How I Use Trello To Organize My Goals And Business [Trello Tutorial] // Kimberly Ann Jimenez

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if you're looking for ways to stay on top of your to-do list and get even more productive with your online business you're absolutely gonna love Trello it's my favorite app before keeping track of my to-do list and I've been using it for over five years to literally run my entire business and my life I'm Jimmy Mendez your digital marketing strategist and the founder of the business lounge and in this episode I want to walk you through my personal Trello board and show you how I structure different workflows to make sure that I'm staying on top of all my to-do list but more importantly that it's an enjoyable process that I get more done in a day and then I stay on top of everything I have to cover inside my business so let's jump behind the computer and show you how to structure your own Trello workflow all right so here we are inside of Trello and I just want to walk you really quickly through my entire workflow what has changed a couple of tips that have really helped us over the last year to get more things done so in order to create a new board you want to click create new board and we are going to create a demo board and so this is what you're see when you just get started inside of Trello I'm not gonna walk through every little detail inside of this video when it pertains as it pertains to Trello because we have a full-blown tutorial that we created last year it's called how to use Trello to be super productive in your business and I'm going to be linking to that in the description box below I'm sure it's gonna show up here as well in the YouTube cards and you can check that out if you're just getting started for the purpose of this video I'm just gonna walk you really quickly through the premise of Trello and then we'll dig into my workflow board so the first thing you want to do is and this is totally a preference for me but I actually like to make my Trello boards very personalized so I'm going to click on change background I'm gonna go to photos and I'm going to select a nice background like this one it's colorful and pretty but you can you know do like all kinds of searches here on the the Trello little background section and it's actually in collaboration with unsplash which is a great basically a great stock free stock image site so I'm going to go ahead and select a background and we'll get rolling so when you're just getting started it can be a little bit daunting because you have like this blank canvas and you're like oh my gosh you know what should I be adding how do I even begin to do this and that's why we have our free Trello workflow so you can literally get a starting point and figure out how you want to manage your Trello workflow this is how I set up mine and you get to copy it for free you know on your own Trello account just go over to Kimberly and jiménez comm forward slash Trello and you'll see the download link there and you can literally just go in here and copy this exact board for your own projects now I know this can look like totally overwhelming and I'll explain how it works in a minute we're going to go back to our demo board and just show you the promise so basically Trello is a to-do list right and the way that you manage it is very simple you outline your workflow from left to right so first we could have here goals for the week all right that could be your first list or a first bucket the next one it could be something like to do today then it could be in progress and then done and then here we can have ongoing projects so this is very simple very basic kind of Trello workflow right and then when you're adding a new task or a new card all you have to do is click underneath the bucket you want to add it to and then name it so let's say that the goals for the week are create two new YouTube videos get in touch with the bookkeeper revamp of funnel x-rite run Facebook Ads get in touch not get in touch answer the business lounge members questions okay so these are some of the things that were going to be working on over the next week as an example each of these cards has the ability for you to add descriptions attach documents right here which is really helpful you can attach documents you can attach webpages really awesome stuff and you can even add some power-ups if you are in the business class plan and basically you can attach conversations from slack pull across from different types of other third party apps etc and then of course you can go in here and add labels which is one of my favorite tools and with these labels you get to assign write priorities you can categorize them in more detail and more depth so let's say that the first label we have here is priority and oops no I don't want to delete it I want to create it so I want to save it and then I'm going to assign that label to this card and I can add a description here right I can add bullet points of my video outline so intro step one two three and conclusion as an example boom and so we have that outline I wanna make sure that we're saving it and now I have it here you can also add members to specific tasks right if I want to assign this to myself I can add me here and you can also add due dates I want to make sure that I'm getting this done by Friday etc so these are all really great tools you can copy the card you can move the card you can also add a checklist which is super helpful if you have let's say one of these tests that requires more than one step so you can go in here and write to do and half steps right like for example outline first video and you can go here and shoot the video edit and upload as an example and so all of those checklists as you complete the steps you can see the progress bar and when you X out of it you'll also see you know how many steps you've completed so this is the basic premise of Trello and once you have these goals set up you can move them as you accomplish them right if you're gonna get started on the specific task or the specific project for that day once you are kind of halfway there I'd like to move it through the progress you know kind of bucket or category and then once it's done I move it to the done list and that's the basic just very simple very straight forward so let's go to our back here to our Trello workflow board that we have set up for you guys and show you some of like the little tips and little tricks that we use just to stay on task and not go sane insane stay sane I should say so you know for me I manage the business lounge and we have hundreds of members I'm answering questions there every single day plus I have a YouTube channel a podcast a blog alright I have social media I have a team that I need to manage and so we has we send newsletters we run promotions and we run campaigns I release new courses inside the business lounge and so there's a lot going on and or in order to stay on task and not get overwhelmed these are some of the steps that I take so number one and this is really important I always plan my week ahead of time and that is really helps me it's something that I've only been doing I would say over the past couple of weeks and it's helped me so much before then I always always planned my day the night before but now I do both and I love that so as you can see here instead of just creating a ton of tasks I actually have a separate board called weekly schedule and this helps me plan out my entire week it's separate from my daily you know - dues or my big picture goals and this just tells me keep super super focused so I know that example these are all the things I accomplished last week and they're not in detail these are just like initiatives right like big picture goals that I have for these individual days so for example today I need to go in and run a new set of Facebook ads I'm gonna be focusing on funnels and I'm gonna do a finished a coaching session so those are the two big picture goals for me on this specific day tomorrow I have a little bit more things that I want to accomplish but I know probably not gonna get all of them done so three of them have to be the priority and so I'll go in here and say okay so these are the things that are gonna be my priority I'm gonna add the label and add that here and I only select three items that are a priority the other things are kind of like who wish list items right awesome and then I'll do the same for Thursday and for Friday the things that I don't get accomplished in terms of like big picture initiatives in my business I'll go ahead and move over to the following week and that just helps me again just you know let's say we move this to Monday helps me keep focused it also helps me to evaluate how I'm doing and what I've been able to take it accomplished over the last month right so I'll keep track of these individual weeks and it also helps me to stay really hyper focused only on two to three big picture goals for the day instead of getting totally overwhelmed by my never-ending list of tickets a year so that really really helps me stay super focused this is the first thing I do whenever I start my day as I look at okay this day is going to be dedicated to editing videos running Facebook ads and updating my website this is all that matters yes I have a bunch of other tiny admin tasks and things that I want to get done but they're not a priority and so that really really helps me and I hope that it kind of gives you as well some tips and some insight into how you can start organizing your week into more of initiatives instead of and million little tasks that end up making you feel totally overwhelmed the other tip that I have for you is again related to running things and initiatives and organizing different projects so what I've added here is ongoing projects and these are things right the workflow runs in four steps right goals for this week current sprint and progress and done and of course you can change these names and adapt into your personal workflow preference but for me the B's right over here all of these different categories on this right hand side are just there as kind of placeholders that help me organize different projects that have going on the things that I need to outsource things that I want to work on next etc and so creating these kind of initiative cards that have you know a nice little cover image really helps me organize my tests as well so if I'm learning something right I'm going through programs and going through workshops etc I add those here right I am intentional about scheduling time to learn in my business and so organizing that really helps me stay focused instead of just creating a thousand little cards and if I'm going to do something with my website I'll add that here and then I'll just really consolidate all of those tasks under a single big picture card right and that really helps to keep me focused and not have a thousand little card spending everywhere now if I need to move one of these two dues to my cards I can always click here and say converts a card and that immediately creates you know that task as a card on this list so I can move this here to my weekly my goals for the week etc and so again just having everything organized you know with promotions with what's going on with the blog with YouTube with Facebook Ads with Pinterest funnels admin all of that helps me to really consolidate my two do's and not feel like oh my gosh I'm just not making progress now whenever I'm done with a specific task inside one of these I should say I'm that's all I'm gonna be completing that day I'll just move it back to ongoing projects cuz I know this is an on going thing that I'm always going to be working on in my business or that I'm gonna be working on for a period of time so again that just helps me to just stay focused I know I'm gonna get this question and that is how do you get those labels to show up here on your card and it's very simple all we did was we created some canva images added them here to the card via the attachment so you can add you know these labels of course and turn like if you want them to be images you can just add them here and then you just click on make cover and you can toggle between them as you can see it there they're just being changed so that's really really simple but I just think it makes Trello more visually aesthetic and more visually pleasing and that's a big deal and last but not least I always like to assign a specific dollar amount to each of my tasks and that just represents how much this specific task should yield right should return an ROI or return on investment based on the importance of that specific task so if I think that this task right here is you know creating YouTube videos is going to really generate a lot of revenue for my business and I'll go ahead and add that and that is a really good way to stay accountable so that you're only focusing on tasks that are a priority in your business and that are gonna actually yield a return so it's really easy to get cut off you know just doing tons of little tasks here in there that are not actually gonna create a revenue for you so I like to create these labels and just adhere you know is this gonna be ten dollars an hour is this gonna be you know a thing where I'm gonna be making a hundred dollars an hour or a thousand dollars an hour and that can really really help to keep you super accountable so we're gonna add the rest of these here I just wanted to show you how we do it and you can select you know what makes sense so let's say this task you know it it's gonna take me three hours but I know that it's going to produce a return because YouTube gives me a lot of exposure so that could be you know they're a really good idea so I know that creating content for the business launch it's gonna you know via tacit is going to generate thousand dollars an hour for example and this isn't totally accurate okay I'm not saying you're definitely gonna generate that amount but just as a basic principle always do that because it also helps you figure out where are some of the areas that you should be outsourcing more of your tasks and you know these are admin tasks these are things that I probably shouldn't be working on anyway in my business so I'm gonna go ahead and tag it at $10 an hour kind of task and I'm gonna go ahead and say you know what this is something that I need to delegate so I'm gonna create a label that says delegate and I'm gonna ship this out to one of my team members so on and so forth you know attaching these labels is really important and it'll keep you accountable and give you a better perspective of okay this is how I need to be spending my time in my business now I know I'm gonna get this question in the comments section so pay attention if you want your labels to show up the way they do mine usually Trello labels only show colors but if you want the text to also show up again I use a really nice Trello extension via the stylish extension the Chrome extension so I'm going to link to that as well so you can check it out and add it to your own Trello board so I hope that you found this tutorial helpful if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up don't forget to come over to Kimberly Anne human is calm for it slash Trello to get your copy of my personal Trello board and I hope that you stick around let me know if you have any questions in the comment section below and subscribe if you haven't already I will catch you on the next one and if you're interested in taking your productivity to the next level definitely catch up on our productivity series it's going to be linked in the description box below we have a couple of videos about five or six that are to help you get even more out of the time you are already spending and investing in your business so you can get more done really get to that next level and grow your business i am kim heemin as signing off thank you so much for being here with this bye for now so you know how building an online business can be totally overwhelming you're probably learning the strategies from YouTube other blogs podcasts and taking courses that are all great but sometimes give you contradictory and even confusing advice I get it it's hard to filter through which strategies you should be implementing right now to grow your online business versus the ones that you should stay away for the future you know when you're actually ready to implant them and that's exactly why we designed the online success path inside we broke down the six stages of successful online business validate launch hustle breakthrough profit and scale and we designed a complete roadmap inside the business lounge membership just for you inside each stage you will find a step-by-step action guide tailored to the specific challenges you'll encounter during the stage of business you are currently at complete with getting asserted tips so you can know exactly what to expect video tutorials that you can implement new strategies action items so you stay on track plus a full-blown courses to help you focus only on the tasks that will accelerate your progress right now and take you to the next level in your business journey while keeping you accountable and overwhelm free so if you're ready to take your online business to the next level get started add join the bee lounge calm
Channel: Kimberly Ann Jimenez
Views: 54,645
Rating: 4.8967528 out of 5
Keywords: How I Use Trello To Organize Goals And Business [Trello Tutorial] // Kimberly Ann Jimenez, How I Use Trello To Organize Goals And Business, How to use trello, how to use trello for beginners, trello tutorial, trello, asana, how to use asana, asana for beginners, Online business, online marketing, Facebook ads, digital marketing, ecommerce, business, marketing, tutorials, how to's, blogging, bloggers, kimberly ann jimenez, kim jimenez
Id: N6OfBXjbRmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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