How I met my husband | Hookup Love

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[Music] thank you hello beautiful people it's your girl again Amy Fierce guys we have a special guest today introduce yourself now hi guys my name is also known as the chocolate man and lastly emissions husband it's not playing with me so I think you should go first uh whose story is more interesting is it my story I think so let's let's do your story first no I think your story first because hey Naman Define wife now I agree so that was what 20 20. just before kovid right yeah just before so that's for you because I met you during covert but we started talking during coverage uh me to be precise so yeah beginning of the year when I decided it was about time I hang my boots because the boots were very very old I said let me hang them okay like I'm not I'm not I'm not talking again too much now I'm about to talk about yeah I'm sorry guys I apologize I'm sorry so yeah uh as a devoted Catholic he was doing the lenting season and uh I decided I talked to God and have him direct me along the right path and see what I got it's just like that well no that's that's the first part yeah bringing God first whatever you do out there first so you have to pray that's why I'm married yeah you know I think I'm not this one you're laughing okay no it's actually cool you know I I put my uh future about getting married into prayers and that was the first part the second part was a little bit more interesting I ran into an old friend somewhere online in a group that I was surprised to find her there in the dead of the night during covet and we got talking after the whole live session and she was like ah you've seen and I'm like no I'm seeing myself for most important with this whole kovid wahala and all that's like okay that's fine that that was my idea of a woman and I described oh my God what did you describe seeds seeds seeds Catholic evil girl that's the first one for me and uh we went past that and she was like okay she had someone to introduce me to and I'm like okay that's fine and she says well they're like three other people I'm like okay I'm here you can imagine um yeah this is a tall fireman problems you know so well yeah so let's go back to the story so uh my friend introduced me to uh my wife here and a couple of other women and uh we started talking let me get an office no no no no no okay so but then again the conversation was very very tell them how you started let me tell you my own part of this story so baby girl just you know got had broken and 2020 was there I was like you know what F everybody I'm just gonna have fun like I wasn't ready to go to myself the whole season yes whole season I'm going to devote myself to anybody like I say anybody because I felt like I was done done that is one of my friend actually his friend which is also my very good friend she actually she usually you know hooks me up with her friends actually when they know is what Hooks me up for if I would think his Rose I beg she introduced me to her you know her male friends like oh meet my friend amaka you get she's a nice girl she's a good girl you know and she's actually very um not just random you know meets my friend guys that were serious like serious guys not true okay you're here so yeah that's where the whole hookup thing came from so yeah you guys don't be fooled by the word hook up it's just we're just introduced to each other so actually she goes oh I'm like I have this nice family friend he's you know he's a cat tall dark and handsome and guys to be honest and they feel this kind of guys though I they feared them because I didn't listen to me you know this kind of guy they're called players bad boys because they didn't say they fine so they can get any girl they want such a body from guys like this on a normal day right so much I say March actually May 2nd to be precise I will never forget that date May 2nd because she sent me his picture I'm gonna attach his picture for you guys to see so since she sends me like um two or three of his pictures then I'm like damn he fine though so I was like but I said I was too scared and I said okay let me now let's wait for it because no we babes now Shakara we can't be done to reach out she has given me his number saved it so that way he's gonna know he's the one the next thing my phone rings and I'm like unless oh hi hello my name is yay um you know my friend gave me a number um but I'll call you right back because I'm making salad I'm making potatoes shrimps well there's a lot of glasses remake himself making potato salad shrimp salad chicken salad chicken salad vegetable salad vegetable salad for a second I'm like oh Cuba I think I'm like why is this [ __ ] trying to show off what's hey I would like guys that's actually what's you know got me I was like okay do you like food whatever guys so after that he cuts the call and I call my friend I'm like ah he has scored me has called me said it's making salad you know I was saying everything you're like yeah so like you know how you girls can be now now the waiting game starts I was like can this guy just call me back [ __ ] did not call me back and I'm like okay I'll be the potato and shrimp salad did he born I believe this is our chicken so I was waiting for the call back and Uncle still did not call me back so for a second I was like I beg should be able to talk about this kind of guys that's what they think they they take you do you understand so but I think was it was it later that night I'd be the next day I think I called man nice when I was done done yeah and you see the next day he called me a picture of oh yes yes that sent me a picture of the salad and that's how when I started talking then he called me that night if I remember correctly and for some weirdest reason the conversation wasn't the regular this uncle came with is that if I went for an interview he was interviewing me yeah and as it should be to be honest the reason why I give him listening ears is because it was covered I was home in no nobody told me oh my God I was bored so this is what you're talking to no wahala so I'm like okay next thing he goes oh are you a graduate I'm like but of course I'm a graduating he also asked me um what church do you attend where am I from what's my blood type my genotype and it's an important questions for the single men out there this is a very important question also Single Ladies ask your partners genotype blood group not favorite color favorite food yeah I like fried damn sure robots around the whole the whole the whole talking talking phase so this was you know he came up with what he wanted he didn't do all this favorite color kind of talk we still came above that but after we've gone past the most important questions right then the most interesting part of this whole thing is that he calls my are you okay love yeah I do okay so he calls my father-in-law then was my father-in-law cause his dad and goes oh I'm talking to this girl one two one two one thing then I didn't know talking to other babies can imagine but then we go to studio and judge my friend that's by the way that's a tall fine black man but please ignore this whole black fine guy yeah he calls his dad and he mentions my name and then that goes hope is not who is thinking so the story or the summaries that apparently his dad knows my dad they've been friends for like years like it's not like today like years then your dad attended some events that my dad did my dad attended some events his dad did and he became crazy like okay okay and we have an hour from the same Village again so it you know he made a conversation to get more interesting I must say because of you you see mothers from Infinity she's gonna marry you always saying that in for us for some weird reason we just clicked like this first thing I'll turn you away from a guy that comes with I'm looking for a wife because I I believe you're coming with that oh I believe you're coming with that whole you want to marry me because that's what you want at that moment once you marry me you you dump me in the house and continue messing around you get but in his own case I didn't even feel that way for the very first time I didn't oh no anyways so I didn't feel that way then the crazy part of the part that our relationship looks like it was shaking guys I actually auditioned for Big Brother this particular matter no I think I have my voice let me speak this big brother face oh no no no Big Brother Big Brother okay you know I don't even know why I wanted but trust me a lot of those things ahead I'm like so we meet my efforts my prayers my course day and night and done because I like it or not Showbiz is not bad bro I might be out there for those of you who know me but I'm not big brother out there even this YouTube video okay we'll get to that but then uh came up with the idea of judging going to be profile Edition and I'm like that wouldn't happen but I didn't have the authority to is it like see people he came without Authority that no he's okay he didn't call me first but he was like you know why would you go for Big Brother that a woman he wants to marry doesn't want her out there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let me say my part now you can put yourself in my shoes you just meet a guy if you're talking to him please you meet a guy in me and I think the audition came up in June yeah because the entire Big Brother house was going to be in oh gosh in none of us it was in July I'm back right it was in July actually started in that may ending of May Julius I felt I just really think that like some weeks ago so why are you just please like yeah you're a [ __ ] then okay yeah so I'm like I just met you like who are you to tell me how to run my life tell me how to you know do my like I wanted to go for a big brother and guys I got first um first stage right second stage I literally got into the lockdown this just me being nope the only people that know me that know this part of the story right I've actually got to the lockdown phase at the house that was praying so today he's supporting me tomorrow he will call me baby show I used to really want to go I'll tell him yes I want to go like I don't know the personality like it's oh yeah oh girl you go girl Big Brother Big Brothers literally every stage of people that goes into the lockdown I think what sets I remember what said that was what about the Erica sets yes it was the original set yeah so all first one you know locked down together and everything so but quite suddenly making today as I said and she didn't make it into the house and uh here we are actually found out that this [ __ ] was actually pretty gay yeah he was praying to the news they're not going anywhere so you know that big brother face was uh it was tricky for me I want some days I'm like I could be supportive on other days I'm like are you really being supportive this guy worried me he legit words but you're not happy now at least I'm not happy but imagine I used to be Brother house well I guess and I don't promise him that I was going to the Big Brother house won that money come back and we'll get married and live our lives Bronco was not having it he wasn't happy if we ask some of these Big Brother people they are babes now they tell you a different story oh it was either with me or you go for your big brother so anyways then at this point you haven't even met in person you can't even met him let's go for Big Brothers the chocolate anyways I know I was going to get married to you so hey I wasn't ready to take chances that's my only problem if I wasn't sure yeah you'd have come into your house but I knew I was going to get married to you so there's no need to to take those you know so anyways um I think we finally met in August yes I remember we marked was it August 14th or 19th that's our meeting day or whatever you know or change I think so so it was my so this same friend that you know hooked us up [Music] I hooked us up right so she was short in her introduction and I had to travel down to her to her home for the introduction and from there have I also have friends that came for the introduction when I have to now I had to follow them drive down to Port Harcourt because he lives in Port Harcourt I'm in Lagos being literally no man have made me okay I made one okay one silly guy shot but I don't I don't travel to I don't travel what silly guy yeah I've given you that just before now okay but I was in my I said my whole face yeah actually I don't travel out to go you know see any girl whatever so he made me I traveled with my friends friends down to Port Harcourt and he was the first person to ever take me to butter because I've never ever I've only heard Port Harcourt but never been so I said potato boy I finally came to Port Harcourt to meet him and trust me I was so nervous because I'm like okay I'm finally going to meet this guy in person and I was scared of out of your life and I was scared of catfishing because you know how but you know this was not exactly it's so dark guys if you got me one shot guy if you know thoughts like that me like this you know wow yeah so what you see is what you get though same here what she sees watching I agree I agree I agree so I'll see my friends cut and I saw him come out and I'm like damn he fine though both the skin I was like why is he so fine you know that's why why is he so handsome so he came for me gentle guy for me took my box you know are you okay you said that etiquette were brought up properly then he took me up to my hotel room and next thing he already had the gifts waiting for me the bear on the bed right or in the bed there was a gift it was a gift waiting for me so he got me a nice handbag this cute dress like I said that dressed till tomorrow because I love the dress So Much get the gift guys get a gift I'm giving some light tips and guys I got you know swamped away I was like oh he's actually nice because I must have not made guys that are nice but he's was like I don't know I felt this kind of you know security I was really secured having him around or rather be with him yeah that's the word being with him and guys that's how we met yippee on a lighter note uh from what America has said there's no better way to tell the story but yeah it had his ups and downs too many things to get into details yeah but it was very smooth Johnny all the same and uh I'm happy we're here I'm happy we're doing this I'm happy I've been able to support my wife on her YouTube channel so this is just the first video like I told my fans that you see a sneak peek of me soon so more videos are coming and uh thank you so much yeah you guys enjoyed my my support system so thank you all for watching so what do we say to our people like share and subscribe
Channel: AmyFierce
Views: 7,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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