How I make my poached eggs

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foreign [Music] I'm going to show you how I make poached eggs first thing I'm going to do is get a medium or small saucepan and put some water in it go about I don't know two inches so you take the two inches of water put that on high heat [Music] foreign while it does that we'll put two eggs into a small bowl that we'll be dropping in here so take two uh large eggs or jumbo I like jumbo I think these are extra large [Applause] [Music] and crack them open without damaging them [Music] [Applause] and I got a little shell in there a little trick [Applause] use a shell to get out a shell now once you have your water up to a full boil take a spoon or whatever you have and start spinning once you have a good spin going you're going to want to turn the heat completely off well all the way down to low not off that way on the next step that you see you don't burn your hand because the reason that you put the eggs in the bowl is to be able to drop them in a little water without to losing their form turn it all the way to low have your spin going drop them in and just let them be don't touch them don't do anything and we'll just let them cook away I don't use any salt vinegar or anything else just plain hot water see without it boiling now they'll keep their form so once they are white and you can't see the yellow anymore let them get a little hard then you can turn up the heat just a little bit you don't want to bring it to a boil though once you start seeing it do that right there where it's kind of bubbling and leave the heat there or turn it down you don't want to have any boiling [Music] I don't really know how long I cook these for I just kind of get a feel of fork so this video will actually give us a good idea of how long you actually have to cook them for sometimes I nail it perfect sometimes they're a little over hard sometimes so they're a little underdone but most of the time I get it pretty close most of the time also I would be making toast that way once the toast is done the eggs are done but we're just going to have them plain today foreign give it a little more heat [Music] so now that they're a little hard [Music] I start getting the water to move again what I'm trying to do is dislodge them from the bottom of the pan sometimes they'll stick there you go they're moving freely now [Music] so get it a little boil here basically what I'm doing is getting the boil to separate this loose stuff I have no idea what they call it I know it's a there's a name for it I don't know I should Google it [Music] this basically will just kind of rub that stuff off I try not to touch the SE with this when I'm into ruining the form the other thing that you want to have handy is one of these [Music] really handy for making this [Music] so now that the eggs are pretty much solid bring it back up to a boil for just a little bit let them roll around it'll get the scum stuff off to the side that should be it now and get a plate foreign [Music] they need another minute or two [Music] [Music] try to get some of that boost stuff off foreign [Music] there we go [Music] I'm trying to get some of the excess water off of them [Music] and there we go [Music] two poached eggs I use salt and pepper and then this stuff is really good it's a smoked paprika so let's see how these came out [Music] it has a little bit of hard yolk around the edge and then small amount of and yolk in the center just about perfect for toast so try it out see how you do enjoy [Music]
Channel: Jason Keyes
Views: 50,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uQDsfFgDK-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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