How I mix my colors and its super easy 🎨 👩‍🎤 | 403 Color recipes for Beginners | TheArtSherpa

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how i mix color and you can mix it too this is going to be easy enough for beginners if you're painting with me at all this is going to make all your lessons this year and in previous years so much easier you're going to love it on the mic is my husband john hello now i have to take a little moment and shine some light on him because i do these videos a lot and we uh do a lot of art education it's our passion we love it we love sharing art i couldn't do it without john so much of this show this amazing crazy show appears seamless appears perfect and you don't realize how often like today specifically today i come in with the last thing saying oh could you just uh put all these little texts in the bottom of the bar because it'll help us organize this video for later and john figures out how to do that i'm just saying this because you guys never see him he's just a power that happens behind the show the other thing i want to say is to the viewers if you are brand new to my channel and you have come in here and you're like oh i'm so excited to be here what is this like i see specifically like pam patterson she's new here she's from canada she's like everybody knows each other yes everybody yeah we actually do uh all know each other and if you're new here you're gonna find it's a very friendly and welcoming place we are a safe space for all levels of painter and i literally mean from like never before painted to very experienced painter if you've got a good heart and you love art you are a welcome member to our our family to that end i would like to say hi to all the people who are here like i saw tammy edwardson in earlier we have some people that come every single show they are about every single lesson and i want to say thank you for that incredible staunch support i you know when i read your stories and you guys tell me about how you faced illnesses how you have your children how you work your life and how art helps you do that that more than anything is the strength with which i go by every day that's the fuel right that's a specific fuel and you know um like you uh um okay i go through all the things that you guys go through so don't ever forget that this is like a two-way street because you know i'm a mom and we got home school kids and we are still trying to figure out how to get all everybody logged in with the new password so we're there let's go into the color you can show hands you ready to go i think so do you guys if you guys feel so i think we're ready to go okay [Laughter] listen this is a serious art class now now actually like if you're a person who's in university right now and you're studying art this will actually be helpful too i you know i was really lucky to be able to take our classes in college and thanks to my beautiful mom um and i can promise you this is this is helpful even if you're there uh and i hear that from people very specifically all the time that this was helpful even when you're going through art education we're going to cover specifically the palette that i'm using in 2021 it's a split primary palette i have a whole video about what that is and why that is um we it's going to cover every color mix that i tend to make but i honestly i think they're really good color mixes if you've ever noticed they're very bright paintings um and i mean i'm cool but i'm not the awesomest artist that ever lived i don't know who that is you are oh god thank you i watch you every day he does watch me every day he does not however watch all the other artists and there's some pretty tremendous people out there i've watched doing some good work um we i i'd like to say self-objective on our work i try to look at other folks all right so we do have this organized into colors and schemes and thoughts uh i've been asked several times not to rush through it especially for the very new artists so we are going to even though i'm very high energy don't worry we're going to pace ourselves through that let's go over the colors just real quick just in case this is your first time here and you're not wondering like does this lady have anything to offer me i do but let me prove it to you all right so this is quinacridone magenta and cad red those are our split primary reds this is a warm red and a cool red and again i have more videos they are in my how mixed color list their color wheel list i've got every playlist i make little playlists all the time it's like a whole thing for me like people did beanie babies i do playlists i've got tight-knit yellow and cad yellow medium tight-knit yellow in my palette is also sometimes called naples yellow i used to call this a yellow gate because it caused a lot of stress but to address that we wrote a blog just to explain it and the mods can share that with you mods are the butterflies with the wrenches and their whole job is to be awesome but remember they are viewers just like you they i really have to shine some light on them too they show up every show and they know where the links are and they do this work and it is volunteer and they're just artists like you who are passionate like you so we a lot of love to the mods today as i move my yellows to the side i have two blues i have ultramarine blue and phthalo blue now in this i don't like to separate up the blues into warm and cool and the reason is is there's a lot of argumentative information on the internet so that kind of sets you up as a student to be confused right is ultramarine warmer than phthalo blue green shade and everyone's going to have an opinion and some of them are super solid and some of them are super sketchy so my work around for this just to keep our lives simple and less chaotic is to tell you that this blue is biased green and this blue is biased red you know and then you can in your mind you know separate it up how you like but i'll tell you in the action of painting a little blue tends to be more visually exciting and come forward i use ultramarine blue as a shadow all the time and so that's how i approach those colors outside of the wonderful amazing brilliant color theory that's out there that's just functionally how we use those colors i have phthalo green it's kind of a convenience color but i use it a lot and if you're color mixing with me it's really useful but if you're just painting in the world it's a really useful color to have in pattern i'm going to show you how to get the most out of it and it's a really versatile color i have dioxazine purple um i acknowledge the truth that this may be just a color i inherited from my mother it may be but it's one that i can't live without like it may be an inheritance color sometimes if you have multi generations of artists you your palettes have some similarities before as a young person you go out and find your own way um and docs definitely stuck with me but here's what you can't mix it exists in a very special place on the color wheel i'm like it doesn't even have an obvious compliment it's good to have on your palette and it's a very powerful purple like it can go from black to lavender you could do a monochromatic painting with it it's such a pigmented color i have burnt sienna look i got a whole video on how to make brown there are hundreds of ways to get to brown with just primary colors even but it's still nice to have on the palette because you don't want to be mixing brown like that sometimes all the time especially when we're doing acrylic april i have titanium white you know i love zinc white but for the purposes of my students to create a consistent cohesive curriculum even though we don't really do curriculums i don't do grades or any of that but i want you guys to know what you can buy and what classes you can take and how they work together so while i do you know from previous videos lovesync this year it's all titanium white this class is titanium white and acrylic april's titanium white mars black right so this black is kind of a modern black it's highly pigmented it's a little bit matte it's the one i like to use lamp black tends to be just so super super deep and can be a little bit shiny um you can use lamp black or mars black bone black isn't tinting enough but i do recommend mars black so uh hopefully brenda has been given the email address and i see people cheering john john i gotta catch up to the chat sometimes i try to um look at the comments and see how you guys are doing like i see sandy is always helpful to do refreshers our minds especially my old mind tends to forget the little things that made painting easier i love i love that that's very sweet you're like especially my old mind but you know we all need refreshers where you know at 16 my daughter still needs refreshers i'm sure i'm gonna need refreshers and remember with those few weird little things we forgot that we never needed to know comes great wisdom and with great wisdom comes a lot of character in your artwork so it's a good thing all right catching up catching up you guys chat so fast uh rebecca bender what are the differences in light medium and deep colors and are they interchangeable the differences are actually pretty significant and they're not interchangeable and it would be really easy as a beginner to be like cad yellow medium cad yellow deep and cad yellow light should be interchangeable cad yellow light has a green bias cad yellow medium is a little bit warm but it's closer to a primary middle and cad yellow deep is quite orange so they will color mix super different for you and that's a great question to ask right because you wouldn't know that yeah because you can't know all the things so whatever you don't know today if you don't know that uh red and yellow make orange except sometimes they don't um that's why we do a split bribery ballet that's okay because it's okay not to know things what a wonderful time in your life to be discovering something this poster is my gift to you this is a free gift from me to you this is the dream of color poster there is a link in the description if you go into the description you'll see the colors listed they're organized in a really functional way you will even see like what chapters we're covering in this class so because it's a bigger class because it's more comprehensive that way you can find the information not only later today but later next year right so you can get to what you need and feel like man what was that read you don't gotta watch my whole hour video you just go to the red you watch it you get that information you download the mini book you're done and we are gonna make a mini print editable of this that should be out in a couple weeks that you can do this is your gift and it has the colors that we're working with today and it has a hand painted out color wheel and that color wheel kind of tells you some secret things and if you look like you notice that the diox purple is across from kind of the chartreuse oh yeah that's because doc's purple isn't really exactly across from yellow where is it it's kind of in the yellow green space because it exists in this weird if there's a three-dimensional representation of a color wheel that this amazing color there's did and it groups the colors where they are in the spectrum and docs purple is in this weird dot out into space with no opposite friend so you have to kind of look at what's between it and you go well there's some green here and there's some yellow here and you got to tune it in by the way if you're in art school it's often a test that they give on your understanding of color so there you get past that purple already i've been useful to you uh does paints gray fall under bluish gray yes yes though it can be neutral and that's really about your mix one of the things that you will learn very quickly in um color is that even among pigments even like this is pr122 quinacridone magenta but depending on how they heat it how they sourced it the way they made it it could be whey purple or way more magenta um and it that's brand by brand they all have their kind of weird little flare you'll notice burnt sienna is not burnt the same way across everybody's paint line and and here's the work around to that chef's cooking it the work around to that is um be okay with it because it's not going to change anytime soon you can watch people like myself and other people and kind of see the siennas that we like and pick those i really like the sennelier but it's very different than the golden which i also really like and maybe i should do a cool video about that later about how the colors are different across several companies because i think it's an interesting thing the many flavors of burnt sienna oh chica chica's asked a very good question just for clarification are we using phthalo blue and red shade for this year no green shade so if you're painting student paints they never bother you with shades they just give you the middle they're like they give you the middle way and so it's very neutral and mixable with everything but as you become more versed in your color and you get into professional paints or mid-grade paints they will start telling you shades so phthalo blue comes in a green shade and a red shade also so does ultramarine come in different shades so our ultramarine is a red shade shaded ultramarine and our phthalo blue is a green shaded uh phthalo blue if you watch my studio setup i explain how to kind of work around that across different paint companies i'm going to be putting my work in the fabriano 1264 multimedia technique pad that they they sent me i won't even lie to you they sent it to me but i was like i have a use for it they were like can you do anything with it and i'm like i think i have an idea of a thing i could use it for it's a really terrific paper company from italy and this is produced green one of the great joys that i get to see that no one else gets to see is cinnamon open a package from an art company and it's about the closest you can get to a 12 year old sherpa that i can see and to back that up what i would say is go ahead and try to borrow one of the many duplicate items that she has been sent she could get like 10 of something and she's like no i might need i might be a dragon i might be small it might be i mean i do side with smaug in uh in the hobbit i mean like seriously i'm on outside the whole way i always have been since i was a kid i was like leave the dragon alone just don't need the gold before we get to the serious of my reds i'm just saying that here we don't want to be serious shirley surely not surely not that's a that was a weird and awkward journey to the way way back machine that would make no sense to a whole group of people and maybe not even to people who were there because i'm so random and strange um uh speaking of burnt sienna why is the pigment code the same for burnt sienna and burnt umber ah because they're both basically the same dirt yeah i know just like differently well the bird siennas i mean this is really the for the most part sienna and umber and raw sienna these are dirt or earth-based pigments they're the oldest pigment known to man and depending on where they're located on the planet they will have more or less iron and then also depending on the process that they do of heating and how they heat um it changes the nature of the paint but yeah so because the pigment is just a the pigment is generally a bunch of powdered colored dust generally generally a bunch of powder colored dust now we have some cool interesting sciency things all right sandy is testifying that i have phthalo from a bunch of different companies and they're just about as different they're all different and almost as bad as yellows that's true are you ready to put up a step are you ready i don't know are we ready let's come into this we're gonna we're gonna do okay now i'm gonna go through this i am gonna explain it you are gonna be able to follow along and it is going to help you just hang in with me for a minute and we're going to get there first i'm going to tell you about my personal favorite colors that i do these are unique to me as an artist but i think should be everywhere and everybody's art palette because they're wonderful this is cadmium red medium all right and you'll see me pull these colors out all the time this gives my paintings a very unique glow and i get some really unusual results from this works wonderful in sunsets poppies um if you're not doing a quinn red in your palette like quinacridone plain red this is also a nice way to go let's put out some white so you can see what's going on here all right so this is almost a one to one mix right so when i take this and i'll write up all these little colors like later i'm going to make my little book up maybe we'll make you a little book someday all right let's take a little of our red and put it here so we know what we were doing right so we know what was going on and i'm going to put a little queen quinacridone magenta here this also is useful to put out so if you're testing a different quinn or a different cad red um you have a way to test that i like these two mixed together quinacridone magenta and cad red mix together well i'll tell you what it's a color from my childhood see that right there it's a color from my childhood tomato rose is what my mom used to call it i had it on my wall once when i was into unicorns when i add more magenta it cools down but it doesn't take all the way into the quinn magenta and when i add more cad red it warms it up it does oh wait i think i can't drink my coffee i may have no i think i i think i did i think i put my brush in the coffee coffee you it's a danger when you drink coffee near your palate it's a danger but you don't want to drink cadmium paints so we're going to definitely let that go if there's if you ever thought all right we're not going to immediately die but for safety's sake for persistent practice of safety in your studio if you have your coffee or drink there and you have cadmium pigments and you think you might have put in the drink just dump the drink it's cadmium yeah the artist companies uh code it so it's not bioavailable but should we trust them completely i mean i don't know they don't live in my house i don't see what they do i mean i think they're basically good people but let's err on the side of caution yeah yeah like like i think they're basically good people if they got caught up in a scandal i would be surprised yep but i don't trust them enough like to just be sure sure but that's what they say colored coffee says amy this is fabriano 1264 mixed media paper it's a really good pad if you're doing a lot of different types of art and you want watercolor or pencil or pen or acrylic because it's just i think it's i think it's 180 pounds which is a really lovely way all right i'm going to take my quinacridone magenta and my cad red and i'm mixing them one to one and i'm going to add white and you're going to see this tremendous pink i love this pink this is me when you pop this against turquoise it is so perfectly saturated it just makes uh makes everything for me you know and what's great about this is you can really see that it gets you to a different pink you don't really see it to start adding yellows to it or adding other colors to it like so if i take my cad red here i'm gonna put my cad red out and then i'm gonna add just a little cad red and white together if you've never seen this before what you're going to get is a lovely coral oh it is a lovely coral yeah it starts to it starts to even be in some skin tone areas like you might use this uh if you're painting a fair person on a cold day you know i can keep lightening it out so you can see that's very different than that pink though isn't it these pinks are not the same and and that will go true for the um quinacridone let me take my little quinacridone out here and i'm going to mix some pink into it some white into it oh i should probably put it out and then do the little white thing make them the same so when i scan my book it's neat and tidy all right neat and tidy so there's there's our magenta quinacridone magenta in our first little pink and our next little pink and then a very very light pink whenever you're adding white to paint what you're doing is tinting we could come through and add black to these and get an infinite number of blacks with a red bias which we'll kind of get into a little bit later all right now this base i can add yellow to i can add i'll put out a little yellow so you can see it it does also a really lovely mix with yellow so if i if i do my and some yellow and i'm just showing you this because you'll see me do this additional quite often where i'll take a little cad red and a little magenta together and get it into my yellow it just gives me a tangeriney little orange that's maybe a little different than what i normally would get let's put a little cad red there magenta so we remember what we did the reason i sometimes put out the pure pigments in front of a mix is it can be really easy to forget what you did really really really easy to forget what you did all right i should add some yellow to it too so i can remember i'll make it tidy in the printable there you go so now i know i did some yellow and my mix of that and that is what we have there what yellow is that that is cad yellow medium so a lot of i naples yellow the tight-knit yellow is something i do for acrylic april and i used to do for special paintings but um traditionally i would do the cad yellow um is that my phone i bet it's one of my daughters calling live shows they're the best so this is cadmium red medium quinacrino magenta cad yellow medium and titanium white and this is quite a range of colors that you can get into very easily they're really wonderful and this is something you'll see me get into in my paintings all the time cad red quinacridone magenta titanium white cad red quinacridone magenta cad yellow all the time all right all right now we're gonna do my sky so i'm gonna put out my phthalo blue green shade i'm gonna also put out some ultramarine this is for uh oceans and in kind of bright skies and those just beautiful days that we sometimes have out into the world okay so these are i haven't stormed the sky at all so no is this bright day blue day good day can i ask you something yes are these blues for oceans and yes oh let's put up the bumper blues for oceans and sky so this blue for ocean and sky is this is a bright day this is landscaping you know you're out on the beach the sun is out things are good um winter clear days neutral days on high mountains those types of skies so my first mix and and also waters all the ocean waters um lots of ocean colors here so basically the first part of the mix is i'm going to take a little phthalo blue using my paper towel to make sure things are clean i got my headings because i thought i was going to label and then i didn't label because i was like i know my colors by sight and a little phthalo green so they're they're pretty much cousins here um this is green shade and this is blue shade so there really isn't a hidden primary in there um and when you mix them together one to one you get phthalo turquoise which is a color as a pre-mixed color you can buy you can buy phthalo turquoise i'm gonna get a little white into it and sometimes it's called southern ocean blue like in matisse's color line it's called southern ocean blue i'm adding a little white come here and add just a little more white and you can see that really goes quite turquoise isn't it just lovely it is you can buy us into the green or you can buy us back into the blue and that gives you look right there is a lot of colors for your ocean from this blue and this green and all these ranges that would be a lot to begin with that's a lot of colors for your skies that's a lot to work with and it's unique in those mixes those two colors do that oh so how do you do pacific ocean we're gonna actually get into those in summit i'm actually gonna break out videos like all the blues and greens i make for oceans and all that this is this is like our basic core kind of color theory and then um we're going to keep pulling out videos where we really get deep dived into all those micro mixes and and places that we go with colors because like you can get docs purple into it and a lot of colors um how do i measure one to one for mixing very simple whatever your one is if i do that much blue i have to do that much green one to one means whatever amount you put out match that amount if you double it if i was to say twice as much green i will put out two amounts right and that would buy a sick grain so that's how we do that you know and that's just you know the reason i'll say one to one is i'm not in your house i'm not in your tube of pain i'm not with your brushes you've got to determine where your one is it's a little free will based i'm missing my coffee the other color i'll work on that mix that i like to do is i like to get into a little phthalo blue and oh no you can be here it's okay i can live without i'll survive it's all right i will have a sip of yours because we're almost drinking the same color and i'm gonna put out my ultramarine blue and hopefully at this point on the paper in the palette you can kind of see that they're not the same they're really not and we'll mix some white into it to show you how and why that is true now when i mix these together i get that that's how i get to my mountains i'm mixing one to one it's kind of a mid-range between those two it prevents me from having to buy a bunch of other blues into my palette is really what it does i'm going to go ahead and get a little white over here and i'll mix it and you can see that's super different then our phthalo and why i might think this is a pretty nice neutral sky color look at that it's a really ideal sky color and here's what a lot of people here's what i'm not even gonna say here's what again the thing is that a lot of times as artists we might um thank you for sacrificing your coffee to me you are the most amazing in the universe put out a little more paint here i've added more white you guys know what the sherpa is powered on powered by coffee just continuing away a lot of times artists will choose to add a brown or neutralizing color to their blue which we will do but we reserve that for cool days these two colors together because there's a hidden primary in here phthalo blue green bias remember we talked about that that means that there's you know a nice yellow bias in that in ultramarine blue which we know bias is red which means we have red yellow and blue hidden in the mix the two of them together will then desaturate each other it's like it's like you know you have friends that just make you a little more crazy and are more likely to like you know jump off the second story you know balcony into the pool it's spring break don't ever do that it's not a good idea but if you did you know who that friend is remember the friend that was there saying you know we could just go down to the bar and get some drinks with little umbrellas in them and it'd be just as good that's this fringe the friend that gives you the good advice and calms you down that's who this is this is interesting when you say one-to-one mixing what is the one well we just went over that okay just like you got that we did get it we did it he was coughing he didn't know yeah okay and again it's always going to be your one whatever you put out if you put out one plop you need another plot like these are almost one to one i wouldn't mix them all together be a waste of paint but you just want to pay attention to how much of the color is being mixed into how much of the other color one to one just means the same amount okay right i wasn't paying attention i don't need you to pay attention you pay attention to all the buttons and the stripes and if we're on a different color set you do everything you are good you are good now the other color i'm going to take my phthalo green and i told you we're going to get into some skies and blues and oceans right i was going to short you on this and then we're going to take some ultramarine blue we're not going into the greens yet are we no all right we haven't left skies and we don't go we have to go to stormy day before we go to um anything else oh that's true i made a plan today because there's so much to talk about in color and i didn't want to rush us through and i wanted to make sure that we had a certain amount of information i can always come back and make a you know a patch video an update a 1.0 the new edition woo and we can add that into our color mixing understanding but i want to have a base conversation that we have together okay so i'm going to take my ultramarine and my phthalo green and again ocean ocean ocean ocean now here it was asked earlier where are we in the pacific ocean this is one of the pacific ocean colors that i like to do if i go you know more into the ultramarine so specifically it's the pacific specifically it's the pacific ocean cold waters you know you can come in there you can see these are very oceany colors when we get into the one to one that's the same same right same amount of green same amount of blue and we get a little bit of white into it you can kind of see the teal gotta get it in there the teal coming forward so this is like where your 80s teal is at remember all the teal i do all of it all of the teal there we go it's gonna be interesting getting rim these color mixes as i go this palette's gonna get a little we may have to switch to a palette for this show just because we're gonna run out of space on this one you are yeah is there a like you do mug is there a like you do mug um well not yet like you do we'll see about that that's going on the list uh sherpa i think we need a coffee emoji sherpa style huge mug [Laughter] well you know what when we get i think we only have a few emoji club members left to get a new emoji and i'll let you guys i'll give you guys some choices and you guys can vote on your next emoji because i was thinking about a color wheel um but then i like that big mug idea so i might give you guys some choice i give you guys choices i like you to have choices so can you guys take that in let's kind of recap a little bit we did phthalo blue and phthalo green added white to get into these ocean colors we did phthalo blue and ultramarine and added whites to get into these nice bright sky colors but cooler a little bit cooler still bright day but maybe more towards fall and then we did phthalo blue and ultramarine blue to get into these other ocean colors so that's a lot of blue between these three colors this is not and these these are very much ones that you always see me do i do these a lot you know this is a sherpa range of blues that you're going to run into a bunch this is sherpa blue oh cool so when we run out of this i'll just i'll just hand that to you and we'll peel paper palette if we need to i probably should have for this video but i was like i'll save this paint i'll put the lid on it and save it paint palette skills for sure um does ultramarine blue come in different shades like phthalo chika chica it definitely does red and blue shade and i think there might be a third shade i've seen in ultramarine in some oil paint lines i don't know if all of those pigments have made it into acrylic the reason that you see some colors and oils that you just can't find in acrylic is the pigment will not suspend in the acrylic emulsion whereas it does suspend in the oil emulsion there are just some pigments that do not translate into acrylic you know uh cup drama on your canvas not your life all right i love it i like these cup ideas how like oh i here's what let's while we're learning i believe in having fun while learning in the comments all your best cup ideas i i i love it i can't i love your guys ideas sometimes you guys are funnier than i am uh more insightful and more tapped into what we're doing than i am so please if you think of this and you have a time and you've had a mug in your head for any reason throw it in the comments you can you can do that now during live chat too you don't have to wait to the end of the show you can like run over there make a comment and hop back into the live chat tell me your mug ideas um because i don't know we're busy all the time we'd like to give you guys more mugs but we don't always think of them can you clarify your ocean stormy day mix you said phthalo blue this isn't stormy day okay no okay this is still we're all still clear day okay so this is maybe colder waters not stormy because sometimes the weather gets cooler and colors cool and water cools and there's deepness and all that's happening but still a bright pleasant day you just might have to need a windbreaker we haven't gotten pat we don't need a rain jacket in any of these colors yet and these are also a wonderful mix of ocean colors so and again remember we're going to write all this down but it's it's phthalo green ultramarine for all these cooler ocean blues we have a phthalo blue and ultramarine for all these bright skies that might be like top of mountain cool day but still bright and then we have phthalo blue phthalo green for all my favorite turquoise just my base turquoise that's where that is okay let's do stormy days you're ready for stormy i'm ready for some stormy day everyone's ready for more stormy day everybody's ready for a stormy day okay so and again this is just a bit it's not that there are not a lot of other colors i use in a stormy day these are just ones that you will see me go to all the time it's just good to know them if you're painting with me live or you're painting with anyone live knowing the color mixes and being very familiar with them will help you get through a lot so let's get into the stormy day annette mvos asks a very pertinent question mixing these colors will work for all paint mixing as well as acrylic yes so uh when you're looking at a color mixing book the only reason an oil color mixing book won't apply to acrylic is oils do have colors that acrylic don't doesn't so you might not be able to find like you're not going to find lead in acrylic um and there's some other colors you're not going to find uh you're not going to have a 600 tube of acrylic paint but you might have a 600 tube of lead paint because they used real what is it lapis lazuli or did i just did i just grind up a gem from the universe no lapis lazul is a real but i said lapis lazuli i think i just granted the gym gem world need not attack the planet it is okay i'm so sorry gems ah my diamond i really apologize the steven universe fans just went what wait what what do you say she's a dark bird that one she's so dark all right face first color so i've got uh ultramarine blue and a little bit a little bit of burnt sienna this also works with burnt umber we're just not doing part number today so i'm gonna put out a little bit of my ultramarine so i know what i did get a little bit of our i'm burnt sienna so we know what we did those two wonderful colors right so one two like not one to one so in this i would say two parts two parts that two amounts whatever it is two brush strokes two little bits two beads you just want twice as much blue as you would have uh burnt c in them and come over here and you can see right away that's a dark stormy day even as i add white into it it's just a fantastic easy way to get into a stormy stormy day i do it all the time and this is not all the colors for a stormy day these are just colors that i will go to again and again and again in my painting journey because i know that they work really really well isn't that wonderful look at that guy do you see what chris uh christian said she said uh i wanted to recommend how well my uh mugs were packed they were snug and safe also cinnamon always smiles while drinking out of my pisces mug oh she uh she'll also she'll always smile when drinking out of her pisces thank you so much for supporting our astronomes our star gnomes that is a weird side project that i'm doing just because i like to do things and i feel like the algorithm might not notice it's like the algorithm is like my like supervisor and i'm just trying to sneak stuff by it all the time all right the other thing sometimes i will do i'm gonna get a little bit of uh my magenta into my phthalo blue not my ultramarine because that will make a genuine purple and not my cad red because it will neutralize out too much and this is a another stormy day so one that i do a lot not quite as much as this one but it will come up you know it might be brought up stormy day for me sometimes over the ocean and stuff your sky will kind of go a little bit purple but you want to avoid bright purples on those right um you could mix yellows into your purples to get there as well but this is just one that i get into and i've noticed that i go to quite a lot if i get a little more blue into it you can see it goes right in there and the thing the reason this works is again what does it have in there i i hope you could guess but if you can't i will tell you what um so since this is green shade and this ultramarine uh it i mean phthalo blue is green shade it's got a little bias to the yellow blue and yellow and this is red with blue the hidden primary is existing in there hidden primary sneaky sneaky primaries messing with your color mixing don't they you can see that tint out it's always a good idea and you know what make one of these books make one have a reference you can label it you can be clever with it maybe we'll print out something for you that you can just print out and do it with labels and stuff so you can fill it in easily but here's the thing guys make make a book make a book have a reference have a notebook doodle in it mix colors in it make notes have a resource for yourself this was something we talked a lot about in the big art quest 2016 was the idea that you have these resources for yourselves i'm going to have to put the lid on this john and get fresh water and i will trade you i will open up my p i'm going to switch to a peel paper palette just because um well now i'm good for a minute i'm good for a minute i'm good for a minute because we're going to go greens and the colors are here okay i'm going to change pages though guys we're gonna go greens you ready greens you put up greens okay let's see and then we'll get a fresh cup of water great okay hi gritty artist this is greens for all or everything but it has to be all because i didn't have that many characters oh okay so this is greens for everything do i have a green uh that i get into all the time and i use it constantly if you paint with me at all you will see this green a lot can i get a fresh water my so the reason i'm having john give me fresh water and here's a tip for you one of the things that's making your colored dolls is your water your water gets murky it gets a lot of pigment in it the pigment's in the brush you're rinsing out the pigment goes into the water then the pigment gets back into your paint and we've been talking this whole time about that hidden primary dulling or graying out your color great when you want it terrible when you don't that is one of the secret places that you might not be aware of that is sneaking into your painting and messing you up periodically change your water you can you know if you're wanting to be green you can do a crash solids water reclamation thing like what golden does um you can drop it in kitty litter and let it dry out you can do a lot of things but you do want to have fresh water all right let's talk about the greens that i use for everything so my green that i use for everything starts with it starts with phthalo green all right let's get up here and check that out doesn't mean i'm not going to show you how to mix a lot of other greens with everything else on the palette it just means that this is the base green that i've always got going on and then i also use a little bit of burnt sienna and then i'm going and then we also get into a little bit of my red yellow that's the first part of it all right so here we go i take a little bit of my phthalo green and i get into my burnt sienna one to one even mixture same amount of phthalo green to burnt sienna that is a deep oh my goodness sabrina uh from tinker quinn who gave me like the funnest like and this is for artists who want to have a break in their day uh point today thanks for being a light in a dark place cinnamon i first sabrina i'm so sorry there is ever a dark place for any of us but it is true we have them and if i can in any way brighten it it is my pleasure and my joy and i just want you to know sometimes you brighten my dark place yeah i mean we really look forward to coming here and doing this with you guys every day so it is our terrific great joy i'm gonna go more brown as i get back to teaching like a teaching shark sometimes i do get to be a teaching shark when you go more brown in this mix she's not even sorry she's just yeah i i should be sorry but i really want you guys to know that this paint is wet and i'm teaching let's go i think sometimes what it is is the paint is wet and yeah paint is wet and we can always bring more phthalo green into it bringing it back up doesn't help with her her husband is distracting her does not but you know what i wouldn't want to do a single minute of my life without you i'll take you distracting me any day once i have that one to one mix that's my phthalo green and my burnt uh sienna i'm gonna go ahead and add a little bit of yellow you all heard it remind her later you can it's okay if i if i get lost in that definitely tell me that's a beautiful neutral green and i'll keep lightening it up with yellow and we'll get into later in in the greens we'll get into just the phthalo blue and the yellow where we get into the spring greens but this is just one if you paint with me understanding this mix and how i get there is almost all of our green on green on green paintings i'm mixing a lot more yellow now from here i'm going to wipe out my brush and i'm going to just get a little bit of this green into my yellow and we go there that's a big range of greens it's necessary if you're doing any green on green paintings to have that one in there whenever i'm doing grass or anything i get into it and you can always add a little bit of white to really pull it up all right oh christina brennan says but we're too cute and carrie sauer has found all the emojis and she's using them so well like look at her emoji game there it's like john face sherpa face heart wings heart wings heart weaves heart rates our wings are wings i love the heart wings because it's like i send you love i drew that it's flyaway love flyway love i've done the first video i have way too many things to do it's so true though uh d'angelo d'angelo is showing a pretty good emoji game as well i'm trying to show but it won't let me did it may have it won't let me show so do you come on if ever anyone if ever youtube grabs your thing because of emojis it's not you it's youtube i know i know everybody says that it's it's not it's not you it's me really it's not you it's youtube there's uh different uh priorities it has on emojis and it won't let me approve your message it won't let me do it and sometimes it'll grab emojis and i love emojis i have written them they are unconcerned i write them a lot and i have to say so far while respectful while courteous while helpful not concerned at my ire at their emoji situation they're like yeah working on it we'll get that to you real soon hi donna thank you for joining emoji thank you for joining uh gauston water suggestions mix primaries together that's really funny if you know about color theory and you know galveston just mix the primaries together all right uh so this is galveston water we'll take a a little bit of blue and a little bit of red i'm i'm gonna be funny here and again you have to i've been to galveston so i get to say this because i lived in i lived in houston so this is how you make galveston water getting closer oh look at that it's almost there a little more red now you're gonna get the foamy highlights you gotta get some foam there you go that's it there's the foamy highlights get some brown in it get some it's not there until the browns get the brown in there now if you really want to do it you're going to have to get some carbon black and just actually some dots that's not untrue i did paint galveston um if i can find them i'll put them up i painted galveston at an art retreat at galveston and i did use this mix let's see there's so i'm being funny but i'm also being true no you can't walk galveston beach without bringing a bottle of alcohol to dissolve the little blobs of crude oil that will inevitably pick up because they are on the beach everywhere in water all the time you will get tar on you if you go swimming in galveston beach unofficial color makes streams it just is what's that phthalo blue or ultramarine ultra uh phthalo okay linda this was phthalo blue cad red cad yellow galveston with a little bit of burnt sienna let me put it here i'll put it there we'll put it as a as an unofficial mix in the book that's how you get to galveston how do you get to san jose i don't know but i can tell you how to get to galveston oh moderator cadre reminds you guys remember my free gift for your time today will go overhead my free gift for your time today is the dreaming of color poster um i really appreciate your time and support on the channel i appreciate the fact that you trust me as your teacher i appreciate the fact that you work as hard as you do on your end on these classes so to say thank you i created dreaming of color um i printed this out on watercolor paper 11 11x14 you can actually buy strathmore printer paper in watercolor for your home printer it's free you download it and print it up and frame it and hang it up and know that this is me saying thank you for dreaming color all right thank you for doing that i think it's really cool and it's free guess what now i will switch i will let you take i'm going to grab my palette knives i'm going to miss this so we can put i don't want to lose the paper the lid's over on the other table and i'll put out the peel pal paper palette so what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch palettes i love my wet palette and it's perfect for this but i know i'm going to run out of space really soon and i've got to keep things organized for you at home so you wouldn't need to do this on your practice page but for me as as teaching it's something i would want to do so that we keep things kind of clear and together i gotta figure out so i think i was more over how do i he's gonna have to stunt hands this for sure oh the butcher's website her printer died when she needs it most okay we're gonna be we did greens for everything now we get to do my favorite gray mix should we put that up sir [Music] my favorite gray so i have a gray there's lots of grays in the world many many many many greys but my favorite gray in the universe is payne's gray i'm going to show you how i mix it and i'm going to show you how other people mix it and then you can decide which way you want to mix it and you'll see that there's two reasons to mix it was that clear two reasons all right so one reason rey basically comes from a black and a white that's one way to make gray oh rachelle pedo and thank you for my pear i love my pear i love my pear i just appreciate you guys thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] i'm gonna put out ultramarine blue and i'm gonna put out the blue now i'm gonna put this one closer because it is closer to my heart first it was black okay and so you can kind of see mars black there that's the nature of mars black it's got black it's a good black i'm gonna put out white just to why did it get green in it because i got it over that part of the towel it got on there so i'm gonna i'm gonna go now i just want to know that white paint is there so maybe the green is maybe that was the universe helping me out going you need it you need it let's paint on my face okay and then we're going to put out some phthalo blue that is my very favorite green mix which i take phthalo blue and mars black and this is a cool payne's gray now understand you can look at paint companies and you will see that some paint companies or payne's gray do this cool mix i'll add more black and i'll add more blue it's kind of in that range when i have a just basic mix which is black and blue mixed evenly and you add a little white to it that is your payne's gray for me that's my sherpa version of payne's gray there is another mixture people like to do and that mixture creates a hidden primary which is black i'm trying to get rid of those honey wire drops let's see if i can get the white out here with any problems this time all titanium white and ultramarine blue and some people pick this one because the red in the ultramarine and the black actually believe it or not black works is a green like if you mix yellow into it you'll get a lot of greens especially with this one i believe you end up with a hidden red uh yellow and blue primary hidden in there so when you mix these together make them here they're more neutralized and sometimes you will prefer that in your payne's gray and you'll find when you paint with different companies that some companies tend to lean into a brighter bluer payne's gray and some companies lean in to this one right here but it's best to know both of them i generally on any base gray i'll probably do this phthalo blue first just not because it's better or more specifically important but because i like it and it's my favorite and i use it um but i will also use this and they're both perfectly good both perfectly good perfectly good perfectly good now um acrylics you guys are asking about my brands of paint and i'm going to make a series of brandless videos soon um because i think one of the biggest mistakes that we make as artists is um at all worrying about brands even though it's good to know about brands i know that's counterintuitive those statements almost contradicted themselves and yet they exist in a temporal state of trueness at the same time so um what i'll say is here's what i like i like golden artist colors i like senelli acrylic and abstract acrylic by them i like holbein i like artist loft level 3 i like pbo i like m graham and matisse i have brands that i like a lot and i like them because they have good customer service and they have good quality control and their paint is very consistent and buttery and nice and has pigments that appeal to my eyes yes so and none of them pay me to say any of that though some of them send me pink which i'll take i'll take their free paint this is very expensive to run this show i'll take their free paint i'll take their free paint oh we have debbie trevino coming in from california hello california i am from san diego sorry that happened i'll do things like that i will i have voices in my head i have characters in my head you have many many of them right many many many characters in my head [Music] all right guess what what is it oranges oranges oranges oranges oranges oranges and really we could say these are oranges and corals and those types of colors i'm going to add my white oh i have a little white up there but i'll put a little more orange juice it turned out there it is oranges oranges oranges somehow our orange turned green on me red and yellow make orange we want orange sometimes maybe yeah maybe next time i want some green so this time we want to orange um so this is why we do a split primary palette you've heard me say a bunch of times that their sneaky sneaky primary sneaking sneaking into everything sneaky sneaky snitchy primaries do you see what i'm saying it's always happening here so the primary sneak in and they dull our colors great when we want so when we want to make something look natural and we want to say these are fall leaves that are far away it's super fun and fantastic to um do that when there are uh fall colors that are coming forward we want them to be brighter and more saturated so god i have purples because i've got to do some weird red stuff in there i got to show you you know what i didn't put it in there but it's another mix that i do what's that and we'll cover it in the purples i'll cover it after this i always make a list and then forget something super essential that i don't know what did you forget tell me where it's at and where we need it i i uh it's my um my purple and cad red but i don't know what we put that under i guess we'll just leave it under purples and we'll say that's a mix that i do you want me to add one i'll just i'll add you another one after purple's just tell me what you wanted to say okay it's just sherpa purple okay i'll also actually purple you got it we'll add sherpa purple in there because i don't want you guys not to know about it so basic orange is easiest if you work with colors that have a similar bias so this is a warm yellow which means it's not it doesn't have any green bias in it you can kind of see it between these yellows very significantly here you see this yellow is a little bit more green and this one's a little bit more actually the color we're looking for all right so when you're trying to get a bright orange you can buy bright orange and a lot of people do a lot of people buy pyro orange or cad orange and you'll get an even brighter orange than the one i'm about to show you if you do cad red light but i am just trying to keep the palette limited so that we can get new students and they can easily buy the materials and work out budgets and things like that at home because you know right now and i made this decision coming out of covid guys to be real honest because i knew that we had to create some stability going into 2021 and 2022 because we're all in such a different place in relationship to what happened and i'm so diplomatic i'm like you know what happens so one to one there's your orange just a bright yellow and a bright red a warm red and warm yellow are going to make a bright orange you continue to add yellow to it if you want to lighten it right just keep adding yellow it does not take very much cad red to tint your yellow and then if you want to deepen your orange you add more of the red to it it's still all orange but that's how you lighten your oranges you add yellow you want to deepen your oranges you add reds that's how you move up and down the scale if you add white into it you get peach [Music] which can be in some cases skin tone related right if you want it to be peachier you add more red and as you add more red into it it's going to go more coral as we mentioned earlier and we'll get into that a little more over skin tone okay chika chica would like to know is the cloth that am i wiping okay here you guys yes it's a sherpa cloth i like to keep it real i don't want this youtube thing to go to my head and so i wipe paint on my face it keeps me grounded celebrity tips what really happened is john made a bunch of these to see if they would work and i grabbed them as paint towels before i had a chance to stop me that's what really happened now we've also got so the rule is we have to enjoy it and use it in our studio before it can go out to you guys so what i would say is that all my prototypes for that were quickly accepted as useful in the studio and so i have no more prototypes to prototype with i gotta make some more so good thing is i can go to the next level of development so we're okay now this is a range of colors that i super love which is the quinn and the cad yellow love it love it love it this is the orange it gives it's not too dissimilar from this one it's just a little more grayed out and we go more quinn we get kind of a nice warm magenta and if i add red to that color oh i love it a queen with a little bit of cad yellow and white is one of my favorites mixing more queen less quin a little bit of white so not quite peach and we'll get back into this again skin colors but that's where we go with the quilt all right all super fun but in our palette we have another fun and enjoyable range of oranges that other palettes don't have because we have cad red and tight-knit yellow py53 sometimes called naples yellow light sometimes called 75 other things which is why you should read the blog because i tell you what brands have the correct color right here it is clearly not the same yellow when i take my cad red and my naples yellow my tight-knit yellow get this really groovy color right here doesn't really happen with other stuff which is why i bother butcher's wife said i got an idea sherpa socks did i go get a pair and show them that's a for the color mixing so this is the cad red and the naples yellow light the tight knit yellow it's this one right here this one is my favorite so sennelier has this color and it's called light naples yellow and golden has a color it's called tight knit yellow this is a hue it means it's a blend of pigments to approximate tight-knit yellow this is the pure pigment py53 of the two i do prefer the golden um but they both work equally well and this line has a student brand of paint where you could get 120 milliliters for like three dollars so that's why i like to make y'all aware of these i'm gonna turn the page and make some more oranges and then i'll scan all these pages and somehow make it make sense all right andy i think we may be at the next level of emoji so i'll put up some emoji designs for you guys in the next couple of days and if you just join emoji club check the community tab that's where uh it is and i'll say what emoji do you want because we reached the next level of emoji um because that's what emoji club is and sometimes sneak peeks at acrylic april the paintings anyway i'm going to take my quinn and my naples yellow light that i got ahead of myself because i was supposed to put out my swatches color mixing day is a very confusing day let's take out our queen magenta and then we're going to take out our naples yellow then this is this fabulous color that we get in between look at that i love this color this this i just love love love this color put out some more of it i love it so much as it goes more red into it and then you can go more of the light yellow into it you mix white into it at any point it's just stunning it's stunning all the way down it's turtles all the way down that's true you know it just is there's no place that i get this is a color you'll see me do all the time i would say this is also a art sherpa signature color uh and that you will see me use the quinacridone and the naples a lot you're gonna we're gonna go back to this over skin tones and stuff like this but this is just a color that you've got to really be present to in every way right and then of course you know we have the quinacridone cad red mix with a little yellow and that's another orange that we do for both of those so we're just talking about places ways that we get to orange so that is quinacridone cad red nables yeah not enabled yellow uh cad red quinacridone and cad yellow and they're gonna make this orange it is a different orange from all the other oranges that's why this is a big involved video and i give you guys a present for showing up because not only are you going to learn a lot about your paint do this work save money this work is kind of yeah it's a lot to make a little color mix book like this but then you save all this money when you make the color chart when you do a split primary chart when you start to understand your tools when you play with your tools and you use your tools you become more versed in them and everything you do flows out of you better because you're not struggling against your materials you're playing with them and play will always feel better to you than struggle that's a big broad general statement which i probably shouldn't make any big brand signal statement baby you like struggle i don't know i don't want to judge you i won't be judgy judgy these are these this is a vast of orange this is a vast of orange we have a lot of oranges and we haven't you know done a color mixing thing where we really just this was a long time coming video and i wanted to get it done before acrylic april because you know i wanted you guys to have there you go see a little different different different a little different and i wipe off and then what i've got to do is get it over here where it can be like and then bring a little pigment over there because otherwise it'll there you go so not the same different oranges wonderful to have there really isn't a color i can't get to the reason i put this wonky yellow you may wonder yourself why would she give me this aggravating yellow doesn't she know i'm stressed doesn't she know i've got like homeschool now kids and i have to do my job and there's 75 loads of laundry and i got to cook dinner and there's errands to run does she not know and the dog doesn't like the dog food i do know because i'm going through it too um but here's the thing that yellow gives me a range of colors that nothing else does and if we're doing a split primary limited palette i want to get the most i want to have the most most most color and to do that i need a green biased yellow and everybody's got a lemon yellow but we don't we have a tight knit yellow and the other thing that that does is that makes our painting stand out that makes our paintings different in the sea of same same chic is like i will frame it i won't wipe any brushes on and i will frame it all right i think that we need fresh water and we're going to go on to the greens um i'm i'm going to do a thing here and i don't want you to be mad you may want to hide it from them i don't i don't want to harm it i don't want to see it happen because i'm going to i'm going to do a thing with my paint that you want them to see do you want them to know that's the choices you can't take it away there we go no paint was harmed in the making of this video fresh water maybe heat on the coffee i don't know um and you know guys this is a big video so thank you for coming it is big it's a big video you're gonna learn a lot you're gonna come away with a lot if you're a professional artist like so why this video might be helpful to you as a professional artist having a unique palette that stands out from the sea of same same allows you to add into your voice and that's a big thing for artists um you know for me as a teacher and having beginning students i want my students just to have everything i'm i'm like mom you know how you want kids just have everything i want my students to have everything and i know certain things certain choices i can make as a teacher will facilitate that if you're just coming by and you're an artist and you're like what is this lady talking about this you know anything about mixing color i don't know her does she know anything about mixing color it's okay you feel like that what i will say to you is look into certain pigments that are signature pigments like tight knit yellow py 53 because sometimes those colors will change everything in your palette like you know if you have you know a unique blue that nobody else has and it mixes in a really unique way and all of your vibrancy is just a little off shift from everybody else you're the one that stands out you know in the show so that's just the thing to do but also for my students i want them to have every color that they can have oh jones like i'm so stressed now i'm so sorry i tried to hide it from you i knew it was going to be a lot i knew it was going to be a lot and you know i just didn't want you to see it we'll try we will try to you know cover your eyes or your sensibilities as we make those decisions greens let's put out some blues and yellows and browns ultramarine blue yellow green where's my sailor blue blue burnt sienna i'm gonna be just like this the whole way i'm sorry this green is a deep dive by the way green is not a sun so here's something grain is not simple green is present in so much of what we paint green is the number one overwhelming thing for new artists and experience artists and green is actually the simplest to correct once you understand a few things about the color and all the different green that's actually available to you that was hidden from you that you didn't know was on your palette so we are going to spend a minute in green here we're going to spend a section you're going to want to come back to this section of the video when we timestamp it when it's in the chapter you're going to want to read this chapter you want to build this part of the workbook out you're going to want to spend time here because if you're here in green if you're just coming here you're just hopping in and there's like is there anything i need to know stay for the green stay for the green so so far we have phthalo blue ultramarine blue phthalo green burnt sienna mars black you can't get into greens unless you get into black and we're going to put out both of our yellows which is our cad yellow because we kind of know that yellow and blue make green we kind of know that we're aware of that there's some other colors in here that make green that you don't know make green and there's some other colors in here that you've got to know about if you're landscape painting okay so christina's like can you make sap green can you make hookers green christina yes you can and you're to see both of those hues come by there so when we make another color we make a hue of it it's not that color it's a color that comes close to looking like that color i don't have either hookers or sap green swatched out here but if if you're familiar with them you will see them go by you'll see the bright yellow green you'll see the deep uh blue green go by and you'll be like oh wait there it was um what i'll say to you is every conceivable green is going to be here and by the way hooker's green is like my favorite name of a green um one because like there's so many inappropriate jokes one can tell around it and because crochet people are called hookers so i can like go but i'm not going to do that today i'm not going to do that to you today john is making coffee uh all right yeah you can mix any green you can do any of that but there's so many greens here we're going to be here for a second in our greens and we'll you know we'll start with the green you might expect right we're going to start with the green you'd expect which is of all these colors you probably expect cad yellow and phthalo blue probably make some kind of green you probably expect that that seems believable right one part cad yellow to one part phthalo blue should make green what do you know it does pretty predictable um kind of grade school experience with paint right what we remember from from you know uh mrs super adorable teachers class who always brought cookies and yellow and blue green and that's a good thing to know now as i add if i want to lighten my green and i'm doing this basic phthalo blue cad yellow mix i'm going to continue to add yellow and not blue i can get up into chartreuse pretty easily this right about here is probably somewhere where the complement to diox purple is and then i can always add a bit of white to pull that up that's a nice range of green and then it's pretty nice range it doesn't it's not bad if i want to deepen the green without going into any other colors right i haven't gone into black which i could do but i haven't you can keep going deeper by adding blue so you're going to go up and down if you think of it as a music scale if you want to go up create the vibrancy take it into a spring range take it into a brighter range pull those greens forward make something that's like popping at you you're going to go more into the yellow if you want to push it back if you want to deepen it you want to make it mysterious you want it to go a particular direction you know and of course if we add white to the green when it's biased blue it will go turquoise it's another way to get your turquoise and then if i get into the yellow here into that turquoise we just start to get so many just between these three colors there's a dance isn't there there's quite a dance quite a journey in our world uh lula bell hall says i love warhammer paints goblin snot yeah that's a good name for paint i'm gonna tell you how oh look matchy matches with the cups uh christina says hi i'm from chile i always watch you and thanks for this live it helps me very much i wanted to do this for so long i am so glad oh yeah we're still greens oh oh did we do greens before we greened okay make sure you're bigger oh so that's a lot of green just a few colors a lot of green i didn't even get black into it if i got black into it i could probably do an entire really decent landscape with a black a you know white a yellow and a blue pretty decently for sure no we're green for a while rain is going to be a hot minute babe we're nowhere near purple now here's when new painters kind of run into a moment so their well-meaning family member heard that they are stressed and their doctor recommended for their well-being that maybe they take up a hobby that's relaxing and somebody thought painting was a good idea perhaps that's you and your friend or family member or maybe yourself treated you to one of those fabulous kits of paint it says landscape mix or something really uh optimistic on the box right landscaping color mix or 48 colors for every conceivable thing that you could do in the tiniest little tubes you've ever seen and you get out your paint you're feeling optimistic you're gonna be like a healed and amazing creative person you're the next like pablo picasso perhaps grandma moses we don't know maybe you're dean koontz but you're somebody and you're going to be painting in a minute and you go to make something that you remember from grade school is true yellow and blue make green kind of except when there's a hidden primary and they make a green gold so it's not that you didn't get green but you get kind of an army color not the bright saturated color that you're hoping for now here's a secret as you paint for a while you'll love this color because you'll stop seeing it as not the green you were looking for this is not the green you were looking for you'll start to see it as green gold and you'll really appreciate in your landscaping when it is unexpected though it can be very very frustrating and perhaps you'll you know in your new painting this mix a little more blue into it thinking i clearly didn't mix enough blue and if anything it becomes less green and you're like wait wait where is this going and again because you're new you might not be appreciating these three wonderful colors because you were hoping to get one of these but you keep getting these no matter what you do and then you think no what i've done wrong is i haven't mixed enough yellow into it so you're going to mix a little more yellow into it and you're like yeah that's not it's just not this and then you're like okay okay here's what it is perhaps what i needed was some more yellow and it's better but it can't be this so these are wonderful but they're not this and this trips up new painters i talk new painters down from the art ledge all the time when they run into colors that should have made a color but didn't make the color that they expected this is all the time now what's wonderful is if you get white into any of this you also get another really cool range of colors that i just adore we have a lot of green here don't we we're not shorted on this green at all and i haven't even gotten tricky yet haven't even gotten tricky yet green is a big segment it's i could do a whole video on greens i may later i may later do a whole video on green um donna why do some people say you should never use black in landscape because they don't understand color theory or painting or landscape and they're trying to be helpful they mean well they mean well um you know like my mom she sometimes says that to her students because she understands that students can become overly zealous with black and dull out their painting sometimes uh people in art uh get get kind of fatigued and they don't want to explain all the nuances of color and they'll be like one of the things they know that they might be able to help a person early on is they just don't use any more black because they're using it too heavily but black is used in landscape black is important in landscape great painters use black you shouldn't be afraid of black i'm going to make this simple for every new artist out there don't use so much black you can use black in landscape use it sparingly right it's great to shade a color with black because it deepens it um and value is super important in paintings if you can get the value right you can be all over the map with color so being able to deepen a color or light in a color is an important skill and black is used in landscapes i think just fundamentally right i think what happens to people is that they either are trying to express a complicated experience that they had in their color journey or they've been trying to explain complicated concepts to people who need to have some more fundamental core knowledge and in that frustration or in that not knowing make a big broad crazy statement like never use black that just negates just a ton of art out in the world was that that that's my side not their side okay something crazy just happened in my screen and it and and my screen is gone and uh i was just hoping you weren't looking at somebody diving under the sea screensaver and all of our desktop icons they're not bad people uh linda sue is that ultramarine yes that is ultramarine is there a color chart that shows what colors have what bias um there will be at the end of this on my um lesson in our in our mini book we will talk about what colors have what bias um and i do believe the best resource for that that's really accurate scientifically accurate of anybody anywhere is golden artist colors blog just paint golden artist colors on both their paint website and on their just blog website have a deep intense never-ending deep dive into color into bias into wavelength into everything you need to know and to shift into all the weird things that can happen to you and they are delightful articles written by tremendously talented people who are passionate about art education just paint by golden artist colors follow that blog and they do talk about they will actually tell you they actually have an organized thing on every paint that they make how warm it is not only in relationship to just generally but to each other yeah it's powerful stuff and here's why i bring up golden and i'm like gosh gosh gosh gosh gosh gosh is because they hire the best to the best the best sir and those people put their heart and soul into it they're very scientifically accurate and they really think about it and golden is the kind of company if they make a mistake for any reason which i they don't really but if they were they would correct it they would never try to bury it some something companies try to bury it i i'm telling you right now a bunch of paint companies are going to be like whistling off in the wind about silicone oil in about five years just like they did over the wrong kinds of resin it just happens but golden will never do that to you if golden doesn't produce a paint product there's a reason and they're not shady so they won't go out make a big thing about the reason but there's a reason if they don't make silicon oil for acrylic paint it's because they figured out that silicon oil does not belong in acrylic paint well there's some other thing you need to know about that yes and and if there's any way to do it they will figure it out and release it in a fine artist product for you so if ever you have to check and get through the noise and the craziness and the bs of art you go to golden artist colors just paint blog like we all thought that underbinding was an absolutism in art but then they did a bunch of testing and they realized well maybe if this cures for like three weeks it might actually stabilize they will tell you they will update they're amazing okay gushing gushing gushing i hope that's um uh ruby and is golden a better paint yes yes mark golden and i never remember the other guy's name um sam golden and another guy they created acrylic paint uh one guy made liquitex one guy made golden liquitex is sold a bunch of times and that guy isn't in that anymore golden has been single family for years and years senelli a great paint sentinel has been in business for 260 years um matisse daravon out of out of australia i believe makes a great paint um m graham makes a great student paint uh there's just a holbein out of japan makes a great paint there's some companies that make great paints they're about it they're passionate they are on fire for color golden is golden is one and by the way they're in the u.s and they have a factory and you can't right now but you could have toured the factory before coronavirus all right virginia's like i'm so happy i made it because i needed to know this stuff all right more greens john we're not out of greens yet i'm i'm still here all right speaking since we just brought up well i want to save it for last i'm going to save this for last let's go into a color range that you know so we've got phthalo green right that's our convenience color whenever color is a color that you could mix from primaries but you choose to have it for the pure pigment you call that a convenience color because you don't want to be inconvenienced i'm going to add a little bit of white to it and you're going to see something very interesting this is the other reason why i keep halo blue salo green blue shade around it makes this weird range of colors that reminds me of a vintage glassware it's been irradiated isn't that crazy it does this is a pretty unique run of color it's not fun to mix and hue and that's the reason why you would keep phthalo green around in and of itself on top of that while it's true that cad yellow and phthalo blue make a great green i'm going to come here and do yellow now phthalo green and yellow make a better brighter run of super saturated greens just just even more than that one this one and on occasion in your life you're gonna need some radioactive green perhaps your pirate ship is haunted and it has an eerie emanation or glow coming from it right yeah perhaps you are talking about um some type of synthetic light perhaps you're speaking to light filtering through spring leaves in southern france it is nice to have phthalo green around for that just adding cad yellow [Music] just adding cad yellows that's phthalo green and titanium white and that's phthalo green and cad yellow we're not done with green yet more green more green because i told you this is big with this palette with my split primary palette green is probably the biggest color space i have in it it's the bro and that's the other reason i chose this this one of it so we've done the blue right let's do some phthalo blue with my tight-knit yellow the naples yellow light let's do that because this does a unique run of colors not quite the green these are not quite the greens you expected to get i'm just add too much uh phthalo blue on there look at that a little different a unique run of greens sometimes certain pigments will give you unique color mixes if you're watercolorist and you have daniel smith you know that moon glow is just a weird color you gotta have not that you couldn't do an approximation hue you probably could it could probably get done look at that so now i'm taking my phthalo blue and my tight-knit yellow the naples yellow light hue and i'm running it out it's very unique wonderful range of colors now suddenly we're in an english cottage we've got a little garden going and all those weird little hollyhock colors and other strange reflections and things can start coming into play this is really spectacular great for cottage core great for so many painting things that you're doing now i'm going to take a little bit of my ultramarine blue i'm radioactive says cad yellow all right and now we're gonna get a little bit of our unusual yellow right there so let's take a little bit of this out and grab a little bit of our ultramarine really strange color almost a gray biasing a bit green fantastic in weird shaded parts of landscape fantastic and weird shade of parts of landscape unusual mosses weathering sometimes these colors can be really hard to get to add a little white to it and graying things out you could have uh you know that weird color that tornado stormy skies can get there you go knowing your paint means you know you're saving money when you know your paint you're saving money when you know your paint here's a green that you absolutely didn't know about i'm gonna take a little of my phthalo blue what am i going to add to it what could it be what unexpected color is going to make green here wait what but i thought that ultramarine and burnt sienna made neutral gray or stormy sky yeah they do but stay low blue and burnt sienna when you go a little more burn sienna starts to do a weird off green and in landscape painting you can get a really good green out of them now some siennas will have more yellow in them and it will be more obvious some will have more red and it will be less obvious but there's a little green in here that you just don't know you have these are deep uh rich back of the forest deep in the range underneath the rock greens in the bottom of the pond and then here's the last one that you didn't know you had on your palette and back to why we use black in landscape painting yeah tammy's like that's a weird green you know something bad is coming and you need half grains that let you you know do all those different emotions right what if you're doing moody painting all right i'm gonna take a little bit of my black and my yellow together and they absolutely make great [Music] so yeah when an artist says something definitive like you can never use black in landscape never i have to ask follow-up questions there's more to the story there either there's something they're not aware of or they're trying to avoid a complicated color theory question because clearly that's a range of greens it's not bright green nobody said black and yellow made bright green but it does make green green now you know more about green and you can see what i'm saying you get all these greens and all these greens oh my gosh that's a lot of green for this palette how much green does this palette give you so much green it give could you do a green on green on green landscape yeah you can you can do any green landscape you want with this you're never going to have to worry about that again you have enough grain do you ever look at a green landscape where it's all just grass and trees and everything's green and the water's green reflection and you think to yourself how am i gonna paint that value and the fact that you have every conceivable green every kind of weird green leaf that you could have including the really strange ones oh my goodness i feel good about that i'm gonna set my coffee sip the coffee i got coffee too oh shea oh my goodness everybody give some love to my friend shay 206 long time friend long time uh creator on the platform does a really great instagram account i love her stuff super fun a wonderful activist wonderful human very inspiring too and like health and fitness choices none of which i'm making you are ruth's like thank you but uh tbw you must be in tornado alley i grew up in okay all right now our next one is purple oh you know what okay let's hide their eyes they don't need to see this happen oh okay they don't need to know they don't need to know they don't care traumatize anybody these are not the drawers you were looking for purples and i don't think we need to do anything special on the bumper i think it'll just come up in the thing and then i'll organize it into the book what are what are colors they'll see like myself are you ready for a purple we're ready for a purple we're putting in our blues again and i'll go over each color what they are on each spot um she is like i know shea didn't come in to get shouted out but sometimes you see your friends you just gotta be like i gotta shout this person out they're amazing she does cool makeup stuff and she's good dog pics i i she's a she has a accounts that i enjoy following they're enjoyable for me they are enjoyable for me in every way and so i follow them are you guys doing okay i know this is a big this is like a monster color pendium of just dude all the color all the time really yep really because purple's not as big purple is not as big as some well it's pretty big because we have to do the out sorry for my you okay yeah i'm totally fine i just need more coffee i just need more i just made you coffee you're like wait why are you putting out complimentary colors with your purples because you need to understand this about purple and you need to know how many purples you get with this palette so why did i go to these colors why did i change it i mean i love yellow ochre why would i change it i love love me some prussian blue why would i change it to make it easier post covid for all of us and also to make sure you get the most out of the least amount of paints that you have to buy that's why i did this most color out of the least amount of paints that you would buy that's what this palette does for you you look down in the description it's going to chapter mark out where these are we're going to time stamp them you can find any color mix ever again we're going to write it up you will forever have this this resource we will always be here for you helping you through your journey you can see the colors down below the affiliate links you don't have to use them amazon raises and drops prices just know what the colors are right be a smart shopper be a a brandless shopper be informed know what you're looking for out of your products more than anything else shea came in to hang out by the way just you guys know you don't have to paint and to chat that's not a ticket you don't have to be participating you can come by to chat just because you need to talk to people that's okay yeah we enjoyed just hanging out i know you got friends here i know sometimes right now especially if for many of us i know many people's uh restrictions are lifting but many people are super locked down so depending where you are this could be your only social everything so i totally get that i i'm like that i'm i'm i'm still grounded all right purple did we put it up yet yes we could put up some more okay well they have it all right purple purple purple oh how i mix color all right so let's start out with a basic basic thing i've got quinacridone magenta ultramarine blue phthalo blue cad red medium dioxazine purple i have the tight-knit yellow sometimes called light naples yellow i have cad yellow and i have uh titanium white i'll explain to you in a minute why you have the yellows it's just something that you need to know about purple especially in painting to understand how much purple you actually have i think sometimes we think we're restricted on the purple when we really we have a full spectrum of purple but the first purple that we want to know about is the one on this palette that works out so that's a quinacridone magenta any magenta will be true for this and an ultramarine blue all the time you'll see people like i use ultramarine blue i'm like why it's cool color makes a bunch of cool stuff i'm going to mix the two of them together and i'm going to get a very nice purple it's not the same a little more red it's not the same as doc's purple but it is distinctly and for sure purple i go a lot deeper into the blue almost get like a nice little indigo here that's a nice little range of colors right wonderful wonderful bright spring sunsetty dawn range of colors add some white to it let's get a nice lilac going here right look at that nice light light lilac right over there just right off the screen where you just kept you kept blending you kept mixing colors right off the edge i was just i switched screen you can see okay i'm so sorry we're fighting okay you're fine i was reading chat and something thank you mz 615 [Music] uh all right so that makes sense doesn't it kind of for sure um but like if you do like quinacridone magenta we talked about this earlier and you know some phthalo blue mix those together you do get purple it's a different kind of purple it's a much deeper and darker more like an indigo more like even as you add yellow to it it's just not quite the bright colors that we have up here you can add white into it but it'll still feel purple just a little bit grayed back a little bit knocked back so maybe if this is the top of the flowers in the sun this is the flowers and the shade right if you're doing a nice lovely little group of flowers that would be the top in the sun and and the top in the shade however and this will come back up again and i won't get too deep into this because i know this is going to come back up again and it's the only reason cat at red is even out here i just well there's two reasons my signature purple thing that i do in sunsets and this and we'll come back to this in a minute and all i'm going to say about this is it ain't purple we'll talk about this in a minute because we're going to go to uh chromatics so that's all we're going to say there is that ultramarine and cad red does not make purple we'll come back to those colors in chromatic blacks all right now i also have mad ox purple in this set and docs purple does some cool stuff first of all let's get some white into it and you're like oh oh yeah you're right that's some it's different than the purple up top you have to tell me when we get to that special colors that you were talking about i'm going to okay until you tell you want to get to the best i still got a minute yeah that's pretty big too just let me know you can see just coming up as you lighten it adding white it's there it's a lovely purple a little different than this and it's so much richer you're never gonna get these into this range of depth you can use this purple as a black on your palette almost i'm gonna turn my page turn the page all right so i see a question about the yellow so i'm using the tight-knit yellow this is the light naples yellow these are and i showed this on the studio setup but i'll let you guys look in here just real quick same yellows okay um sometimes this yellow has different names that's why i try to tell you all the names and we wrote the blog i love this yellow and i'm sure one of the moderators will drop the blog uh jenny balthazar says oh my gosh i can't blame me one of your lives i love your vids you're amazing artists and i follow your videos all the time emoji emoji emoji emoji emoji thank you for the emojis by the way i love emoji i think their ultimate form of communication the only thing that keeps us uh you know from falling into like a crazy hole and murdering each other over text i just believe it sometimes you got to emoji so people read what you said in the tone you said it because like things read differently can come across real different and then you end up in an online fight on facebook and your kids are looking at you like don't you know how to be online mom all right okay we did purple and the purple and white so one of the things that we do have and i very much like is let's put out a little bit of the docs purple these are all the ranges of purples and i will you'll see me do this a lot in flowers and things like that every time i go into wisteria this isn't the purple we were talking about done dory i'm gonna take a little bit of this purple and i'm gonna mix these two together you see how these go together if you add more blue so this is just kind of in that indigo range when you've got an indigo when you got it indigo right when you got it indigo a little grayed out and that's because of just the intensity as you can see it happening there isn't that good yeah yeah so we know where that is what's another one that you get hidden primary for sure is going to come up in the phthalo blue dots purple because phthalo blue is green shade which means it has a hidden yellow in it and for sure doc's purple has a strong red which means together they will gray each other out a little bit we're going to mix them together and so it's just a little more grayed out as you can see than what's above it there you go look at that a little more grayed out still purple don't get it twisted it definitely is and when you're working with purples being able to get a full range a lot of people don't know how to get a full range of purple they're very purple limited purple purple rain i can't sing i can i will do it obviously i can evidence i not like i can sing sing like i should go on a singing show but i do sing and i will not stop because it is joyful like you should not stop painting because it is joyful and because of fairy use copyright laws she can sing all she wants mz16 says best colors in the universe and i'm the best artist your art is so pretty thank you so much i appreciate that why okay um actually she i'm going to gray the purple and then we'll do the purple that i always do so wait wait with the strip of purple and we'll just gray one of the things you need to think about wait wait are you on sherpa purple not yet i didn't think so okay so i've got my docs purple rincey rinsing rincey things you don't know and i've got my navels yellow when you dox enables yellow you're still purple it using compliments like this look at this creates some incredible this is where you get the putty colors if you've ever tried to get putty or off purple colors that transitions in sunsets shadows uh across uh rocks or flowers sometimes this is the must-do look at this whoops as you add yellow it grays it out the distinct purple is still there you can always get into the you can get a white into this look at that so many purples it's a lot of purple there so many and you're fine that's a lot of range how many you know almost as many purples as greens and i haven't even done the big one you ready for this i wish i wish like the music would come are you ready for this i hear it in my head all right we've got our cad yellow complementary color paintings are some of the strongest paintings that you can do but that means you're going to have to paint the compliments right so this is what you need to know about purple when you add the yellow to it you get a little more purple into it where does it go you need to see what that actually is this is what it actually is beaches just sandy beaches all the time this in here a little more purple a little more purple there we go sandy beaches all the time wet sand sandy beaches under rocks shadows under trees these are things you need to have all right and just as john gets up i'm like uh fresh well i'm not fresh water we're gonna be doing the sherpa purple sherpa purple so this is one and this is so funny tonight and this always surprises people i think it's super important to know about i think it's super important for shading reds and for controlling your sunsets for controlling bright red fruits bright red flowers poppies any of those things because a lot of times when you're painting you've got to figure out how to control your cad and purple can tame your cadmium red paint in a way that nothing else will and it'll create some really important color mixes i use this one all the time so when i want to darken my cad red and i don't want to use phthalo blue and we'll get into you know why we're not using phthalo blue um when we get into chromatic black yeah that's that's dark and then as i add red it gives me a way of creating gradation in what is a pretty darn bright paint it really does so i can go all the way across here you know and get a lot of result and everything through that it's super important if you don't really and one way to understand or see what the color really is is add some white to it see when you add the white to it there you go let's add a little more white to it you can get a little purple into there okay a little more purple like so if i get the red and the white and the purple this is also one of my very favorite things to do little red a little white little purple and now i have the color of a far away cloud on a sunset a lot happening here uh shea is saying it's a gorgeous brick color and i agree you know and again you can tone back um cad red with halo blue but i think we're going to use that more in our chromatics and our other colors that we will be mixing i hope this is like really showing off that this palette is a powerhouse this this group of colors are all colors and there's so many paints out there there's so many pigments i love this is not a limited number of pigments that i love this is a set of pigments that you as a new artist can get into and mix you know everything always says it's landscape colors or it's modern colors it's this mixing center that mixing set no this mixing set is a mixing set this mixing set will take you anywhere you need to go you're not going to be at the end of the thing going i can't get that color because some mixing sets will leave you with a color you cannot get you don't need that that's not a problem that you need you don't need those problems you do not need those problems what you need is something that delivers while you are working out your art journey all right now is this where you have to reset the palette again uh-huh don't let him see okay let's see we can do here if you like these videos you should probably subscribe don't pay attention to what has happened to the paint we may need new water pretty soon too all right so what are we on to skin tones and i went ah that's so terrible skin tones all right let's just get into it i have one oh new piece of paper skin tones i realize that there are very important conversations happening in the world about skin tone and i realize that there are very ridiculous conversations in the world happening about skin tone we're not going to do that we're gonna just do what artists do is we're gonna look at skin tones from the basis of how can we uh compassionately respectfully and in recognizing each other's basic core humanity paint each other without without falling into like stereotypical traps you know and this isn't about all the stuff that's going on out there not that that's not important it is all very important but as an artist when i'm doing skin tones and you know i'm trying to paint somebody as they are and whether it is i'm doing a portrait of my aunt who's past um for her for her daughter and i want to make sure that i paint her uh without having some crazy skin color like it goes green or it goes blue or doesn't look anything like her or it's too dark or it's too light i'm trying to paint her humanity whether you're a person of color and you're painting somebody who is fair-skinned or whether your person is fair-skinned and you're painting a person of color and let me explain that that is a big broad thing because there are thousands of skin color recipes as artists it is just our job to do our best to paint what we see how we see it from a place of love consideration and compassion so when you hear me go ah it's because right now online people are really about it and because they're in their kind of social dissonance space where like they got like a really strong feeling about something that you don't know about and then you say a thing and then they're like ah at you and you're like i did not even know we were there i saw outside of that i actually like to paint skin tones i do i really like skin tones i love people i like lots of different ones and i think it's an important art skill i do think it's important to paint people respectfully i do i do and that that goes all the ways around in all the ways that we paint each other it's a big broad topic it is it is a big broad topic and you can be unintentionally hurtful if you aren't you know compassionate respectful and try to do people to the best of your ability but we're addressing the pigments we're trusting the pigments what are you are you silencing me no i'm agreeing with you disagreeing how would i silence you you have a mic i guess i could i don't know there's a curtain see she can't speak anymore i have a mute i do have this in real life but i guess i don't i don't always use it that way that's my power for evil i guess no that's your power for good is it yeah i think you only use that power for good i think you're like and my wife doesn't is what brings us together so i'm gonna pull out we're gonna do we which skin tones oh thank you deborah evans i appreciate that so much which we're doing light skin tones first so i'm going to put out and we won't have to change between light and dark skin tones because there's a lot of commonalities in the colors which is great and i'm gonna i have lots and lots of skin tone mixing recipes we're just gonna do some basic stuff here real fast to go into it to understand what this palette can do if you want more information about that i have more videos let's put out some ultramarine and we're also going to put out some black and some white i'm not going to put out phthalo but ultramarine is what i like to kind of up and down my skin tones a little bit you could do purple as well and some people like green but again there are thousands of skin tone recipes you're putting out mars black but i heard in a rumor that you should never use just white or just black in a skin tone is that true you know i i never strong often is true um sometimes and we'll go into it that's more of a when we get into a darker skin tone question and then i'm also going to give a recommendation on somebody who's an expert in this area okay right so if you need to know more i'm going to give you the little bit that i know and then i'm going to give you some recommendations of uh deeper dives that you can take in this area because the more you know the more you know the more you know the more fun you'll have while you're painting we are trying to paint to have fun right uh i'm just watching oh huh watching have fun okay thank you deborah okay um and all of the people who've been generously supporting us here in chat today sweetheart give me a quick mute okay hold on a second things are fun in the universe all right so i'm fair skin tones uh i like to start with base mixes and in this particular mix i'm going to just start out with one that's pretty fun pretty obvious and you can get into right away which is your quinac let me tell you the colors altering blue cad red quinacridone magenta burnt sienna uh a tight knit yellow or naples yellow light cad yellow mars black titanium white we're going to get into this one the quinn and the naples yellow light they do actually just kind of on their own without too much modification a pretty decent very i like great cheek blush adding white to it you know very light fair kind of high pink sometimes people have a real high pink range in their skin value right so you've got that it's a little pinkish you would do it in air you know ears or tips of fingers or you know places like that let's get a little more yellow into it'll go a little more skinny see when you get a little more yellow into it a little more of the naples yellow into it there's some white in just a little bit you know maybe bottom of a baby's foot on a very fair baby ends of fingers backlit skins kind of nice this is a very this is just a weird unique space in this set right it is and then if i if i add a little white and then of course a little um burnt sienna to it look at that and then maybe a little more yellow in there that's a lot of that's a lot isn't it already yeah you're like wait what yeah if i have to get a shadow in on it i'm going to get a little of my ultramarine is one way to get shadow believe it or not on skin another way is a smidge of black not i don't use it a lot but it can be a nice way to shade an area and i tend to look at this like if i have a shadow that's cast in a bright area i might go more ultramarine blue but if i have a shadow that's cast like under hair or something i might go a little more into the black brenda i have a personal question how many children do we have we have three and here's i will share something very personal to you i did not start having kids until later in life i did not have my first daughter until i was 34 and we had kind of a journey getting there um and then we waited ah i did at home you don't need to know this color mixing video you can fast forward through this if this is not your thing um we did a home child birth i'm not advocating for it i'm just saying what happened and uh i maybe didn't have the greatest midwife in the world and it was kind of a crazy burst story um which maybe someday i'll tell somebody um and so i waited a bit uh not really up for having another kid and then at 39 i had my son and at 42 i had my daughter so i say this to you now because i remember uh when i was going through this baby journey and being an older uh i hate to say older because i don't actually think it but it's what they put on the medical charts so we'll let them have that because they want it so bad um but being a mom that they want to put into that category of geriatric pregnancy um it's nice to hear somebody that did have a kid i remember that used to really give me some optimism and some hope when i was trying to have a baby myself as to hear other mothers who were not 22 now that there's anything wrong with being a 22 mom go 22 moms um but being a little bit older trying to have a kid it was really doable i didn't have to do runs of fertility drugs not that that's not okay it is and but you know it was definitely thing and i definitely didn't have the third one at home because they wouldn't lie they wouldn't let you they were like no wait what why would you want to do that do you know how old you are and i'm like can you stop telling me how old i am i know my birthday they kids kept looking at me like i just didn't know what i was doing they're like i do know how old i am i feel like i'm mature enough to have it there i just took me a minute in my life journey it took me a minute to get to a place where i was ready to have kids yeah and and that's just how that journey went it's not that we were anti-kid at all it just i i did not mature as fast as other people oh christine smith i had my uh last son at age 40. i think i had my niece um mz 615 says i wish i had beautiful art just like you you know your art is beautiful and you need to know that and believe that in your heart envy your art is beautiful and as you keep painting your art will become more beautiful and you will be the best artist you can be and then you will be the artist that everybody else wants to have beautiful art just like you and but i do see a lot of people saying hey i was you know mom who had a kid older so if you're here you're color mixing and you're doing that because you're going through the baby dance because you're so stressed because we all know it's stressful and you heard this message i hope it was helpful to you and what's crazy is i know like two years from now somebody's gonna comment go were you talking to me [Laughter] yeah i know this this was this was for me that's true because we you guys we're here together in these long classes we gotta visit so next next mix of colors right so i'm gonna take uh we're still in the fair skin tones yeah we're still fair skin tones i'm gonna take my cad red we're gonna cad red um maybe ked yellow i'm going to get into a little of a burnt sienna that one of them okay just and white right that's a run um and i have a whole video on how to do like uh skin tones from primary colors uh but we'll go over it again just a little bit so i'm gonna take my cad red and actually uh get a little white into it because i want to get the value first that's how light the skin tone is i'm going to get the value first and you'll notice already that that does almost a skin tone yeah cad red is just a weird color like that for a fair red like if you're irish and your skin is super reddish this is it wear some sunscreen and paint your skin okay so i say this is somebody who has to too so no judgy i'm going to take a little of my cad yellow over into it and that will get it a little more into that traditional barbie skin tone color that barbie used to have 9.99 um chase says thank you for sharing your knowledge about being a source of light and love you helped me on my art journey in so many ways and you continue to inspire me i am proud to be any inspiration in shae's life because she's doing some mad awesome art stuff out there in the world so there we go i got a little bit of a little bit of a still in the you better wear some sunscreen range definitely not gonna tan no i can like look at somebody like they don't tan not because one i i i don't no i freckle i used to have a hope that i could become one big freckle but i found no i just become very bright freckles against red skin didn't work for me i wish you luck in your tanning journey but wear sunscreen now it's not universal but it does seem like sprinkles indicate a lack of uh sun resilience i do not have sun resilience not not universally so because i've met some folks with with freckles that are like no they just stand in the sun forever getting a little more into our european range over here it's not as common um you know when you get into the eastern european the skin will tend to cool a little bit the undertones become a little bit cooler um and that's really rather kind of nice you can get a little more brown in here and a little more yellow in here and a little more red we're getting into a more what stronger skin tone there so it's just a little warmer there's a little run of basic that yeah these are just basic basic basic guys basic basic basic basic basic and of course you can put your ultramarine in there to create like a shadow on the arm it's a weird thing or go black either one is fine it's just about knowing where your shadows are i like to use ultramarine blue to shade my skin that's just me uh what colors would you use to make freckles on fair skin i would probably pull into an orange and then get a little bit of my burnt sienna and then i might my little white in here freckles i and then make sure that i kind of change it up what you'll want to do with freckles is you will want to make sure that um you don't have all the same color freckles have different values and just using the corner of my brush here they come in many different tones on the same skin they do they do each freckle has its own little personality and so it's important to make some that are very light and some will read darker and stronger and you want to vary up the shapes you know what's interesting there we go so you want it sometimes about a shade lighter than the skin tone that you're working on and you can do this like uh it's really fun to paint very deep skin very dark skin it has freckles yeah that's a really fun challenge challenge almost universally unliked by their owners yep except now um the the the let's do this the young people on the internet on the tick tock on the inter-tubes on the inter-tubes the young people on the inter-tubes seem to have embraced freckles and they like to put them they like to draw them on and wear glasses and braces as a matter of fashion and i have to tell you that's a really surreal experience to have come from the 80s when you were just beat down for any of those things yep you're a pariah for having glasses and braces and now it's a fashion statement like i want this this like fashionable pink jaw set that i get to wear to school i'm like andy mchugh andre mchugh would like to let us know as a scotsman very highlander name right i can reasonably intend not to burn ah that's now i have to question though is this is he measuring this via the sun in scotland or the sun in san diego i'm not saying that they're a different sun but the amount you get is different i'm saying that he's just saying that he's an exception to the rule and he's a tan scotsman and we need to include that diversity i think that the scots can just yell at the sun and it's a little afraid so one of my very very good friends is in scotland uh tanya she's tartan taz creates and i have to say i just honestly she can say the the anything to me and i just enjoy my accent so much isn't that crazy but you know what i don't ever have people say to me like they're never like you know i just enjoy your american accent so much which makes me wonder i think about it uh mz615 is still being very sweet about my art and i want to thank mz for this just very generous lumping outpouring um on the uh channel all right okay um but it's okay i don't mind you spending the love zimzi you want to send love send as much love as you want as long as we can get the chat around you we're good all right okay so those are some just basic general thoughts on fairer skin tones right there's more it gets deeper right because we can go into like you know an orange and then get into you know our naples yellow and then get into you know white there's no end to it because skin tones are a lot of skin tones so many and then on one person there's a lot the shadows and just you have different levels of pigmentation in your skin that present differently sometimes your skin's very thin so more of your blood vessels show through and some of us have more of a blue bias and a pink bias and it's just it's a whole thing all right shall we do dark skin tones i'm going to sip coffee while jumping yeah dark skin tones okay let's see here all right dark skin tones oh all right so before i got into this right i uh i'm going to say this whenever you're a person you tend to paint the people around you so you become the most first in what you see in paint all the time this is true of me and many many artists to that end i'm going to tell you what i do in relationship to dark skin tones but i'm also going to say check out alfonso dunn who has deep dives into all of the things that you need to know about painting people of color from all over the world and it's really excellent information and if that's something that you're looking for that is definitely a place to go and also conversely um uh lena lena denae does light skin tone so there's good artists out there that go deep deep deep deep deep deep into both of these topics this is a light visitation for this palette explore more learn more the more you know the more chill you'll become about everything around you quite frankly and the less cognizant uh cognitive dissonance you will have in your life if you don't know what cognitive dissonance is look it up you'll laugh it's it's worth a quick look all right uh cinnamon i need to watch your skin tone video i'm so uh i'm so light and i burn easily however i i am a mexican with an olive skin tone so tessa hearts that is such a good point so here's the thing there are generalized statements that we can make about things but there are billions and billions and billions of people and there's so much genetic diversity that um even within those generalized thoughts that we would have as an artist you still want to approach every subject and every moment in a personal observational space does that make sense also sun strong sun is strong sun is strong misleading like if you're lena says does linda sue yes yes she has a bunch of she paints herself a lot and she's very fair stuff it's like i'm a nature girl all right so the first thing i'm going to say is you know the burnt sienna this burnt sienna it's okay it's pretty good it's a mid-range brown and that's very nice and it does work in general i would also want to make sure that i'm when i'm working this i'm going to add some cad red and some cad yellow and the reason to that is i'm going to make some orange yeah and when i get that into the brown right i'm going to start getting some tonal skin tonal variance look at that because we have blood vessels we have all kinds of values and warmth and cool in our skin yes so you can go more yellow into that in a little more brown but we started kind of with an orange there we go there we go that's a very nice and you can add white right it's not that you can't add white you can add white um what i find is sometimes i advise against getting a little crazy with the white especially if you're painting darker skin tones because you can create a situation where a person will look a little ashy instead of uh shaded gotcha right but it's it's not that you don't use white or black to deepen or lighten a skin color it's just you have to be present to when is this working in my favor and when has this taken my portrait into a strange and unusual direction that i don't want to post online right and by the way if you're not sure you don't have to post online to get feedback from every person that you've never met right if just if you're like i don't have that day that's okay too that is okay too i'm just saying when you're in the learning space and you're not sure you can do that you know um when i get black into it see you'll notice what i mean it's not it doesn't really that's too green i could use it as a shadow but i wouldn't really want to use it as a base tone the orange into the black i wouldn't however i would absolutely enjoy brown and black together that's nice isn't it yeah you know and then come up a little bit brown and you can get a little magenta into it it's very interesting space you can go look at that under wrist say i was coming around bottom of a foot and get a little bit here you gotta find the exact right spot i'll need a little more brown into it so there's spaces to go right yeah spaces to go i'm gonna take a little brown maybe and a little yellow because they actually do some nice stuff just together on their own little brown and a little cad yellow and then i can get put a little twin into it yeah look at that i got a little quinn into it getting a little quinn with it come back into some brown because you have to remember that on everybody palms lips noses ears fingers will have big like you might have an overall kind of skin tone but based on light and the thickness of your skin there can be like stuff can bias a little red stuff can buy us a little dark the other thing i want to suggest is on very very very dark i'm gonna go very very very dark right and again please check out alfonso dunn because he goes into a deep deep dive on this um don't forget the power of blue just it's important and that way when you get into a light lighter kind of space you can get into that kind of blue light reflection um when you do photography if you're photographing somebody who has very very very very very dark skin tone um and you're trying to get light you know like a good kind of space and you'll notice in the lighting that there's just a beautiful kind of almost blue reflection that will happen have you ever seen that yeah yeah i think so yeah it's something it's something that you'll notice at when you're just just looking at people as they are right just look at people as they are you know that's my thing and then just be like how would i get that color of course if you stare at people a lot that you don't know can get you in trouble it's true people kind of get weirded out when you just stare at them you're like i'm not creepy i'm an artist that doesn't help actually it has it has it has i i saw a young woman and um she was very stunning very unusual skin tone and i i was probably doing the like too hot you're like boring into her and she's like looking over at me and i'm just like i'm an artist and i'm just working it out i'm going to get very tolerant like if it were a young man with an artist pencil she would probably still be like you stay back because art so we have a very good friend uh we met him when we were in college and his whole game was to draw girls that was his whole move see there you go and they would be like this beautiful portrait of them and they would be like oh that's so nice that's right he did real well he had art moves he did real well he did real well and i highly recommend it if you're if you're doing that if you're going to be staring at somebody hard have a good reason for it just because the world is crazy okay guess what we're not done but we're getting there let's uh do the palette thing we're going to go on to browns aren't you glad we bookmarked this [Music] aren't you glad it's true okay so of course you know we're going to put out some colors that you'd expect but we're also going to put out some colors you might not expect and i have a big video on how to mix browns and it actually does involve many many of these colors so you know you're good there i'm gonna put out um we talked a little bit about this with the purple so i'll put out a little more and i'm going to put out some black and some cad red and again this is just this is just i put out the wrong yellow oh i grabbed the titanic yellow that's okay you're good you're good um because we need to also talk about how to get like to a yellow ochre and some different kind of browns and neutral colors in this palette i didn't put yellow ochre in this palette and you could always add yellow ochre it's probably of the colors that we're mixing maybe the more annoying one to get to so you know if that was one you wanted to add in above and beyond what i had done yeah we're there did we put it brown yes okay so we're gonna make some browns and the first one is obviously we have uh our brown here all right and this in this palette we've got this wonderful brown um now this particular brown i find the one from golden is a little red or oranger and this one's a little deeper every burnt sienna is different we accept this reality of the burnt sienna when we add a white to it we get kind of this off off white color so you know and you're trying to get into like sands or things just that and again that could be into the flesh tones depending on who you're painting and what kind of lighting or shadow or highlight is going on you've got to decide that the other brown that you've got to think about is my favorite and i mix it all the time is the brown and black so this is when i take a burnt sienna and i burn it just a little bit more this is why i don't have to bother with the burnt umber in my palette because i have this uh particular option and even when i get a little white into it it does behave a lot like a burnt umber so that's when i take burnt sienna and add a little black gets me kind of into a burnt umber range and it deepens it and it makes it much more um useful oh emmy says that she draws dresses or i'm making an assumption here mz i don't know your pronoun um but if you draw dresses you gotta check out my friend zoe hung who is a fashion illustrator and instructor and fantastic let's get into some yellow ochre so we're gonna take a little bit of our burnt sienna diane angel brown i was waiting she's like brown brown brown brown brown i love it i love brown so i'm with you all right you're going to take these two together these two we're going to get into these two and we're going to talk about a little bit how we could get into maybe some of our ochre colors right because that's what we maybe don't have as much on this palette is yellow ochre you know as you go up and you can get some yellow into it and it does behave a bit as yellow ochre i can also get some red in there so we definitely get into those ochre ranges so that's why i felt like i don't really need to add ochre because we can get to it easily enough [Music] easily enough the other word space i can get because i've got this here is um the red and the black so red and black make brown make a lot of browns actually and that's why i wasn't worried about the bias of the brown that i had from sennelier let's add some yellow into it that's pretty much all the browns except we have more browns a little white so we've got a lot of neutral colors yeah these are a lot of neutrals we have more than this we're just like looking into this we're getting those basic mixes you've got to know to paint along the other one we might have a little green and a little red green and red and also make a good brown yeah you'll have to bias it a little more to the red to get there and sometimes i like to add a little yellow into it if i need to almost take it to that orange see how the orange really gets it there take it to the orange sometimes you've got to take it to the orange take it to the orange i i know those days that gives you a little range of those neutrals and as we mentioned before sometimes when you mix um no not that one okay let's do cad yellow and doc's purple all right we're gonna do cad yellow and ducks purple one to one they do make a type of brown so if i take my cad purple here and i mix it one to one you will get to a chromatic brown so whenever you hear someone say chromatic black chromatic brown what i'm saying is there's no brown pigment in the paint necessarily but the hue is brown to the eye and and you can see it actually is so that's a little different than those neutral purples that we did we took it brown so those are a whole range of browns and you can you know you can take a little bit of the brown that i have here and a little bit of the purple this is one of my very favorite mixes i've done it on so many backgrounds doc's purple and burnt sienna mixes some wonderful colors look at these so if you're trying to create that moody you know still life background yeah wait it just this is where that is that's a wonderful wonderful range that i love to get into or get my ox purple in to my burnt sienna you know i love to put my um my um green and brown together to get into their greens making a bright orange into a brown that's uh make sure there's paint outs that's the burnt sienna and a bright orange right so if we have a burnt sienna and a bright orange we get another nice little range of browns so you don't any pets any trees any things that you need to do you probably have that range here you can get the blues involved you can get all of that involved and you've got a big run of colors um uh this the color mixes work with any colors that the pigments are the same so as long so um the reason mary pivot is like does this work with watercolors or all the acrylics or what all of it all of it uh color mixing books for the most part will work for any mediums that you have as long as the pigment is in that medium shall we hide it oh let's see here we can do that don't forget to subscribe hi ashley hi ashley how are you doing and i see daphne uh sandy says that there's a beautiful little uh old ukrainian woman that rides her bus she always has these amazing hand-sewn colorful clothing on even her winter coat i would love to paint her you know and i find that again when we stare at people randomly they're a little bit hostile but when we put into context to be like you know as an artist i'm just fascinated by you people it really does help them put down their gap people just don't want to be attacked let's be honest none of us nobody wants to be attacked or have anything weird happen to them so when someone's behaving in a way that's untypical you might be like whoa what are you doing but you just got to be like no no it's okay i just i'm an artist and you're just gorgeous and amazing and i just want to paint you people very rarely i'm not saying it never happens because there's billions and billions and billions of people and there's a whole spectrum of everything in the world and sometimes puppies and rainbows make somebody enraged but for the most part you'll get a good response thank you ashley um christy ann richardson question mate what colors make beautiful sepias well i think we got into some of the sepias uh here definitely through the browns for sure and you can add white or black into those to tone those up and down let's go into grace grace gray's grace so when we do grays we're obviously going to put out black because we know black and white makes a wonderful gray right we know that we know that totally see here hold on let me get your grays up there and we know compliments make a beautiful gray and this will kind of carry over into our chromatic blacks as well guys so hang in with me here a little bit whenever whenever you mix complementary colors together or every primary together you're going to get a gray a brown a black something in that range depending on where you bias the color and what you push it up and what you push it down and how you work with it and the black everything that you put in the black can create a gray if you painted watercolors with me last night you might have noticed that we were doing a lot of blacks that were biased a certain direction and sometimes i think as artists we forget to throw those biases into our blacks like we already did my favorite grays which is the payne's gray and the blue gray so if you want to see my very very favorite gray you know definitely definitely hit that um like you're hitting it up you're like i'm gonna go hit that however you get there right and then we're also going to put out uh burnt uh is that ultramarine blue i'll tell you all the colors that i have so you know what i have and then um how we're going to mix them so you're not confused and then again we're writing all this up and hopefully i explain this in such a way that that's a very doable thing so i've got phthalo blue altering blue uh phthalo green cad red mars black titanium white cad yellow medium our tight-knit yellow but naples yellow light and our diox purple grays so gray's existing complements complements are opposite colors on the wheel so if colors are opposite each other on the wheel they're going to gray each other out you'll hear artists talk about that knock it back throw it back push it back color wheel stuff if you want to know more about the color we'll have tons of videos on that and there it is good to know all right so our first thing is we've got some uh you know nice mars black all right that's great and we can definitely definitely mix our many many shades of gray so let's start with just a little bit of white and our black and we can just keep adding white this is the basis of painting which is the value that you you are creating right how light or dark something is it's its value right so white and black make a great basic gray more white means it's lighter and more black means it's darker that's a lot of stuff you've got a lot of stones and everything that will get into that that's really good to go i'm going to put some black down here just so i don't have to swatch it again [Music] because i know i'm going to do some swatching so i want to show you guys some stuff about uh the mixes of blacks that you maybe didn't see right now we know that if i add red to black i definitely get some brown right but if i add red to the gray i also get some very important variants in my gray you see how that's that's still it's still gray yeah but there's a slight red bias as a painter that's super useful to me because sometimes i'm painting a stone and the stone has a little bit of a red cast to it all right we don't we don't want to not have that going on so let's say i've got a little uh black and yellow that's interesting we haven't talked about that much have we black and yellow you know well we know that makes the green right we know that makes a green but it also makes well probably at this point not shockingly to you at all a green gray wonderful when you're painting metallics there are so many times that you might need a green gray will we be painting a green gray this acrylic april probably you can keep going lighter and lighter and lighter as you need you know probably you can always and then just just to say it let's just say let's just also acknowledge that there is a black that happens here with the navel yellow light i'm going to put the navels yellow light out in a second and add another swatch of black for the green black look at that still gray yeah i haven't even gotten any wine into it slightly more biased yellow i'll rinse it out make sure that's there so we track that so that is my mars black and my tight-knit yellow there we go oh make one of these books that came together nice yeah it does totally does now there's also and i think it's important let's get some green on here the black and green they were just asking about that yeah so it's wonderful i'm gonna mix just the two of them together and then you see it as soon as you get the white into it a little more green sometimes you would have a little bit of green in your gray there we go and then you could be like oh i want a little more green in my gray look it's a bright green gray and you better believe that you've got the same thing happening right with your purple and black not too noticeable when it doesn't have any white in it but the minute that you get it in there there's a gray that biases purple right so i'm going to take a little of my red now take you to a place you didn't expect to go and a little of my ultramarine and we're going to mix those together and add some white and you're gonna see a wonderful run of grays that happen there if i take my red my blue and my cad yellow right if i go more into the blue yellow blue it's going to become a potential gray so that is you know the primaries primaries mixed so if you add more blue to your primary it's going to probably go more towards the gray if you add more red or yellow you're going to be playing around the browns so that's just something to you know be aware of think about and play into now with that i'm not going to change my thing out just really quick on our way out we're going to talk about chromatic black all right because i have the colors out that i need you ready for this i am i'm ready for this chromatic black and then we're we did it and you've done it all right i'm going to take a little bit of my cad right in my ultramarine and i think you guys kind of have been seeing this go around you can mix cad red and ultramarine together and get what is essentially to your eye a black you absolutely can in this palette or sure get a chromatic black you could uh also kind of get there um cad red and phthalo blue will also kind of get you there as well i'll put it down and then i'll put the swatches out a little bit there as well and we'll white those out so you can see that so what it is is your warm red and either of your blues will get you to a chromatic black the other chromatic black that we have until we add white to it or anything diox purple can be a chromatic black for the purposes of our painting absolutely until we add whiter or lighter value into it it's going to be a chromatic black now if i add a little white you can test out if something is a chromatic black pretty easily by adding white to it and go does it go gray and it clearly does both of them will go super super super gray now cad red ultramarine blue will get you to a chromatic black in the set and cad red phthalo blue will get you to chromatic black and the set the cad red and green is probably going to get you to a brown and that's just something to know when you're painting because maybe in a moment of painting you're like you're not going to go get the black you want to use a chromatic black what you'll notice is the difference between the chromatic blacks is they have a little bias in them whereas the mars black with titanium whites are very neutral down the middle black so black has black pigment chromatic black appears black to the eye but does not have black pigment guys we literally wrote the book on basic color for this palette now let's go over it again okay let's recap so you know what the work you did was oh my gosh i had no idea we did this many pages i knew this was a big project so are we fully recapping we're going to just kind of look through it again okay and so we're going to start with the red oh no so first i want to i just want to say that you guys because i appreciate your time because it matters what you do this is your free gift from me there's a link in the description down below on where to get it and you download it and print it out and this is these colors and all of the colors you get from them i personally believe that this is an ultimate split palette primary palette set it does have a couple of the convenience colors it does have a few of those things but really even if you took the brown and the green and the purple out of it you probably have figured out that you could get to almost any color that you needed to with just the split primaries and yes now hopefully now you have a better understanding why i would bother with this hinky weird strange yellow right very strange little yellow you're like why is she with a yellow now you know because it makes unique special colors that you're not gonna get with a cad yellow lemon or lemon yellow right and i just don't feel like the bright green you get from a lemon yellow because i can get it with the phthalo green i don't think it's worth it that's why we did it so we could have those special colors all right now you can put up things if you want okay so we're going to go back we're going to recap we're going to do so these are my favorite reds this we went over we did my favorite red mix you can see we have all these here i did my favorite uh blues right here i mixed these colors all the time we got into some of my stormy colors that i tend to always mix it's not that there's not more blues to mix it's not that there's not more colors to mix this palette will go and go and go and go and go and go i could i haven't tested out but i i would bet i could mix a thousand different hues with this palette right and we went into um my favorite greens that i personally i'm always mixing with my phthalo and my burnt and my yellow and this is all the range then we went into what happens when you uh somebody said how do you make galveston watercolors and then we mix those using primaries uh we got into the favorite gray i like to do which is a payne's gray and that's about adding either one of the two blues into my black to create a series of blue bias grays and that's a lot of them and they're really beautiful then we mix the oranges that we can get with this palette and clearly there's a lot of oranges right this is not a small amount of orange there's a lot of orange there still more orange all the oranges you can paint all the sherberty orangey sunsets that you want for days and days and days and days here's greens and the greens and you can see where we have some unique special greens that are happening and the greens go on here some more of these weird unique greens that we get and we talked about how you can use black and landscaping and here's the green that you get with black then we worked on a bunch of purples right and i showed you how these two don't make purple they make a chromatic black which we visited back again at the end and we talked about all the different ranges of purple and there's a lot of purple look at all these purples that you can get from this set you don't gotta this is every tube of paint that you can see in somebody's like color collection that you have in just these few paints this helps you save the money then we're like we talked a little bit about skin tones and that this palette would give you a a fairly great range of skin tones um and it there's more you could dive into it we even freckled some skin you can get everything that you need to out of your skin tones from this palette yes of course you can add more colors to your skin tone palette don't don't feel limited i'm just saying if you're on a budget and you've got to have just i can only have these colors this is a way to get there i'm just showing you a way to do that browns this is all the browns and see we have a lot of browns we do we have a lot of browns besides the fact that we do have a basic brown burnt sienna gray's chromatic blacks as pages and pages and pages and pages of color that you have from cad red medium quinacridone magenta from cad yellow medium and tighten it yellow from ultramarine blue and phthalo blue from from let's get from dioxazine purple phthalo green burnt sienna mars black titanium white all those colors was from this palette i'm just going to let that sink in yeah so wallace says she she loves this she did a color journal with my mom and she's loving this too she likes these type of deep dives always do a deep dive with your colors and here's the thing about starting this you can add as you buy new pigments i have other pigments other pigments exist i see them in the store sometimes they call to me sometimes a little voice comes out of the pigment tube and says cinnamon i'll change everything for you just clear the best painting you've never done is inside me don't even ignore my price it doesn't matter why i'm a serious three no wait i'm a nine oh but it's okay it'll be on sale it talks to me and then i buy it i bring it home and i have lots of wonderful colors pigments are play pigments are fun but we're coming out of a really extreme time we're on a limited budget you can find these colors even these colors at a plethora of budget spectrum right we watch a bunch of financial stuff you've got to watch the budget this is a great place to get to the budget you do this video well we've got this you know you make your own color book you mix the colors you do my color chart my split tin tone change chart i know it's crazy to do but we haven't written up on how to do it you watch the video you do the color chart you do the wheel you do this you watch my color wheel video you don't have to go you can you can buy more paint you don't have to buy more paint right and you know i hear from you guys all the time you're like i love painting with you but it feels like every time i go to paint anywhere else if i don't have their colors what am i going to do yes you're fine now you go paint anywhere you want i will never let anyone put you in a corner you paint anywhere you want you don't got to buy their stuff or you're free be a free artist painting in the world doing all the things because that's what understanding your palettes can do oh so leslie leslie wants to know what's the difference between mars black and black okay so there's a bunch of blacks and i actually have a video about all the blacks and chromatic blacks and i cover really the deep down differences of them but generally it's the source of the pigment the depth of the pigment and the tinting strength of the pigment and a slight bias color i use mars black it's a modern pigment it's the most stable color fast of all the black pigments though lamp black i mean let's be honest there's some black that's been on some like cave walls since like the dawn of man so clearly it's a stable color even the the ones that are based in carbon like lamp black so you know it's just about what your preference is and where your where your color control is and uh the other reason is mars black is it's the cheaper one it's quality and is cheaper you make these decisions in your palette uh clarissa colin says i'm a little late but i'm here well you know what late late is still lovely and we're so glad to see you and you made it and everybody sent her a hug cause you made it and it's so nice to see your friends even if for a minute it's always that feeling you get to the end of the dinner party everyone's going but you at least want a hug right little hug all right did this help you i'm sure it did i hope i delivered on the promise of this video um i got to make a better thumbnail i think so that people know what i actually did here had a hard time conceiving the thumbnail on how to explain it i just was like i don't know it's how i mix my color it works this is how i mix my color this is why i pick these colors and these are the basics if you can do this you can paint my three hoops you can paint anybody's thing you can paint everything you can go anywhere be free be free thank you for your time today your time your patronage not just the financial patronage but the patronage of your presence and your attention means a lot to me i believe art should be accessible to everyone i believe everybody has a right to art education um i believe everybody can paint i really do i think everybody can paint i think these skills are learnable and everybody has a better painting in them now you're doing acrylic april you're ready there's two more videos coming up that everybody should do which is how i do my clouds and how i do my water because i'm going to talk about brushes and techniques and that will help you answer any of those deep new questions that you might have about like what's happening with these clouds what's up with your cloud brushes what are you using all that stuff that you might have been wondering i'm gonna answer and get into and make better in your world and easier in your world it's almost april 1st april is coming there it is acrylic april is coming and we're about to change everything because we're going to paint better in 30 days i really invite you to take part of that program because i'm just it's the thing i'm most proud of because it changes changes people's lives oh trisha what tony woods tony woods joined emoji club i think we have a new emoji i have to check watch the community tab next two days i'll give you an emoji is it gonna be a color wheel or is it gonna be a giant cup of coffee who knows we don't know but it'll be something be good to yourselves be good to each other and i want to see you at an easel really soon bye
Channel: theartsherpa
Views: 21,758
Rating: 4.9368615 out of 5
Keywords: The art sherpa, Easy painting tutorial, Easy acrylic painting, Art sherpa, the art sherpa, theartsherpa, acrylic painting, painting tutorial, acrylic painting for beginners, how to mix color, how to mix colors, how to mix colors in paint, mixing colors, acrylic painting techniques, color mixing, color mixing acrylic paint for beginners, color mixing acrylics, color mixing paint, Art sherpa color mixing, how to paint with acrylics, color mixing recipes
Id: sb-rmcPdMfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 20sec (10820 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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