HOW I MADE $317 FROM SCANNING RECEIPTS | Top 3 Receipt Apps to Make Money (2024 UPDATE)

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so that is all of the cash outs I've had within the app about two years ago I posted a video on how at that point I had made about 317 dollars all from scanning receipts well in this video I want to give an update to that video in this video I'm going to be sharing with you my top three apps to make money from scanning your receipts hey guys my name is Adrian if you are new here I just wanted to introduce myself I will start off by saying that everything I talk about is going to be linked down in the description bar so all of the links to the apps or specific names and also any referral codes for you guys to use first app when I first made this video I had just started using this app and it has now become my favorite app and it is the fetch Rewards app so a lot of people use this app in the French Rewards app you can scan any receipts from all stores and all restaurants they separate how many points you get per receipt based on if it's a qualifying retailer or not qualifying retailers include grocery retailers supermarkets Club wholesaler home improvement stores pet stores what's a non-qualifying store would be any sort of like restaurant like Chipotle or or any other kind of retailer the points that you then get from those receipts you can redeem for gift cards so they have so many different kinds of gift cards on this app that you can redeem for popular ones that I redeem for are Amazon eBay Lululemon we just bought a new king size bed so we redeemed a whole bunch of gift cards to Wayfair to purchase a king-size bed so many different kinds of retailers like I said how many points you get per receipt depends on if it's a qualifying retail or not qualifying retailer receipt will get you 25 points a non-qualifying retailer receipt will get you five points for my calculations about 1 000 points is equivalent to about one dollar for every non-bonus qualifying receipt that you do scan so that would be like Target or Walmart you would get 25 points I equate that to be about two and a half cents which does not sound like a lot I know but I promise in this process it certainly adds up there are a lot of other ways you can also get points not just from scanning those receipts there are a lot of brands that fetch partners with if you purchase certain products that are within the fetch Rewards app you will get additional points back for cash back something to get you kick-started with this app though if you download it is I do have a code that if you do use it you get 2 000 points which is equivalent to two dollars for you so you can redeem that for those gift cards I want to be completely honest that is a referral code so when you get the money I also get a kickback as well so I do greatly appreciate anybody using any of these links or any of these codes the second app that I have come to love is actually one that somebody commented about on that first video that I posted it is the coin out app the coin out app was actually an app that started on Shark Tank which is really cool similarly to the fetch Rewards app you can scan pretty much any kind of receipt into the coin out app and how it works is for every receipt that you scan you get a certain amount of sense back so I've gotten from scanning my receipts anywhere from below so I've gotten I think it's two cents all the way up to like 15 cents per receipt it just depends I think on how much you spend if it's a uni kind of store I remember one time we were at a military commissary and we had a receipt and I scanned it and I got a lot more back for that receipt than I did for like a normal Target receipt because I think it's a little bit more unique coin out is different than fetch in that you can redeem out as an Amazon gift card as a Zell or you can cash out via PayPal so those are the only three options you have they're a little bit better because you can obviously get cash back and not gift cards the minimum you need to have is twenty dollars to be able to cash out like I said the receipt worth can vary depending on the receipt that you get there's actually also a lot of other ways within the coin out app to get cash back you can actually make money from online transactions from going through the coin out site each time you go to make those transactions and this would be with any merch Merchants that they are affiliated with as of when I started using the coin out app connecting your email was actually something that was really important and they limited how many receipts you could scan depending on how many emails you had connected to your account I know some people get weird about connecting their emails I have a few what I call boof emails that I use I don't know if I should be like publicly saying that those are the emails that I made like when I was in eighth grade and I use them when I'm like signing up for something online and I don't want to get all those advertisement emails I use those emails so those emails I have linked my coin out app just to have an email connected and just like the fetch rewards I do have a referral link down below which I will link to the third and final app is my Og app it is the Receipt Hog app it has been tried and true I've been using this app since 2014 when I was back in college I'm not even sure how I found out about it but that's kind of when I started like really going into like saving money Receipt Hog is an app where you can earn coins back from really any kind of stores big or small I pretty much scan all of my receipts into the Receipt Hog app so that would be like supermarkets any sort of stores like I often go to Ross or Marshalls or TJ Maxx I always scan all of those receipts and within the Receipt Hog app you can either redeem those coins for cash or gift cards so I always redeem for cash because cash is just worth more for me within the app they value different receipts depending on how much money you spent on that receipt and also when you were redeeming for that cash or the gift card back there are different levels of redemption so if you're too redeemed for five dollars your coins are going to be worth less than if you were to redeem for a higher value like the 40 Redemption it's gonna Cost You Less coins so the longer you save your coins for to redeem for that cash the more your points are going to be worth so I always wait to redeem my coins for the highest cash value which is forty dollars I have calculated that a receipt that I spend maybe like 25 dollars on is going to be worth anywhere from five to six cents other ways you can get coins within the Receipt Hog app is they often do surveys if they notice that there's a certain product that you purchased they will send you a survey for that product another way you can get more coins is through what they call hog levels so hog levels is their way of almost incentivizing people to use the app for longer so I've been using the app for a very long time so like right now I am on level 32 within the Receipt Hog app I'm on level 32 so for every week that I scan a receipt I go up a little bit in that level so right now I'm about in the middle of level 32 and for every level that you hit you get additional coins so basically after level 32 I will get 440 coins which is equivalent to 2.71 cents ish which yes I know it doesn't sound a lot but that's just like additional all coins onto like what I normally get so other things you can do they actually just updated this I didn't even know this until I was looking at the app you can link different reward systems through like stores so you can connect your Costco membership they have Home Depot they have Kroger they have a lot of different stores that you can connect in that and that makes it so that even if you don't have a paper receipt the receipt will automatically go to the app and you'll get your coins for that they also have you can connect your Amazon account and right now they actually have a sign up bonus if you connect your Amazon account you get a 75 coin bonus I've noticed now that they are very big on e-receipts so it's almost like you get more for connecting your email or forwarding e-receipts to these apps but I will say like paper receipts are still heavily prevalent and it is cool that you can like link all those different like stores sometimes though there are certain coins that they don't give you coins for they actually give you what are called hog slots which it honestly whenever I pull it up when I'm out it looks like I'm playing like a gambling game I don't have any right now but sometimes for any receipt that's not a qualifying receipt they'll give me like five hog slots so I get to play the little slot game they have different prizes depending on what you win on the game um it's computerized and I have calculated that I make about 27 a year using this app actually tells me total how much I've made this is how much I have made since starting to use this app so all of these apps are free to use and they are also as of my knowledge all for just the United States but I want to share the reasons why you should be using apps like this first of all it is free money yes it's not the quickest way to make money but I know everybody has receipts with them everyone goes shopping for groceries Etc the second is from that free money that money does come compounds I total from all of these apps together make a little under sixty dollars a year from just scanning my receipts okay so if I were to take that money and save it for something like I said in the first video if I were to go invest those fifty dollars and every year I was just putting fifty dollars away like that money just adds up it may not look like it does but it does add up over the years if you are consistent with it the third reason I would say this is just extra money towards your fun money so me and my husband we have a specific amount each of us gets for fun monies and that money is just fun money that we can use on whatever we want and this is just like extra money that you can use I don't really think about the time it takes to scan the receipt when I am scanning it but when I do have enough coins and I do redeem for that forty dollar gift card it is a very great reward to be like wow I have a 40 gift card that I can really treat myself with something the fourth reason and this is probably my most important reason is that this is actually a great way to keep track of your receipts so there there have been many times when I have thrown a receipt out and then I wanted to go return something and I didn't have the receipt anymore but I had the receipt on one of these apps I've been able to return the thing and then get my money back as opposed to getting like store credit or something or even with budgeting now within my marriage like it helps me to track our budget knowing exactly what we were spending at a certain store and therefore I don't have to keep the receipt and that makes it really easy for me it does take a long long time to build up any amount of coins or cents back with these receipts to get a return like I totally understand that I will say the longer you use some of these apps the more you will benefit from like scanning any of those receipts two is because it takes a long time it does take a lot of patience it's not like the easiest thing to do to remember to save your receipts and then scan them in a lot of times I will just keep them on our table right in front of our door and then at some point during the week when I have like some down time time or if I'm just watching a show I'll just scan all of the receipts at the same time I'm going to say that this is not for people who don't want their habits tracked the reason why these apps exist is so that marketing companies can track what people are buying and therefore they can make more money in the future with other people who may have similar spending habits I personally don't have a problem with that I know some people do so I just wanted to be transparent about that although I will say about just taking the time to scan those receipts is it is becoming a lot easier via e-receipts a lot of times like I don't even upload receipts but I'm still getting coins because like my Sam's Club and my Costco membership are connected to my coin out account so I automatically get coins via that way so this is what I would do we're gonna Pretend This Post-It note is a receipt this pad of Post-its so if I were to have gone to a store gotten my receipt I would have kept it with me I would scan the same receipt into each app and and I equate that to making me about 18 cents per receipt so if I were to just every time I had one receipt put 18 cents in a jar over the course of a week like that does add up the calculation I did is if I were to put 18 cents in a jar five to six times a week I would have about a dollar a week that would be about 52 dollars a year 50 plus dollars more than I had before all of the links and referral codes are going to be down in the description bar so don't forget to check that out thank you guys for watching my video don't forget to subscribe if you found this helpful or hit that like button down below and I will catch you guys in the next video bye guys foreign [Music]
Channel: Adrienne Invests
Views: 53,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money with receipts, make money scanning receipts, receipts to cash, apps for receipts to get money back, how to make money with receipts, how to make money with receipt hog, how to earn money with receipts, how to make money scanning receipts, how to earn money using receipt, how to use receipt hog, how does receipt hog work, is receipt hog legit, receipt hog cash out, receipt hog payment proof, receipt apps to make money, make money taking pictures of receipts
Id: GLZQYgLzos4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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