How I made the worst plan on my 1 HP Account

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welcome to the hardest challenge in RuneScape nightmare mode I have 1 HP and if I take damage at any point my account gets deleted and the first 108 did my goal is split up into three phases and phase one is the world's first ever fire Cape without ever taking damage with low lifee 108 dead and gone it's time for 109 to pick up the torch 24 hours in we've already got a better setup than ever before the route I'm choosing to take this time around is risky but if we can get our hands on one very specific item it'll all be worth it this will be an unbeatable account I'll be revealing what item we're risking it all for in this video I am trying to collect cow hides and thankfully there's a nice fence here preventing me from ending the run to a cow let's go pick up these uh cdes now that we're safe we've got six of these we're so wealthy now I just feel like on my last life I spent so long on magic training and I'm just not going to be using magic that much once I get out of early game it's all going to be ranged the the fire Cape is going to be ranged my Slayer everything so I am investing earlier this time we're making ranged armor out of these cowhides got to make one of these into hard leather and the rest of them into regular you ever seen someone make a full set of leather armor before okay boom we've got our range gear just like that this should be our our best range gear until like 20 to 40 range now to buy one of each bow so we can upgrade as we level before we train range though I have a cal fight task I got earlier and these tasks need to be treasured we can get some really good drop as you might know last life we got the Rune chain first kill we got a Mythril axe two kills later honestly I hope I can get the Mythril axe more than anything this time I'm not as concerned about the Rune chain the axe would be so good Fletching is my main money-making method so having a better axe is great but you also need that axe for a very very important Quest later on all right this camel cannot be allowed to roam here anymore I've decided we've got to do something about this camel guys if I ever get hit by that Camel this series is getting replaced with 10 hours of camel roaming the desert that will be the final upload on my channel while I lure this level 140 calite Guardian just watch this real quick it recently came to my attention that I can buy jagex as long as I save up enough money I'm a bit short so today's sponsor rocket money is here to help rocket money is an all-in-one Finance platform that helps you save more and spend less and I don't know about you but I'm subscribed to like 3 million subscription services at this point it's hard to keep track sometimes I just want to subscribe to something for like a month and then I forget and it auto renews and that sucks well my favorite feature about rocket money is it not only tracks all my subscriptions and when they renew but they can cancel these subscriptions for me with just one click no more calls with customer support or searching for a cancel button but this is an all-in-one Finance platform they help me create custom budgets monitor my credit lower my bills grow my savings it's all there in front of me they do it all for me I could literally upload a photo of my bill and Rocket money will negotiate it lower for me rocket money has helped save its members an average of $740 per year with over half a billion dollars in canceled subscriptions and you can get started for free by by clicking my link in the description or going to Rocket settled and joining the 5 million members already using it that's rocket settled get started for free or unlock even more features with premium the road to buying jagex begins now I'm going to be on defensive casting this entire time by the way I want to get my defense as high as physically possible because it's also going to get my combat level up these tasks are insanely slow over an hour but the Slayer magic and defense XP is amazing I got to say I think I finally got over my fear of luring these Guardians to the safe spot I was still taking my sweet time with every single click here but I was no longer sweating just sitting here at least which maybe is a bad thing maybe I should be very very nervous all the time around these guys but that is the last kill no mithil axe it would have been so good on this life compared to the last as well where Fletching is actually my main Money Maker would have been so nice to have well we got 18 Slayer which is a very nice start no cave bugs dude they stopped my Slayer Journey it's over I can't do that task well I guess that means it's a good time to start range training and get this prayer level up so that we can do that task and continue Slayer I'm pretty happy to end off the magic training here at 42 that pretty much gets me every teleport that matters at least well okay I'm a couple levels off every teleport that I want but I have three chained goals right now get range up so I can get 43 prayer so I can put it all on the line for one item it's time to begin the range training Arc of lowlife 109 I'm very excited for this I'm going to get as far as I can with all the arrows I've been making over the last 24 hours this is going to be exhilarating oh is that range level 10 on the seagull let's go there's 20 range bringing us the biggest upgrade so far Willow short bow full stuned set damn we're looking good I stayed seagull for a full hour I wanted to unlock the best range gear I could possibly get right now because it was almost time to do an important Quest that you've never seen anything like it before 30 range I'm happy this account's finally getting some range levels Maple shortbow upgrade unlocked it's nice to be able to hit numbers with something that isn't Magic I got 17 prayer here we'll be getting much faster XP than burying bones very soon though it's time for a quest I can tell I'm getting super attached to this account because I spent 30 minutes training my fire making just to get my total level up just to make the stat Page look cool why did I do this I don't know 30 fire making I just I hope this account doesn't die I found a much better way of getting 13 thieving for the Lost tribe Quest and this time I have a feeling there won't be an unexpected update that gets in my way the bone crossbow is still a high priority and it just so happens I can get 13 evening from the quest I was going to complete anyway to train prayer very important that we buy a house for this I need a quick teleport to Remington we can also Run West from the house portal to get to Arty which is another way of getting there safely and quickly it's official we're doing the biohazard Quest I did extremely thorough research on this and it's doable with no damage we've got one enemy to kill later on in the quest this Quest is largely in West Ary where there's this graveyard of aggressive monsters I'm already used to avoiding it because I use the General Store in this city all the time but it's something to note lots of ghosts and zombies roaming [Music] around all right time for the sketchy part of the quest I got to kill this mourner for his key I should be able to safe spot him on the table okay got plenty of time to run behind this table he's not following me for some reason I've got this post in the way too so I can't run West so I don't want him to come around East cuz I literally can't move here okay let's try this again okay that works stuck in the corner nice out of wander range beautiful and he drops a key and that is the main danger of this Quest completed nice so now I'm going to receive a bunch of chemicals to transport and I originally thought that there's a chance that these blow up if you teleport or something and it does damage to you but that does not happen thankfully uh and I'm not going to be teleporting anyway if you teleport they do disappear I just have to walk it over to the South boat hey you guys want to smuggle this for me how about you take this one thank you so much guys pleasure doing business with you I am so happy to have this done what a very few quests that we could have done to get our start on thieving Biohazard finished this got us 10 thieving straight away which means we can now train on stalls for the rest of our thieving XP with zero risk of damage but it's not the main reason I wanted to do this Quest we now have access to the combat training camp a secluded little camp near Arty that houses seven ogres behind a cage but these ogres are very special because unlike other ogres in the game they are completely unaggressive they are completely harmless you can enter here through a break in the fence oh okay honestly that freaked me out so bad like I know they're unaggressive but just going through here anyway I know they're harmless but it was it freaked me out so bad what if they updated the ogres which means I can attack these guys safely behind the cage and slip in to grab the loot risk-free this is our prayer method Big Bone drops 15 XP each and a one in 30 chance to drop an insult head that will give me 716 prayer XP ogres are the key to getting protection prayers the combat training camp is my Roman Empire it's beautiful but these ogres are going to set up the account with a lot more than just prayer assuming I survive my terrible plan after I'm done here these ogres drop tons of seeds herb seeds that are going to be invaluable in the future the list of benefits is unreal here and since I still need 55 combat to access the RC ass alter I'll be getting that right here all I need to do is kill just over a th000 ogres to get 43 prayer since we need this combat level I'll I'll be on defensive casting basically the whole time just to get as many combat levels as I possibly can what's this insult had the first one first one I've seen I've also put on these despawn timers just so I know when to run in there but yes our first insold head that is 716 pror XP right there beautiful 45 magic teleport to camot unlocked now I basically have every teleport I want I'm just going to keep using magic here for now there's so many ogres to kill I'm going to get both my range and Magic goals done here so I don't really have to sweat it that's another insold head we're up to three the average ogre kill takes about a full minute by the way yeah that's what I told him to no no no no no no no no no oh oh I'm switching that railing to right click oh I'm switching it to right click immediately that cannot happen again I'm recovering a little bit from the misclick we just banked the seeds from the first trip as well as three of our insold heads I am definitely going to switch the railing to right click only as soon as I get back there that was a terrifying little misclick really goes to show that I just need to be locked in at all times uh while playing this account I I can't even have like a conversation with someone while I'm playing this dude I need to be so much more careful I'm starting to develop a checklist of precautions when I enter areas and I'm definitely adding that as one of them any possible misclick I'm going to restock my runes because I still have like 800 ogres to kill and I figure I might as well unlock things like high Alchemy and I'm still going to get over 50 range at these ogres even if I start halfway through the grind so I might as well just train magic too ah memorable Defense level the same level I had when I went into fight Arena it wasn't enough adamant armor unlocked I'm going to keep going on here though I want to hit 40 at least from the ogre grind but I'll go past that because we need combat levels and I want to have as high defense as possible as a fail safe oh by the way the railing is baby proof now has to be right clicked we have had some immense progress 37 defense 53 magic right now and 48 combat we are flying through combat levels I'm getting the nightmare account Congress over here to celebrate 55 magic we can Now cast High Alchemy probably the most important spell unlock that I'll have for uh 700 years that was pretty much my magic goal for now I'm just going to focus on defense now get it to 40 and then we're fullon ranging here no attack no strength all defensive casting on Magic to get 40 defense what a sick level to have on this account that lets me wear Rune armor and upgraded ranged armor in the future which is mainly why I wanted it but it's also an awesome fail safe to have 40 defense we're up to 21 in sold heads that took right around 16 hours and we're finally going back with a short bow and arrows no more fire strikes range was much slower to start off with kills were about 30 seconds longer but nonetheless I not only hit a milestone within a couple hours but I was is about to travel to the desert to get some upgrades okay let's get some Shanty passes let's get a bunch of water skins literally just an excess I know I don't need this many but I'm also going to buy a desert shirt robe I'm just so paranoid about taking desert heat damage I know it's not going to happen if I have all of this but because we're using the Magic Carpet none of the heat map really matters in the desert we're going to be skipping over all of the monsters that are dangerous and would normally make this a nogo okay we're going to take the first carpet over to PO of now we run through the city nothing aggressive here just the crocodiles over to the South but they're nowhere near us so we're good and now we take this one over to Narda I see it guys I see the city look at these two beautiful pieces of gear green dehy chaps green dehy van braces two massive upgrades also going to grab the steel kite Shield I think it's just the best Shield I have access to it's the best Shield I can really get in a shop and we have Rune armor here which I could come back for if I get the money I'm just kind of broke right now I had 130k and spent it all on runes not that that was a bad investment but damn look at us bro 40 range is looking hot right now just wanted to take a quick look around before I leave this place cuz it's a little bit of a pain to get over here but I think we're good I think we got everything we wanted from here before going back to ogres it was time to complete an important quest one that I should have completed way earlier Gertrude's cat you see after I get 43 prayer we're making a very risky trip to the Wilderness and I'm going to need death runes a lot of them what's a good way to get death runes growing cats there is gertrud's cat completed very easy Quest and we get our very own little kitten you can trade in fully grown cats for 100 death runs in West Arty which is look man I don't know what they do with these cats so to bring balance to the world I donated to two different cat Charities hopefully I'm neutral in the eyes of the world now but the death runes are just such a good deal I can't pass it up so I'll be growing cats while I finish up the ogre grind L lifee 109 had already logged 43 hours of game time and while while I went on a 200 dryy streak for an insold head I hit 50 range what a beautiful level look at this stat page man I'm so invested it's so nice to look at we are so strong it's so sick seeing this account in this state we're seven and sold heads away from finishing the 43 prayer goal if I could just end this dry streak and the seed collection grows stronger day in day out day four cats grown five levels gained tons but do you guys remember the 1,000 ogre goal see that's a number I put out there because that's the average drop rate for enough in sold heads for 43 prayer well after almost 30 hours at the training camp I hit 1,200 kills but we were finally about to finish one more inold headd drop and we'd have everything we need to get protection prayers everything we've ever wanted it was right there and it won't mean anything if we don't survive this I've been teasing the one item the risky plan I've annoyed you for for this long so what is it I've been in the lab I know that if I want to beat Phase 1 if I want to get this fire cape and go even beyond that I need a damn good weapon to do it options are limited on nightmare mode but there's one way to get exactly what I'm looking for in a tasteful throwback we're going for the Rune crossbow and the only way to do it kill the crazy archaeologist without taking any damage on an account that I've already invested over 50 hours in to this is a 1 in 25 drop from a boss with area of effect damage mechanics among other things but it's completely mechanical you can take zero damage here as long as you don't mess up but the boss won't be the only thing I have to worry about players can do damage to me too and I'll be in a deep enough Wilderness level that I can't instantly teleport this is the worst plan ever but it's possible getting the Rune crossbow would make lowlife 109 Absolut absolutely legendary there's no better weapon find me a better weapon this is the best range weapon I could ever get in nightmare mode obtained within the first 60 70 hours of the account I'd have a secret weapon for the fire cape and everything beyond all I have to do is hit a 4% drop rate on a boss in the wilderness and get it this is what I'm risking the account for and as we finish up 43 prayer we're putting it all on the line for the Rune crossbow I'll see you next time on nightmare [Music] mode
Channel: Settled
Views: 614,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Swampletics, Mory, Morytania, Area, Maxing, Max, OSRS, UIM, End, Game, Ultimate, Ironman, Old, School, Runescape, RS3, Settled, Settledrs, Progress, Video, Tricks, Tips, Bossing, Skilling, 2007, 2007Scape, Dream, Gear, Items, Boss, Episode, Settled UIM, UIM Settled, OSRS Settled, Morytania UIM, Morytania Ironman, Mory Ironman, Maxed UIM, UIM Maxing
Id: yUCZ4Mombq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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