How I Made Kirby Maker

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over the past five years I've worked on and off on a project that has long been a dream of mine Sandbox game where you can make your own platforming levels just like Super Mario Maker but with Kirby instead I started this project when I was still learning the basics of programming and could barely write anything at all let alone an entire game but each time I came back to this project it matured more and more into something truly amazing this is going to be a strange video but I really hope you enjoy this journey as I go through the story of Kirby maker to start off this journey the year is 2017 and I am a young aspiring programmer like many I decided to Learn Python as it seemed like a simple option to learn programming and I quickly became obsessed with it it wasn't long before my aspirations began to grow and I started to think about big programs that I wanted to make without even understanding most of the basics of programming or python itself but I didn't let that stop me the thing I wanted to make was games and at the time I was playing Super Mario maker on the Wii U quite a lot remember the Wii U with the screen controller thing I actually kind of like the Wii U but I'm getting off topic anyways since Super Mario Maker was on my mind so much I thought I would combine it with one of my favorite video game franchises Kirby this idea seems so perfect as both Mario and Kirby are fairly simple 2D Platformers but before I could do that I had to actually make a platformer first so I downloaded pie game a python Graphics library and started work on one of my first games if you could call it that so welcome to the first version of this idea simply called Kirby except there is no Kirby and the jumping isn't really jumping either yeah it's hard to call this a game at all but it would be an important starting point in this journey if you're wondering why the resolution is so terrible it's because I thought making the resolution low would make it look retro so yeah that's the level of brain power that went into this project by the way the code is utterly terrible it's messy the variable names are completely arbitrary it's just comically bad code but you gotta start somewhere alright let's move on from that pile of trash onto a slightly less terrible pile of trash introducing the Kirby engine this name will be appearing a lot from now on by the way so definitely get used to it anyways we are still dealing with a very low resolution but on the bright side we actually have Kirby this time and there's proper jumping and there's even a debug menu which is nice this is also the first time that multiple game styles are supported being Kirby's Dreamland and Kirby Squeak Squad eventually we'll get more games like in Super Mario Maker but for now we only have two overall this is a pretty big improvement from a teleporting Cube the next and last Kirby project to be written in Python is simply called the Kirby engine I know how original even though the title screen says otherwise this is the first kirby engine to feature UI even though it doesn't really match the Kirby style and it's pretty Bare Bones we are also finally taking baby steps towards high resolution Graphics but we're not there quite yet if we press create we're dropped into a Kirby's streamline map and look and animate but it gets better because this is the first kirby engine to feature real-time editing because in the past all of the maps were just images with collisions manually programmed on top of them yeah it really took three projects to get to this point but things will only get better from here because the next Kirby engine will be the first one written in C plus plus and with it a whole slew of benefits and that first engine to be written in C plus plus is called the Kirby engine HD I bet you're starting to notice a pattern with the naming scheme and the incongruity with the title screen now at this point we are starting to get to the more advanced Kirby engines so things are going to get more interesting quite quickly in this engine we are able to finally access multiple levels via the super basic menu and inside the levels there are more things to play with than ever before semi-solids to ladders there are lots of things this engine has in store there are even doors that lead to sub-areas you can really see at this point that things have gotten a lot better but that will only continue to improve as we move on to our next engine do you want to guess the name of it if you guessed the Kirby engine you'd be correct this engine is the first kirby engine to feature Kirby's Dreamland 3 as a game style and the elusive slopes [Music] this engine does have a bunch of weird graphical glitches though for whatever reason so the Sprites have black lines that clip in and out of existence which is kind of annoying but whatever now the next Kirby engine is actually the first one not to be called the Kirby engine since the beginning instead with a much more consistent name this is Kirby's Dream Maker yeah I know that it's a pretty terrible looking logo but if you look past that this project has quite a bit in store for us if we Press Play We Are greeted to a very fancy looking level with enemies slopes and animated tiles but what makes this project so important from the other five before this is that it features the first proper editor this editor allows you to toggle between adding blocks and enemies and it has a bunch of other little features that make the process of Designing and testing levels so much quicker and more enjoyable than ever before but this isn't the end yet because the next project I'm going to show you is the latest Kirby engine and to say that it's a major improvement over everything you've seen thus far would be a major understatement with the exact same name this is Kirby's Dream Maker [Music] alright if this isn't a pretty snazzy looking title screen then I don't know what is what's cool is that every time you restart this game the title screen starts on one of four different supported game styles Kirby's Dreamland Kirby's Adventure Kirby streamline 3 and Kirby Squeak Squad yeah this game supports all four of the game styles that you have seen so far but we'll get to that more in a minute for now if we press play we move on to a level selection screen now if you are paying attention the Kirby engine HD also had a level selection menu but it was very rudimentary compared to this let's click on an empty level and press edit to go into it alright welcome to the editor which is fully featured this time around now the level itself is really small but if we go to the edges of the screen we can change both the width and the height of the level really easily alright there are currently no blocks placed down select the previous engines I can scroll through the tiles and place them down at will but now I can also press this button up here and open up a whole menu where the tiles are laid out and pick the ones that I need this means making levels can be even faster and more intuitive especially with the ability to Middle click on blocks to get the block like Minecraft as soon as I want to test or fully play the level I can press play and we exit the editor pretty neat right now there are a bunch more settings we can mess around with from changing the game style to the background to even taking a picture of the level itself for the level preview but even with all of these new things somehow it feels as if something is still missing you've seen that every project that I've taken on so far has added something new to this Everlasting project and has become better every time but it always fell short of my goals and I guess that's where this project ends up as well falling short perhaps every project we take on ends up falling short of our dreams now some of you might laugh at the fact that I've redone the same project so many times over the years but really I think this is the best way to master your skills this project has taught me to persist and to follow my dreams no matter how far away they may seem and perhaps that's why Kirby has been such an inspiration to me now this latest Kirby project I made in mid to late 2021 making it almost two years old so last year was the first year that I didn't work on this project since I started programming but perhaps I should change that I have improved a lot as a programmer in just two years so I guess that I will just leave it up to you guys do you want to see this project make a comeback if you do or have any other suggestions or questions leave them down in the comments below thank you guys as always for watching and for your wonderful support and as always I will see you in the next video bye-bye foreign
Channel: CodeNoodles
Views: 657,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, coding, computer science, noodles, comedy, kirby, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, sfml, python, c++, maker games, kirby's dreamland, kirby maker, story
Id: SgxBstLOw8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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