How I make a living reselling sneakers full time at age 20... (Intro)

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so i'm gonna tell y'all what i did to start really getting into like uh you know reselling just as a whole like not doing anything else and it's amazing yeah what's good y'all man it's your boy rant man we're back with a video so basically this video is going to be the beginning of something special man it's beginning of a series that y'all have been requesting a long time a lot of my young cats out here trying to start reselling has been requesting i need to address two things one question that i get asked all the time do i live off of reselling is there anything else that i do no this is the only thing i do there's nothing other job no other job that i have i only resell sneakers for a living you feel me that was my goal when i started doing this so now i reach to go you know it's crazy but you know like i said i'm 20 years old for y'all they don't know you know i only resell sneakers i live in california i have my own house my own car you know i'm saying i can afford a healthy lifestyle you feel me and this is this is what pays for the lifestyle it's just just shoes you feel me so basically this series is going to be how to live off reselling this is episode one getting started you feel me so i'm about to show y'all just for some motivational you know saying motivational purposes only i'm gonna just show y'all what i be doing so like this this is the shoe room you feel me i just have you know saying i only have some sneakers out because sometimes i go on instagram live and i show people what i got in stock and you know people buy shoes off me off live and stuff like that but this is where this is basically my office that's why i got the desk over there you know what i'm saying on the computer i'd just be working in there you know keeping up my orders and stuff like that i don't do i don't like to do a room tour or something i'm gonna bring y'all in my room real quick and show you something so this is a master bedroom but i'm just showing you also like this this is me so basically last night this is me working so you see all these little notes are you know shoes that i've sold while i was just on my phone i was just laying in bed on my phone just boom responding to dms making sales and stuff like that so that's why if you all heard of passive income i'd be making passive income because i can just sit in my bed post a story sale on my instagram a lot of y'all asked where to buy shoes off me from be on instagram posting like look story sales i mean nice little flu games you know i mean so that you know people could tap through you know what i'm saying a whole lot of options on there and you could just they could just swipe up you know what i'm saying and uh swipe up and say they want to buy something when they do that you know i send them to my shipping and to my shipping page my shipping manager takes care of the rest of that and then i just you know i'm saying write it on a little sticky note then i go you know what i'm saying match it up so like for these let me see i got some vintage tea mystery boxes i gotta sell so we'll take this guy's sticky note and we'll take we'll take her stick you know so we got motorsport fours game royal low seven wise so let's go get them play shoes so her game will lose i believe these right here somebody just bought these i paid 100 for these somebody just bought them for 150. so we're just going to put a little sticky note on her box this is just all this is doing and really i'm just organizing stuff to get ready for shipping you feel me so we got the motorsport forwards these right here these no box motorsports we're gonna go ahead and just fold that up put that in there we're gonna take these i normally move stuff to my living room when it's got a sticky note on it and you see all these these already got sticky notes so i normally just take my shoes to the living room and they got sticky nuts on it already so you know what i'm saying make sure you get these out to grow so uh yeah so basically yeah so that's how a lot of times that's how i be working from night time so i just you know what i'm saying right you know i'll be working in my bed just anywhere i'm at i got sticky notes and a sharpie for this reason so this dude the rest of these these are all mystery boxes so i'm gonna leave these here but i'm gonna grab these shoes these two shoes the rest of the mystery boxes and uh so master 12 and some yeezys all right so now we're gonna go find those so the master 12. that's going to be these right here right about these for 120 that's a pretty good deal for masters they don't they they sell for a pretty good amount so these are citroen so this this one is citroen size 10 so these shoes right here i sold these for 200 easy citroen size 10. know i mean 200 it's a good that i feel like that's a fair price i always try to price things better man some shoes don't like market for those could be 300 but honestly i'm being realistic if there's no box and you know what i'm saying it's a used pair i don't be just taxing what i know the market is worth i try to give people a good deal so we got cinder size 10 and sender size 6. so i mean citroen size 10 cinder size 6. so bro got those and these over here these the uh cinder size six some base size joints these are going for a lot right now i sold this pair for 300. that's straight if y'all watched my sneaker video i don't know if it was on the camera but i think it's on tick tock i paid 250 for these so 300 is not bad so yeah you're gonna take so both of these guys shoes that we're the masters at he's nice he's about to make their way to the living room so let's see we got an empty box because i don't want to make something i got one sticky note for this guys and he got two shoes so yeah so you're gonna look like he does all right that's basically just like a little behind the scenes basically that's how i be you know what i'm saying that's all i'll be doing i just post my shoes on instagram the website is coming soon next uh next month but i just post my shoes on instagram you know what i'm saying and people swipe up and buy them right name on stick you know keep everything organized you feel me put everything in the box that's just for motivation unless y'all know what y'all you know i'm saying what y'all reselling can become you feel me but i'm about to give you all some tips on how to get started so you can do the same thing but for right now first we gonna bought we gonna make some boxes and get this stuff kind of better organized you know what i'm saying and we're ready for shipment and then i'll come back and i'm talking to y'all we'll make some i'll just give you all some tips then all right so we'll be back [Music] [Applause] man my life is [Music] this is going in a vintage mystery box yeah this is a medium too hold on this is hard i'm making inventory let me inventory i'm making vintage boxes selling them for like 50 i'm putting like 20 t's in there [Music] [Applause] [Music] it ain't right [Music] these [Music] all right y'all i shouldn't even have to tell you all this but y'all need to get business cards that's not that don't even count as a tip y'all should know that business cards bro come on so yeah so we're just gonna throw these in all these orders you know i mean we got all the labels on they go into the right people you feel me make sure they yeah we're gonna throw some business cards in these vintage mystery boxes i put like 20 shirts in these vintage mystery box for fifty dollars because i got it for a crazy deal i paid like two a shirt so i sold them at like basically for a shirt they like to double my money on each one there are a couple cars in there bam yeah so we're good on the the cars now so now the last step ever like i said everything is already labeled up all we got to do is box them up so we'll be back all right y'all so we just got finished up with our packages for today so uh we got like a 30 piece going up probably uh tomorrow something yeah tomorrow saturday we're gonna try to get these out tomorrow morning but yeah so you know what i'm saying y'all see the shipping let's get into what i got to share with y'all for episode one of how to start off reselling all right y'all so while we here look i just sold another pair of shoes uh i don't know okay there you go just sold a pair of jordan 11 while i just sat down right here you see the passive income i'm talking about so we're gonna add that to the stack later but basically the first tip i got to share with y'all today it's a super important one too basically what we're talking about here is living off of reselling right so if you want to live off reselling where your mindset has to be a little different you feel me like you can't be like i'm gonna be buying personals and i'm gonna be doing this and doing that and then you know i'm saying trying to sell shoes on the side because if you treat it like a side hustle that's all it's about to be as a side hustle so i'm gonna tell y'all what i did to start really getting into like uh you know reselling just as a whole like not doing anything else so basically i had a nine to five right i worked two nine to fives i worked at jamba juice and i worked that right you feel me so you could do that to get started off this is how you start from zero dollars you feel me i started from zero had a little nine to five i had two little nine to fives i was working the job and i was putting in the sneakers you feel me it wasn't taking off like that i couldn't really resell fully whole time off of that or full of time off of that you feel me because it just wasn't enough you feel me like and i was putting a lot of time into working my actual job and stuff like that and i wasn't putting that much time into reselling i was kind of lying to myself like telling myself i was doing it but i really wasn't so if you want to really you know resell full-time you have to treat it like full-time so basically i quit my jobs with like i i'd use my job to get me a car okay because the car was a necessity to to get meetups you feel me to do to just go meet ups and buy shoes and stuff like that for cheap so i used my job to get me a car once i got the car i quit both of my jobs with like i said i probably say i had a thousand dollars or a little less maybe like maybe like 700 maybe like 700 million 708 pairs of shoes 705 8 pairs of shoes right i quit my job right and that's when i decided i was like yo i'm about to resell full time like i'm about to treat this like a job mind you this is with y'all see y'all see how i'm moving weight now and i have like you know i have like 100 something pairs over there in my room or whatever but this was with five pairs of shoes you feel me five pairs of shoes six hundred dollars i wasn't spending no 15k at no events or no crazy stuff like how we doing now so i was in that mindset already though my i'm broke at this point still got a broken phone only had one phone i didn't have no like phone in my work phone not how things are now this is not how it was back then i was broke you feel me and was work you know went from my job to deciding i was going to resell full time at that point so it was already my mindset i was already doing it i was like i was already reselling full time no mind you had no crib you know i'm saying living with my sister no house no i had a car but not like the car i have now it was the older car you feel me a little mustang which i love my car but you know what i'm saying i paid 2 000 for my car you know what i'm saying so basically i put myself in that mindset i told myself nine to five i'm working like the whole regardless every single day i don't care what anybody wants to do i don't care if there's anything that's fun that people invite me to do they want to go do this that no i'm not doing it i'm reselling you feel me so it's like um that's worked for me so basically from nine to five every day i'm on offer up i'm looking at deals you feel me so the point of this of this episode is to tell you that you got to be ready to grind if you're going to reset if you're going to live off recently you can't be thinking you're going to do it and it's going to be just so easy at first it was not easy at first for me like i'm talking about i don't spend a dollar on food i ain't spend a dollar on myself you know what i'm saying i didn't spend a dollar on anything i didn't go anywhere i didn't go link with nobody uh i would have my car and i only went somewhere it was only worth my time to go if i was gonna go get some shoes that's literally it i didn't care about doing anything else because i had a goal that i was trying to reach you feel me so when you go with that mindset it's going to be completely different you if you did that if you told yourself if you had a certain amount of money you told yourself you're reselling shoes for a month nine to five every day so like five was like me clocking out and i'm still working after five but five is me deciding like i can you know watch some tv right now or i can uh i can you know i'm saying eat some food right now and you know what i'm saying just chill for a little bit you know do anything stupid like on my phone or something or play fortnite or something like that but even when i was playing fortnite i was looking for deals online you know i'm saying in between games that's that's the mindset i had so you know once you go with that mindset it makes things a lot different so i you know was putting in work uh another thing was i was realizing i always had to improve something you guys gotta you have to always improve something when you reset like people you can't be content with your setup if you're if your setup is not that hard like it's not unique or something nice and your setup is just kind of like a sheet and then a shoe in you know in front of it or whatever you gotta like put some time and energy into making it better and you got to do that every single day like you got to be improving every day if you're not doing that like it's gonna be slow because you're not really trying you feel me you're not putting no effort let me show you let me show you a little something let me show you a little something i want to show you on my page uh so like when i started hold up when i started i'm going to show you all my setup first mind you i was outside in my balcony on my balcony just taking pictures outside but like this was my shadow set up at one time this setup is bogus like it's it's straight like it's not bad hold on let me get the focus there's worse setups than this you feel me there's worse setups for sure but you know what i'm saying i the point is i could do better than this and i you know i'm saying i had to just learn how to try and make myself look unique something so then i tried to do this was my setup after that cleaner but not super clean hold up hold up hold up oh oh there we go not super clean then we upgraded to him that window is hot then we upgraded to this this was me attempting to make to to be a little more unique you feel me oh oh okay there we go this is my attempt to be a little more unique and then i evolved from that to this and this was pretty clean this so this is where i kind of found my groove you feel me that's where i kind of found my groove i had a new custom name plate at a different color background and i oh and i started shrink wrapping my shoes notice that that was just another attempt at making it like a little more unique you know i'm saying i started shrink wrapping my shoes this was like final stage this was like when i reached high level picture taking you know i'm saying i'm about to show y'all let me find let's find some heat that's right hey i had so many shoes on here look at me so this i was shrink wrapping i i had i have a shrink wrapping every shoe i have my custom nameplate and i was also throwing some edits on there like when i would post i would just mess with like the brightness mess with the contrast you know what i'm saying until i made it look super professional and then it looked nice and then then my feed just upgraded completely you feel me when my feet just look it everything looked the same all there's multiple pictures you know saying everything shrink wrap blah blah blah blah so at this point i was starting to look like a legit business you know i'm saying and this is that's really when it was like when i reached that level and i started really reselling shoes for a living you feel me but basically you got to have that mindset that you want that you finna resell shoes for a living you have to have that mindset that you finna work every day you have to another thing you have to go in with the mindset that you're not worried about the money you have to go in with the mindset that you're worried about making sales so if you got you know i'm saying if you buy a shoe for 200 you got to be ready to let it go for 220 if you get a deal because you have to look at it like if you set a goal for yourself that you're setting um that you're about to resell for a living right say you say you need to make two hundred dollars a week if you need to hit that goal of 200 a week sometimes you might have to let go of some pairs that you think you're going to hold on to for more profit and then just take that 50 profit for that day you feel me and if you profit 50 a day that's actually good you know what i'm saying because the more shoes you get the easier it'll be to hit your marks you know what i'm saying and then if you go past if you if days pass by where you don't make any profit you're going to hold yourself back more than you think by you know going days by without selling a shoe because you want to wait because you think you can make 150 off the profit just take that 80. you feel me just take that 80 and then keep it pushing reinvest it into something else that's what you should be doing if you don't have a lot of shoes you should be you know making money and then reinvesting your money and then eventually you'll hit big on like a good steal and you'll make your bread you know what i'm saying that held me back a lot when i first started because i was just so focused on like bruh i got a pair for 300 that goes for six i want six for it you feel me like i'm posting it for 580 or 590. i want six but if i got it for 300 the fact of the matter is i can sell it for 400 and give somebody a crazy deal and it'll move like that like you can post on any app and it'll go like that because you got it way under market and you're giving somebody a deal when the market you still make your 100 so you know that's really all i got to say for this person this is a very a crucial tip y'all don't overlook this that's why this is tip number one because this is the main thing i looked over when i first started i wish i knew this when i very first started resell so episode one how to live off reselling key things to remember y'all be ready to grind be ready to be on offer up all night if you make if you sellers if you make a sh if you buy a shoe and you sell it and you make six hundred dollars you should be trying to spend that 600 that same night on offer now this isn't if you want a side hustle resale this is if you want to resell for a living you got to be ready to spend that six again that same night and then try to make that six in the 650 the next day and then you gotta spend that 650 and then you know buy two shoes sell them for 20 profit each so make that you know 40 that day you know what i'm saying and keep on flipping if you keep doing that over and over again it has no choice but to go up you feel me it literally has no choice because all you're doing is increasing the money flow you feel me so that's important be ready to grind don't worry about profit at the beginning this is the beginning stage of living off reason i don't worry about profit now because quantity beats profit we got 30 pairs right there if i make 20 off of each pair if i only make 20 off each pair i still made 500 in a day and that's still doctor salary you feel me so you know what i'm saying key tips you know i'm saying that's the first things you need to remember be ready to grind don't worry about taxing and always improve yourself do better business clean the shoes if you got to clean the shoes you know what i'm saying uh and work on your setup work on your social media pages you feel me don't don't just have a social media page work on improving the social media page every single day work on improving making a website or something make it better though don't just make a website make it as good as you can you know what i'm saying when you make it when you're taking your pictures don't just take pictures and throw them on the ground try to get unique and try to get creative and make it the best possible pictures you can make so that people will see your work and they gonna see them be like oh he you're doing something different they're going to slide through they're going to slide through then they're going to appreciate what you're doing and then they're going to want to support and then they're going you know i'm saying bye so you know what i'm saying that's that's with that i'm going to cut that off right there man i'ma have some gems for y'all i'ma have some real knowledge for y'all i'm gonna keep dropping but it's free game man so take that with it what you will you know what i'm saying dude do what you got to do y'all keep grinding keep hustling man you know i'm gonna be on my thing and we're gonna be doing our thing man i appreciate y'all for watching bro signing out
Channel: Rare Kiqs
Views: 300,281
Rating: 4.9256248 out of 5
Keywords: 12-16-20
Id: NtwS2wMg8Lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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