How I Type INSANELY Fast (160 WPM) - The Best Keyboards for Fast Typing

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157 words per minute there we go world record hey friends welcome back to the channel in this video we are going to be comparing six of the most popular mechanical and membrane keyboards to try and help figure out what is the absolute best keyboard for maximizing our typing speed at the moment my personal record is 156 words per minute and so for each of these keyboards i'm going to do three typing tests to try and beat that record and then i'm going to be rating them in terms of cost in terms of aesthetics and in terms of the typing experience overall and i'm going to share with you some of my top tips for how you can type insanely fast as well along the way so grab a cup of tea if that's what you're into and let's start with keyboard number one all right so our very first contender is the iq unix l80 wireless mechanical keyboard they've actually sent me eight of these for review each of them has different mechanical keyboard switches now mechanical keyboards are a bit weird because they're more expensive than normal keyboards generally and it's because the individual keys have a different type of switch inside them which means the feel of typing on different types of mechanical keyboards depends on what switch they've got inside them this one that i'm testing now has the gate to turn red switch in it doesn't really matter what that means i'm gonna do a more in-depth switch testing review at some point and in terms of aesthetics here's what it looks like it's kind of nice um it's quite chunky it's like it doesn't have the numpad it's like a very solid build like it's like a metal metal and plastic and it feels kind of good now let's hop into the typing test and see what it's actually like to type in the anki unix l80 139 oh not very good accuracy 95 133 accuracy 95 all right [Music] 140 accuracy 96 all right yeah the feeling of these is definitely like much it much much harder to press the keys than it is on the membrane keyboards which is probably why like it takes more force and it means i'm typing slower on this mechanical keyboard and so this one gives me an average typing speed of 137 words per minute this is my lowest typing speed i think it's not particularly high but it is actually very very satisfying typing on this particular keyboard and so when i'm doing something like writing my book this is the keyboard that i tend to default to i'll put an affiliate link in the video description if you want to check it out i think that has a bit of a discount on it if you want to get one of these they're a little bit expensive but yeah this is a pretty solid keyboard nice to type on but not the most productive keyboard out there and that brings us to tip number one of how to type insanely fast which is i call it the minimal movement principle now this is something that musicians use a lot like people who are really a pro a piano or a guitar what they're trying to do is that when they're playing their scales and things they try and move their fingers as little as possible like an amateur guitarist will be doing stuff like this an amateur pianist will be like hitting the keys with this whole like hands but the pros will be typing or moving as little as possible and it's sort of the same thing with keyboards this is partly why it is slower typing on a mechanical keyboard at least for me because my fingers end up moving quite a lot to be able to hit the keys and that is satisfying but it leads to slowness so when you're typing try and move your fingers as little as possible to hit the keys and that's why membrane keyboards generally tend to be faster at least for me all right next we have the keychron k2 wireless mechanical keyboard now the keychrome keyboards are kind of similar to the iq unix ones i'm not too much a fan of their design it's a little bit a bit too black and red for my liking if you're mk bhd you're probably like this if you like this aesthetic then it's great but the really good thing about the kikron series is that they're a lot cheaper than the iq unix and other similar mechanical keyboards the k2 for example is about 69 whereas the iq unix l80 is about 250 this is like 25 of the price it is a bit more of a plastic plasticy build quality but really if you're looking to get a very good budget mechanical keyboard the key chrome series is absolutely fantastic let's now go on to the typing speed test 144 words per minute hmm 96 accuracy not bad making quite a few mistakes let's try again 143 95 accuracy 136 91 oh not very good at all the typing does feel very satisfying even though i'm slower and i make more mistakes i think if i were writing something like a long piece of work i actually would want to use this keyboard to type on because even if i'm typing slowly it does kind of feel quite nice so solid aesthetics i don't have to press overly hard compared to the iq unix l80 um but design wise it's just not as nice i just don't really like the colors so i don't know we'll see it's all a matter of trade-offs isn't it so in my three tests with the k-cron i averaged 141 words per minute a little bit faster than the ike unix lat uh and so that is the one that i'm going to be using for most of my typing but if you're in the market for something budget the kikron is absolutely fantastic and now tip number two for typing insanely fast is you want to learn the keyboard shortcuts for deleting entire words so for example on a mac if you use command and backspace that deletes a whole line if you use alt and backspace that deletes a single word i think on windows it's like control and backspace or ctrl shift backspace but basically anytime you find yourself hitting the backspace key multiple times there is a quicker way of doing it and i made a video about this a few months ago and loads of people have messaged me saying oh my god that single keyboard shortcut tip has like you know improved my typing speed by like 20 so yeah come on backspace all backspace or control if you're on windows all right let's do a non-mechanical keyboard now now this is the logitech mx keys which is widely considered the most productive keyboard on the market uh we'll find out in a moment if that's true and this is nice because it pairs with the logitech mx master 3 which is generally one of the best mice on the market again wireless bluetooth keyboard and in each of these keys it's got a little uh resting place for your finger so the keys are a little bit like whatever that means like riveted divoted something like that design wise honestly i'm not a massive fan of it like i don't really like the black space gray design aesthetic i know some people are super into this sort of stuff but i much prefer it when i have keyboards that are white and colorful because that's just the kind of vibe i like but production value build quality it's all very very solid indeed and i know a lot of people that really swear by this keyboard so let's see what the typing test actually shows 139 96 accuracy [Music] 137 [Music] all right 143 i'm broadly faster typing speed than on the macau keyboards i think and it's it's more similar to the apple keyboards than it is to the mechanical keyboards but the the feeling of the keys on this like i really don't like this i know a lot of people swear by the mx keys and i really like the mx master mouse which is paired with this but i i just don't really like the typing experience this would rank basically at the bottom of my list of like pleasurable typing experiences because it doesn't quite have the feel of a mechanical keyboard but the keys are still heavier or they feel heavier to press than the apple magic keyboard does and so that plus the weird kind of design that i'm not a fan of means this keyboard is sadly not getting my recommendation your mileage may well vary and on this keyboard i have an average typing speed of 140 words per minute it's that's all right it it kind of it's a bit weird right because it's it's not as nice in terms of typing experience as a mechanical keyboard even though it feels just as hard to press the keys so overall not really a huge fan of the mx keys but hey if it floats your boat you'll probably enjoy it next we have another one of my favorite keyboards of all time this is the iq unix f96 this is a keyboard they sent me like two years ago that i've been using for ages which is why it's absolutely filthy this one has the cherry blue switches which have a a very specific kind of look and feel but i do really like the aesthetic of this one very good build quality all metal it's like very very hefty very beefy the issue is this is a very expensive keyboard i think it's 250 or 300 do i think it's worth it well i don't know i'll put a video up there where i've got my full review of it i really like it but then i'm also the sort of person that would spend 300 quid on keyboard and not really worry about it too much but if you want it there will be a link in the video description which is an affiliate link that has a bit of a discount applied so you might want to get this if you like but to be honest the main thing i like about it is the color scheme like i just love the blue and coral and white it just goes really nicely with my aesthetic overall i think it even sort of matches my hoodie but now let's move on to the typing test to see how productive this keyboard actually is okay 144 not bad oh 136 terrible so bad 95 accuracy oh start starting to get repetitive strain injury [Music] right 141 words per minute so i've been using this keyboard a very long time these are the cherry blue switches so they sound they're they sound quite clicky um typing speed nowhere near as fast as it is on on some of the other membrane keyboards but it's quite a nice feeling i'm not sure how i feel about the cherry blue switches though i don't think they are my favorites i'll be trying out some more mechanical key switches to see which ones i prefer and so overall average typing speed of 140 words per minute that's not bad mostly i like this keyboard for the aesthetic and the feel of the typing on it rather than because it makes me super super super fast at typing and because i like a bit of writing in my life i've been using this one for the last two years but now i've changed my kind of daily driver to the ikea unix lat there's not much to choose between them they both feel pretty good to write on in a way i sort of prefer the design of this one but it's it's got the numpad in it i don't really like that the iq unix l80 is a little bit chunky but it they both have a broadly similar writing typing experience overall and that brings us to tip number three for typing insanely fast which is don't use your mouse so normally we think of our mouse as being a kind of navigation device we kind of use our mouse to go around a computer with our arrow but if you really want to maximize your productivity on a computer basically the idea is we want to be throwing away our mouse and instead using our keyboard for navigation as well that means learning keyboard shortcuts and using apps like alfred and the windows logo key to open up windows and files and apps and for me anytime i'm using a computer and i find myself using the mouse i always think okay is there a quicker way of using the keyboard for this and to be honest i don't spend much more time on a computer on a keyboard than a lot of other people do but i think my typing speed is generally quite fast because i minimize my use of the mouse and maximize my use of the keyboard next we have our penultimate keyboard and this is the razer pro type this is razers like razer is usually a gaming brand but this is their productivity series of keyboards which is a mechanical keyboard that has razer special switches in it design wise it is quite nice i love the fact that it's white i love the fact that the led lights on it don't go different colors and they're just white so it looks really cool very very high build quality i think this was around 150 to 200 so let's move on to the typing test and see what this one is really like right 141 i christening 95. oh 133 140. i quite like this keyboard in terms of the aesthetics but i don't really like the keyboard in terms of typing experience i think razer are using their own mechanical switches here and it's just not as nice as the ikea unix ones but it's just not as nice as the kikron it's just like it sort of feels very much like an all very old-school ibm keyboard that we used to use in like school back in the day um and like if you care about that throwback then it's fine but otherwise yeah the keys are quite heavy to press i'm not really a huge fan of this typing experience although i really do like the razer white mouse and now tip number four for typing insanely fast is to just practice the website that i've been using for all the typing tests all day today and that i've been using since the age of about 13 is 10 fast fingers they have a good typing test it uses normal english words so you can just type the most common words in the english language and initially i started out when i was i think 13 and i discovered it i was around about 80 words per minute and over time i've come close to doubling that typing speed but yeah the more practice you do the faster your typing is going to get overall in the long run and finally we come to the final keyboard in our productivity challenge which is the apple magic keyboard design wise it's an apple keyboard it's very light it's very nice it's like satisfied bluetooth it charges via lightning a bit annoying that it charges by lightning but then so does my iphone so that's fine and it's just a very very very solid keyboard all round so let's go to the typing test first and then i'll share my thoughts about this [Music] oh 155 words per minute not bad 157 words per minute there we go world record 153 words per minute not bad all right very very solid to be honest whichever keyboards i end up trying it's always this little apple magic keyboard that i end up end up going back to maybe it's because i'm i'm more familiar with it because i've been using it for such a long time but it's it's quiet i can type on zoom calls i can take notes with that without worrying about the sound it's like really lightweight i can carry it around if i ever need to go anywhere and it's a keyboard where i get a ridiculously fast typing speed without making too many mistakes so there's just something really really beautifully nice about the apple magic keyboard honestly i think it's it's really hard to find a keyboard that is actually better than this one so my average typing speed on this was 155 words per minute and i actually beat my personal record with 157 words per minute so that's now my new record typing speed and in fact this was the very first one that i tested today so i repeated the test again like three hours later after testing all of the other keyboards just to see what difference it would make to my typing speed and yeah after three hours of testing my average typing speed did fall because my fingers were really fatigued but this got still around about 144 words per minute and overall what i realized is that if i care about typing fast which i do there is really nothing i've ever found that beats the apple magic keyboard it's just so simple it's so reasonably priced so great i wish i had an affiliate deal with apple but i just don't because this is just such a fantastic keyboard that like my setup moving forward and in fact my setup for the last few months has been to have both the iq unix l80 and the apple magic keyboard on my desk at all times now when i need to do writing for my book where i want a nicer kind of typing experience i like the feel of the mechanical keys i use the iq unix l80 link in the video description but if i want to do most other things on a computer if it's night time or early in the morning and i don't want to wake up my housemate if i'm on a zoom call and i want to take notes that's experience of typing on the apple magic keyboard is so nice and so chill and so relaxing in a way that i really don't like using the mechanical keyboard because of the clacketiness so maybe it's a little bit excessive having two keyboards on my desk at all times but i don't know i think it's like genuinely quite nice and i'm the sort of person who who appreciates the the different uh use cases for the alpha magic keyboard and the arc unix l80 and that brings us to the final tip for typing insanely fast which is you should watch my video over there if you haven't already it's called how to type really fast 156 words per minute where i give you eight more tips that i found really helpful for being a productivity grease monkey when it comes to my typing speed so thank you so much for watching do drop a like on the video if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Ali Abdaal
Views: 277,617
Rating: 4.863236 out of 5
Keywords: Ali Abdaal, Ali abdal, mechanical keyboard switches, mechanical keyboard reviews, mechanical keyboard comparison, mechanical keyboard, mechanical keyboards explained, mechanical keyboards test, mechanical keyboard for typing, mechanical keyboard review, best mechanical keyboard, mechanical keyboard for mac, keyboard, favorite mechanical keyboard, good mechanical keyboard, is mechanical keyboard worth it, best mechanical keyboard 2021, iqunix keyboard, iqunix f96 keyboard
Id: wmQt-QM0mbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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