How I Make Epic Cinematic Music. Live Orchestral Composing Tutorial with Olexandr Ignatov

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hi guys it's Alexander ignant of here and today we're gonna create a simple cinematic inspiring epic music track so let's start with some strings some staccato strings which one do we pick I like this one let's compose some melody okay I like it let's record oh let's set a tempo let's step here oh it's like 105 okay let's record oh let's set our metronome the pre-roll let's go [Music] okay [Music] let's fix it [Music] [Music] okay so now we copy that into the next section and let's add a doubling layer let's see how it sounds let's make it louder a bit okay sounds good I like let's record [Music] okay looks good [Music] so next we copy this - and add a third layer [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's record their next part okay let's listen to together now [Music] okay sounds good let's add something else too [Music] should add some piano from from here [Music] some melodies so we are starting to having some melodies and to develop it let's move further [Music] [Music] so I think we should add some cellos now [Music] from here [Music] yes and now we should add some high strings and we should double their melody that piano is playing let's try [Music] [Music] okay let's add second strings [Music] something like that also let let start them with a high note like this [Music] let's continue [Music] sounds good so what do we do next add one more string okay let's go [Music] I don't like it delete it one more time [Music] I hope this one will be better [Music] [Applause] okay this was this was bad so what do the next we should add some more ground with some basis and since our arrangement is really slow and ligado based we should add together bases like this [Music] okay from she will be good let's go [Music] okay let's listen from the beginning to see what do you have here [Music] sounds good I like it's pretty inspiring and it's only the beginning sounds cool I like it [Music] so it's cool so we want to have this music track around two minutes and like maybe 20 to 30 seconds long so we should think our structure and I want to make a break after this part and then I think I should add some more drums and percussion to this main riff maybe change course a little bit and yeah but yeah but before that we should add a little break probably on piano so let's see maybe on the high piano let's try with lots of free world [Music] [Music] yes sounds like that let me practice more I like this added 9th chords okay let's record oops missed it damn metronome come on too many notes one more time [Music] no too many notes here yes that's better so here should go the high string note no not jealous but yes [Music] [Music] [Music] yes sounds good and some chels [Music] [Music] mmm sounds good okay what else let's support it with some woodwinds [Music] and some high woodwinds [Music] yes that's it okay and let's add a crash cymbal right before this new new section let's go to the percussion open sandals and find it yes this sample [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what can you know is so we just copy this part and make it crescendo yeah let's try that so we go from here to here and we just copy and just drag it here but now we should add some automation because it'll be just too loud [Music] let's automate this track first I usually do this from my iPad but let's do it just with my fader here so here's our volume and let's click right and [Music] let's try [Music] oops oops it's wrong wrong instrument sorry sorry guys here this let's just do it from here so like this [Music] [Music] okay set it to read and let's automate this one [Music] [Music] [Music] okay sounds good so what do we have now [Music] let's add some more flow notes on piano here [Music] okay okay also let a basis here [Music] also that let's add some some brass let's start with the tuba now let's add some some horns bear I like this for background chords they really add some warmth and just I don't know it's just so much better with them so let's add them right here [Music] so you see how it's better than okay so let's make it lower in volume where's that okay also let's add some snare timpani rolls here yeah just like that okay [Music] delete this one so what do hell yeah sounds good [Music] let's continue with the cello [Music] and now it's done for culmination we should make it the biggest section with the most massive sound and let's use the this section as it's already pretty powerful so let's just copy it first like this yeah yeah so now to make it even more powerful we should add some maybe change strings a bit and add some woodwinds brass and percussion and it'll just transform into an epic epic song so let's start with tuba [Music] displaying some root nodes with some additional additional notes let's try [Music] okay and we should also copy that one more time here okay let's continue adding with some with some horns probably with this yeah with the second horns which holds our course here okay we can also add some life to it by just bringing the modulation wheel up so let's use it [Music] bringing up the modulation go and fire [Music] yeah so let's now add some let's move directly to drums and let's see what other instruments we need after that let's go to our action strikes here the taiko massive ansible I really love it let's just jam jamming it first [Music] I like this down take it take it up let's try it let's let's straight to record it until I forgot let's copy it's okay but no let's just record one more because it will be more powerful let's go [Music] [Music] yep but I messed up somewhere let's fix it oh okay looks good to me so we have another drum set here epic drum set with some loops so let's just add this loaf let's see how it sounds first [Music] it sounds good okay let's just jam on this few loops and actually use a few of them together instead of just one loop to make it more more exciting and not just just with the one loop playing so let's let's record [Music] now just copy let's listen first so you hear this this little variations that make it more interesting yeah it keeps you listening okay let's just copy it and for the next part we will record something else probably okay okay let's record [Music] okay let's just that's something [Music] [Music] let's double check that okay sounds good oh that's nice okay let's me let me double check this first drum yeah I knew it was here let's fix it this guy [Music] let's add some timpani to it right before it starts here [Music] just a little later probably cure a bit [Music] yeah like that so now let's add an important element which is snare and snare adds movement that's why I always like to add it over the main Tiger ansible so I just pick my two snares and two favorite snares which I by the way from they are from from true strike by projects and I like this so let's jam first and then record [Music] so the basic right written looks to work good let's just record it and see how it goes let's double check this roll okay perfect I'll just copy as it won't need any changes so you see how the drum part is now more massive and more exciting now let's add some symbols the reverse symbol first [Music] and here at the end no we want that it here okay it's fine let's now add what's that okay one more drum kit what do we need here we need low brass notes like this [Music] and if you're curious that's coming from from Spitfire album one which is fantastic library I highly recommend it to every composer just invest in it it will worth it believe me okay let's record guys and don't forget to use modulation wheel if you have one so let's just use our will to bring some Sade in some dynamics okay let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] okay but we need to make it a little louder where's that somewhere here yes let's mix it i mix on the go you see actually this template is pretty mixed by but but just every song needs some different mixing and I just mix as I go if I need to add some frequency on the EQ I'll do it right now at this moment not later when I'm done composing so that's important okay let's level our track here [Music] three powerful [Music] okay so let's save and add some woodwinds actually what I'd like to do is to double their staccatos with woodwind staccato it's really cool check it out how it will sound so we just grabbed this part this one of these staccato parts yeah and just copied too high staccato woodwind part let's see where's that okay it's here [Music] but I think that the high string part will work bear so let's delete this one and instead worse death no this part will work better let's try it here it is oops one more time here it is yeah just perfect blend with the high string and we can also tweak that a bit [Music] [Music] it's here [Music] so it's missing some strong melody like horn melody let's add some hi breasts let's start with this one oops yes here [Music] where's that [Music] I lost it where's the breast track oh [Music] hello you're here okay [Music] let's jam [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and here's one trick if you want your breath sound to sound great that's straight from my music educational background from music school if you want your breath sound to sound great just play it in fourth and fifth intervals so [Music] so that's how they're played and that's exactly what I plan to do here to play some melody like this [Music] [Music] yes let's listen we should double that with another horn to make a bigger sound and this one this library is pretty tricky it won't play if you don't move the modulation will so the modulation will controls these parameters and it's actually the first library where I am seeing that it's usually on the key switches but here it's on the modulation wheel so let's check our sustain and it also reacts to velocity if I press hard I get this bright sound okay so let's double that melody let's see how it sounds oh I need to delete the modulation data from here because it will change my articulations so let's set it once again to the sustain here where's that yeah here let's see [Music] let's quantize it to eight note [Music] and now we should double that track with a high string for a better definition in the mix because this is a like a low register instrument even it's playing relatively high notes it will be more clear sounding if you just duplicate track with a high string so what do we have here we have one string called string legato and it's truly gather string let's just copy and paste this thing there so like this that's cool not this track so now always it playing something oh really okay so let's just let's play with this one you just set it to llegado to sustain it's working good too so let's place it here yeah let's check it all so let's transpose it to octave higher or even better just double it so it's playing in both actors [Music] or even like this from extreme and full sound [Music] [Music] yes sounds good [Music] also I want to add some sustain strings in the like mid register here let's go [Music] [Music] okay it's bear now let's just clear it a bit it's not working here should be down from the mixer [Music] yes like this [Music] [Music] should be an octave higher let's move it to there also make it louder word symbols symbols or symbols how do you like it more okay so here is the symbol [Music] and let's add some more symbols to this part it will make it more powerful see what I mean here [Music] like just a few notes this big symbols hidden each other so let's have [Music] [Music] [Music] sounds good [Music] and the final the final thing that's really making this stuff epic it's chor no not sure but choir choir okay so we are adding this choir from omnisphere tower 10th to and it's just just making everything more epic just throw this in the arrangement and it's like 10 times more advocate you'll see why I'm in here let's just record it straight [Music] [Applause] also on this let's add choir so you see how powerful yes put the choirs and have this other one here maybe we'll play through the whole song now and see if we need additional choir here so let's check what we have now [Music] [Music] let's start with adding choir a bit use your modulation wheel [Music] [Music] bringing in the dynamics [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we're gonna end this thing with massive love active piano thing allow low string note of course [Music] low brass note of course I can get even lower here no we can't okay so this is our lucky [Music] we should fix the compression on some strings I'll fix that layer let's just record straight and also its add some timpani add like the second bar here [Music] let's try yeah like that or just let's just copy this one it's it's perfect already just copied and yeah although is that the cymbals [Music] yep that's it [Music] so it looks like we're done with it it's pretty much finished maybe I will add some finishing touches to it but yeah that's how we roll here with cinematic epic music so I hope guys you find it interesting and you learn something from it let me know if you want me to record some new tutorials for you and in which genres and I'll listen to all your feedback please just just give me some feedback in some comments so thanks guys and I'll see you in the next tutorials peace
Channel: Olexandr Ignatov
Views: 166,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music composing, music recording, cinematic music, tutorial, cinematic music tutorial, orchestral tutorial, making orchestral music, cinematic royalty free music, how to make cinematic music, royalty free, studio one tutorial, studio one composing, live composing, music tutorial, how to make music on computer, vst, strings vst, orchestral vst instruments, cinematic studio strings, olexandr ignatov, presonus studio one recording, how I make epic cinematic music
Id: KWycfHqnU6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 14sec (3914 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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