How I Organize My Paperwork - And Conquered Paper Clutter

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hi today I wanted to show you quickly in this video how I have overcome my paper clutter oh my goodness believe me a few years ago it was a disaster I was totally not on top of any of my paperwork I could never find stuff and I just don't know stuff was just in all kinds of places and I did have like binders but that didn't work because the mail came in and so I just put paper somewhere or didn't even open the envelope and I just don't know I didn't have a system and now oh my goodness this is totally not me coming up with this idea but I have been listening to a podcast called organized 365 with Lisa Woodruff and she has this system called the sundae basket but I kind of expanded on it just a little bit let me show you what I do this is all my paperwork that I own and I'm actually self-employed and I have a business so that's not a lot step number one stage number one is this this is Lisa wood rough calls this the sundae basket but to me I don't do it on Sundays you're supposed to collect everything that comes into your house and instead of you know putting it on the kitchen counters or something this is the place where it goes you just put it in the basket and once a week for example on Sundays you go through the stuff and decide what to do with it whether you need to put it in a binder whether you need to keep it or shred it or look at it or take action and so this is the simplified version of the sundae basket so what I do is just I have some squash pockets in here like these envelopes that are clear as you can see this says 2019 this is my tax information these are all my receipts that come in whenever i buy something anything that can be claimed on the tax return has to go in here and then i got a bunch of other slash pockets I might do an in-depth video one day but I just wanted to show you quickly I just got pockets that have categories among which one is Romy so that's all the stuff that has to do with her school anything that's like coming up in the next few weeks or a couple of months that I need to get to I don't want to put it in a binder I just want to have it accessible and just know that ooh there was this information from school or from her gymnastics class I always know where it is and when there's any form sending to be signed like they come in they go in here and then I try to deal with it and yeah it's kind of full now because I haven't dealt with stuff in a while but this just I have not lost a piece of paper since I've done this the next stage is so once I go through this every once in a while I honestly don't do it every week I then put stuff in binders and I just have one basket full of binders that go right beside my desk and so I got different categories of finders this is everything that pertains to my house like all my business stuff like websites my students and like all my websites that I do and this is just personal and my car which now is actually more business but I put it here and travel stuff anything you know just kind of personal and there's more what is this one this is actually oh this is all the bank statements and financial information like you know any statement or account information that I need to keep which of course most of it is actually online and this is just a binary that's from like my insurances and stuff and then I have like this is really this is my in Germany we have something that's called your family book it's really important you need to keep it it says who your parents are when you were born and it makes it official it's funny isn't it so that is like stage 1 stage 2 and that's actually all there is except that you know there is this thing called taxes that we need to deal with every year I'm self-employed but even if you're not self-employed you still need to do taxes every year so like on every day on the go kind of basis I collect stuff in this envelope here this is 2019 there's still some time 2018 I haven't done taxes for 2018 yet because I have time till the end of 2019 to do it and I need to do it soon and then here and this is where my taxes go let's see um yeah I'm not going to show you in detail because this is like just this is where all my tax returns from the past ten years live it's just for each year it's just a packet like this and I put it in like this right here I put it in those slash pockets and for every year I have a pocket that goes in here and this lives just in a shelf downstairs in my work room because I don't really need to get to it I just need to keep it for ten years and after ten years I can shred it so these these are all the papers that I need to keep legally for the you know next ten years or so and that's all there is this all the paperwork I own and it doesn't look cluttered anymore to me and it doesn't make me nervous and I also don't lose stuff anymore and pretty much won almost 100 percent of the time I know where anything is that like any paper any any piece of information that is not digital I know where it's at I also have a way to organize my digital information which nowadays you know it's a lot more actually I'll show you that in another video so that's that so let me know in the comments below if you have already conquered your paper clutter or if you're drowning oh my goodness few years ago I about this in my video how you tube changed my life that I was just overwhelmed by all the paperwork and then the IRS ended up estimating my income and my tax which was terrible because I had this huge amount to pay because they always estimate don't deduct anything so it's so useful to be on top of paperwork because whenever you have to claim your taxes or anything really it saves you money I will talk about how I automatically set up all the payments so I don't never have a late payment any more I was so bad a few years go and I haven't had a late payment in a really long time because I'm on top and it's unnecessary I've become more frugal and more aware and just more conscious of you know where my money goes what are the things that are totally unnecessary that you know I don't need to spend my money on unnecessary stuff especially like late fees like you don't get anything for that so thank you so much for watching today have a great day and I will see you for one my next videos bye [Music]
Channel: Healthy Minimalist Mom
Views: 61,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family life, organizing tips, home organizing, home decor, how to organize paperwork at home, how to organize papers at home, how to organize papers for school, sunday basket, sunday basket organize 365, paper clutter organization, paper clutter, paper clutter what to keep what to toss, home organization
Id: 30BpvsRFnvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 23sec (443 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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