How I Paint Things - Speed Painting Skaven Clanrats (Super Easy!)

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hello and welcome to a very special how I paint things now today we're gonna tackle speed painting clan rats there are probably some methods out there that are even faster than this but this fella here took less than 15 minutes that's just painting time of course not counting how long it takes for a great earth shade to dry but I reckon he came out looking pretty cool and if you want the bulk of your troops looking like this here's how now we're not going to muck around too many things with you know dry brushing or what-have-you just a real quick easy method so I've got all the paints gonna be listed in the description below feel free to follow along now the starting off I've given them a quick primer spray of leather brown from army meter now fortunately Citadel doesn't do more thing brown anymore but if you want that color instead what you could do is start from a gray spray and then just put a couple of layers of more paint brown over the top it's a slightly more saturated brown for what I've got in mind though I think this is gonna work a little better and funnily enough that's why I'm not using fur brown fur Brown has got a lot more red to it and you might have seen me use that with the mechanicus that I paint but leather brown is what we're going to use for this now when you're speed painting the most important thing I find is to have a plan and then stick to it which sounds simple but can sometimes be a little bit more difficult when you're actually putting it into practice so what I've done is laid out all of my base colors behind me so I know bat bat bat bat bat what I'm gonna work through now all of these are gonna be listed in the description below so you can follow along but to start off with I'm gonna give them a pretty heavy dry brush of silver nest back let's get cracking I'm just working this into one of my cheap dry brushes and you know how normally I turn around and say oh carefully dry brush the edge of your base so you know how much you leave now we're just gonna get straight into it really this is not going to change the color very much what we're gonna get is just a little differentiation between high points and low points you know we're gonna sort of fake out some highlighting particularly on the fur don't worry too much if you end up hitting anything you get a paint later like skin shield and the like use this to get a little bit of a little bit of highlighting done you'll see it's not a huge difference but once we shade it that will stand out okay so that's step one now from there we've got our LED belcher and you can paint this straight over the top of the brown anywhere that you sort of miss or it doesn't quite cover perfectly you're gonna get a cool kind of rusty effect by the time we're done so all there's mail some of these armor plates like some Skaven aren't wearing armor they've got quite a lot of skin and cloth instead but these plates across this guy's back anywhere that you want to be metal obviously paint that and now you can be quite rough with it and you may find you want to use slightly less water than usual in your paint so that it doesn't quite flow off as easily which sounds counterintuitive I know but we want that's slightly patchy Brown appearance underneath to some of these metal areas now to paint his skin I'm actually switching to a Vallejo paint for this because it's gonna give me slightly better coverage in the tone that I want if you don't have access to it well you just prefer sticking to your Citadel colors you could use bug mints glow here instead but there will be a little bit darker than what we've going this is beige red beige red baize red yes and if you remember talent flesh one of the old foundation paints you'll know what's going on here now beige red I'm gonna just do all the skin so around this face nose and what have you and there is a little bit of a choice to be made if you want to do all of the arms in the skin tone and then just sort of leave the fur brown or do you just paint their hands in their skin tone and then leave the whole arm brown and not worry about painting you know having to paint extra skin people recently I see doing a lot more skin on the Skaven so that's kind of it's up to you to decide really but any areas that you do want to be skin hit them now and don't worry if you're not being very careful like things like these foot reps for example we are going to go back over those and couple of minutes now you'll probably find with beige red that you do need to go back and give some areas a second coat but to be honest with batch painting if you're doing five or ten rats at a time by the time you finish the first coat on the fifth blank you can go back to the first and give him his second it's like the only stage you're gonna have to do two coats on this now speaking of I've got my fist on red here and we're gonna do all of the cloth and whatever army you're doing or whichever sort of clan you want your guys to look like you can swap out this step for whatever color you want to use now I'm gonna quickly cover in most of these areas and if you wanted to you could even do the the sort of leather effect on some of these shields I'm not going to I'm gonna leave it brown because hey why add more work so this will not take terribly long now some of your retz are gonna have way more red on them than the others I they'll have less visible armor you of course can be the judge of that once I've got now is my Balthasar gold which is a nice brassy color I'm gonna pick out any any brassy bits of metal shield bosses are a prime candidate for this and following the same sort of principle with the silver if you have a little bit of Brown showing through it doesn't matter so pick up those any little charms for example this is a good spot for this then any teeth claws or cloth I'm gonna pick out with a little records flesh as always making sure you're just adding a little bit of water to make sure it flows so these leg reps for example they're a good candidate for that now anywhere that you come close to somewhere you've already painted and you know you want to save some time you're worried about going over and hitting those other areas just leave a little bit of brown instead of trying to get it really close what you'll find is that when we shade these guys you know you're gonna get sort of a secondary shading effect and no one's going to notice you were gonna have so many rats on the table and if someone picks up one of your rets and goes oh my well you've you've missed this is a brown part right next to this armor on well you know you don't have to worry too much about that to be perfectly honest so let's get this a little bit of cloth here to then finally just a little bit of Steel Legion draft and you can use this for two things you'll notice that some of these guys have got little pouches and stuff and just a wee bit of Steel Legion drab will add a little bit of visual interest between that and the back of these wood bits for example and you can also UPS smear it all over your finger I don't know what that's gonna do maybe it brings us luck but you can also use this to paint in any wood I would recommend if you're in a rush and you don't really need these guys to look perfect don't worry about painting Spears but you can do so we'll do it just for the sake of argument what will that look like when we're done now with all of your base colors applied that's when you want to go back at the last stage and do any little bits of tidy-up you'll find it's much quicker oh I've missed a bit speaking of you'll find it's much quicker to sort of wait till this stage go back and finish any little bits like that rather than stopping and starting at every single step so give me two seconds there we go you saw nothing hey what I've got now is my old friend a gray xof shade and I've given us a good shake we're gonna go ahead and load up a nice big brush with this and for once I'm gonna tell you if this pulls anywhere it doesn't matter too much you want to be way more generous with this than you normally would so let's get in there making sure to work it into all the recesses with a quick work of the old brush there and then we'll leave him for about a half an hour 40 minutes and see what we've got once all this has dried then with plenty of time to dry it this is what we've got and I mean I have to know about you but there looks like a rent to me now there's plenty you could do from here well what I'm going to do is actually very quickly put a base on them so that we can get a look at what he would look like if you were just to base them up and put them on the table like this so very quickly let's go ahead and do this bing-bang Bosh there is our rat and I don't know about you but I'd put them on the table to be perfectly honest when he's got 19 buddies around him and then the rest of the army I reckon that looks really cool but we can do better you know I know there's always something extra that we can do to make these guys just a little bit tidier so we're gonna do just three highlights I've got here a little Shep t-bone and we're gonna brighten up his teeth don't need very much of this at all a little kiss live flesh just along some of the high points of a skin so the long back of fingers on his little ratty ears in just a little bit of evil son Scarlett and we'll highlight just a few bits of that red this is easier when you haven't put the Tufts on already so bear that in mind guys there should be a last step now if you want to test how steady your hand is you can also paint in the eyes with that little bit of evil son Scarlett at that stage - now I did say three colors a total we've fit let's get a little bit of Liberator gold we'll just do a tiny wee bit on some of these brass areas just add a little bit more to them and there we have it guys from start to finish without counting drying time a scavenge claret in less than 15 minutes that takes a little bit of practice obviously I've been doing this for a while but the techniques are themselves really simple all it requires is their plan like I mentioned you want to go in knowing what you keep wanting to do next now you could do much more with this you could highlight the wood you could highlight the metal before our clan rats our bulk troops I think he looks pretty good so hopefully guys something there was interesting to you like always feel free drop a comment in the old box below my Twitter and Facebook are both linked there too so thank you very much for your time you guys enjoy the rest of your day
Channel: Sonic Sledgehammer Studio
Views: 74,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skaven, warhammer, age of sigmar, aos, rats, ratmen, vermintide, games workshop, warhammer fantasy, fantasy, GW, miniature, miniatures, wargaming, wargames, wargame, paint, painting, guide, tutorial, how-to
Id: N7Ob8oLDOns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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