How I make 200 Gems per Hour in King Legacy (EASY METHOD)

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leave a like on the video or the dog gets it all right yo what is going on everybody welcome back to another video it's your boy lucky back you guys again in King Legacy update sits and today I am going to be telling you guys the best methods I'll be sharing with you guys the best methods to get yourselves some gems uh this method usually is like uh 200 gems an hour so you could decide if it's good and then the other method is like buing because if you get like really lucky you could get like 300 gems within an hour probably even pushing 400 gems but yeah these are the two best methods to get yourselves gems in King Legacy before we get into today's video be sure to leave a like subscribe if you guys haven't already I also announced the winner um for the last video I did tell you guys to put your usernames in the comment section below for the gate fruit and yeah I decided to just give it away on a live stream so yeah if you subscribed with all notifications on you you should have missed theay stream to be honest but yeah also while I'm here I also want to craft up two of these because I think I want to craft up I want to do some funny business with the tra sorry passives in this game uh but the problem is I I'm going to need some stuff from this dude so yeah hopefully we could get set stuff but um yeah this is not where you click the video to see you guys guys click the video to see the best methods to get yourself oh no drob all right you guys click this video to see the best methods to get yourselves some gems so let me start off with a lucky version of this which is going to be the method where you could get like 300 gems every hour because it's very dependent on if you get uh really lucky with the bosses with he spawns whatever the case would be and if you guys are good at this game you guys could already see where I'm going with it as well uh but yeah the first method and the lucky ver the lucky method is going to be seeking SL Hydra hunting and this is going to be preferably the easier version to also get yourself some fruits as well because if see instance you spawn in like you server hop you do the server hopping method with this or you just join the king Legacy Discord server and wait for the seing hunters to post the code where you could just join up instantaneously and if not kill the see King and get the chest just get the chest because people Loot and leave the server to server and find other sea Kings um tier Tre chest give you a lot lot of gems I'm more sure for hydro for tier Tre chest I got like 30 something gems and a tier four probably gives you like 50 plus gems so imagine you just go you farm about let me see five Hydra is about is Hydra hour and five hydra's are posted in the DC or you just go on five fine 500 um sorry five hydras oh my gosh and yeah five hydras is 5X 50 bro like let me let me keep it let me keep it above BR that's 250 gems in a span of how long I don't even know 30 minutes because it doesn't even take you that long to kill hydra especially if you have a good team but um yeah that is the first method pretty simple to be honest it's nothing too crazy you know what I mean again is going to be a very L risky thing though because if you don't have crab armor then you could go and do the next method but if you do have crab armor and you don't want to do the next method then this is going to be a method for you for getting gems uh you can also go do kaidos as well but who really cares about coyos the orbs are valuable people don't even spawn the or orbs anymore although it's like guaranteed gems and you can solo coyo with gravity I don't know but um on to the next method though the next method is going to be the more efficient method and that is going to be doing hard raids with high level people I do recommend that you are Level 4,000 plus and that you are inside of the third SE to get a efficient hard R going because see you going second C in the public server or probably even first C you're going to get some low levels trying to join ra and it's just going to be hella complicated I'm not going to lie now I know hard ra most people H hard raids it take too long no they don't if you have a team that knows what they're doing you could do a hard raate in sub3 minutes bro 13 minutes every every every hour like how all right let me sub it off to around 15 minutes because I was doing hard raids this morning with some really good people by the way and the build before I go any further the build that I use is PB bed if you don't have Fenix bleed then you could always use Acro spear if you don't have Acro Aqua spear you can use blood moon twins if you don't have either three of those swords you can always use the SATs of flame which again is really met for this and it's pretty affordable as well so if you don't have sers of flame then well um trade for it it's kind of cheap as well so trade for it it's nothing hard to get couple seeking fins or a couple legendary fruits you could probably get it to be honest because that's how easy is oh there's a bounty hunter in the server let me just hop back in the Cs one real quick this is Happy server I don't know what all right whatever uh but yeah if you don't have any of these uh swords here uh you can always res over to um leaning towards something more on the easiest s such as Dragon standard to get or yeah but I would recommend the minimum that you have is sat there's a flame and I'm also going to be using I also use um I also use gravity as well he's typing say in ch oh no never mind right I also use gravity as well uh minus the Awakening V because the awaken the on awaken V is actually way better than the awaken V believe it or not and for my accessory this is what kind of deters me from doing hard RS I already have upgraded crab armor and to trade away the crab armor is already like a is like a lot of value but I have it upgraded already I'm going to have to re-up grade it again if I do get the drop so that's kind of deterring me from um Doing Hard raids at the current time oh God that's ugly but if you don't have this then basically any legendary accessory would do you good so say for instance you get fluffy glasses you get dragon necklace um basically anything that would be good that gives you fruit Buffs or even damage reduction is going to be really good for these uh but yeah like I was saying before I stopped to show you guys my build also let me just turn off turn off yeah I don't like to see the CB armor only on certain avatars it looks good but um yeah what my team with a full combo with this it does like uh I think is like 300K damage bro and I don't even have upgraded wait hold on yo do you have Fenix deer oh give sit seeking fins for it if he has sit seeking fins uh Fus tier Fenix fenus fener fener do you have a fenus tier please tell me have a f Ste come on come on come on be part of the video be part of the video come on come on all right let me cheat real quick all right but um with all this all together it does over 300 K damage because this is right underneath uh a we Wen gravity and magma oh o all right all right uh this is right underneath awaken gravity and um awaken magma in terms of damage so even if you're doing landine a full combo with the gravity you could just pull this out real quick and do your thing I don't for one don't have to worry about healing because my crab armor gives me like a lot of damage reduction and a lot of HP the r are like a ky I can't even lie also I forgot what I was doing let me go and bro I do not want to uneat gravity because like I know that uh I'm going to be doing raids like right after this but I am going to go on TP real quick over to the castle this is the wrong Castle okay TP to the wrong Castle is Castle too wait hold but yeah those are the two main methods to get yourself gems this is going to be the end of the video but really quickly though I just want to go and test my luck real quick in terms of these things also there's a material Giver right here he was giving me what uh garbage okay cool um I did see seeking fins inside earlier today that's why went I doubled back but anyways so let me just craft a couple of y'all I'm just going to craft enough that my feathers are gone to be honest all right cool Essence book uh craft up y all to thefe buts are gone uh-huh and Boop and then up to the Fortune teals craft y up to oh sh I don't have enough C CS C reefs but all right uh I need a hyd aqu for that I'll probably trade for those later we do not care I need two gems I need two gems uh what could to give him from gems actually ye called the bre he has 510 Aqua gems bro all right thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I need two tals two tals real quick though all right probably we're going to cut this out well I'm not going to cut it out but should I should I should I I I feeling risky I'm actually feeling very risky meanwhile pull this as this bck all right cuz if I can pull something like a I know that this is garbage this is garbage this is garbage this is garbage garbage garbage sure from these bucks to be honest oh garbage garbage garbage yeah garbage garbage all right cool garbage garbage gar gar yeah this is be garbage o h see like a highight I guess I'm not going to do Chronicles but that's okay I don't mind that um uh B nothing there all the animation special animation if you get something good uh all right so I think he going to trade his all uh not not back uh wisdom CH come on come on I know I'm going to get something good BR I know I'm going to get something good BR I can smell it I can smell it coming bro I can smell it coming bro show me the animation no no animation no give me the animation all right well let me do this one yeah one ruin one destruction one oh no he's back all he's back just time bro yo he's got to be watching me do this w m BR W wait is that good is that hot good I have that hot do I 10% damage play speed oh is actually actually is good gems are only free because all I'm all right I got you br I got you br I got you br I got you br I got you bruh does he have one or does he giveing me two all right whatever run me those Pockets LOL I probably could have get them a little cheaper by the way I probably could have get fin I probably can get Hydra Tails a little cheaper I probably could but um for the sake of the video why not for the sake of the video uh all right cool so I am going to go now and craft one chronical lure yeah I could do one chronical all right cool that's cool that's calm that's calm that's calm that's Cal that's calm actually so calm all right R roll so we can do this we can do the legendary but first cuz why not and then we can do uh the Chronicles but all right this is hot garbage Yik ruin five aant four uh sour four CH tree destruction tree come on come on Chronicles lure come on come on come on and not video good art nothing good like crazy good but um s since 5 piercing sits okay you know what piercing sit increase damage uh s sense five all right I actually think this is better now why had enemy ning yeah this is probably better than the way how it beening I'll probably like Farm up these things like uh off camera or something but anyways guys that is going to be the end of the video If you guys shout out to all by the way for the quick little Dono anyways guys this is going to be the end of the video If you guys did enjoy be sure to leave a like subscribe if you guys haven't already and yeah I also see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: LuckyGam3r
Views: 4,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: Lo-tH4iUOzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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