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[Applause] hey guys so it's been about like a week or something since i've posted um everything's been pretty normal so i'm currently working on orders right now um we have a couple orders that we need to do um i had some doctor's appointments for the baby the past two days so i kind of haven't been able to catch up with printing the orders for my mom so now i have to do all of the names for the orders so that we can do them and good news i bought the software to um embroider the names because what i was doing is um putting the name with iron on vinyl which i prefer i like the name to be with the iron on vinyl but um i have had a couple people ask me if i can embroider the name and i i didn't have the software so now i have it and i can you know say yes i had someone um give me a four star review which i'm grateful for four star is still good um they gave me a four star review because she's like she said that she wished that um the name would have been embroidered and um i saw the review and i was like but i don't have the software but she doesn't know that so obviously whatever um so yeah now i have the software now i just have to learn how to use it i bought the uh i bought the in brilliance essentials software this is i think this is like the most basic one they have like different price points this one i think was like 135. what else have i done oh i also i also submitted a form to make my company um an llc so that i'm a legit company um so it'll be little alessia handmade llc my etsy is called little alessia co um but what i'm gonna do is because i like the name little unless you had me but i can't use it on that's because it's too long um i'm gonna do a dda for a little elastic co so basically what i'm gonna do is once i get approved um for the llc for little handmade i'm gonna submit another form so that little alessia co is a dba dba basically means doing business has so um it'll be little alessia handmade llc doing business as little elastic co that way i have the etsy you know under the umbrella of my little alessia handmade business because eventually what i want to do is i want to open up my own website called little alessia hand bleed um but right now my business on etsy is called little alessio so that's what i did i think the llc is like if you guys are thinking of starting your own business it costs me 160 to submit for the llc um i think the next thing that i also need to do is trademark the names i want to trademark little alessia handmade and little alessia co if you guys didn't know my my company name is based off of my daughter's name her name is alessia so i because i make baby things and children's things i thought it'd be cute to put put my company name as hers i wanted also to go over [Music] how much money my mom and i have made in the past i think five months i think this month has been the lowest month for us but i wanted to tell you guys so i wanted to show you guys um how much money we've been making since march which has been pretty good i want to show i want to explain to you guys what my tactic was um from you know i went from making little to no sales to like three thousand dollars worth of sales and i think you guys would find it very interesting and probably very helpful um i don't know if you guys know but usually when you start a business you don't really make much money in the beginning a lot of the time when you start your own business you're investing a lot a lot of money into your business and anything that you're getting um sales wise is just going right back into the business a lot of the money that we've made or we've been making has made it possible for us to construct the room and make it so that it's easier for us to have supplies and have everything sort of organized have enough money to buy supplies um to buy fabric to buy the shelve unit to buy the bins to buy everything um it's actually helped us be able to buy all of these things without me having to invest more money so i wanted to show you guys uh why i started the business back in i think in november last year but i started off by selling only bows and the bows let me just say we made them by from scratch like hand handmade we would cut the fabric my mom would sew it we would have to invert it we just sew the the bow put the center put the clip so it was very um it was very time consuming and it took a lot of work the bowls are a more inexpensive price so for the amount of work that you're putting into the bow you're not making that much so we don't really sell bows anymore and in december my dad bought my mom an embroidery machine so then that's when we dove into the embroidery shirts but in december here i'll show you guys the computer okay so i started as you can see here's january we did have some listings in january but we made like no money in january um but then in february we started getting some sales um but then again like we still weren't getting that many sales in march i had a conversation with um my boyfriend and i was telling him i was like oh i'm not making enough money i don't know if my price point's too high and my shop is very new and he told me a story about an article that he read um about amazon basically the article read that jf jeff bezos the owner of amazon when he first started his business he would put his items to less than the price that he paid for it and this is a big risk you are losing money but because i did this what i did was i lowered my prices a lot i lowered my prices to a point where because the good thing about this is i couldn't lower them too much to the point that people would think that my items were cheap which they're not they're very well made and all of the materials are good quality materials but i didn't want people thinking that they were made cheaply so what i did was i lowered the prices a little bit and then what i did was i did a coupon so that it looked like all of my items were on sale so what i've basically done is i've just done a permanent coupon so that people are like oh i'm getting a good deal which essentially they saw or i am losing money but um if you notice once this this month in march i had the conversation my boyfriend about halfway through the month and i went from 230 dollars to 800 so the sales once i lowered my prices oh and then i also offered free shipping so once i lowered my prices the sales started pouring in when i tell you they started pouring in they started pouring in so i went from 800 to 000 and then in may which was when the quarantine was like really really bad um i went from 3 000 to almost 5 000 and then as you can see from from may to june um it went down to 3 000 and then this month has been very very slow which usually summer is very slow in general i used to work retail and summer in general is a very slow june and july are very slow months everything usually starts to pick back up in august when school starts so i'm not really worried too too worried about that um but i wanted to show you guys this because in general i've made from march so that's march april may june july that's five months i've made 14 000 as you can see here i've made 14 000 and of those 14 000 i've it's been um in fees it's been four thousand so i've made ten thousand dollars in pure profit now where are those ten thousand dollars in supplies and materials so those ten thousand dollars i've bought um materials shelving units bins um you know machines that we need we bought a 700 machine the brother pe 800 machine which helps us get orders out um so let me just face the camera towards back at me so um i wanted to show you guys that because um i thought that you guys should know when you start a business you can't expect to make money fast you can't say oh my time is valuable my work is valuable in the beginning and i need to put my prices up really high when you don't have any reviews when you don't have any sale account or anything customers aren't going to buy from you if your price point is high so once i lowered my prices it was crazy like i was telling my boyfriend i'm like i've made 10 sales today you know five sales today three sales today they were just pouring and pouring in and pouring in and i was so happy because it worked so now what i've been doing is you know i try to raise them up like a dollar or like 50 cents or like a dollar little by little um and the sales are still coming in i have a lot a lot a lot of reviews one thing that i do is i get the order out really fast so aside from the item being so low in price they get it very quickly so you know that's a bargain for anybody because if you think about it amazon is cheap and you get it in two days so um one thing i also do is i offer free shipping i won't be offering free shipping for too much longer because it's really cutting into like the amount of money that we're making that we need um but i also offer free shipping um it has a coupon so it's lowering the price my prices um are cheaper than a lot of other people who sell the same exact shirt um so that's how i've managed to basically make ten thousand dollars in five months um i feel like that's a really good range for your first year of building a business um i have a lot of other things that i want to do with this business and other things that um other plans that i have but for right now this is working out pretty well for us i'm hoping that once the year is over things start picking up for us because now we've had the shop for a year and um we have a lot of good reviews and we already have 800 sales so in the five months i've made 800 sales i think that's pretty good for like you know what i've done but i did have to make a sacrifice and i did have to lower my prices but because of that my shop has been successful and i thought i would mention that um i think that in the beginning you just have to invest a lot of money into a business and that's just a sacrifice that you need to be willing to make and yeah so let's move on to these owners i have all of these orders that i need to do today so and some of them need to go out today so i'm gonna get on to doing that i also wanted to show you guys the amount of things that we've bought um this room literally looks like a warehouse so you can see so over here right now we have these bins here um just for extra storage i actually got these basically for free because um i had bought these other bins and they sent me these like cloudy yellow ones and i'm like these are not the ones that i bought so they just sent me replacements and let me keep these um here's where we keep our fabric you guys have seen this before um and yeah this is just where we keep here's where we keep our tool packing materials i keep the adhesive spray there shirts under here we have more shirts over here we have my thread if you guys are wondering this is the thread that i buy i bite my thread the thread that i use is the madeira madeira i don't know thread and i get this from these are like eight dollars for like thousand five hundred yards of fabric or five thousand yeah five thousand five hundred and then here i we have more packing materials up there um we have shirts and then i have my um desk over here the cricut i have a printer here so we're using this room to its fullest capability i'm gonna buy another shelving unit to put here um so if you guys want to see a more detailed room tour make sure to like this video or comment down below white white very white um make sure to like this video below make sure to like this video and comment down below what you guys would like to see um you know we can really detail everything and how we organize it and you know how we label it or with where we get everything so make sure to let us know if you guys would like to see a detailed room tour of the work room so let us know hey guys so different day different setting um i wanted to come on here because i have a couple things that i wanted to add on my video the other day on um how i grew on etsy so fast and there's a couple things that i've discovered in the past couple of days that i've done that i feel like if you guys want to start your own business will also be very helpful for you guys sorry if i'm looking at the camera a lot i promise i'm not taking my eyes off the road i'm just looking at my gps um so i wanted to discuss logos and how you guys can get yourself a logo at a very fair price one of my friends started her own company and she told me about a app that she found called fever when i tell you this app is like the best app i have ever discovered in my whole life it's like the best and it's so cheap for someone who's starting out their business so i needed a logo for my little alessia shop and my little alessia handmade business name and um i i called her and i was like hey what's the app whatever she told me it was fever and i went on there and she's like oh just pick um any that is five dollars or whatever don't choose any of the more expensive ones so i looked up logo oh this person's not gonna let me pass please let me pass so i i went on favor i opened an account and i put in the search logo and um i just picked the cheapest one that i saw i looked at the reviews they had pretty good reviews um and i sent them it so what it does is it gives you like three different options so you get a five dollar fifteen thirty five it depends on the seller sometimes it's five twenty thirty five depending on on the seller so they had a five dollar i think a twenty dollar and a thirty five dollar and i chose the twenty dollar um and i asked them i told them everything that i needed i told them that i wanted to keep the same font that i had already and i added like i'll show a picture here i added like a needle and thread because i wanted i didn't i know that we make shirts but i didn't want the logo to be focused on shirts because if i ever decide that i want to branch out i want the main focus to be something that we make and i feel like a needle in thread could mean many different things as far as a company so um i he submitted a logo i didn't really like it but he was so open to meet to he was so open to revisions i sent him i don't know like three revisions um and he was very open i did a logo and i did a stamp um and he got it done within a day and then the revisions like he would get it done within a day um so i got the local within two days for 20 i paid in total i think i paid 22 dollars and i tipped him 10 so it cost me 32 this logo that you see here cost me 32 so i also contacted somebody else to make me a youtube intro so i'm still working on that this video might not have that but it's in the works and i'm really excited about it because i think it's only going to cost me like 40 or 50 dollars which honestly isn't that bad when you think about um what it takes to do these kinds of things i feel like that's not that bad of a price um and i'm sure the youtube intros i'm sure there's ones that are five dollars don't get me wrong i just chose one that had really good reviews so it was a little bit more expensive which is fine but this app fibr is the perfect perfect app for someone who wants to start their business and wants to start marketing i even paid five dollars for someone to put 30 of my etsy ship i paid five dollars for someone to put 30 of my etsy listings on their pinterest and they did everything i just paid the five dollars and gave them my etsy url and they grabbed 30 and put it on their etsy like on their own i didn't have to do anything but there's so many different i was researching that app and there's so many different things that you could do you can have someone create your etsy shop for you you can have someone do the listings for you the tags i prefer to do those things myself you can also find someone who can photograph for you who can handle your social media who can i even saw one where you can have your etsy item on the first page you pay like thirty dollars or ten dollars i don't know i would be lying if i told you um and they put the they put your etsy listing on the first page of etsy within like seven days or something like that um so there's so many different things that you could do they can create business cards for you um anything essentially so i definitely recommend you guys download this app fever this is not sponsored not getting paid to tell you guys this i promise even though it kind of sounds like it um but it's such a great app it's like a life saver for me um so i'll let you guys know once the youtube intro is done or you guys will basically see it so when you see the youtube intro just know that it was inexpensive and i got it i got it done on the app called fever so and also if you guys have beauty channels i feel like this is a great way to find someone who can do your marketing for your beauty channel um i don't know if a lot of you guys know but i'm also a makeup artist with about 10 years of experience so a lot of my videos are makeup related um so if you guys definitely have a uh if you guys have a beauty channel i definitely recommend checking favor out because they can help you with marketing your makeup and marketing your youtube videos or even editing them creating an intro for your beauty channel i wanted i also wanted to touch on on one thing that i've noticed really really works for me and i feel like etsy owners rave about it because it actually really does work my shop was kind of i was getting less and less sales and the other day i posted like 30 items 40 items and now my sales are starting to pick back up so i think that etsy kind of notices when you're posting new items constantly um because that's the only times that i get more sales and more sales is when i'm constantly posting so i start i noticed this week i started getting a ton a ton of sales and a ton of sales not only on my old items but also the new items that i posted so that's a good tip for etsy i'm not 100 sure what else to mention but if i think of something i'll jump on here really quick and let you guys know um again if you guys like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to this channel if you guys want to see more videos like this about beauty our etsy business entrepreneurship how it's going if i'm succeeding if i'm failing what struggles i'm going through yeah so if you guys have any questions make sure to leave them down below i try to answer all of your questions so yeah thank you guys so so much for watching and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Adelaida Leon
Views: 25,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100, days, of, makeup, challenge, tutorials, brush, etiquette, bittersweetbomb
Id: hkFBjFikGUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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