HOW I MAKE READING SLIDES | in depth look at my slides and how I make them

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hey everyone my name is Katie I teach third grade in the State of Florida and today I'm bringing you a very very highly requested video from my last couple Vlogs of all of the insides and outs of how I make and use my reading [Music] slides all right so before we jump into actually making the slides let's talk about slides I have taught with slides for many years when I taught in Alabama I used a wonders curriculum and I taught first grade and I made my own slides I kind of had some at the beginning that were adapted from teachers in my grade level that they shared with me and then I kind of started to make them my own um about the time I started to Vlog was the end of my last year of teaching in Alabama so I think I showed a little bit of my slides there but I really started to show my whole group slides when I started vlogging my first year in Florida I was still teaching first grade and I was using like an Abridged wonders program so we were using wonders but not completely um so I shared a lot of my slides then with you guys to show how I was taking pieces from what I was using in wonders and combining it with what my new District wanted me to do so I've used slides for a while last year I did not use slides at all because we switched to a new reading curriculum so my first slide sets that I shared on my channel were from wonders and then last year we switched to a my view curricular and I switched to third grade and the reason I didn't use slides last year is because we were trying to navigate a new curriculum and I was trying to navigate a new grade level and that is very very difficult and making slides is time consuming I will go ahead and say I think it's very worth it because the time that you put into it is time that you spend getting to know your curriculum and what you're going to teach so you'll feel better prepared when you plan out your slides but it does take a lot of time and as a teacher who was at a new school last year with a new curriculum and a new grade level I did not have that kind of time to spend on making slides so this year our district has kind of reworked how we're using our curriculum and I decided it was time um I got a couple days up in the at the beginning like Labor Day and then we had some hurricane days and I spent those days working on slides and um so I'm just going to try to keep it up this year and do the best that I can so before I jump into showing you my slides let's talk about programs you can use to make slides um really in my opinion I guess there's like three different options Google you can use PowerPoint you can use and canva now I will say I've never used canva to make slides so I cannot vouch for that I use canva for lots of other things like YouTube graphics and all kinds of things like that but I've never used it to make slides so if you've used canva you can comment your experience down below um and let us know what you think about that the other two options I have used my favorite way to make slides is Google Slides that's what I did when I taught in Alabama we were in all Google Google school I just think that Google Drive and Google sweep for Education products are super functional really easy to use it was so simple to pull up a Google slide on the board and they can still be downloaded to be a physical copy although when you download them to be a physical copy they're not as great as when they're slides online so I will say that when I left my district and I downloaded a lot of my Google stuff some of the slides that I had made didn't have the same functionality that they did on Google Slides but if your District uses Google that's what I would recommend using because it's so easy to use do you hear the airplane or like the helicopter outside right now okay I think it's gone um this year I'm using PowerPoint because the district I currently teach at does not let us use Google Suite products we have Microsoft One Drive PowerPoint all of those things pros and cons about PowerPoint um PowerPoint is easy to make on your computer when you're in like the PowerPoint application which I don't have I actually use keynote on my Mac but it transfers pretty well um the the so that's like a good thing it's easy to use like you've proba learned how to use PowerPoint since you were in elementary school very user friendly um I can still upload it to one drive so I can access it from my Smartboard at school or my desktop computer at school the only like big con that I don't really like about PowerPoint is I don't care for opening PowerPoint in like a browser to present because not everything works the same way as if you download it and fonts don't transfer very well because like powerpoint online only has a certain number of fonts available so my cute fonts that I use don't transfer so when I open it up on powerpoint online it doesn't look the same so what I do is I make them on keynote export them to PowerPoint upload them to one drive and then when I get to school I download them on my Smartboard as a PowerPoint file and just save it to my desktop so it's there on the home screen for me to open every day that week which can be a mess it kind of sounds like a mess but now that I have them uploaded like I don't have to do the first part of that again next year I just have to download download it to my board when I'm ready to use it so that's kind of the the flow that I use okay another thing that I think is important to go over before we make the slides I have already done my lesson planning for the slides that I'm going to make I've shared a lot about how I lesson plan for language arts in playing with me videos from this past spring I will link one of those above in the cards for you if you're interested in how do I plan out a week I don't make my slides until I've planned out the week and my district is reworking the curriculum so I don't use every single piece of the my view curriculum in my slides as you're going to see in a little bit I kind of pull from different different areas to make what I do for reading whole group and then disclaimer number two if you do teach with the my view curriculum because I know I have a lot of people on Instagram and on YouTube who follow me who have reached out to me and said hey we use this curriculum too tell me what you think um go watch one of those planning videos and I'll tell you what I think and how I plan with it um but two if you use the my view program to Fidelity one of the new things things they've added this year to their online platform is pre-made slides and I actually looked at them this past week because they just uploaded the third grade version and they're pretty good now I can't use them because we don't use my view to Fidelity we use pieces of it to teach our best standard benchmarks here in Florida so I'm not exactly using the whole curriculum but if your District does have you use my view the curriculum like that's what you use for reading you need to go download those slides so I will put like the directions for how to find them in the description box I found it on a Facebook group if you're on Facebook you should join some my view Facebook groups cuz they give you so many good tips but I'll put the directions that somebody shared for how you can go access those because if you do it's really helpful to see like the flow of what they think a whole group lesson should look like using their curriculum and the slides are like super well made and they're pretty cute and they have textbook examples like images from the book on the slide so they're actually fantastic I just can't use them because they don't work for how my district is using the curriculum and I also enjoy like putting time into making the slides my own and making them look the way I want them to look okay so without further Ado I'm going to turn the camera around and give you um a view of my computer um I'll do the best I can I'm going to zoom in and try not to get in the way it's easier than screen recording to just set my camera up and do that so then I can talk and you can hear me talking all of those things as we make the slides so let's go ahead and jump in and get started all right this is also just a disclaimer from Katie of the future I've just finished filming and creating all these slides and I will warn you it takes a very long time to make them not going to lie I spent like probably an hour making these slides but I was pulling resources from a lot of different places so if you don't want to watch me make the whole slide and you want to just see the final product fast forward a little bit if you want to watch and see how I make the slides go ahead and watch if you get bored and you're like okay I get the gist of it then fast forward because I will show you at the end what the full slides look like okay so the first thing I decided I would do is just kind of walk you through a slid set that I already have made so you can kind of see what it looks like so I always put the unit in the week in the front and then I put an agenda slide that shows what we're working on during that day and I do go over this with my students so they kind of have an idea of what we're doing it takes like six seconds to go over um I have my vocabulary slides and I always make these with gifts up here and I use this box on the first day um because I introduced the vocabulary one word at a time so if you escape from it you can slide that box down and that's how I reveal the words one at a time because if you look at the whole slide there's just so many gifts which you'll see later um that I think it could be overwhelming for my students so on day one I always keep the box there so then we kind of go over our genre for the week and I get this from my curriculum um we do some kind of example text read aloud not necessarily from my curriculum just another engaging topic that I think my kids will love like this is a good informational text that'll be super engaging for them so we're still practicing the weekly skill just in a fun way um then we go over our like skill of the week which this week would be text structure we're talking about problem and solution text structure so I said let's review some problems and solutions we've seen in fiction text these are fiction texts we've already read in our curriculum so we're talking about problem and solution there and now we're switching over to how we use that in informational text I have like an activity that I got from Teachers Pay Teachers that will do so I always put the visual on there then our word study skill for that week is the Ed ending so we have like a review of verbs I won't play the song right now then I find slides that have the rules on it like the ing ending oh I think this is supposed to say ing ending see this is a good thing then I'm going through this with you um because that's from the week before there we go in ending all right so then I kind of have like the rule the spelling rule in there so I can teach that from the slide and then I incorporate youly which I'll talk about later in there just to give some practice with the skill and these animations are all done by youly which is amazing and then at the end of each day I have our independent work which is just a screenshot of what my independent work looks like I know that unit's not correct but I keep the same screenshot and I build a timer in for just 20 minutes where they work on their word study vocabulary and then I pull groups and they can do a choice Center when they're done then it's kind of the same thing day two follows a very similar structure but the only thing I wanted to show you for day two um for this like example purpose was here's what the vocabulary slide looks like when you have all the gifts going at once so this is why I don't do that when I first introduce the words because that's a lot and then they're like oh look at the polar bear and the squirrels and I want them to look at one word at a time but when we review I let the vocabulary slides look like this so let me get ready to go I'm going to pull up my lesson plans and I'm actually going to do this is unit 2 week one's slides and I'm going to work on unit one week five I told you we're not doing my view to Fidelity so we're going out of order so unit one week five would be the week after this and so that's what I'm going to pull up the lesson plans for and go ahead and plan for so let me get those lesson plans downloaded so I can show those to you and then we can make some reading slides all right so here's kind of what our lesson planning looks like like um we split it up into a 5day teaching session you know or and you'll kind of see how each day is laid out as we make the slides but here's like an outline of each day in this box we put our best standard that we're teaching and then we also put our example reading response prompt which is what we would use um oh sorry which is what we would use for students to write a sentence to respond and practice the skill our word study pattern which comes from youly um and then our words that we're using for our word study test and then grading options so this is for my team they can say these are options you can use from this for classwork grades here are the assessment grades that we're using so I use this every time to make my slides okay so you'll see this a little bit more in detail as we go through this all right so here's what I'm going to do to start I always duplicate my previous week all right so here's what I've got unit 2 week 2 copy and I go ahead and and I rename it right away so I make sure I'm not accidentally editing the old one in fact I will close the old one out um if you're curious I this is two fonts layered together because I know a lot of people are curious about that the text is kg Blank Space solid um and I do one that's like black with an outline and then I do one where I change the color of the inside of all of them and that just kind of matches the vibe of my classroom and then I always have this standard on the first slide it's mostly for my sake but also like if somebody came in and was like hey what standard are you teaching I can tell them cuz it's right there so here's the standard I'm teaching for this week is using context clues figurative language and let me make that bigger use context clues figurative language word relationships reference materials and or background knowledge to determine the meaning of multiple meaning and unknown word phrases appropriate to grade level so I'm kind of going with the figurative language because this week we're focusing on descriptive language language and using descriptive language to understand a story better so it kind of goes with the standard but not exactly it's part of the standard like using context clues and looking at figurative language words to figure out the meaning of anything that's unknown and to figure out why they use that word in the text so now the next thing I'm going to do is change this to be unit one and this needs to be week five and then I have to do that carefully here and make sure that I highlight so it does not change my oops my text color like that here we go unit one week five slide that back down okay so my cover slide is ready woohoo okay day one new vocabulary is always day one day two is the type of text that we're reading so I'm going to go back to my lesson plans the type of text that we're reading this week is a myth so I'm going to say introduce myths instead of non-fiction texts so introduce and I still probably make that oh I need this to say introduce that might make it one line yeah there we go introduce myths also these are like little um shapes that I entered right here I just inserted a shape and then typed inside of it and I made them the same color as the colors here which you'll see that color scheme is throughout okay then we're going to do our read aloud for the day then we're going to start with our skill for the week so our skill for the week is descriptive language and then our word study for this week I need to go back and look and see what it was I think it was a doozy it was it was open versus closed syllables woo all right so those are the things that we're going to be doing on day one y'all these slides are going to be tricky to make but that's okay all right now the good news is my vocabulary slide I have pre-made okay so here they are pre-made um and I just inserted all of the words and a picture or a gift to go with each one so all I have to do from here is I copy this and I paste this and then when I click play all of these little gifts will play but if you're just in and not all of them are gifts like this one's not I try to find gifts if I can um and then I'm just going to change the heading so it matches the vibe so I'll just copy this heading and paste it oh it didn't change it that's okay so it's kg Blank Space solid and then the color that I always use is I match it with my agenda okay so I'm going to go down a little bit in size because it's been too big on my desktop and then I delete the blue box and add in the gray okay so that's my vocabulary slide then we're going to go to our genre for the week which is myths now this is where I use um my textbook so unit one student textbook here's the my view textbook and I go find exactly what they use to introduce the text in the textbook PDF because work smarter not harder if it's already there why not put it in okay so here we go so this is what it says myths are old stories pass along blah blah blah and I literally copy this and I paste it right there I change it to be the same font which I use the font carito I don't know why that's just the font that it was and then I make it bigger so make it like 60 An Origin mid dot dot dot okay and I even keeps the bold words which is fantastic then I'm going to put in exactly what was on the textbook page so here's the anchor chart that they give me on the textbook page right there I screenshot it on my Mac and insert it right here and I also pay attention to to the page number that it's on so this one is Page 177 in case I want my students to go find it and I don't usually have them go find it in the book because it's right here on the board for them but I do put that page number there in case um so we're going to do practice read aloud uh no let's do we just do read aloud and I think what I'm going to read aloud is um an example of a myth okay so this is kind of an interesting way to watch it so I think we'll probably do this and I'm going to click insert media and it's going to be a web video and we're going to choose this one where it says King Midas and the Golden Touch it's kind of cool um then let's look at the myth element so explain something in nature or often includes gods or creatures with powers um characters might be gods or goddesses stories were passed down stories help people make sense of something in the natural world that they could not understand so what I might do after that is like copy and paste this slide and maybe do one slide where we can talk about how do we know this is a myth and what lesson does King midus learn so I'm G put this in here here's my read aloud this King Midas in the Golden Touch let's animate this so we're going to add an effect make it appear add an effect appear That's order number two add an effect appear add an effect appear and then I'll always just test it so here's what the slide looks like how can we tell this is myth what lesson does King mightest learn what is the theme does this myth remind you of any other story we have read and it's similar to The Chocolate Touch okay so that's what we're going to do to start that day and now I'm going to save okay I'm trying to decide now descriptive language like I do want to go over that but I might not do it on the first day um because if I'm going to use an example of a myth I might do it on the second day which means I would bump this to being or I would bump my plans to be oops where are my plans I would bump potentially bump them to be a six day cycle which I think is totally fine because I want to talk about myths cuz that's what we're reading but I also want to do an example of descriptive language so I think what I'm going to do is come in here and change this it's always fluid okay so we're going to move open versus closed syllables here and that's also a very good idea too because open versus closed syllables is going to take a long time to go over as a word study skill and it's important oops so I don't want to run out of time to do it so so we're going to move it right here and we'll move descriptive language to the next day all right slides are fluid plans change I want to be able to spend my time wisely um so here we go okay so then what would happen next is this would turn into my word study so I'm going to move these slides because I don't really want to get rid of them per say because I might need them in my day two when I introduce my skill but word study is going to be different so this is open versus closed syllables all right so after a lot of searching this is what I found and I'm going to save this link for you guys this is what I had in my old slides when I would teach this and so I'm going to use this again with a combination of like this and I need to go look at the ufly stuff I am team like don't reinvent the wheel in case you haven't noticed if somebody's already got a slide to use for it why not use it okay so here's like what are syllables parts of a word here's an open syllable here are closed syllables we're talking about open close open close open close open close open close Okay and then the next thing whoops I keep clicking pages and that's not what I really want to do the next thing that we do is it's got rapid word charts of in so OB Crow that's kind of fun okay I like these sorts but I'll probably save these label each o that is fantastic wow these slides are great okay let me go find out what's happening with uly here okay I've tried everything and I can't get the uly website to work it's sitting down here in Chrome loading so if it loads I'll look through their slides too and that's what IED usually Ed for word study um but for this purposes since it's not loading right now we'll just use whatever I've got for word study now I would like to open um one of the slides that I've already done where we talked about what vowels are and we reviewed short and long vowel sounds because third graders need that too so I'm going to copy those three slides and move them over here because I think that's important to go over before we jump into um open versus Clos Sy cuz the vowel sounds are helpful for that so I'll probably like do this and this and then I'll say like let's review let's review what is a vow etc etc okay that looks fine good enough and then here's all the different vowel sounds okay now we're going to go into what are syllables we'll practice finding syllables and go over open versus close syllables that's going to take us like the whole time probably for my reading whole group for day one so that's where we're going to stop we'll get right here and this is where we'll be for independent work now I'm trying to think about like what month we're going to be in when I teach this it's just fun to put different timers in there keeps it exciting so instead of the Faller because we have had that one for a while I'm going to insert Web video and put in this hallow timer spooky okay so all of that was day one as you can see day one usually takes a very very long time and that's okay day two is where it starts to get a little bit quicker review vocabulary we're going to talk about descriptive language we're going to do another read aloud and we'll do probably a written response and then our word study is open versus closed syllables okay so that's going to be a busy day too so anyways moving along we're going to review the vocabulary which I need to copy the old the new vocabulary slide oh this is unit one week five I forgot to change that earlier gets confusing y'all okay unit one week five here's the vocabulary again I take the box away um then I'm going to go over here and change descriptive language right here so descriptive language is a way that authors can use words BL blah blah blah we're going to paste that right here delete the witches have is totally different vibe in my slides this time we're going to change this to be descriptive language um okay descriptive language is a way that authors can use words to describe what something sounds like looks like or feels like listen to a fun read aloud and find examples of descriptive language and instead of fun read aloud I'm going to say spooky read aloud because that will be more fun and I'm going to change this to be my cardly toe as well there we go I've got my slide for descriptive language the next one's going to be our read aloud slide our read aloud is going to be where did that go there's so much stuff going on creepy Carrots okay it's a great book okay and it's really good for descriptive language it's super fun then what I did last year for the descriptive language so we said we do the read aloud and then we're going to do a written response so I'm going to find that here's see I did a really good job with this last year on these unit review slides okay so here's this and I'm going to do written response where all we do is practice finding descriptive language kg Blank Space solid written response use text evidence to describe how Jasper feels in the story and we'll probably write this on like notebook paper we'll keep that okay then we're going to go into word study so for my word study slides I usually go back and I copy and paste things from the day before because I'm not about to reinvent the wheel okay so let's do this this will be word study change it up a little bit okay and instead of that let's go back we're still going to get let's review oh that's kind of fun okay there's a lot of them so let's just do Randy file download want to download it as a PowerPoint you guys I'm opening another thing just so I can copy and paste let's review we're going to practice counting syllables in words all right so here's like their content which is pretty good they start out with like a visual drill okay so these are pretty good too so maybe I'll show it in the uly as well just a different example of the syllable types like a different way for the students to see it plus I'm a big fan of the youly stuff so instead of this like well I don't know let's see how many syllables um this is what it would look like closed syllables the short sounds like hop kick fast short vowel ends in a consonant long vowels ands with the vow it's all long okay then we'll do some reading and then I'm going to go back to that slide I had earlier was open versus close because I thought this was great um finding like and sorting open versus closed syllables so we're going to put that in there delete this delete all this old word study stuff and then we're on to day two for their independent work so I'm going to come back up here just copy this paste it here it's very important that I keep the day correct on this slide because that way my students are never like what day am I working on so it's right there okay so now we're on day three we're going to review vocabulary do descriptive language talk about our weekly story which is the Golden Flower and then we're going to do word study which is not in endings this week word study is open versus closed syllables syllables okay so you can kind of see how this is very like lesson plenty at the same time all right um delete that so we need to get our vocabulary SL back this is the part where I get to reuse a lot of things and that's super nice delete that insert this okay now for our weekly story well actually I said we were going to do descriptive language first so we want to review descriptive language from day two um so let's do this right here we're going to have my little bit Emoji come back as well turn and talk with your table to share some descriptive language examples from creepy Carrots so we're going to review this then we're going to do our weekly story which the weekly story this week is going to be in [Music] Orange our weekly story is the Golden Flower which I come and get the cover for and it's on page 179 I have to remember that 179 and then anytime we read the story like the first time we just read the story and then the next time we come back and read it we work on our skill with it okay so here we go the weekly story then we're going to do word study which is open versus closed syllables how many syllables okay and then the next thing that I really loved was like this we're going to do another open versus closed sort so I probably should do oops that'll be after we do how many syllables open versus closed and then I kind of want to do this maybe we do it twice okay we'll practice doing that like in some words on our boards then we're on Independent work day three need to come get that new timer y'all this is a long haul okay day four we're going to start by okay day four is going to have to be different because written response okay that's a busy day four my gosh all right so we're going to review the vocabulary first then we're going to do our weekly story which is the Golden Flower so I'm going to come up here here and copy and paste that from my day three I want to change it to be light pink to match the the headings and this time it'll be as we read we're going to identify yada yada yada let me find it so that's what we're going to be marking here's our little descriptive language okay we don't need this anymore then the next thing we're going to do is review descriptive language so we'll want to come here do this we'll do this from the golden flow instead of creepy Carrots let's give them a minute to turn and talk about it and then we're going to want to do a written response which I don't know if I have one on here let me look and see so we're gonna for the written response is where we use our little template where the students will say blank describes blank we'll choose one example from the text they'll write the word in there and then we'll talk about what it describes and we do that together after we finish the written response we're going to go back to our word study practice which I'm going to need the syllable slide let's do another one where we count the number of syllables and then I want to do another one where we sort the syllables like this one two more where we find them in words like we did previously and then we're going to practice Mar Maring some on our board and that should be the end oh all of that is supposed to be the other color okay that should be the end of day four so we're going to do get our day three slide right here put it right here change this to say day four okay so now we're on to day five day five we listen to We um not weird friends what is it the Golden Flower we're going to do our selection quiz our cold read practice then our word study is open versus closed syllables same thing okay so first we're going to do our selection quiz with the text so we're going to do our weekly story let me find our weekly story again we listen to it one last time all the way from top to bottom so they get one more exposure to the story then we do the selection quiz and they go in they find the information they complete it front and back they turn it into the Turnin tray then we do our cold read practice I'll come in and find our cold read I'll screenshot it just like that I'll insert it here and I add a skinny border around the edge just so it looks nice we practice our weekly skill of descriptive language with the cold read then we'll do our word study which is awareness again I'm going to delete all of that stuff and come get one more from each of these so there's a one more chance to count syllables let's do two more of [Music] these and then we're going to do some more of this where we're just writing them on our board okay this is going to be day five we need this and then day this will be day six we do our word study dictation quiz we do our progress checkup and our catchup time and this is my slide for all of that that gives them testing instructions oh my goodness you guys I think we did it so let's go back through and look at the slides see how they look just from top to bottom make sure everything looks good so here's our unit one week five our day one we're going to do our vocabulary we introduce myths we do an example of a myth we talk about how can we tell the stories a myth what lesson does he learn or what's the theme to bring in some Spiral Review does this myth remind you of any other story we've read we read The Chocolate Touch together open versus closed syllables what is a vow I probably need to make that the first one so let's go here we're going to animate we're going to change this to be number one which means this is two this is three let's bring this down a little okay let's try it let's review what's a vow what symbols do we use to represent the vowels five short vowel sounds five long vow sounds what are syllables open syllable closed syllable open closed independent work for day one day two we're reviewing vocabulary we're going over descriptive language we're going to use a read allow to introduce descriptive language we're doing a written response to talk about how they described how Jasper feels and how the carrots felt word study open and close talking about what are syllables counting syllables Clos syllable open syllable watch me read these closed and open okay okay let's read these together Dragon drop let me make sure this Dragon drop works too yeah it does okay cool I love dragon drops my kids do too um because it gets them engaged okay independent work slide review vocabulary descriptive language weekly Story how many syllables reviewing the closed versus open syllable sorting them ah looking at a word breaking it in syllables labeling the syllables that's good okay that was day four and day five oh I think I need to change that right oh that's right day five was the selection quiz and all those things C read syllables practice the syllables day five and then day six cool okay y'all those are the slides I'm saving all right you guys now you can see why making slides is a labor of love it probably took me about an hour to do this now granted I was pulling resources from a lot of different places and I didn't have those places like pulled up and ready to go before I started some of them were old slides some of them were new ones it was kind of a hodge podge which is totally fine um I'm just letting you know like that's the process that I use to make slides this one was a little unusual too because I changed my pacing so I could do two read alouds one for our genre and one for our skill um so that made it a little bit different as well but as you can see like going through that really helps familiarize me with the material so when I go to teach unit one week five in my classroom I'm really going to know what we're doing because I sat and I poured through and I made the slides and it's super detailed helps me know exactly what to do and win and keeps that whole group time moving I would love to know um what you guys thought was the most interesting what helped you the most in watching me make the slides or looking through my slides um tell me what you do in your classroom I I will say also these are just my slides for reading I don't really use slides for math my curriculum does have slides so I might use like the beginning but then we go into like the textbook um so reading is like the only time that I use slides but that is a huge chunk of my day it's from like 11 10 till 12:30 so that's like an hour and 20 minute block and this helps me structure that hour and 20 minutes very well so I'm like managing my time and using it very wisely for my students um please give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and make sure you subscribe to my channel comment below if you have any other questions that are lingering about slides um and how I use them in my classroom I'm going to try to continue to do this throughout the whole year but I only have the first nine weeks of slides done and the first nine weeks ends in like two weeks or so so I mean I have like the next three weeks worth of slides so hopefully this will last me for a while I need to do a couple more days and then like during Thanksgiving break these are things that I like to do when I'm like in the car or if I have like spare time I'll go sit at a coffee shop and work on them um because it's kind of fun for me to make them and kind of relaxing and it makes me a better teacher and I have to remind myself that like I will have these for as long as we use this curriculum and then when we stop using the curriculum it'll be really sad but it's really helping me be a better teacher so again thank you guys so much for watching I hope this was really informative for you because a lot of people have requested to see how I plan my slides and so sorry it was so long but you wanted to see the process and so that was the process for filming slides as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in the next [Music] [Music] one
Channel: Mrs. Katie in Elementary
Views: 8,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lesson Plan, Plan With Me
Id: _MgcL7zrNSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 54sec (2574 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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