How I manage my time as a medical student and YouTuber - Nine Tips to Manage Time Better

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It seems to me, the older I get, the less free time I have. That's why it's important and vital that I maximize my usage of what little free time I do have. Using my general time management strategy, which I'm gonna go over in this video, I've started a YouTube channel, a website, all while in medical school full time. And more importantly, I haven't sacrificed my sleep, I haven't sacrificed my grades, and I haven't sacrificed my fitness for any of these things. In this video, I'm gonna show you nine ways to manage time better, nine things that I use pretty much every single week, when I'm figuring out how I'm gonna manage my time. If you guys don't know me, my name is Zach and I'm a third year medical student here in Philadelphia. The general blocks are prioritize, plan and perform. But before we get to that, the sponsor of this video is NordVPN. NordVPN is a service that I have been using for years. This is years before I was approached for the sponsorship or years before I even started my YouTube channel. A VPN or a virtual private network gives a more secure connection between your devices and the internet. NordVPN protects you from those evil internet hackers by encrypting your connection to the internet which is useful when navigating Wi-Fi networks or websites you don't really trust. Besides protecting your devices, up to six simultaneously, NordVPN can localize your IP address in a different country, almost 60, thanks to which you can avoid geo restrictions and have access to better entertainment content or better prices for your holidays and online shopping. It's easy to use service as integration available for every possible device. So disguise your IP address, secure against external attacks and access better streaming content with NordVPN. Go to NordVPN/zackhighley to get a two-year plan plus a bonus gift with a huge discount. And remember, you have 30 days, 100% money back guarantee. You can try it risk-free. Again that's NordVPN/zackhighley to get a huge discount on a two-year plan plus a bonus gift. And thank you again to Nord VPN for sponsoring this video. They're my second sponsor. Isn't that cool that my videos are sponsored now? Anyway I just think that's cool. But back to the action. So the first thing is prioritize. Time, just like money is something that's created by us. It really has no bearing past the credit we as a society give it and just like money as well, time can be spent wisely or it can be spent poorly. We need to figure out what we actually wanna spend our time doing. We need to prioritize. (bright music) My first tip is shift your mindset. One quote that I like is time is a created thing. To say I don't have time is to say, I don't want to. For example, I wanna read more, but usually at night, like after I'm done filming this video, I'll go watch some TV, maybe I'll play a video game and then I'll go to bed. But I could choose to spend that time reading. So realize that time is in your control. Once you realize this, a whole new world we'll open up. (bright music) Time management tip number two is decide priorities. I like to break it down into things that I absolutely have to do, things that I absolutely want to do and things that kind of wanna do. There are some things that I absolutely have to do right now. I have to go all my clinical rotations, I have to eat and I have to sleep. Things I absolutely want to do is I wanna cook and eat healthy food, I wanna exercise, I wanna study for medical school 'cause I wanna do well in medical school, and I wanna meditate. And here are things that are just the category below it, things I want to do. I wanna work on my YouTube channel and website, I wanna hang out with my friends and family and I wanna read books. Notice how my priority list is pretty small, right? There's maybe nine or 10 things total here. That's because if I started throwing things on, like I wanna paint the wall or something like that, it becomes more of a to-do list instead of a guiding kind of light. I'm gonna use these things that I just established, these priorities that I've picked in those three categories to guide my time management for my life. Maybe you wanna think about, okay what are things that I absolutely have to do? Like, that's go to work or pick up your kids from soccer practice or something like that. What are things that I absolutely want to do? Maybe that's exercise, maybe that's eat healthy food, maybe that's sleep nine hours. And what are the things that you want to do? This could be reading books like I wanna do more. This could be starting a project that you haven't done yet. Or maybe this is just spending more time with friends and family. Now, this is nice, right? Because I have these categories. I have these priorities of the things that I need, want to and kind of wanna do. Now, if something doesn't fall into one of these categories, I'm probably not gonna do it. Or if it is one of these categories, I'm gonna know, okay, this is my priority up here, so I'm gonna do this thing first. I'm gonna make time for the things that matter. (bright music) Tip number three is be ruthless with your time. This means cutting out things that don't matter. But how do you know what to cut out? How do you know how you spend your days? Well this is where we're gonna get a little bit nitty gritty but this is something that I did one week. It was painful to do for a week, but it really showed me what I'm spending my time doing. What I did is I analyzed every single thing I did during the week. So I had a little notebook and in that notebook, I would write literally everything I did. So maybe I would wake up and then I would look at my phone for a little bit when I woke up and then I would go to the bathroom and then I would brush my teeth. And then I went to have breakfast number one and then I would watch an episode of TV and then I would have coffee and read my email, and then I would do Anki flashcards, and then I would have breakfast number two and so on and so forth. But it's important if you're doing this at home or if you wanna do this, that when you create your list, you include everything. And here's where the important part comes in. Here's where we see this book, this list of things that we've done and put it to good use. You wanna go through every single item in this list, this is what I did, and see which things are essential, which things you need to do and give those a check mark. So for me, that was probably studying, exercising, all the things I talked about earlier, my priorities. And what you can do is you can actually go to your priorities list that you've just made just before this, and you can go through this list of everything you've done during the week and say, okay, exercising, that's one of my top priorities, that's gonna get a check mark, that's gonna stay in there. Watching TV before bed, that's not even one of my priorities, so that's a nonessential thing, I'm gonna give that an X. And now you have this list, this list of things that you do during the week. This list of things that you do that you can say, okay, this doesn't match up with my priority. This does match up with my priority. And then using this, we can go to the next step, which is plan. (bright music) So tip number four is schedule time for a daily goal. Now this tip is stolen from Ali Abdaal and I saw this in one of his videos previously and I really liked it just because it gives you a block of time during the day, a set block of time during the day to do kind of what you want to accomplish to do these things that are essential, that are not kind of your work or school or these kinds of things. And during this daily goal, you're only gonna try and do one thing. So for example, my daily goal for today is film this YouTube video. Usually it'll be something around YouTube. So it could be writing scripts, editing scripts, recording videos, stuff like that. So I'm gonna show you how this daily goal integrates in a bit. But now we're gonna get into the meat and potatoes and this is probably the longest and hardest part. This is how you're gonna plan out your entire week. (bright music) And now we have our lists of what's essential and not as essential, right? So we're gonna use this list to plan out our life. Just plan the essential things. Is starting at your YouTube channel essential? Is going to the gym essential? Is cooking a certain food essential? And the reason I'm being so nitpicky about this essential and non-essential thing, because if you haven't made this distinction in your mind, it's very easy to fall off the wagon on kind of your time management strategy. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, needs to become part of your life. Making my YouTube videos is essential because I'm a YouTuber, this is what I do. And I have a deadline, a personally set deadline to post a new video every week at 12:00 PM Eastern on Friday. I am a YouTuber, making YouTube videos is essential. I plan out my weeks and I plan out my days. There are things that you know that are essential that you just have to do that they've been scheduled for a while. So if you work from 9:00 to 5:00 for example, you're gonna put in your calendar work from 9:00 to 5:00. Lectures you need to schedule, a birthday dinner you've planned for a while you need to schedule, things like that. Okay, so we have those main things in our calendar. The other thing I like to do before I start inserting things into my calendar is plan out my meals and plan out my exercise. So at this point, again I'm not putting anything into the calendar yet. I'm just planning out what meals I'm gonna make when I do my meal prep on the weekends. So when you look at my week, you can see I filled in those things that are essential. I filled in my rotations, I filled in a hike that I'm gonna do with my brother, I filled in a soccer game that I have, a birthday party I need to go to. I mean there's a lot of empty white space, right? This is where the work comes in. So with this empty white space, I'm gonna put in the things that I wanna do. This is where I'm gonna put in basically the entire point of this video is just putting these things into these time slots. So if we go all the way back to the beginning and we look at the priorities we made, if I look at the priorities I made, what do I wanna do? So I said, I wanna cook nice and healthy food, I wanna exercise, I want to study for med school and I wanna meditate. Okay, so those are the four things I'm gonna put into my calendar. Okay, so now, if we looked at my calendar, you can see things are filling up a little bit. So I've thrown in kind of my breakfast. I've thrown in my meditation, thrown in my eating. I've thrown in studying pediatrics, 'cause that's what the rotation I'm on right now. I've thrown in exercising and eating, meditation, running, showering, dinner, all these kinds of things. So the calendar is pretty full at this point, and you might be like, wait, Zachtin, aren't we doing this so we can do other cool, really cool things? Well, yeah but the essential things are essential for a reason. These are the things that kind of I find personally to make me the happiest and run my life, they make my life better. So I'm gonna put those things in first. Exercising is the thing I wanna put in first, eating healthy is the thing I wanna put in first. Sleeping well is the thing I want to put in first. And I also want to do well in medical school. So these are kind of the things that I put in first. These are the essential things, they should take up most of your calendar. The next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna throw in the daily goal into kind of every day, and I'd like to do the daily goal from like one to four hours usually. I can usually find an hour of time to do something during the day, pretty much always. Usually I'm gonna be able to find one hour during the day to do stuff. That might be before I go into my rotation. That might be late at night, but I usually will be able to find this out. The next thing is a junk hour. Now during the week, I usually accumulate a bunch of little tasks. Like for example, I may need to fill out a form online, change things on my website or transfer things from my to-do list. They usually accumulate kind of as the week goes on. Now, I'm gonna give you a special bonus, super bonus tip, it's not even one of the nine, super bonus. That's what you expect when you watch Zach Highley video? Just, you know, extra, extra bit of (blows kiss) That's probably gonna get cut out. Anyway, so the extra bonus tip is bulking. So not bulking, but bulking, putting everything together so you can do it all at once. Like if you went to the laundry room and washed every single piece of clothing every time it got dirty, that's a ridiculous waste of time and resources, right? But if you wait the entire week to build up like kind of all your dirty clothes or stuff like that, and then wash it all at once, you're saving yourself time, you're saving resources, right? Water, electricity and it's a better way to do a lot of things. So that's it. If you looked at my calendar now, my calendar is completely full up with all the kind of stuff that I'm doing this week. Okay, so we have our time blocked out and now we're gonna get into planning every single day 'cause we just planned our week kind of in these time locks, and now we plan the days. And this is much more simple, much easier because we've planned out our next day already on this calendar. So what I'll usually do the night before, is I'll look at my calendar and I'll see, okay, it says, I should study Peds tomorrow and then I'm going to go do some exercise and then I'm gonna meditate and then I'm gonna do my daily goal and then I'm gonna have dinner. But that's kind of a little bit of general stuff, right? And one of the best kind of goals are specific and actionable goals. We wanna know what we're doing and when we're doing it. So for Study Peds, for example. Okay, I see that starts and I'm gonna write down I wanna do all my Anki flashcards. The other thing I wanna do is I wanna do a couple practice questions. The other thing I wanna do is I'm gonna read this section in a book. So I'm going to put these all specific things listed. And the next thing I'm gonna do is exercise. But what exercise am I gonna do? So I'm gonna write down, go to the gym and lift weights. And what food am I gonna eat? I actually like to write down what food I eat. It's just easier instead of thinking about it, you already have it planned out. And also when you do the thinking about it, you kind of lose time. You know, Steve jobs, for example, would wear the same clothes kind of everywhere. This is because it eliminates that decision-making process. It eliminates that decision, okay, what am I gonna wear today? And daily goal, then I'm gonna set my daily goals. So for the next day, it might be something like, okay, I wanna edit this video during that time and that's what I'll do during that daily goal. And then I'll write dinner. What am I going to cook for dinner? And these are all just little bullet points that I put on a post-it. And then I go through the day and I see, okay, I need to do this, this, this, this and this next. (bright music) Tip number six of this planning phase and the last time of the planning phase is use to-do lists. My mind can't hold much. So when I think of something, I like to write it down, otherwise I'll forget it or I won't do it. And usually what I'll do with these to-do is 'cause usually they're not super urgent to-dos, right? It might be a YouTube idea or something like that, but that'll build up. And what I'll do kind of during my junk hour and planning time on Sunday, which is the two hours we talked about before, is I'll go through this to-do list and I'll knock out things that I can knock out right now or I'll transfer it to notion, kind of be stuff to do later. For example, YouTube ideas are gonna go into notion. (bright music) And the final big category is perform. Now this really is the hardest part. Planning is kind of the fun part and honestly the easier part. The harder part is to perform, it's to do those things. This might be writing, this is often for me studying, this could be going to the gym. This is where the work and effort comes into play. You've built your essential life, your planned out life, right? But now you have to actually do the things the past person told you to do, the past person being the past you. So in this kind of chunk of the video, I'm going to give you some tips on how to perform the most important part, how to perform. (bright music) So tip number seven is live in task-tight compartments. Sir William Osler said live in day-tight compartments and this is amazing advice. What he's saying is that you shouldn't think about tomorrow, you shouldn't think about yesterday, just think about what you have to do that day. 'cause if you start to think about what you're gonna do next week and so on and so forth, when you're doing things, you're going to freak out and it's going to stress you out unnecessarily. I just adapted this to live in task-tight compartments. So remember, we have our weekly plan and then we have our daily plan that I've written out. So now in this daily plan that I've written out, I need to do flashcards for medical school. So often what will happen sometimes is I'm going through these flashcards and I'll think about the rest of the post-it notes. I'll think about the rest of the day. And that makes me less efficient while I'm working on these flashcards. So the thing that's helped me the most is listen, live in the moment, even if that means in the moment you're hating yourself 'cause you've looked at this flashcard for the 19th time and for the sake of your effing life, you do not know what a lysosomal storage disorder is, and that's okay. You just have to kind of focus up a little bit, live in that moment and kind of get it done. (victorious music) I will fight you to the death, you silly man (indistinct) I am winning, I am winning, he's small, he's a little piece of card, he is on a paper, he can do nothing. But if you're thinking about other things and this is kind of why I've looked at this flashcard probably 27,000 times, that when I get to this card that says, okay, Niemann-Pick disorder is blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, the blah, blah, blah starts to connect to my YouTube video and then I'm figuring out, okay, what am I gonna script on this YouTube video? What funny B-roll am I gonna do, and I've lost it, and I'm onto the next card, and I've completely forgotten about this thing I'm doing right now. So live in task-tight compartments. What are you doing right now? Focus on that thing. (bright music) Tip number eight is plan breaks. If I stare at this flashcard long enough, I will go insane. So what I have to do is plan a break from staring at this flashcard, which will most likely kill me if I stare at it long enough. Just as some examples of what I do, every 25 minutes of studying, I take a five minute break. Every two hours of studying, I take a 30 minute break. Every week of studying, I take a half day off and every month, this is something I'm trying to do recently, which I probably will make a video about it, is I try to take a full day off of everything. That means no YouTube stuff, no med school stuff, no screens as well. (bright music) And the final tip, tip number nine is delegate. Your time is valuable, delegate as much as you can. I know a lot of people, including myself, we wanna do everything on our own because we feel like we can do it the best. But can you really do everything better than everyone? No, why don't people build their own houses all the time? Why don't people sew their own clothes? Why don't I construct a fridge? Because I'm the most amazing fridge constructor in the entire world? I don't do those things because that would be silly. It would waste a lot of time, it would make us a lot of money and all my food would definitely go off. The fridge constructors or the fridge builder, I don't know, the people that make the fridge. (babbles softly) The people that make fridges or fridge-I, they know what to do. They've been trained on what to do, they know what parts to put in and they can do it much more time efficiently than you can. It makes monetary and time sense to have people that are trained in certain things to do it because they will do it more efficiently and better than you. Why then is there some imaginary cutoff between sewing your own clothing and maybe cleaning your apartment? If you delegate, you free up time to spend things that you can do more efficiently than other people. And that just makes the whole world more efficient. Isn't that a wonderful thing? Okay, we made it to the time management cluster action video. And what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna summarize this jumble of information for you guys because I know it was a lot. The first thing I do is I prioritize my life. I'm in control of my time, I am in control of what I do with my life. What is essential, what is nonessential. The second thing is I plan, what, where and how will I be doing these essential things? Planning, put it in the calendar. And the third thing I do is perform I know why I'm doing these things, I know what I'm doing and I know how I'm going do it, now I just got to do it. One of the hardest parts of all of this is discipline. I don't stick to these schedules and all these time management things strictly. It's a constant journey for me to kind of get better and improve the way I'm spending my time because if improving the way I'm spending my time according to the priorities I made earlier, I'm gonna be improving my life, right? What I've found is that with these nine strategies with this kind of three pillars of what I do to organize my time, which is therefore my life, right? I've started to lead kind of a more purposeful and a more honestly meaningful life. But if you made it to the end of this video, thank you. Thank you so much for using your precious time to watch this video, and I will see you in the next one. No pizza.
Channel: Zach Highley
Views: 85,539
Rating: 4.9826231 out of 5
Keywords: time management, medical school, time management tips, zach highley, time management skills, med school, how to manage time, how i manage time better, how i manage time, how i manage my time, how to be productive, time management for students, time management techniques, how to manage your time, how to stop procrastinating, 9 productivity tips, how to get more done, productivity, get more done, med school tips, study tips
Id: 5DaDcWK21Bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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