of people say you're so young you got the ferrari you just bought this commercial properties a million bucks you have all these other properties and most of your rental properties or investment properties were in arizona yeah cost of living is significantly of course so it's doable at those margins compared to other people who might you know not be able to in california or something correct um but what's the biggest misconception people have about your success that you'd like to share with them yeah i think a lot of it has to especially um as i began to everything happened so quick for me and in 2017 where i really began to blow up on youtube um in 2000 at the end of 2017 was i think when i came out with lpp but if you even look at the videos prior to that and what's lpp just lpp is like the group that gets to watch me trade live every day and that's when like courses learn plan profit yeah that's when courses began to become a little bit more popular and if you watch any of my videos beforehand i already had 60 000 members within our free facebook group i think i had nearly a hundred thousand followers on youtube uh i never wanted to come out with the course but then we got asked so many times you know if i if like you know can you help me or to to a point where like if i wasn't going to help them then they would go somewhere else right right and i just wanted to make sure that if i did come out with something that it was much different than anything else out there and no one was trading live people have tried it from time to time but consistently every single morning trading live scene and showing being an example of how to take on the market every day and ever since then from 2017 to now uh i mean there's a handful of days that i've missed but in comparison to the big picture it's i've been very very consistent with what it is that we've like presented from the very beginning and if you even look back because i think it was in late 2017 that i came out with the course but people i think attribute a lot of my success to just the course but if you look before that i already had a mclaren mp412 so you had four properties already i had my z06 i had like four sport bikes because i bought and resold them like i had my own thing going on to the point where uh i was borderline already going to surpass having over a million dollars in net worth uh did the course act as a catalyst of course right having a large following and being able to provide value i mean there's a reason people are either watching this video or i have nearly a million subscribers on youtube and i think that's the big thing is that is people begin to obsess so much about why someone might see success in an area and they might use that as an excuse on well they did it this way because of this but they wouldn't have if you know they were in my position and at the end of the day uh what i've learned is just like we are like you can only make it is your job to make the most of the opportunities that you are presented and i have just learned even kind of referring back to 2015 uh one of my biggest regrets is not investing more heavy in real estate in 2015 i thought the market was going to crash and one of our guys one of my big goals for 2021 is to get everyone that's part of our team to buy a house or to get pre-qualified for a house and one of our youngest guys that's 22 just got pre-qualified is in the market for buying a house and he i still have that first house that i bought my house is now worth 360 000 that i originally bought for 167 and i just know that there's houses around the area that were selling for 160 170 180 and i thought i was like dude these things are going to crash and i think listening to the wrong people i have learned that it's the most uninformed people that have the loudest opinions and my biggest focus now is just connecting with people that are of value to me so i've spoke to you inside about everyone that's part of our team from everyone that i have that are part of the car dealerships my direct partner justin who's for tech buds and everything that is that we do i have my partner nick uh who does everything real estate it's literally the house that we just bought in paradise valley for a house flip we bought for 2.3 million dollars and this was sparked off of a person that i originally met through our tech blood solutions group that later became a real estate agent that then messaged me that he has an off-market listing for 2.3 million dollars he doesn't have the money for it but he wanted me to buy it he wanted to be a partner in it and it will appraise for about 3.5 million so just by connecting with the right people you can make any excuse of you know why you're you know other people might be more successful than others but at the end of the day it's being able to connect with the right people at the right time is i think what makes the biggest difference and everyone that i now have that is part of our team jake with the apparel myself and then justin it's just it's crazy to see that everyone except for two people that make up our entire team are people that i met through tech but solutions or through learn plan profit dude that's fascinating you have a really sharp mind too i want to ask you this because i know people are watching listening like holy how does ricky know all this stuff how did you know about the cars and how does he know about this stuff but you started out just like everybody else not knowing anything of course kind of putting one step in front of the other um what advice do you have for people about maybe things you you know learned along the way that you wish you didn't like oh i wish i didn't waste time with this like looking back what are things you think would have accelerated your success versus god in the way of it that you could impart that wisdom on others i think again a lot of it has to do with when i bought my first house i got connected with a really motivated real estate agent i got connected with really motivated lenders and anyone everyone and their brothers and sisters wants to buy a house but they won't take the time to understand what it takes to buy a house and we've talked about this before yeah to understand what makes up a good deal to understand what i need as my income my credit score what i need to have as a down payment these are all prerequisites so you can hope to be a millionaire you can hope to buy a house you can hope to buy your dream car but if you don't have a road map to how to actually get there it's just i find it to be very naive for you to have those hopes and those desires without you taking any form of action um people love to also ask me what books you know do i love reading and you i'm sure you know i i personally and this is again an arab opportunity for myself i have not read many books everything that is that i've learned everything is that i've you know am now a little bit more well versed in is all from trial and error and connecting with people that were informed informed me on what to do what not to do it's not that it was perfect it's not that it was a perfect road map to get me to where it is that i am today but through trial and error and having a huge passion for it i think that's what really allowed me to overcome the obstacles where where i was first told by two other real estate agents before i connected with edgar who represented me for my first house that they wouldn't represent me because my age or i didn't make enough money same thing with the lenders they had to be more creative because you know i didn't have a full two-year work history but not taking no as an answer and in a world full of problems learning to be a problem solver i think that's what really made the difference for me dude that's powerful what about in terms of mitigating your emotions because i'm sure in stocks right a lot of people get emotional doing it for so long you've been trading for what almost what a decade now yeah uh well full-time um six years yeah and you know doing that and then you got real estate you just got a million dollar building you got a team obviously you have a lot of different projects and investments you're involved in a 2.3 million dollar property you know you've got a lot going on um the average 26 year old or 20 anything year old or the average person in general at any age doesn't deal with that after all these years of emotional management how important do you find that managing emotions is in business uh particularly as it relates to your experience with it um you know trading right it can be a very emotional experience i'm sure you have tens of thousands of students around the world that talk to you about this yeah how do you mitigate your emotions on those rough days when you're managing it all so there's always concrete no not at all dude it's a lot of nervous breakdowns there's this quote that that states um it doesn't become less scary you just become more comfortable being scared um and a lot of what it the most nerve-wracking or emotional market that i partake in is definitely the stock market no question about it um i think with everything else um because i started with the stock market which i view a market to be the most difficult to manage when it came down to something much more approachable like cars real estate apparel e-commerce yeah um i can't say it was easy but it was less difficult yeah and uh you can isolate the variables in advance do your homework exactly and not predicated on news or the markets or yeah exactly yeah but it's not so easily influ influenced by other catalysts and such unknown catalysts especially now like crypto's super hot right now people always ask me like do i partake in crypto and my just quick answer is just like i don't understand enough to partake in it right uh but i do have some on you and one of the things that i always love to share is regardless of what market it is that you want to partake in um you want to have enough money to feel motivated to follow up with it and take it seriously but not so much that you become an emotional mess and i think if you approach the stock market or any market in general in a very feasible and approachable way where it's not so much money that does make you very ineffective but it's enough money that it's not so little that you're just like well whatever if i lose it all or you don't take it seriously right um and i think that's what's made the biggest difference for me that when i started buying and selling cars i did it didn't start buying and reselling ferraris right i started buying reselling honda civics when i started showing the market i started doing it with a much more approachable dollar amount when it came down to real estate although i thought it was a big step for me i did it in a way that there's and sixty seven thousand dollar house big picture it's not that big of a deal now looking back right um and i think a lot of beans uh a lot of where it stems from of being scared and just being scared in general is because you're uninformed of the risk involved if you can make calculated decisions it means that you at least have some form some form of understanding of your upside versus your downside and i think that's always something when i you know was looking at that property in paradise valley when it comes down to the e-commerce when it comes down to these cars and when it comes down to any trade that i might take a lot of it has to do with with just being able to understand my upside versus my downside the doll amount and of course opportunity cost that's i think now the biggest difference where back then i would have jumped on any opportunity to try to make money but now because of my time and what i want to do with it now i'm a little bit more selective but because i'm a little bit more selective i now try to save you know the opportunities that i do choose to take advantage of for the big ones again and the paradise valley one just happened three weeks ago so you know i was waiting for either a big johnny like we like to call it um and if one does not present itself then we'll wait until one does and what about in terms of some of the biggest challenges you're dealing with in present day because a lot of people might see you and be like oh ricky's got it all figured out he's got the youtube channel he's got the genius marketing play because you know he has an organic traffic source he has a big facebook group he has all these businesses but i'm sure you have plenty of challenges plenty of you know scaling issues and figuring things out you know what do you do in terms of when you're stuck do you reach out to mentors you just figured out trial and error i mean what are things you're dealing with present day just so people can see the more human side of ricky yeah i i think a lot of the challenges that we might experience is definitely like view counts on social media or something like that right something like youtube where i might have nearly a million subscribers on youtube but our views maybe just by might be anywhere from like 20 to 80 000 uh and some months they're even lower and at some months it's like it's not even really worth it to make videos because the dollar amount or the ad rev isn't there but i always remind myself from the like very beginning i never started making videos on youtube to try to make money um i started because i enjoyed it and i get asked this question all the time of like well when are you gonna stop trading live when are you gonna like stop being there for the lpp group right um and i just enjoy what it is that i do so much every single day that it's never although the challenges are there i've always been someone that it's one of the things that i find the most attractive about my life and the stock market is that it's because it's so challenging that it tends to follow with the greatest fulfillment when you end up accomplishing it uh and overcoming those hesitations so if it was so easy you know then everyone could do it and it doesn't become as rewarding right um and i find myself that the easier things become the less interested i am and then that's when i normally tend to build a team around that sk like allow them to scale it and i move on to the next project that in the beginning becomes the most challenging and that's kind of where i'm working on now with our real estate team the e-commerce team and every person that's part of our group i want to make sure that i work with them in building something that is at first challenging and then once it gets to a point where it's kind of stagnant then i can allow them to scale it and i move on kind of to the next challenge i'm personally someone that really really if it wasn't for the challenge and if it was super repetitive i don't think i would be where it is that i am today because i would be become so bored of what it is that i do on a daily basis because my life is it's very consistent i'm like a creature habit uh but the only thing that keeps it interesting is it's definitely the challenges and the ferrari certainly doesn't hurt it definitely does not hurt yeah what about in terms of uh you know a lot of people we said we were interviewing you and they asked like what's rick's you know uh you know best way to mitigate risk in stock trading um you know do you have any quick you know piece of advice i'm sure there's a lot to it i know your learn plan profit course which we have in the description below can kind of help people if they want to learn more further but in terms of like just simple thoughts maybe somebody just getting into the markets any one two or three quick pointers mindset wise people can kind of mitigate risk and kind of know what they're doing yeah i think it's all about intention there's so many in in a world when there's a transaction happening there's so many different ways on how to make money right there's no question money is being made and that should never be the question the question is what's your approach you know with either trading penny stocks which is not something that i do for people to say oh there's a high risk high reward and not something that is really successful it's like i think today someone is making money off of that right and there's a much more conservative way of being able to invest i i think a lot of it stems from your intention and the position that you're in if you don't have enough time to manage something if you're really trying to approach something in a very aggressive way but you don't want to invest the time it's overall not going to be in your best interest because of the position you're in and your intent if your intent is hey i have a certain dollar amount that i want to invest in something i want it to grow over a longer period of time then your approach would either be more of swing trading and investing and this is what i personally wait for is earnings they come out every quarter all earnings don't go according to plans so if you become proactive in finding stocks that report negative earnings they tend to act as a negative catalyst this happens all the time uh this recently happened with twitter uh this is when they banned trump from twitter twitter aggressively sold off we waited for it to flatline began to indicate signs of an uptrend we bought it and not only did it return to previous highs but exceeded previous highs and that was about a 30 to 40 percent return from the original purchase and it's just understanding that it's not so much about having access to a trading account or an investment account that will allow you to make money but a lot of it has to do with time and knowing when an opportunity is present and when it's actually worth taking advantage of same thing with pump and dumps and penny stocks right the amc gme right i don't think that there we have ever lived in a time uh where i participate in the game stop the gme um i participate in it in a very uh small way very small dollar amount just because it was so bullish that i don't trade stocks like that but it's like i also didn't want to sit on my hands but i knew that i could easily make them and that was actually when i was in tulum but i had an eight thousand dollar day based off of trading i think i took a 10 or 15 000 position on amc and amc was super bullish but again it's all about your intention it's i know in my according to my understanding i do not feel like amc is going to hold for a very long period of time at those higher levels so i'm going to approach it in a day trade aspect as in i take a position i write it up as it's super bullish and i close out my position within the day because if i hold it overnight and i and for whatever number i make up in my head that i plan to sell it at if it pulls on back when it pulls on when it pulls on back after market hours after you hold overnight and then we go into the next morning you can't manage your risk overnight so if it goes from ten dollars back to five dollars you just lost fifty percent of whatever it is that you had invested and i think that's the biggest thing it's you need to understand the intent and i think that's a very broad still explanation um but i think once you begin to learn a little bit more about the stock market the different ways on how you can make money versus aggressive and more conservative you will begin to understand what stocks are worth trading what stocks are worth investing um and the forms of risk that they each come at so again larger cap stocks as in my tesla position i have the 1.4 million dollars in there i would not put what 1.4 million dollars in gamestop but you are correct if i did put 1.4 million in gamestop i would potentially make a lot more just as i could lose a lot more right volatility yeah versus i put i think anywhere from like 10 to 15 000 that was myself in a position where if i you know put that dollar amount it's something that is enough money i feel motivated but not so much that i become an emotional mess it's all about not just risk management but also what you can tolerate i think has a lot to do with it very cool ricky now i got to ask one more question before we wrap up here and play this quick little game um you know you shared a lot here about your story some of the challenges a lot of the obstacles you overcame your family all those stuff but being on this side of the fence right because remember you said early on you were kind of the shy kid yeah um you saw your brother with like pretty girls in the cars and you know a little bit of money and you used to want that right you aspire for those things and you work for it at some level being on this side of the fence with the cars or the pretty girls or the things or the business and stuff like that knowing what you know now what advice would you give to that younger ricky who was looking for answers or maybe people around the world at any age that are looking for answers that may be aspire for those same things in whatever parallel their dreams might be yeah being on this side of the fence that you are now what would you tell those people looking for answers on how to make their life work how to make their dreams happen although i did want that when i was again getting started and viewed my brother like as an idol because of it i wasn't a very social person and i didn't have many friends like we were saying before and because i was so not distracted by i didn't go to one college party i didn't do any like drugs i didn't drink i didn't do anything because i was so microphone because it literally was because i had no distractions because it wasn't even an option that i could get girls it wasn't even an option that i wanted to go out um it gave me no other option to obsess about my work and because i had no distractions that's what i think i also have to attribute a lot of my success to because now being on this side where we began to go out where we began to be around kind of that social life it does are into you right because you're the guy on youtube right my girlfriend's right back there too and uh i think again the the biggest thing is i noticed that they really do become a distraction and i've done like a self-evaluation that like i don't know if i would with all these distractions at a very early age would be where it is that i am today because i don't know if i would have been able to be self-disciplined enough to focus so that is why i openly say that you know when i had the option of going to asu polytechnic which is in the boonies or asu tempe which is the party school i chose asu polytechnic and i had no distractions my focus was work my focus was school and my focus was you know trying to buy and resell things and do whatever it is that i wanted with my free time that did not consist of any of the traditional distractions and because of that one thing leading to another for about you know two to three years which honestly isn't that long right although i did give up my college years um now i i feel like i get to reap the benefit of you know if i do want to party i could party and i can do it probably in a little bit more of an effective way yeah yeah um a little bit bigger yeah but now it's also gotten to the point where it's not even about being around so many people anymore or being around just anyone but it's been around um you know quality company right and um you just begin to value relationships i think a little bit more as you begin to do more because you begin to find that your time is so valuable and that's what i'm really excited about i'm really excited to see how we continue to scale and i just want to go back to like the very early 20s ricky where no distractions focus on you know myself my future self and not only just for myself but also for our team and you know everyone that's a part of it so i'm really excited to see what what we've put together and and then in terms of when ricky's legacy is done right when when your life here is done and your mission here is done thus far from what you can see what would you like to the the the legacy of ricky gutierrez to be hopefully for you your family i want to make trading more accessible i want to make it more accessible to the point where if it's free it's free uh but so people make more informed decisions it's one of the main reasons that i bought the building i told you that it's uh can it be for lpp members but it's like a wework where people can come on in it's the first physical location where people can dock up their computers we provide them with trading stations and just being able to trade among other traders this is something that's never been done before and to be able to provide that type of environment i just want it to be i know if i do it for traders in this part people will then begin to do it in other areas for amazon for e-commerce for you know forex and i think as we push away from the traditional side of learning and we take kind of you know just actions into our own hands where we now have the platforms where we can now create things like this and it's not about the money for me anymore with with this it's much more about being able to provide an experience where even if a handful of people come out of this building a little bit more well-informed then they create something much greater than that i think at that point it becomes worth it so man i love it ricky all right well before we wrap up here we play a quick little game and then we're done basically the game's called first things first okay the way the game works is i'm just going to rifle off uh word or phrase and you just tell me the quick word or phrase that comes to mind the first one that comes to mind it's kind of like a relation game all right there's going to be 10 words okay ready first one money money just happiness but i when it doesn't buy happiness yeah all right um next one is your favorite hobby my favorite hobby um shoot this is not a as quick as i thought um i like taking on new projects with our team so whatever the case like when they have new ideas and then i make it happen i really like that when when they take control and i'm just like the investors i don't know yeah literally it's just like i love seeing other people happy in the in the way like when they create something and i'm just of assistance for it your mom and dad's reaction to your success um no very grateful so um or they understand that they don't really have to worry i i've realized that for like my family and especially my little sister where um it's just they know i can definitely take care of them but there's also been some pushback where uh we grew up in a certain way that i just want to make sure that we don't overdo it as well yeah um best advice you've ever been given i think it stems back from it wasn't about so much about the best advice but the worst advice of listening to the wrong people that are so uninformed um i of like not buying a house when i was in you know 2021 i think was one of the worst decisions that i've ever made because i listened to so many of the wrong people because i i was so informed in a negative way where i became scared to take advantage of opportunities so uh yeah it it it's i don't know if i've ever been given such great advice it's like oh yeah but it's just looking for that bad advice avoiding bad advice and we're just voting bad people that really hold you back yeah um what you do on tough days when you have a rough day at work um surround myself with people that i value so if it's my girlfriend or if it's my team that's definitely i think my biggest like way for me to be able to like disconnect from my work and stuff like that passion passion trading i would trading and uh making something out of nothing i think is is a really big passion of mine this ferrari that's not not bad but no i wouldn't say i'm ready to sell it so if anyone wants to buy it 2 15 and it's yours can shoot ricky a message um your future my future um i'm excited i'm i think the next couple of steps especially now as i reach my you know later twenties is i wanna my house right now i have the series of partners that i have for all the different companies kind of live with me uh i think it's time for me to kind of like move on on my own and kind of start working on my life and my future life with hopefully my future family so and then last one you ready what you hope people watching this interview get out of it today to help make their dreams a reality that i think again there's a lot obviously that attributes to someone's success but i think one of my biggest attributions has to be how consistent i am in such a passionate way that it never really had much to do about making money when i first was getting started and so much more about just enjoying what it is that i do to do something or if it's a job or whatever profession or business it is that you create that it's something that you don't necessarily need a vacation from i think that's where uh success really stems from not so much about the dollar amount but so much more about the fulfillment you gain from it yeah when your vocation is the vacation yeah same thing but thank you so much for being on the show today enrique you appreciate appreciation thank you guys for being amongst the passion few and hearing ricky's story today you guys can check him out and check out all of his programs in the description below join his facebook group make sure to like comment subscribe share this with a friend if you thought it was valuable and also if you'd like to be interviewed on the show and you'd like to apply you can do so in the description below until next time live strong live with passion and we'll see you guys in the next inspiring episode thank you so much for enjoying this video and if you found this content valuable uplifting and inspiring to take your life and your business to the next level and have some exciting news for you because the passion if you academy officially launched our brand new on-demand training that you can access absolutely free at right there you'll learn the number one way to grow your personal brand or business brand online fast the same way i've learned from interviewing some of the most successful people on the planet right here on the show who've done exactly that so again don't forget to check it out i promise you you'll be blown away and also don't forget there's three ways you can 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Keywords: Ricky Gutierrez, Stock Trader, Real Estate, how to trade stocks, how to trade crypto, crypto investing, real estate investing, Ricky Gutierrez interview, the passionate few, Omar Elattar, Omar Elattar interview, Ricky Gutierrez the passionate few, Ricky stocks, Ricky trade stocks, finance, how to invest in stocks, how to become a millionaire, how to make money with stocks, how to start trading stocks, stocks for beginners, how to save money, how to invest money, millionaire
Id: ql38gU5V74M
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Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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