How I scored 30/30 on My TOEFL Speaking| Practical Tips and Strategy|

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so hi guys my name is nachiketa and welcome back to another video in this video i'm going to tell you how you can exactly score a 30 on 30 on your toefl speaking section before getting started if you're new to this channel do consider subscribing because i'm gonna regularly put out more videos like this before giving you important tips and strategies let me show you my score uh on the toefl website and actually given the toefl exam twice i had scored a one zero four on my first attempt and normally if anyone scoring above 100 i wouldn't recommend that to get the lawful exam again but i didn't qualify the minimum criteria for some of my dream school so i gave it again in my first attempt at scored a 25 on my speaking section in the next attempt i scored a 30 on my speaking section interestingly in both these attempts i had the same templates for my speaking section the only difference was in the strategy so my toefl score was 112 and my toefl best score which is a sum of your individual best scores is 105 which means i scored a 30 on each section individually and at 25 on the writing let's get to how you can actually get the score so the problem with the toefl preparation is that almost everyone who is giving the toefl exam who's giving the travel speaking section is gonna have the templates before template is nothing but way to structure how you say things how you start sentences how you can end and about how you can say the things in between right these are templates are available online i'm gonna leave a link for these in the description as well but everyone has these templates but still everyone scores differently because the difference lies in the execution so i'm gonna give you some practical tips that can actually help you score high and by the end of this video i'm gonna summarize the most effective way that you can actually implement those tips so the first important tip is that focus on your intonation or basically your pitch modulation so you already do this in your native language for example let me take a sentence artificial intelligence is gonna be the next biggest thing in the coming decade so notice how i said everything without a pause and there was no pitch modulation and did that it didn't really sound that well but i could have also said it like this artificial intelligence is going to be the biggest thing in the coming decade so i took some pauses i stress on the fact that it's going to be the biggest thing and this is something you do in your native language as well you take some pauses you focus on you stress on more important things now the whole goal of the topic speaking section is to be able to mimic a natural english conversation so that's what you have to practice you have to focus on how you're saying things tip number two is that it's okay to make mistakes now normally when you're preparing for your toefl speaking section you're gonna practice some questions and you're gonna practice speaking it and when you make some mistakes you would naturally be inclined to repeat it again but in the toefl exam you cannot do this if you make a mistake there is no second attempt and i personally remember in my speaking section there was a question in which uh the topic was something around chimpanzees and how they rubbed themselves to remove insects and by mistake i said humans rub themselves to remove insects so when i said this i was like so humans rub themselves oh i'm sorry i meant chimpanzees slumped themselves to remove insects right so i made this mistake and despite this i was able to score a 13 right and the whole point is that it's okay to make mistakes even in natural conversation you can say something wrong you can just say i'm sorry i meant this and you can continue right so whenever you make mistakes in your toughest being section remember to be calm and just continue from there on because it's not gonna affect your score in the travel exam there are gonna be lots of different types of questions the pattern keeps changing as of now there are gonna be questions like there's gonna be one question which asks your opinion about a topic for example let's say people are preferring less of physical books and are now moving to uh ebooks what's your opinion on that so they're gonna be many questions are gonna be some questions in which you have to read a paragraph about something let's say about a new campus announcement uh let's say there's a new cafeteria opening up you read a paragraph about it then you hear an audio clip about the same thing and at the end you have to give your opinion in all these questions what you have to do is make effective notes for example when you're uh listening to an audio clip right or when you're even reading a paragraph note down the important points and don't try to write everything so let's say we are reading a paragraph about a campus announcement of a new cafe opening up just write new cafeteria and there could be points like uh it's gonna increase the variety of foods it's gonna be less expensive for this you just write low cost more variety blah blah blah again when you hear audio clip you simply write the important points in the audio section there's gonna be lots of unimportant things lots of things which are being said which are not important to the conversation you have to note only the important things and just write keywords do not phrase sentences when you're writing down now let's talk about how you can actually implement these three tips in the most effective way possible now of course you have heard that you need to practice practice and practice but i'm going to tell you how exactly you can practice this in the description box i'm going to leave a link for a website of toefl prep in which you will find lots of sample questions and there will be sample answers as well what you have to do is you have to read the question right it could be either a paragraph that you have to read a topic that you have to talk about or audio clip and a paragraph together what you have to do is read the question do not look at the answer right and start speaking the answer and record yourself do it exactly like you're sitting in the toefl exam and time yourself once you're done objectively listen to your own recording when you listen to yourself you'll see a lot of flaws you'll see that i'm speaking too fast or maybe i'm taking a lot of pauses analyze this and you'll notice a lot of flaws and then you'll want to know how could i have done this better and then you will see the answer on the website which would be very close to a perfect answer and then read the answer again and record yourself and then you'll understand oh i could have done this so much better and by the time you're done with say 30 40 questions your brain is automatically tuned to structuring sentences correctly it's automatically tuned to understanding okay these are the important things in a paragraph these are unimportant things that i do not need to keep in mind and that is the most important thing templates is available anywhere but you need to practice in the correct manner that was all for this video if you did like this do like this video and subscribe to this channel if there's anything else you want to see or if there's any other doubts you have to read that in the comments and see you in the next video
Channel: Nachi Talks
Views: 8,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOEFL Speaking, 30 on TOEFL Speaking, how to score 30 in toefl speaking, toefl speaking practice, how to score 25 in toefl speaking, toefl speaking strategy, toefl exam preparation, toefl speaking pre
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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