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hi everybody I'm Andrea need in today's video I'm going to talk about my weight loss and I know this is not a subject that I talk about on this channel but a lot of you guys asked like I get hundreds of messages from you asking me to do a video about have lost weight and you know the whole process if you're not interested in this kind of subject I've got plenty of other videos about beauty and makeup that you can watch this is not the kind of videos that I plan on doing from now on this is just an exception because I was requested to do so now I also wanted to tell you that I watch a lot of this videos on YouTube and sometimes I get a little bit like I don't have the patience to watch the whole thing so I figured I should divide my video in two sections and I would put numbers to each subject that I'm gonna talk about and then in my description box you will find as a subject that I'm going to talk about and the time the exact time when I start to actually talk about that specific thing so this way if you're only interested in like let's say what I eat in a day you can just scroll and see exactly when I start talking about that I think this is just easier less frustrating for those of you who are only interested in one subject only now before we get into this video please don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and click on the ring bell button this way we'll be notified whenever I'm posting a new video now let's get it to this video so first of all I get a lot of questions from you asking me like why why did you want it to lose weight in the first place I'll tell you a little bit about that okay just so you understand so I am only 5 1 that is 1 meter in 54 centimeters so a very short person and for the most part of my life I've been around 104 105 pounds that is 4748 can I know this sounds like such a small number but for my height that's actually the upper limit for my for my weight I would also be very active most of my life I would I play tennis I would go to the gym I would workout at home but then something in my life happened back in 2016 when I moved to Paris and it was just so many changes I changed the country I didn't have my friends I didn't know the language I all of a sudden I had a new job I had a manager when I've been a freelance my whole life it has been just a huge change in my life when I picked when I moved to Paris so it also changed the way I was eating the biggest mistake that I think I did when I got here is to believe that everybody is eating bread I live in Paris they're pastry is well-known as being one of the best in the world and I thought that everyone is eating bread and they stay slim like magic but it was not like that at all and so I've started to eat bread every single day in my life I just want to make it clear that when I was back home in Romania I would never eat like not even one slice of bread so eating bread was a huge change for my body that's when I started to see that I'm gaining a little bit of weight but I thought you know what a little bit of bread and some macaroons here and there it's not gonna kill me I'd rather have a few more pounds extra and be happy and eat whatever the heck I want then you know to limit myself but the truth is that the weight started to accumulate and in spring the spring I tried a pair of that I just bought before I got to Paris and honestly I couldn't I couldn't even pull them on my legs that's how thick my legs would get so I had the courage to get on the scale because for the whole time while I was here in Paris I did not weigh myself I didn't want to know my weight because I knew this is you know I hate the scale and I know I'm not the only one so I put myself on a scale and I saw that I was 55 kilograms and I was thinking this is not possible maybe it's water you know it was it can't be I didn't gain seven kilograms like that's 14 pounds so the next day I woke up went on the skin and I was 55 kilograms and I panicked and it's not necessarily to see the number the number is the confirmation I just didn't feel like myself I I didn't like that whenever I would sit down my belly would be on top of my pants I would look at myself in the mirror mirror and I just didn't feel comfortable with the way I looked especially with how much I've worked out and so I I was thinking okay I do not want to say no to food if you watch me on Instagram you know that I'm a huge foodie I eat with my nose my ears my like everything I love to eat and eating was like such a big part of my life I said to myself you know what I'm just going to work out every single day I'm going to try that for a month and to see if it's going to make any change in the way I look in the way I feel and for exactly 30 days I did that and I would work out every single day and I gotta be honest with you it it wasn't necessarily easy it's not something that I wanted I would work out at home it was not something that I was like okay I'm just gonna wake up and happily work out no it was not like that it would mostly like force myself to do and a month went by nothing happened other than you know feeling good feeling like I've accomplished something no difference in my clothing nothing zero and I knew I had to do something so I can feel myself again and so I can fit in my old clothes again because seven kilograms for my height that's a lot so this is how everything started one day I saw Katie a fellow youtuber in here lust she locks I'll put her Instagram in here she's one of my favorite youtubers to watch she did a video on the keto diet and in her video she said do your research because she didn't give too many information about it she just showed it before and after picture and I was like ok right after I was watching our video I searched for keto diet over the internet and I found through through other videos I found dr. Eric Berg here on YouTube all put his link in the description box he's a doctor and nutrition I am NOT a native English speaker so some words can be a little bit too complicated for me but this doctor I can actually understand what he says and after I've watched like I don't know 15 videos about ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting that day I decided okay I'm starting in that right now and this is how everything started ever since I've started the keto diet I've lost six kilograms that's about 12 13 pounds in two months I feel better than ever my skin looks better than ever and a lot of things changed in here during this time and I want to take you through my journey but let me explain to you in my simple words what is keto diet what is keto diet it's purpose so Kido comes from ketosis which is a process where your body is burning your own fat for fuel rather than carbohydrates at keto diet you eat between 60 and 70% of fat between 15 and 30% of protein and between 5 and 10 percent of carbohydrates so it is a diet where you're eating a lot of fat in very low carbohydrate keto is keeping your insulin level low and insulin it's a fat storage hormone so whenever we eat we spike insulin so ketogenic diet is the best way to keep your insulin low besides the fasting and here is where I come to intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is basically eating only between a certain between certain time I would say and let me give you an example let's just say you have you eat for 8 hours it doesn't mean you eat continuously but you eat between this window of 8 hours and then the rest of 16 hours use nothing but I mean nothing your goal is to shrink that window when you're eating to as low as you can I've started the ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting together so I didn't do the ketogenic diet first and then did the the fasting no I did it together so first I've started by eating between 8 hours so I would start by eating three meals between these eight hours window so my first meal would be around 8 o'clock and then my second meal would be around 12 and then my last meal would be around 4 o'clock and nothing after that but as I've started to do this diet and the intermittent fasting I realized that I was not as hungry I was not hungry in the morning first of all you know what I've never been hungry in the morning but I just had so many information from everywhere that breakfast is the most important meal of the day that I thought you know I have to eat in the morning it doesn't matter I would wake up I would be like you know half asleep but I would go eat because breakfast is most important meal of the day and then so I I just said you know what I'm gonna skip breakfast I can just push my meal to 12 o'clock 11 o'clock you know and so I and so I did I pushed my first meal to 11 o'clock and then my last meal would be at 5:30 around 5:30 p.m. other times when I would not be hungry or I just or I would just not be at home where I can cook the things that I wanted to eat I was just not eaten to like 1 or 2 p.m. but it was not hard for me what are the benefits and I am going to talk in here about myself I know that there are so many benefits out there like if you read about the internment and fasting with ketogenic diet but intermittent fasting alone is like an amazing thing for your body but I'm just gonna talk about myself now like what are the benefits that I've seen on myself first of all it saved me time I cannot tell you how much time it consumed from my life the prep the preparation of the meal eating thinking now all of this stress you don't actually realize that it's a little bit of a stress in your life until you actually don't have it at all everything is so simple now so it saves me time second of all my digestion is just so much better I had digestion problems my whole life and ever since I was a little girl I remember I had problems I don't have any problems right now because doing the time when you don't eat you just allow your body to to recover you allow or your organs your stomach or your organs are resting I sleep better now it hasn't been like that from the very beginning but I sleep like luggage we have this word in Romanian I don't know if it makes sense in English I am so much more focused guys I cannot tell you how much I was distracted by so many things I'm the kind of person that gets easily distracted I cannot say like right now I'm not distracted at all but it's just so much better I am so much more focused on the things that I'm doing like even this video I can't believe it it's been like flowing like so like I've got all my ideas I have tons of energy from the moment I wake up to you know around 9:00 p.m. I am super energy like I have I feel it like so sharp I know this is like way but it's how I feel I look better that's another one of the benefits that I see from it and I felt pretty pretty should not be a word to describe a woman no I feel beautiful I don't know why I avoid this word and describing myself it's nothing wrong no I feel beautiful not in an arrogant way like I love myself crazy right no you're probably curious what I actually eat in a day right now I eat very little but I used eat four egg omelette with half an avocado and some sallman and a big green salad that was my first meal and then my second meal I remember I would eat a lot of bacon and then I would also eat a lot of cheese but not the diet cheese like the cottage cheese no no no like the the full fat cheese the Gouda parmesan I love to eat Comte and I would eat every day like a handful of pecan nuts what I eat now is very different than what I ate before now I have two meals a day one at around 12 and the next one around four and my first meal is actually a mixture of seeds it's something that makes you feel so like full but not in a way you feel like you give your body really like good stuff it has healthy fats you know I put some almond butter and a lot of seeds up at the the recipe in my description box and then my second meal is actually real food which can be chicken with avocado and salad I could have omelet and when I make the omelet guys I like to put a big chunk of butter in it I do it the French Way and I also like to sprinkle some I guess I'm hungry I didn't eat my second meal some parmesan on top and then on the side I can make guacamole or I could just eat a avocados just like that but I always eat my green salad so in this diet you need potassium and the potassium you can of course take a pill but nothing compares with the potassium that you can get from food and I take my potassium from avocado and a lot of greens like just a lot of salad asparagus like of green stuff so this is pretty much what I eat in a day my meals are super simple and once I started to eat more fat I'm not hungry guys now what do I drink I drink water I drink one coffee a day with whole milk i I never I've never been a fan of any other milk than the regular milk don't judge me please it is what it is I use no sweetener at all and then throughout the day I drink a lot of sparkling water sparkling water in a woodchip but just tiny a little bit of salt just because during this diet you need a little bit more salt because you're eating less you put less salt in your body and and you just need that so I put a little bit of salt and I squeezed some lemon juice in my water and this is what I eat the whole day I sometimes drink ginger tea but but it's not very often that I do that I'm not an alcohol kind of person the only thing that I sometimes would like to drink after I have fish I like to drink of a glass of white wine and my favorite since I got to Paris is a Chablis I would always ask a glass of Chablis very very very rarely if I if I want to drink something I wouldn't have a glass of champagne because I really love champagne I know it sounds so fancy and boozy and all that but it's not it's literally what I prefer to drink do I get hungry or hangry during my fasting at the beginning yes because I would not I would not eat the right amount of fat I didn't actually give too much importance to the fat I was thinking you know I'll just eat this chicken breast with this green salad and you know it's gonna be okay but no it was not okay I would get hangry as soon as I realized that it's important to have the fat my meals and I had no problem I would not feel hungry at all I've also gotten to that state of mind when I really really wanted to change so already seeing myself the way I wanted to look like and I think that's the way you think and the way you vision about your yourself that's what's going to happen because if you really want that and if you really imagine that everything else comes so easily but you have to like be in that state of mind when did I actually start to see the first result after the first week I went on the scale and I already had like one and a half kilograms which for me again for my height one kilogram and a half in a week that's like a lot the moment you see results it kind of like keeps you going you know a lot of people ask me like how do you know you haven't lost just water well at first I think that I've lost the water this is so weird but the way I measure myself because I've started to like not use the scale for some time I do this I grab my arm and it's so weird and you're probably going to laugh at me but it's just my weight my way of knowing if I've gained or if I've lost weight because my arms are one part of the body which is the hardest for me to lose weight in here so this is what works for me I just check on my arm and this is how I know they've lost weight because guys this is not just water okay if I if I feel my arm being thinner that's fat lost that's not just water oh my body type the first place where I see it is around my belly so my belly gets this tiny little thing and then I have on my arms it's very hard for me to lose weight so that's why I'm like side-effects Kito at first I was super tired the first I would say the first ten days I could not sleep I had so much energy I lost my hair I've got extensions right now but I I can feel that my I'm getting my hair back but guys at first I've lost my ear because I did not really eat everything that I had to eat so I took a little bit of time to really understand this diet and what I had to eat in order to get all the vitamins and nutrients in my body now I I also take vitamins to help my hair and my nails but yes the side this is one side effect but I I don't know if it's just me or it's something that you generally have at this diet so do your research if if you're if you're willing to start this diet oh and I had terrible headaches oh my god yes I had headaches and also if everything irritated me but I have overcome all these symptoms like it was not it's nothing that stayed oh oh oh and the weirdest thing my hands and my feet are super super warm like it felt almost like I had fever but that happened actually for a very long time I would say like the first month in my keto diet now it's been almost three months since I've started the keto diet and for me it's not even a diet anymore it's a it's my lifestyle social life I'll be honest with you tonight at seven o'clock I am going to meet my friend Nemo and we're going to have dinner together so I've planned my meal so that my last meal is at eight which means my first meal was at three o'clock you're probably thinking oh my god is crazy I could never stay until three o'clock without eating so here's here's something that I've noticed my body gets hungry only around that time when I'm supposed to have food so if I'm used on having food around 12 that's when I get hungry but if I'm actually not eating for like an hour after that I'm like okay it's only at that time when my body is used with eating when I get hungry but if I / if I overcome that time then I'm totally fine so social life you can absolutely have it I mean especially here in France I can have a blood tool like a plate of cheese anytime or charcuterie which is like meats do I eat any fruits or do I eat any sugar or fruits at the beginning I did not eat any sugar I thought that you're not allowed to eat any fruits the only fruit that I would eat would be like the juice from the lemon that's it but then I found out that I could eat berries and now I eat a cup of raspberries almost every day other than that no sugar at all do I have cheat meals I did not very proud of myself but I did I do not recommend because it holds you back from losing weight and they take some two or three days to get back on track and when I say cheating meals at home especially when it was on vacation there were watermelon I ate a lot of watermelon peaches and plums and apricots that's pretty much what cheating was for me at home and then I had once polenta you know you can't go to Romania without eating at any time I'm sorry do I work out I was working out a lot I've actually stopped working out when I moved with the whole process of moving in a new apartment and everything I just stopped doing it and now I'm actually reading to work out that's pretty much it if you guys have any questions please put them in the comments section and I would do my best to answer everybody thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel and click on the ring Bell button this way you're gonna be notified every time I'm posting a new video follow me on Instagram if you want I'm sharing with you a lot of makeup tips and a lot of new products and soon I'm gonna hit 100,000 followers on Instagram and I know that that's not a lot for you but for me means the world so thank you so much for all of you who follow me on Instagram as well it's just surreal a hundred thousand people that are like oh I like her she's funny she's goofy I'm so special I hope this was helpful thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video bye I think I probably have like 3 kilograms of hair say K about 3 I realized that I had something between my teeth the whole time when I was toggle it's fine no it's fine but the nice cool you never ever you're like the grumpy cat except that you don't have the face but you're the definition of the ground being cats [Music]
Channel: Ali Andreea
Views: 362,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIET, weight loss, intermittent fasting, fasting, keto, how I lost weight, 14 pounds off, ali andreea, slimmer body, working out, what I eat in a day, cheat meals, KETO DIET, body goals, slim body, petite, petite woman, petite weight loss
Id: o4pOZauofbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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