How I Made 30,000 Gold in 3 Hours Abusing True Damage Without Dying | Dark and Darker Solo Guide

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I think I just saw the bar almost positive I just saw him oh oh boy that was close oh man the fing ax is scary oh GG oh man if I didn't hit that bow shot I'm dead damn look at those boots look at the boots oh my God they're abys those are abys Blues you know how much money these are worth I don't even know it's a lot it's a lot of money this guy's gear is sick this guy's gear is nuts hey guys how's it going Firebox here I want to show you this build that I've been running relatively budget that I ran for about 3 hours and did not die a single time making about 30,000 gold overall this is becoming one of my favorite builds and this is relatively budget as well so even you can probably make this if you don't have a lot of money to spend with that let's go Ahad and get into the build for my perks I'm going to rocking dual wield to grab the extra action speed because we're using two weapons of course defense Mastery this perk is being replaced and used instead of Sword Mastery the reason being most of your fights are going to be in range and to be honest that extra little bit of armor that you get with this is definitely worth it in my opinion I would like to use sword Mastery but there just isn't really space for it in this build Swift because movement speed is extremely important we're already very slow running full PDR you'll see here we rocking 259 movement speed sorry I think my camera might have been blocking that so with that said using Swift is just really important and you get a lot of value from it as well and of course we're going to be using weapon Mastery because survival bow right now is the best bow in the entire game if you're playing Ranger or Bard there's no reason not to use survival bow and I think weapon mastery to use a survival bow is by far worth it even if you don't need it for your primary weapon like my dagger build that I've been using before for my skills I'm going to be rocking adrenaline rush and Sprint it's worth noting that technically second wind is better than adrenaline rush but I think adrenaline rush is more fun getting that additional action speed to utilize your weapon combo is very fun and I'll talk about that here in a little bit second win is great and all especially against third parties and just generally longer fights which you do have as PDR but that said I would recommend giving Adrenaline Rush a try I don't think you'll be disappointed Shing away from The Meta just a little bit for the build I'm going to be rocking a arming sword and short sword combo if you don't know you can start the attack with a short sword and then hold the left click down for arming sword while holding both buttons together you can do a attack combo that is very good for this build I mentioned it before but just in case you're not familiar this is here and available for this build very nice while fighting PVP for your survival bow additional damage is probably better but if you can get a physical damage bonus attached it's also fine don't forget that because of weapon Master you are losing a little bit of damage here so any additional statue you can get is going to be great running a Hound skull with just some physical damage reduction either PDR or armor rolls is going to be fine here for our fine curas I'm rocking physical damage reduction as well same as before as as long as you have physical damage reduction or armor you're going to be fine if you can get Max Health bonus as well that's great going to be rocking some plate pants with armor and Max HP you're going to notice a pretty common theme the general stats we're going to be looking for for this build is armor and Max HP alongside of course our true damage and I'll talk about here in a second for our boots we're going to be rocking agility and physical damage reduction technically five movement speed is better but finding five movement speed and PDR or armor roll on boots is extremely expensive so I decided to go ahead and run these as more of a budget variant my gauntlets I have physical power physical damage reduction and Max HP normally I would say it's true damage or bust true damage is just always better for your gauntlets but it was three good stats that I felt comfortable wearing for this build and I will say having the additional physical damage reduction and Max HP on these is pretty good and trying to find pair of gauntlets with true damage and those stats is insanely expensive for my cloak I'm going to be rocking two true physical damage nothing special here just some will really will is not the stat you want and of course neither is knowledge but as I said earlier this is more of a budget build for all of these pieces you're going to be wanting bigger preferably for the pendant we're going to be rocking true damage armor and action speed which even though we don't want the there are three very good stats I always recommend finding true damage and armor for your amulets and for our Rings we're going to be rocking true physical damage of course you're going to want to change these out for Vigor but just keep that in mind that you do need that true physical damage so with that we're going to be sitting at 69% physical damage reduction 137 HP 259 movement speed and -2 magic resist now real quick before you go off and say oh my God this build sucks it's going to just die instantly to wizards and warlocks yeah you're kind of right but you're not completely right so when you see a wizard or warlock you're going to want to take off your chest piece this is going to give you a little bit of magic resist but most importantly it's going to give you a lot of movement speed you don't need the physical damage reduction against a warlock or a wizard as much as you need 30 movement speed that's a lot of speed so between the survival bow and your true damage and having the extra speed from here in general you can defend yourself against these other classes so don't panic if you see a really geared Wizard or warlock take off your chest piece you can either run away from them if you need to or just try to hold a door and you can fight them from there I think this build is a ton of fun right now I know we're all still waiting for these updates we have the game Fest coming I think it's June 7th with iron mace in it so look forward to seeing what we end up seeing there and I don't know maybe we see wipe sometime in early mid June I think that's where it is planned so look forward to that as well hopefully can make some more content here more consistently soon that's all I have for you today let's go and get into some more of the PVP I hope you enjoy the video half plate lock with high I I don't know what he was thinking why would you do that poor guy that's not how Barb Works bro his gear is good too his gear is not even bad fellas his gear is actually like decent it just doesn't it just doesn't matter cuz we're a PDR fighter so we just win he didn't even use his axes he had 10 fr isos what is he doing okay well wow that was close I could not hit him to save my life literally all right GG man oh I can drop my my uh my arrows and stuff don't need them anymore the lobb is empty he has a pretty good gear too that's true warlock's really good at normals because of the plus down all stat you can almost just stat check everybody with that pretty insane for I feel a little bad just hit their feet now I just got to worry about the Barb I mean I feel bad for him too but it just is what it is man genu I'm genuinely not sure about his second one but maybe cut Cutthroat is what I usually just assume they have oh man that was a good throw GG this is a guy I was chasing pregame too funny [Music] enough uh he has some pretty good gear too a close portal I need to be quick here though cuz the uh game's close soon I can probably drop most of this healing he has a lot of true damage he might be maxed on true damage think he just used a uh hey uh PE blood oh Mr third party's sitting here yeah well can't fight him anymore perfect damn that Bar's Juiced like actually Juiced by the way you're not you're not popping Troll's butt if you're not Juiced all right so Bard's here maybe the fighter left already so for starting to get hit by the lag dude the I don't know if I can fight this guy with this lag it's my oh he's not in the storm yeah it's not worth it I thought he was in the storm that everyone Stacks nothing but true damage I don't want to fight the Goblin there is a bad spot to fight cuz of the gabbo he doesn't have true damage does he oh he might e o dude has a lot of true it has a lot of true damage yeah the spacing with my uh my axes he had to be one shot too he had to be one shot all right take two oh I think you're dead he missed all right here you go he done done now I don't know I don't know what he was doing he fumbled bro you got Max true damage what are you doing man you know how valuable these rings are like 1,000 gold a piece like I actually forgot he had some good gear man he had some very good gear shock in L good I did not expect them to have gear this good tro he skimped on the amulet true he might have won if he he didn't skimp very true we need big updates we need wipe and we need the game to be in a good place that people stay after the wipe and the uh updates you know yes yes the last axxe that Ranger did not range that is an insane cloak by the way I want to thank you guys for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to like the video really helps the channel s for more content and comment below what your thoughts are of this build I've really been enjoying it recently and I do want to thank trash daddy Justin Dube and B for supporting this video alongside my other members thank you all have a great day
Channel: Firebox
Views: 4,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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