How i made a stainless Steel exhaust for a Kawasaki Z1R Turbo
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Allen Millyard
Views: 315,994
Rating: 4.9425588 out of 5
Keywords: Super Six, six cylinder, home made, shed, shed made, old school engineering, engine repair, Z1, Kawasaki Z900, Kawasaki Z1, Hacksaw, hand cutting, MCN, Classic motorcycle Mechanics, The motorbike Show, HCA, Filing, Files, Colchester Lathe, Elliot Milling Machine, 1970's, Kawasaki, Camshaft, Dontgiveup, Notaseasyasitlooks, Haveago, millyard, millyardracing, hyperride2, lockdown, Kawasaki Z1R Turbo, Turbo, Z1R, Turbo bike, Wastegate, Mikuni, Its fast, Turbo lag, swiss army scissors, QBond
Id: T1aG63f_eEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 26 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Man you are an artist!! Awesome job on that exhaust and great looking rare bike.
The ol' pillar drill. I love how tool names differ from region to region.
This guy makes everything look like a cake walk. I love the video he did with Missedenflyer? on his bikes, especially the first part with the Viper engine bike.
Freakn' sweet bike! Seeing stainless getting welded without back purge makes me cringe 😬 I do like your polishing trick though!
Watching him hit stainless with a steel hammer hurt my soul.
Allen can do more with a hacksaw, grinder and pillar drill than most people can do with an entire engineering firm.