How I passed AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam (845/1000) - AWS Ep 2

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hi everyone my name is Steve today we are going to talk about how we can better prepare for the a degree certified Solutions Architect associated exam so first well just to quickly go through what is this exam what's it about so it SS certificate certificate let's see I showed this picture last time so here this is the entire graph that all the different certificate exams that you can take wait ain't addressed last time I talked about this one this is the first exam that I took which is the very foundational one cloud practitioner after that I took this one this is the one that we're going to talk about today certified solutions architect associate level and the name of the certificate is called Adam the certified Solutions Architect associate the research associate way is because there's another exam called professional which is a more advanced level this one professional that's the name of the certificate passing score it's around 70% again it's a distributed a very scale score I don't know exactly how it is great exam but around 70% if you can get 7 out of 10 questions correct then you are about to pass exam generation is a little bit longer than the cloud practitioner exam this time it's more than two hours it's 130 minutes exam format is exactly the same as the previous certification exam which consists of two one is multiple-choice a single response so like say for example your argument you're actually always given four choices and you have to pick one of them to be your chosen answer to a specific question the other format is multiple choice multiple responses again you don't need to worry about which one question falls into which category because in each specific question is going to ask please pick one of the following four or please is like two of the five please select three of the following so you don't need to be there is no ambiguity in the format of the question himself last the exam cost is 150 I think it's slightly more expensive than the promised one the first one was $100 right so as you progress through the career ladder through a double certification exam it's going to be a little bit more expensive because they're just a certificate carries more weight last the expiration it's valid for three years again it's for valid for three years which is good enough because the rest just keeps evolving it keeps publishing new service new services new infrastructure every single year so it's always good to refresh your knowledge now let's take a quick look see how you can better prepare for this let's click into this this is the address official site let's see so there are some example let's see it first is the exam guide second is the sample question these are good resources so here first exam preparation it'll best training this is the one that I took it's a three day for training and they're three or five laps inside this training I don't recall exactly but it's very good the instructor is very experienced and the lab you get to practice to do some hands-on labs to just deepen your understanding following the instructors training and another thing that I would like to mention which is again is this Way's labs this is very cool it's actually recommended by our instructor which is this is just a big time-saver again this is the one that I used to prepare for my last essay which is a Solutions Architect Associate exam see it has I took it has a lot of tasks it has for the four test questions a total of 65 questions that's the real number of questions that you are going to encounter in the real exam so they have a total of seven complete tests and then for the selected version this is for a different for every single topic it's grouped by topic for example this one is V PC this one is as three it has a slightly fewer number of questions thirty five ten ten to help you in has just home your skills in that particular topic in the best topic and then there is a final test all of these I didn't have time to get through them but what I did is first I go through this it's a free test and after I purchased this one I was able to have access to start to have start and so basically what I did is similar to the last one I took this one and then I took you see completed I took five of these so the first two to be honest I fail them I go like 55% and next one is 59% or something so I failed the first two I was pretty frustrated but I learnt quite a lot so then the last three I keep I keep passing and my passing percentage is getting higher and higher so I really appreciated this Wiz lab product again it's really helpful so let's just let me just quickly show you guys how I use this so this one this one I pass because this is a simple one there are only 20 questions let me just quickly show you guys how I was able to use this selects - this is very similar to the actual real exam that you are going to encounter in the real certification exam it's going to ask it's going to tell you which format of the question belongs to so see let's see just a randomly picked you and let's proceed and let's proceed to the last question we'll just hit submit of course we're going to fail but that's fine I'm just going to show you guys how I was able to take full advantage of this way slaps product to help me quickly prepare makes make the max use of my limited time to prepare for this certification exam and pass it so see here I picked the wrong answers but that's fine if I don't have time to do my own research see here this is the part again what I value the most is the explanation so it details wait why which two are the correct answers and why they are correct and for the incorrect ones it even tells you why it's incorrect so this is the part that I feel particularly in value valuable why I mistakenly took this one as the correct answer so I must have misunderstood something right so this one this explanation tells me which part that I misunderstood so it corrects my miss assumption right which is great and a time-saver and also it points you to the correct links so after this I just schedule in the exam add it abreast start training then let me quickly sighing sighing okay let me quickly Sonia all right here I just sign in and then I click certification then go to my account new link popped up and then I see my previous exams so this is the exam as a a certified Solutions Architect and this is the one that I took this past this past Friday let me show you guys the digital badge which is kind of cool this is the one a double certified Solutions Architect associate here you can pick whichever one that you are prepared that you are renting to schedule and go take it yeah that's it I hope this video is helpful to you point to the correct direction for how people to help people how to better prepare for their upcoming assertive certification exams if that's the case just do me a favor and hit the like button yeah that's it for this video I've seen you guys in the next one
Channel: Fisher Coder
Views: 47,019
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Keywords: fisher coder, fisher, coder, java programming, leetcode in java, leetcode, java leetcode, hacker rank, cracking the coding interview, coding, programming, computer science, technology, math, science, education, tutorial, how to, java, software engineering, algorithms, data structures, interview, technical interview, coding questions, coding interviews, How to prepare for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam, aws, Amazon Web Services, AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
Id: Yvcv3I2ifFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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