How I Stay Slim + Beat Menopausal Belly Fat At 59!!

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[Music] hey everybody it's angie and welcome to hot and flashy in today's video i wanted to talk about how i stay slim and keep my belly flat after menopause over the age of 50. so i've been doing these what i eat in a day videos every year almost every year since i turned 51 and at 51 i was pre-menopausal although i was perimenopausal but i wasn't through menopause now it's nine years later and i am fully through menopause i'm on the other side i'm post menopausal i'm 59 i'm gonna be 60 in just six months and i gotta say that once i became postmenopausal i was having a hard time maintaining the same results that i had been earlier because that's what happens when we become postmenopausal our body stops producing estrogen and unfortunately when our body stops producing estrogen our metabolism slows down by as much as 15 to 20 percent so that's a lot imagine if you're still eating the same amount of food and you're still working out the same amount you're going to get 15 to 20 percent less results let's say or heavier or muffin top or you know belly fat in the middle than you would have before you lost your estrogen and even though i am on hormone replacement therapy i still struggle a little bit with my weight and with belly fat and with keeping my muscle mass keeping my muscles nice and strong and being able to do the workouts that i did and getting the same results with them because of course the estrogen that i'm replacing is not to the levels of the estrogen that i was naturally producing before i was postmenopausal right so even though you can get estrogen therapy hrt and it does help a bit it's not going to help 100 and be like a silver bullet that's gonna make it suddenly super easy so even though i was eating pretty lean and pretty healthy and exercising three to four times a week i still had to up my game a little bit more to maintain my results post menopause and so that's what i'm here to tell you today is that this is the reason that menopause sucks so badly is because there isn't a magic pill even estrogen isn't the magic pill to make your weight loss goals suddenly happen and what it takes is diligence and hard work and i know like a lot of people don't want to tell you that because who wants to hear it but you know what that's what works so if we were to go back and look at say one of my what i eat in the day videos from 2013 the original one i ate fairly healthy but there were some things in there that i have weeded out over time back then i was eating like a roll-up sandwich with deli turkey i don't eat as much processed foods now as i did then and that's one of the big keys to keeping your weight off during menopause or losing weight during menopause or keeping your belly flat during menopause is getting rid of a lot of the processed foods and a lot of the added sugars that come with the processed foods also a big key is not to eat foods that are labeled low fat because unfortunately it's a big marketing play what the food manufacturers have done is they've taken the fat out of food and they've replaced it all with sugar and unfortunately sugar is so bad for you it increases the inflammation inside your body it turns right into fat and so it just makes you pack on weight especially around the middle as opposed to foods that are prepared from scratch that are fresh and that you make at home yourself but i've got to say that i always had a soft spot for sweets i have a real sweet tooth sugar is my downfall it's my art nemesis in life so something that's really helped me out is i started tracking what i was eating with an app on my phone it's called myfitnesspal and i love this app i actually started using it back in 2015 and so i had put in everything that i eat every day plus my exercise into this app and it tracked everything right down to the micro nutrients and that was so helpful for me because every single week and every single month what it kept telling me was that i wasn't eating enough protein but i was eating too many carbohydrates and way too many sugars and i knew i was eating too many sugars as i said before sugar is my downfall i have a sweet tooth but i had to figure out ways that i could cut out more sugars so using my fitness pal and figuring out where those hidden sugar grams were in my diet i was able to reduce them from about 100 grams of sugar a day down to about 50 grams a day which is a good amount for me it keeps the belly fat away and that i think is what made the biggest difference in the belly fat all right so reducing the sugars was the first thing that i did the second thing that i focused in on was increasing my unsaturated fats and my omega-3s and decreasing my saturated fats and here's another sad part about being postmenopausal your hdls which are your good cholesterol they go down and your ldls which are your bad cholesterol or your lousy cholesterol they go up good sources of unsaturated fat are chicken turkey fish a really good source of omega-3s are salmon in particular i eat a ton of salmon then you can also get unsaturated fats and omega-3s from olive oil avocados walnuts and soybeans and soy products so i've tried to add a lot more of those into my diet i love salmon i could eat it every day which i do and as you've seen in my what i eat in a day videos i eat a big salad for lunch every day with some salmon salad on it and i make the salmon salad here at home i make it with yogurt so it's super healthy but i would definitely recommend if you want to see exactly what i eat in a day to go and take a look at my what i eat in a day video from last year because it's just about the same i'll link it for you right up here as well as uh in the info box below the video and at the end of the video and if you want recipes i have a lot of recipes on my blog i've got all the recipes for my lunch salad and my salmon salad and my salmon that i ate for dinner and a lot of my heart healthy recipes are on there all right so my third change that i made was that i increased my dietary fiber eating more fiber helps you to maintain a healthy weight it helps keep you feeling fuller longer it helps to regulate your digestive tract has been shown to also lower your cholesterol it helps to control your blood sugar and it reduces your risk of gastrointestinal cancers so a high fiber diet is super important so some swaps that i made as i switch from white rice to whole grain rice i brought in quinoa i eat a lot of almonds a lot of avocados lentils kale raspberries chickpeas black beans oats walnuts sunflower seeds pumpkin seeds dark chocolate is also a really good source of fiber so i'm able to continue to have my almonds covered in dark chocolate a really good snack that really satisfies my sweet tooth but it's also increasing my fiber intake and so then the fourth thing i changed in my diet is that i increased my protein now this is an interesting one i had never known about this one before but you guys know me i research everything so as it turns out aging bodies process protein less efficiently and so you need to eat more protein to maintain the same muscle mass the same bone strength and to get the same health benefits out of the protein that you're eating than you did when you were younger increasing your protein helps to reduce your appetite increases muscle mass maintains bone mass reduces cravings boosts your metabolism and increases fat burning which is so important since post menopause once we lose our estrogen our metabolism declines by that 15 to 20 percent that's a win-win right there it also lowers your blood pressure and helps you maintain your weight loss so for me i've had to increase my proteins to about 60 grams a day and that's a place where the my fitness pal app has helped me to do that what you can do that's really cool is you can go in and you can adjust what you want your percentage of protein to be in a day or how many grams of protein you want to eat in a day let me just run down the list of good sources of protein first they are chicken turkey fish salmon of course shellfish are also good sources of protein quinoa eggs greek yogurt almonds lentils pumpkin seeds peanut butter and almond butter and tofu and you notice something about the four different lists that i've given you they all have repeats of some of the same things i noticed that salmon was on a lot of these lists i noticed that quinoa was on a few of these lists almonds was on almost all of the lists so those are really good things to really pack into your diet like i have gone somewhat say overboard on salmon but there's no downside to eating a lot of salmon because it is not one of the fishes that tend to have high levels of mercury that you should limit how much you eat of it another thing not to forget about drink plenty of water if you're still drinking sodas cut out the sodas that's a huge place where there are added sugars in your diet just drink water it's so much better for you water is good for every system in your body you should be getting like four to eight cups of water a day i just fill this guy up three or four times this is probably two cups of water per and i just have this with me and i drink it all day long so always increase your water intake did you know that from the age of 30 we lose three to ten percent of our muscle mass per decade so in your 30s 40s 50s let's say you've lost 10 percent per decade you've lost 30 percent of your muscle mass it's really important to keep your muscle mass intact and you can do that by eating the right foods you can also do that by exercising regularly weight-bearing exercise is so important to keeping your muscle mass up it's also important for keeping your bones healthy your bone health is directly correlated to your muscle health as we get older we tend to get more sedentary and that leads to weight gain and everything so just being a little bit more active whether it's just going out for a walk a vigorous walk a couple times a week you know it's really important to get your heart rate up as i said before it's really important to do weight-bearing exercise so lifting weights is so good for you i know a lot of women don't like the idea of lifting a weight so they're afraid they're going to get bulky but you know what i love the look of a toned arm i want to get my arms back to the way that they used to be where they were a little bit more muscly i just love it i think it's just the best look i also joined the peloton app i don't have a peloton tread and i don't have a bike yet i think i'm going to buy a bike but until i get the bike i just want to know if i would like their workouts and so i just joined their app it's like 12 a month and it has really helped me with the workouts and it's got hundreds of thousands of workouts no matter what you want to do it will have it it has bar workouts pilates yoga strength stretching of course the cycling the treadmill if you are a runner there are running workouts so i just work out with weights here in my home and i do a series of weight-bearing exercises which is good for maintaining muscle mass and helping with the bone health so i do those and then i mix in some cardio workouts with it so those were all the changes i've made i didn't make them all in one day these were gradual changes that i've made over time if you've been with me for a long time you've seen the changes in these videos that i put out every year or two on what i ate in a day but i thought this year it was important to go into more of the detail of why i eat what i eat and not just be like i was afraid of having a heart attack so i cut all these things out of my diet and here i am right because that doesn't really help you so much i think the why behind it and the specifics of what you can bring in really helps but i did want to show you a few of the things i made for dinner the last couple of nights i just took pictures of them so i could show you a few things that i ate what i'm eating on this night is salmon zucchini and rice this is a whole zucchini and all i did was saute it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil and some salt and pepper the salmon i do a dry rub that's mainly curry cumin it has some seaweed flakes some sesame seeds i put some nutritional yeast on top salt and pepper i pan seared that and then the rice is just a like a raw whole grain rice tex motti mix that i get this next one is a tofu vegetable rice bowl that i made a couple nights ago this has two kinds of kale in it i did sauteed kale and then i also made kale chips in the air fryer and sprinkled them over the top for a little crunch it's got sauteed mushrooms in it this one was so filling and so delicious then here's a pasta dish i made this one is also vegan this one has just these little corkscrew pastas it's got white beans mushrooms and kale in it that one was delicious i use very little cheese it basically has olive oil and garlic and that's about it and then oh this one this is really fun i used to love crunchwrap supremes but they are so bad for you so i decided i would make a healthier version of it myself so i made one in the airfryer i made one in a pan just to see which was better but they were so delicious i used ground turkey um just seasoned it up like a taco then i put avocado and lettuce and tzatziki inside and it was delicious all right so that is everything that i wanted to say today about how to stay slim and reduce belly fat once you're post menopausal over 50. it definitely is not easy i'd say the hardest part for me was cutting out a lot of sugars i still do have some sugars in my diet obviously you can't cut them out completely it's best to take baby steps get there gradually like i said i didn't do this overnight it took years to kind of strip these things out and figure out what was happening and what was going on but i'm hoping that some of this some of this information that i've shared with you today will help you in your weight loss journey and in your post-menopausal life as well so that you can be the happiest healthiest post-menopausal woman that you can be and that's mainly my goal here is to have you be here with us for a good long long long time and to be healthy while you're doing it so anyway that's what worked for me i hope that if you give it a try that it can work for you all the recipes are linked on my blog you can find the link to my blog down below in the info box if you enjoyed this video go ahead and give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to my channel as always i thank you so much for your time i really appreciate you being here and watching so have a great day and i will see you in the next video take care everybody bye [Music]
Channel: HotandFlashy
Views: 1,056,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anti-aging, skincare, style, how to, hotandflashy, hot and flashy, over 50, over 40, 50 +, 40 +, 50 and, mature, skin, face, stay slim, stay fit, get fit, get thin, menopause, belly fat, love handles, lose weight, diet, exercise
Id: GDicLGmubws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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