How I stack dimes with the titanium flux 125

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all right everyone it is sunday today and i hope you guys are doing really well and you guys are getting some rest and getting ready for the upcoming work week uh i wanted to put out a short video in response to several requests to a video i did a few years ago in regards to stacking dimes with the titanium flux 125 and so today i thought i'd try my best to see if i could give you some kind of tutorial on how i uh you know my method to to laying down beads like that and so i have to give some credit where credit is due i was probably like 17 or 18 years old i was a uh welder for the studios out in california and there was a lead welder the guy's name was todd simonsen and he was the lead welder for a company called tribal scenery studios and i worked underneath him and he was a really cool guy he went through some type of military welding program where he had just all kinds of aerospace certifications and like pipe certifications and this was before youtube or anything else and and as far as i'm concerned to this day i don't think there's anybody on youtube that could could touch him um anyways so i became good friends with that guy and what happened was i had purchased a really small kind of inexpensive mig welder and i would watch this guy weld and this guy could just he could lay down beads that i mean it just looks like he just greased him in there with zero effort and so i was working on a project it was like a friday or saturday night and so i was working on a project and i got all flustered because i wanted my welds to look nice and so um i called this guy up and i could tell that in the background he is at some kind of a party or something and so i said hey how do you how do you weld like that like how do you stack dimes like that and so he just explained it to me over the phone where it made enough sense to me to get me going on the right track and just after years and years and years of practice i was able i i it's easy for me now so anyways so shout out to todd wherever you are um anyways and then hopefully i can pass this on to you guys so let me see if i can get you guys turned around here and get you set up and i'll show you what i'm going to do all right so that's the titanium you know the flux 125 these are my settings so pay attention and then right over here i have some pieces of just quarter inch scrap and then i have a quarter inch plate and um oh that's what we'll work with and so let me get you guys set up in the stand here and then um we'll see what we can do okay i have you guys in the stand here and so what i'm going to do is kind of just show you with a really big pen here first on how i do it so the first method that i use for laying beads down is what i'll do is i'll start start a puddle i'll move forward and then i'll i'll just run a nice big loop around my puddle move forward a little bit come back around go like that move forward come back around move forward come back around like that this is really big and kind of exaggerated but i hope that helps to just kind of bring the point home so move forward come back around move forward and just move nice and slow and just really just mess with it just burn wire get comfortable um and i i hope that makes sense to you and then there's there's another method that i use um so what i do is i'll just i'll you know how you like when you tack something together and you and you just make a little tack weld what you do is hold your hold your tack there hold it in one spot um until it really is really start to fill up a nice puddle like a really just to the point where you feel like it's just going to get away from you and then just move forward with it and then what will happen is this puddle it will roll into the back of your next puddle and it'll it'll just fill it up and just what you want to do is you really just want to kind of watch the outside of your puddles all the way around just keep an eye on the outside edges of your puddles and just you know build up a nice puddle and just and just roll forward just let it roll forward and then as you practice um that method i think it'll click to you it'll make sense to you so what i'm going to do here is let me let me get my plate over here i've got that set up um let me get my helmet and some gloves on so sit tight all right so here we go this is uh what i'm gonna do here with the kind of the first method that i discussed and we'll lead into the second one another thing too if if my camera picks up the audio well enough listen really closely to the sound of of the weld as i'm welding [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right i think my machine is a little bit hot for this but i mean it's enough to get the point across so hold on let me um take my gloves off so i can handle my camera so i can bring you in close okay so that there this one here is a little bit rough so as you can see there i just i worked my worked my way forward and then just kind of came back around went forward came back around went forward came back around went forward came back around went forward came back around um all right so let me set up a different type of scenario for you and we'll go from there sit tight [Music] so so all right sorry i forgot to shut off my camera there so what i'm going to do this is i'm going to do the second method that i talked about where i just i let my puddle just roll into the back of the next puddle foreign [Music] [Music] all right let me bring you guys in close here and we'll take a look at it all right as you can see here um i hope you guys can hear me the profile on this one you can see how i just i paused and then just kind of let it roll forward and just used a slight slight slight back motion on it just to push this puddle back into the previous puddle while it was still really hot and you just kind of work on that and you just kind of work forward with it um anyways this one came out really nice you know the lighting's kind of messing with me there you go um anyways uh that's how i do it um you know there's an there's one third method but i don't know how good i feel about recommending it it's where you just do a series of really big tack welds and you could you could stack them up on top of each other um that way um i guess you know let me go ahead and do that method for you so let me get you back in the stand and i'll do that really quickly for you and i apologize i feel like this is uh dragging on and uh you know i lose i'm one of those guys where i lose interest real quick so sit tight all right um this will be like the third and final method of um how i do i'm just doing a series of really big tacks um overlapping um listen really carefully to the sound [Music] [Music] that is kind of warm i will admit all right i'm trying to get a really good angle on that so anyways um if you guys this is a little bit rough but if you guys practice you can lay down some you know really nice looking welds this way i wouldn't do anything structural this way matter of fact there's no way but if you were doing something like a piece of furniture or something that was static um you know trailer welds um there was a guy that insisted uh i did you know the welds had to look proper on a trailer i know that there's a company out in california it's called hainsley and they used to make boat trailers and they were absolute this is how it had to be done um anyways that's the third method that's how i stack dimes um i hope that you guys find this useful and helpful anyways hold on one second all right one more thing before i cut it short here i just want to give a shout out to eckelson supply company um they're they sponsor me in all my saw blades and stuff like that and i just i love them they're great people so if you guys need um some really high quality saw blades and you're sick of all the cheap crap that's out there give them a call you want to talk to clayton and just tell them that you saw this you saw you heard about them on youtube at 26 fe anyways they will take care of all of your band saw blades whether it's a port of band or a giant bridge saw they have it all all right once again thanks for watching i hope you guys have a great week just practice practice practice and just um i'll see you on the next one as always be blessed please like comment and subscribe help my channel grow and uh see you in the next one peace out
Channel: 26Fe Ironworks
Views: 34,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KK53cZ2yDU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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