How I Turn My Paper Scraps Into Lino Prints
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Channel: Stopan
Views: 18,676
Rating: 4.9900064 out of 5
Keywords: bookbinding, craft asmr, making of, craftsman, artisan, contemporary craft, luxury handcrafts, boobinder stopan, handicraft, bookbinder, folding paper, handmade paper, process video, craft documentary, craft video, handcrafting, workshop, worksmanship, making paper, linocut, lino printing, folk illustration, red ink printing, how to linocut, how to lino print, recycled paper print, small lino print, paper to print, lino printing press, home made lino print, printing at home
Id: qpx1VBtn3S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I watched this twice because it was so good! Very impressive.
That was awesome. And the sounds were so soothing!
Thank you for doing this! I found it fascinating and inspiring.
Excellent video, keep it up! :)
well that made my morning, thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this - it was really interesting to watch you doing everything. Your work is beautiful. :)
wow, what an incredibly beautiful video and gorgeous print. such care and attention! this actually made me cry it was so beautiful. subscribed over on youtube. thank you for sharing this, made my sunday!
Thank you for sharing your process. The video quality was superb as well, nicely done! I took a washi paper making class when I visited Japan a couple of years ago, and was stoked to see you using really similar methods!
What a fascinating home set up! Bravo π