How I Grossed $1.6 Million Flipping Land Using Leads Other Investors Are Ignoring w/ Willie Goldberg

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I don't think that most investors recognize the opportunity in land so if you could what's the what's the gross revenue you guys have brought in on land deals in the past twelve months or so so when I was working alone in WG land so it was the revenue was 1.6 million in sales and I mean the goal going forward is quite a bit higher so we'll see what happens but I think the business is just it's just so scalable I think it's a lot more scalable than maybe some of the other niches out there and it's really it's it a lot of people just don't like resonate with vacant lands and they it doesn't make a lot of sense then but there really there is a big market for it [Music] what's up y'all Trevor comin atcha with another episode of the carrot cast and if you guys have listened to the carrot cast a bunch you know that there's been I think three or four episodes I've done on land and and the reason I like the land topic there's a bunch of reasons but we're doing another one on land today and I'm pumped about it because it's a carrot customer all introduced to you here in a second who's doing amazing on land that we were talking right before a hit record and forty fifty sixty properties in the last few months which is really really cool and he's been doing an amazing job building a massive buyers list of land bringing in lots of sellers we're just gonna kind of break down what does land investing look like right now in this market how did he get into it what does he do to really close a lot of deals how does he leverage care as he leveraged other types of marketing the whole the whole shebang so without further ado y'all I want to welcome in Willie Goldberg what what's up man thanks for hopping on the podcast not much I appreciate you having me Trevor dude so we're gonna dive into your story but I wanna give people some context here on the land side why like why I'm so pumped to do to do another episode on land and in bring you on because you're gonna have a different take than the other people that have that have came on you're probably a lot of the similar strategy but some things you're doing different to and it's funny yesterday I was on the call two days ago I was on a call with a customer amazing customer 11 to death but part of his mark is kind of getting a little harder on the house wholesaling side of things now there's definitely some things that he can adjust to to get that back on track but I said man land has a lot less competition that was one of his kind of big objection objections but kind of pain points is like man right now in my market I've got to be on top of every single house seller it's like as soon as the lead comes in right away there's 14 people and I'm like how land is a little bit different so I want I want to kind of hear your perspective from that hearing a little bit but before I do once you introduce yourself who are you man where do you live what's your business and what do you do in your business and then I'll toss another question actually but who are you where do you live what is your business what do you do yeah so my name is Willie Goldberg and I'm based out in Chicago Illinois in terms of what my business is so I've been doing this for investing in flipping vacant land largely focused in California but I've been buying in 67 different states since then so I've been since april of 2017 so pretty much two and a half almost doing happy or two and a B years I guess so I've been doing it for a while have had a great experience with it and doing trying to turn accorded big deal has been using carrot for a while I've been doing a little bit of coaching for it I recently started a partnership in my land business with a buddy of mine who had another he an Amazon business but he's a lot better at the sales and marketing piece to it I brought him aboard and we're working together to really try to grow and scale the business and really focus on on that and that that's kind of where we're at now is really trying to build systems and do a little bit of hiring and try to really scale the thing beyond what what I had when I was on my own I love it dude so let's kind of break apart your business a little bit right here so people kind of know where you are in the scale of things you've been doing it for a couple years two and a half years or so you recently joined forces with it with a business partner what's your what's your current team look like you guys have other team members or their VA s is it you two with great systems kind of what's the team look like yeah so right now we have so we have a sales person who's who's at our office out here in Chicago and we have under him there's pretty much an administrative assistant slash transaction coordinator the person who's going to be handled all the handling all the the leads on the buy side so we can kind of like take all that off of our plate we've got a virtual assistant and out in the Philippines who probably works a little bit more than part-time yeah and then it's just us two and we've got a marketing and sales kind of team who we've brought on to really beef up the marketing and sales and do it and do some things that are a little bit different than we've been doing in the past so I would say yeah there's probably four or five four five of us trying to work to scale the beast do an 11 um I want to break apart here in a little bit I want to break for kind of some of some of the things that let's say the VA is doing how you're doing your marketing things like that but before we do one thing that always kind of pumps me up is is like like I said before we hop down here I love the story man because I know for me a lot of the a lot of the the best parts of being an entrepreneur are the ups and downs like you don't love being in the downs but the down of context for the ups and what were you doing before plans so before you know of it in this two-and-a-half years what were you doing so two and a half years ago I was so out of college I went to so I went to college in Southern California and then branched out and I thought I thought finance was gonna be the route that I was going to take and so I my first job out of college was Investment Banking I was an analyst at Wells Fargo and I'm moved out to Charlotte because they've got they've got a big banking hub over there for them so I moved out to Charlotte and then transferred to a different firm investment banking firm out in Boston while I was like transitioning I started to realize that I didn't really I mean I realized that I didn't want to be in that kind of culture it's a lot of hard work and you're really working working very hard for other people's benefit and that's just been that's not where I saw my I didn't see my career path going going down that way so I started to try to find ways to like become an entrepreneur do do something a little bit different and and so I found real estate and I thought real estate was going to be the path that was gonna take me to kind of get out of my job and so I started like listen to podcast I found a few different niches that I thought made sense I thought like house flipping made sense and house wholesaling would make sense those are more active strategies I thought wholesaling was a little bit easier a little less capital intensive and then I came to I had a little bottleneck because I was out in Boston I knew I was gonna ultimately try to end up being it back in Chicago and it was hard to kind of I didn't want to start my market out in Boston when I was when I knew I was gonna be out of Chicago so I kept digging and kept digging and and finally found the land best English where I found that you did not actually need to go on-site to any of the properties so it seemed to make a lot more sense and in its in my view it's very scalable because you actually you don't need a like management team to kind of go out and negotiate these offers at the property and everything is just a lot simpler with lands so that is kind of what would appeal what attracted me toward the land egde so I kind of took it started started doing it on the side hustling and started doing some deals eventually moved back to Chicago and in April or sorry what did I quit much so I was doing it on the side for probably about a year and then in June or in May of last year sorry May of 2018 so a little about a year and a half ago I quit my job and started doing it full-time so I mean that's kind of why I came from and and my logic for trying to jump into this specifically dude it's it's so it's so funny because you'll you'll talks a lot of real estate investors and many people are drawn towards real estate because it's kind of sexy right like there's the TV shows where you're banging down the walls and you're like building all the fancy stuff and in the landside I mean even though there's technically more land than there are houses like technically you know yeah later than there's houses most people are drawn kind of the this quote-unquote section of sexiness and real estate and when you're talking a little bit ago about man you don't have to be there at the property you don't have to go we can estimate repairs and all that kind of stuff you you kind of do your research get your processes down which we'll talk about some of that here on this podcast and then you can scale it out so what how many states right now are you guys flipping landed so I've flipped land like I mentioned and I think so seven different states I'm mostly focused in California right now and that trying to really own that market and then branch off and start to do other markets but right now largely focused in Southern California buying also I have lots out in Florida Colorado New Mexico Arizona so that that's kind of what it looks like right now cool well dude if you're game let's kind of dive into some of the mechanics like it says here I'm sure where you're able and willing to share what kind of dive in some of the mechanics what's working for you you know what what are the things that that you're really fine or able to scale out on the marketing side of things and and I know on some of these other podcasts I've done one with Luke and Gary Horton and Jack yeah we we kind of break it we kind of break down what does the transaction look like so we might do that a little bit here but anyone who's wanting to go back and listen to what does the transaction look like there's a there's three of the podcasts that kind of dive into that a little bit more so kind of use this is one one of the one of the four now do you guys have learned a lot about land and so one thing that really impressed me on the way that you landed on my radar originally was we're looking at in our data in our our data has this aggregate data where we can see any given month or day or week or quarter which websites are bringing in the most leads and years landed on on the list and I remember exactly what what number it was that that month or quarter and then Brady hit me up on my team is like dude this sites getting a bunch and it's LAN like sweetie Atlanta there are some land sites like Luke's site man Lucas I had he was the number one lead generation generating site in our whole system for like two months there's so many leads coming it was crazy and so that's kind of what got him we got him on on my radar again and so we drove in and I'm not gonna make sure any specifics of specific leads or anything but one thing I was really impressed about is you had like three or four thousand leads inside here yeah WG Lance comm and most of them are buyers of course and there's a good hunk of sellers in there I think there's yeah it's it's a shoot over 4,000 buyers and then there's yeah 86 or a hundred or so sellers most of our buyers of course that's what the site's the foot sites focused on so what he is doing man when I flip through your land site and I look at your properties you guys have 19 pages worth of properties in there where you're selling them and flipping them are obviously very active a lot of cool stuff going on what's working the best right now for you guys to find sland sellers who want to sell so for the for when we're buying these properties we use direct mail so we're choosing our target markets for we're looking to buy and at this point I'm very comfortable and very familiar with with what list I want to I want to download and so on the buy side it's largely just finding those those lists and just sending out direct mail campaigns to actually acquire the property are years putting I know Gary Horton in the previous podcast he's actually putting his offer letter inside there you guys doing that or is it more of a postcard letter kind of what he gets in a now yeah so what I'm something I was just a one-page offer letter so like it just introduces myself and it states that we can we can buy your property in as little as three days and if you want to sell we cover all closing cost you have no realtor Commission so you'd save on average about twenty five hundred to three grands in in fees and so that and then we put our actual offer price on there and so that's the price that its net and I think it's a lot it's attractive for these sellers to see actually what they'll receive so it's it's a very simple letter and it's there's nothing special to it once always see the actual price and see what they'll they'll net it actually I mean it gets them excited and gets them to give us a call how are you putting the price so I'm assuming you're sending out a lot of direct mail so if someone's sitting there like handwriting that price on there and you're doing the research or system sort of a more automated thing where you're like figure out some sort of value that's and then drop it by sixty percent or whatever yes so with land so I try to try to get my mailers to be a bit more targeted now so I'm choosing more micro geographic areas and and so pretty much all the offers are based on like with land it's very simple it's not like houses you need to get very very granular in terms of like you got to look out for this black or I mean that it's a little less location specific and it's more of price per acre you could price things on a per acre basis and just blast the full area and then so it's not perfect and when people call us and they're interested in selling the land will obviously take a look at if they have a counteroffer because we just blast out a full area we're not getting super detailed in our diligence but if someone generally if they accept the offer it's generally gonna be a deal and if they counteroffer and it's reasonable we'll obviously negotiate with them if it's in a good location or it's a better lot than maybe some of the others in the area what are some of the ways that you're using while' to determine the average price per acre some sure it does change depending on state and things like that are you are you pulling comps in some way using online listings kind of what do you do need terming that much cross breaker yeah so I don't overthink it at all I think it's much more important to just get your offers out there and so when I'm like narrowing so I'll use my data tree which is a tool that helps me like target geographic locations that I'll just pull them to comps on Zillow or and just get a very basic sense of what like in that specific area there's other sites like land watch that are helpful in the like lands of America I like Zillow in because they actually have the like you could be aerial view so you could navigate that that's fine and and get a little bit more specific out of targeting so I know a lot of other land investors used land watch but I find Zillow to be if you're sending out more targeted mailers like I am to be a lot more helpful do so wouldn't one last question on the land side then kind of one dive into into some of the buyers sides so on the land side and it was kind of a couple schools of thought jack does it'll do a good hunk of the land that's like in a city a lot of it's outside Gary Hortons pretty much like anything way out in the boonies I think Luke is the same way what's what have you found works best for you are you kind of more the remote stuff that's the the prep for the first one in camping you know camping property or whatever are you also buying land in properties that are buildable yeah so I'm deaf I'm trying to be we're trying to do both so I think my bread-and-butter like as I was getting started in this in the business was to just buy things that are in the outskirts it's hard to screw up by five acres like in the desert it's very price per acre and you could see them see the market see what the markets trading for and just price well below that it's it gets a little bit more tricky getting closer to town you got to know a little bit more about the real estate but as as I'm getting more experience I'm finding I mean the deals that are closer to town they're more expensive and I'm learning my markets so well but as we're going forward we're trying to do a mix of some of the larger acreage that are further away from town and then some of the lots are closer to town that were I feel more comfortable and I've got a lot more deal experience now working working the more expensive Lots so I would say my average purchase price like when I was getting started I was buying those Lots pretty far from town we were probably 2 to 3 grand and now it's probably average deals probably close to 8 to 10 grand on a purchase side so we're trying to scale toward that direction and but still have a mix because the bread butter still works and people still like buying those things so yeah that's kind of where the strategy is right now do what you like when you locked in a deal what's your kind of what's your average target you're trying to go if I buy it at this I always want to kind of sell it with this yeah so I would say for my WT lands business it the numbers are 3 average sale is I buy for 3 sell for 12 on terms okay and do to get it to get it again but for going forward the new strategy is really to average 8 grand a deal and sell it for and around 24 sweet do that that's killer I know that's one of the fears a lot of investors will have when they when they talk to me about land or they bring it up to like man but the deals are so small they're 1,500 bucks 3 grand 5 grand it sounds like you guys are able to get in to some higher price not higher price stuff but higher than 5 grand you're able to have really really good splits near able to sell them quickly so what's the how much time does it take you to settle in those properties let's say it's one that's let's do two examples one that's kind of more on the outskirts versus one that's you know buildable on the end inside of the city do one does one of them take a longer time to sell quicker kind of how long does it take on average sell so I would say it totally depends but I would say for me on average it's been between 60 to 90 days they get rid of lots and what really helps like with the land market I think I mean a lot of people who are trying to sell property retail they're having a tough time and you go on Zillow you see these lots of sticking around for six twelve months I mean they're those people I mean they priced it high but the bigger thing for me is to get rid of the Lots that dump them and a lot of people don't agree with the strategy but offering owner financing is is what's gonna get them sold so in terms of for me and us we're trying to scale the business like the owner finance piece is so important to just kind of get rid of them and get people paying and and people really do pay and and like I that for me it's most important to just get the sale get people paying on the contract you could sell for a higher price and then I got it's also obviously good to get that passive income just coming in that part of us the cool part I know I talk about it a lot as far as the money in my previous businesses before this they didn't give it was like the boom and bust kind of thing and they had an amazing month yeah and the next month would go down and at the end of the year you you're financially great and i you know i netted this but then every month was stressful because because it's the boom and bust and this is one thing I want I want listeners to really really grasp here is what Willie talked about there is yes he's able to leverage this strategy seller financing to sell proper faster but also to keep moving but also sell them for higher prices but the thing that jumps out to me this the coolest is that recurring incumbents predictability it's the consistency that you start to build up over time and I'm guessing these aren't like ginormous monthly payments what are they a couple hundred bucks a month and some of the properties yeah so obviously the average is probably 250 or 300 dollars a month nothing crazy but I mean if I mean doing 10 15 20 deals a month like they really add up exactly and that's the cool thing man that's what I want people to realize is pull back and you know what is the type of business you guys want to have if Willie and it's just as partner decided to take three months off and like we're just gonna cut the Machine off yeah we're gonna be stopping that ten or twenty you know thirty properties from coming in that 90 days but you guys are gonna be collecting thousands or tens of thousands of dollars a month yeah payments coming in which is really really cool I love it dude so you lock the property down you're doing doing seller finance and and the cool thing about this is man it's like what what all four of you guys are doing there's some things they're a little bit different which is really cool because it gives people some different different takes and but but also there seems like there's a playbook right I mean there's a playbook that works the Direct Mail is gonna kind of get the people to raise their hands that aren't like really actively looking to sell it yet but you can activate them with the direct mail go hey hey I don't know if you've thought about this figures and offer it in front of you there they might not be hitting Google yet to search how do I sell my land fast the majority of the people but some of them are you know some some of them are going to Google and typing up phrases like selling my land selling selling vacant land selling bare land putting locations in there but the majority of them are coming through the direct mail because they haven't been activated yet they're not like I need to sell the thing so then going over to to the to you selling the property going to your w/g lands calm site like so there's 4,000 5,000 leads in there what are you guys doing to generate those leads and sell those properties what's your marketing mix yeah so there's there's several sites that we're posting on that is doing the majority of the work so right now it's honestly Facebook marketplaces doing the most so I so for a while I was having the VA s just managing that because I if you've ever been on Facebook market maybe have not but there's a ton of people who reach out and on on the Facebook marketplace to be just kinda they're in there responding to people what I have them do is whenever someone inquires about a property I always asked have them ask for the person's email address say hey I'm interested in this property in the VA just responds great what's your email address we'll send you more information they collect the email they plug it in so that's been one strategy that a lot of people aren't doing but it's it's a really good way to build a buyer's list so that that's been very helpful and then yes the Facebook marketplace has been huge for selling property but also lands of America which includes land watch land and farm that's another site that's been pretty helpful other than that haven't been posting on Zillow haven't been posting on Craigslist been getting having trouble doing that and it's it might be it's not super scalable given that it's hard to manage yep though I think those are really the main platforms that I've been using yeah honestly those and then the email list is really kind of what sells people so I mean capturing the leads what's great about Karen why I've used you guys why its function so well is because it captures leads so well on on the on the home page so in capturing whatever those four thousand leaves or whatever and just in overtime emailing him emailing emailing just like showing them what's on the market and reminding them of my business and just driving traffic back to this site that's really what sells the property so I think I mean that that's why the carrots been so helpful so I think Facebook in the land watch driving traffic to the site and then just remarketing to them and doing that is kind of what helped us be successful do that and I love and pop to know I'm not gonna show it on the screen but y'all I'm I'm in the back end of Willie's land site and so I just looked at like a 90-day report and it's kind of cool seen where the leads are coming from it looks like most of them are going through the the land for sale landing page like when someone lands on and that's that's that's the reason our websites are structure this way so when someone lands on the website that top left navigation link like we tested all kinds of different nav structure man we used to have the home link there and then we tried this and we tried that and this by three or four years ago I pull back and like man no matter no matter what word put there that first link is always one of the most clicked on links because it's the first link right yeah I go let's do it let's just eliminate the home link because I mean people are smart enough now to tap the back button or hit the logo and to get to the home right yeah let's like eliminate that so that's gone and let's put let's put a link with the page that is the actual reason they came there and put a landing page on that thing like the reason that came there was to see the land yeah and that's what we started doing on all of our sites and testing like oh my gosh Leeds started again even more yeah and that's where a lot of those leads are coming in it's just such a high converting things that land here if they're not ready to opt-in on the home page yet then they're gonna be clicking the land for sale thing or this is where a lot of those are coming from likely is they might be coming from a listing on the Facebook marketplace or whatever and they land on a very specific one of one of your property listings on here where it's got like I'm reading this one 2.5 acre lot in Mojave California financing available for sale forty nine ninety you have a bunch of pictures and you've got a Buy Now link on there through moon Clark and some other some other cool stuff but what's happening is when people land on this a lot of times they might then click that see land for sale link or opt-in on the side and become a lead so it's cool man seeing this work I love it another thing just kind of corroborate what you're mentioning in this this y'all the tip he mentioned my facebook marketplace is a big deal I was talking with Anthony Beckham he's a real estate agent and a house flipper here in Roseburg Oregon actually and he does really really well and I asked him like man where are you guys listening a lot of putting a lot of your properties whether it's on the agent side or the house-flipping side he's like dude we're always in face with marketplace even in a small tenant it works really well for him on your stats yeah it's like Google organic is number one which there's a lot of reasons that could be they could be searching for your company name you know because they saw you in there or whatever yeah Facebook is number two Facebook is number three YouTube so what are you doing on YouTube what do you do nom so I had a YouTube channel for the land business for a while so I was just doing property videos on there so I guess yeah it was just deal the weeks and property videos on the YouTube channel and I guess she's put posting links to the site so I guess people that was a good and we're get back into the the YouTube thing because that's sold I can't even tell you how many properties what I did that I just I stopped doing it which was kind of dumb but it just took a lot of time but I'm gonna definitely go back to using that but that was those good source as well yeah I was talking and we had our last care camp out here in September so a few months ago and Jef Fassett so Jeff fast it's out of Arizona and he eat flips a bunch of land to I think ten to ten to fifteen pieces a month and he was kind of like he wasn't really putting content up he wasn't doing videos he's like man I need to get a professional video person I'm like no no just take your cell phone he was here in the office I go dude take your cell phone and and you or someone if you're wanting to do the video stuff because he was thinking I gotta go to the land no no this bag all that cell phone pull up your property listing on your Kara site yeah has all your pictures and I would literally take out my phone and go hey this is Jeff with you know ABC land buyers or whatever if you're looking to buy a piece of property in the Arizona market I actually have one that just came up it's a four acre it's blah blah it's got this got that actually let me show it to you and I would like just just go you know gorilla with it and I'd flip my my camera around and like show my computer screen like hey so I'm showing my computer screen yes and go to you know my site calm and check it out in this properties up there but here's the details let me read through some of it if you guys want to get in our buyers list we get 10 to 50 new properties every single month in these three states just go to my site calm get in that buyers must be the first ones to get them if you guys just do that you know like even if you can do it from your desk and the cool thing is it's gonna build connection with you like people are gonna love it because they're building connection with Willy they're building connection with Jeff and there's just hardly anyone doing that out there like almost no one's doing it so I'm not surprised you've got hundreds of visitors on your site from YouTube the past few months yeah yeah yeah I had I did like the same thing it was just like in the corner just screen sharing and just going to the carrots I just browsing around Google Maps and just doing that so I'm doing like I love it man so I want to owner up a couple other questions here on the marketing side of it you're using a lot of Facebook marketplace you are of course acquiring the properties primarily it's the direct mail really activating them there and then you're building the buyers list massively and selling the properties from you care site you had the by the by nail link on there are you guys is that right is that how most you guys's properties our souls actually from that listing and someone clicks the thing it says by an hour by on terms or they picking up the phone call and you are you know your what are they doing so I would say since this is a larger purchase most people are calling but I definitely said that almost no one buys he clicks the Buy Now button as he might even get rid of it and the everyone's if they're buying a line they're clicking the buyer terms button um so I got very very often get people who check out don't even contact me they saw my email they found my website somehow they opted in and then like over time they just get nurtured and go back to the site and they go click buy a terms and just check out it's great like never talked to him I would say the vast majority people still are calling but but yeah having that button on there in the credit card check out if you're in the land business you don't have a website and I just don't like I don't really understand how you can scale like you could do one-off transactions you can post them Facebook marketing posting craigslist posting Zillow but you don't have that and like you don't have your funnel and you're not guiding them toward the the buy on terms button it's it's gonna be it's a lot more challenging so yeah that button is very very helpful you'd so you see mention the website part of it I clicked around and one of the things that would pop up in my mind if I'm buying a piece of land from some dude in the internet right it's like I go number one is this real how do I know that but if I send him my thousand bucks for the downpayment that I'm gonna get the land how do you how do you kind of bridge that trust credibility gap just just by nature of the internet and and and some of the lack of trust that some people have buying things like that over the Internet are you bridge that gap how you building the credibility yeah so that's that's vitally important as well so I would say I have done it like when I had when I had the YouTube channel up and running for just the property videos it was like it was it was great because that like people got into phone with me and they're like oh it's Willie G from W like it's good that's how I like phrased it so I think that like the the video for me is is super super important and I know a lot of people are to go to get that screen but that is is very very important to just have that have your picture on the site and then I got on my page I think I still have I've a bunch of videos and you man yes you've got it looks like a video that's opted you probably saying who you are and then a bunch of other kind of content videos down below which is really cool yeah so I think those videos on the site the about page and then like through the email sequence if you if you opt-in you could go through that and I think the first thing is a video of me just introducing myself the company and then the automated email sequence just building more trust over time I used to I used to send out weekly emails with with video I like I said I stopped doing that but going back towards that so I think I think for me video has been very important do that that's so important I know I've been preaching it for years and there's Building Authority you know and I think I think in the real estate investor industry the the last five years in general been so easy for house flippers and wholesalers to just get deals a land like I can't I mean obviously you guys are getting great deals I just don't know how much the market changed in the past five years but houses it's changing a lot right now and people like aw man two years ago I could just like launch some PPC ads or do a ton of cold calling or whatever it is in in they've closed deals and you can still do that now but trust and credibility man is so big right now it's there's so much competition there's so many options for people the eye buyer you know the thing last year too I predicted that way before you know it that the the main it started hit the mainstream and now it's hit the mainstream a lot of people are freaking out and like then it all comes down to Authority and Trust and the people who are able to build the most authority and Trust and online is critical in doing that they're the ones we're gonna win even if you're not the most experienced investor you you could be the one that has been doing real estate for 10 years less than the person over here but you've got 72 reviews online that are good this person got to you know Willie G's got videos on on YouTube and this person you can't find them and he's in Willie's got really good content on his website that clearly shows he knows what he's talking about but also he's trustworthy incredible and so a lot of people that are trying to use these tactics and tools rather than getting out you're getting out there and building Authority and trust man I think I think those people are gonna be struggling a little bit what would it what do you what do you think as far as your content strategy and everything moving forward how important isn't going to be for your guys's business content the Google organic side but also just video and building trust yeah so I think going forward content is going to be I think I think it's gonna help us sell quite a bit more so I mean it's definitely gonna be a main focus I mean you can and you will sell a lot of property I mean I would say the most important thing is just buy a lot of property and like know your market and do really well but if you have that that piece I think it's gonna I don't know a percentage I would say it can increase your sales by like I don't know 20 percent if you just have that as a marketing channel just think of it as a new marketing channel YouTube you have Facebook you have land watch you have all these land sites I think it's a just a different marketing channel and like it helps convert buyers that otherwise would not have built the trust so I think going forward like it's gonna be very crucial aspect probably gonna do a lot of Facebook loves YouTube lives and just we have to have like the assistance put together the property videos so we don't have to work in the business but I think that the video contents that going forward will be will be very important and I think it'll help us convert a lot of leads dude so as you guys you're really building your business which I'm pumped I'm pumped about it for you sounds like you guys are kind of doubling down and really looking at expanding are you guys are you guys gonna hyper focus on land you guys are gonna go to you go to the housing side of things kinda what's your thought where you guys can focus no now we're we're trying to stay focused and that's the thing so my partner's new to this business there's a couple months ago so and he's really excited about it and I'm still very excited about it I see the potential in land I I think the vast majority of land investors don't hit anywhere near the potential and I kind of went through crosses of like I didn't want to like scale the business or I was growing it slowly but now we're really trying to like buy a ton of property and really scale it and so the plan is to really stay focused and not get distracted and really out of 10x the business dude so what what's here this is always a question here every single year when I do my annual planning for the next year like you look at you obviously have to set some sort of numbers and targets right like revenue or in this case number of properties flipped or revenue whatever it is you'll set your targets and then I think it's about a year or two in the in the carat now we set a number that was as two or three years in we set a number that was bigger than I thought the company would ever get right I'm like whoa this like we already passed the number that I thought was the number you know and so then we pulled back and said well why is that number important like why should we continue to grow is there a real reason that we should grow is there purpose behind it is there mission behind it you know what what are the reasons that this thing actually needs to grow and so every year we ask that question and if we can't have a like a definite answer that we hits us at our core that's like this is the reason we need to grow the company and it's not tied just to the money cuz that gets pretty demotivating and we really question ourselves we haven't had that yet yeah Ike we found the greater we can grow the more we can impact these things we want impact what's your guy's reason for growing man you said that you at one time you didn't want a scale now you guys are what changed and kind of what what what what's your main focus and why you want to grow well to be honest I think I think we were both very interested in real estate we're interested in land and I think I mean for us it's just exciting we like working together yeah it's it's to me I think kind of the camaraderie and just working together and waking up every day excited just I think it's just kind of fun to build systems and really to grow a business so I mean for us like it was it was one thing working alone and it was it wasn't super motivating but I don't know working with a partner and trying to scale things just have fun yeah it's I don't know it's just the camaraderie for me I love it man do stop I'm asking if you care related questions and one of the things that the Brady threw at me I'm like dude this is crazy it's cool so you've been at it for two and a half years once again and in this is one of the big things man like it in in the carrot camp that we had last time there was only a one land buyer was Jeff Jeff Fassett from Arizona everyone else was throwing away their land liens and I asked everyone I'm like guys who's thrown away mobile home liens like most of people said we don't do mobile home we just ignore those leads hey who's throwing away their land liens it must be like hey we don't really know what to do with them so we just like don't do anything with them I don't think that most investors recognize the opportunity in land so if you could share this because this is what you share to the braining than Brady shared with me what's the what's the gross revenue you guys have brought in on land deals in the past twelve months or so so for my so when I was working alone in WG land so it was the revenue was 1.6 million in sales and I mean the goal going forward is quite a bit higher we've we've I don't know with him and with my business partner and the scale that in at the capital that we now have behind us I think we're gonna really try to like blow it up and do many many multiples on what we're doing so yeah it was for my W last business one point six and I think like if the the niche is so scalable because you could like me and me my partner we're not we're not doing anything on the buy side what we're not managing we have a guy doing that for us on the sell side we got the guy we got a guy doing that for us too and it's like us just they're just building systems and trying to grow and I mean we think we could do 500 deals in the next 12 months and that's kind of a goal for us so that's yeah we'll see we'll see what happens but I think the business is just it's just so scalable I think it's a lot more scalable than maybe some of the other niches out there and it's really it's a lot of people just don't like resonate with vacant lands and they it doesn't make a lot of sense to them but they're really there is a big market for it and so many so many buyers and so much opportunity so I mean that that's why I love the niche dude like I was saying I think part of it too is people see that the sexy house flippin shows and TV right it's like you get to go in and swing hammers and they get to make this ugly bathroom all nice and and there's some cool things about that like I love I love that and everyone that's that's out there doing that stuff keep doing executive fires neighborhood yeah yeah but there's this other model that you don't have to deal with any of that stuff now the numbers are different right you're not gonna you're likely not gonna have like a $200,000 purchase and salt for 350 unless it's a crazy piece of land those probably come up once in a decade or five years or whatever but it's just really consistent churning a higher volume but you got the processes down you know to proffer he's not having to deal with contractors John did you yeah quotes and all that kind of stuff which just sounds like sounds like a dream to me dude but it's just so simple it's just numbers and spreadsheet so that's all I think about it that's the investment Baker's instead of it comes in number yeah that's why I love it yeah dude so a couple questions on the carrot side of things so you guys obviously bring in enough revenue to to go build a custom site you guys have a custom site as well which looks amazing it's really really pretty what why did you originally choose on the land side to join carat and how did you find carat for a land site because that's something that being honest with it we haven't done a great job marketing the land functionality in our system and we're building even more land functionality in this next year just because of the way the markets gonna be adjusting a bit how did you find here to wise you end up joining care instead of building your own site so I must it must have been on You Tube finding something on like even you guys have been doing yes I can't remember how I found it but it must been something on there and what attracted me towards it is kind of the way you described like just building out I mean it really was the kind of YouTube videos that sold me and like it did make a lot of sense and how you like convert leads and how do you think about like marketing and and converting emails and and building your list and that kind of thing and I made a lot more sense to me and it seemed too simple to actually work and like Lisa we've got like a we've got like a sales and marketing team right now and they were like looking at a bunch of sites and they were looking at ours and they're like yeah I could see why yours converts and like theirs is not like my business partner was a little confused cuz he didn't he couldn't see it right away but like at least the details but I mean it's it's the simplicity and like it actually it's just I mean it functions like the site needs to function so I don't know it made sense to me from the beginning and so I mean yeah I mean that's why we chose it and it just makes a lot of sense it works very very well the conversion side the commercial side of it I mean that's something we went all-in on you know four and a half years you are like we're gonna build the thing that actually performs and actually works and gives you a higher ROI and it's kind of this I guess this is almost like comparing doing land versus house flips right you've got the the pretty kind of like the nice aesthetic of the house and get drawn to that and then there's land which isn't as sexy and it's kind of similar with websites in and you know with the website side of things where we can build beautiful sites dude like I have amazingly beautiful sites that I've built but when you when you stack them up against something that's built for performance oftentimes those conflict you know you can have a beautiful site that performs really well but a lot of people look at the aesthetic of a website and go well that thing's not pretty though like I don't get why it's converting then they'll go look at a really amazingly pretty site over here it has like all this crazy action happening when you're scrolling down the page yeah all kinds of wacky stuff and it's got the wrong words in the call-to-action button and when you shrink it to mobile the call-to-action buttons down here instead of up here yeah all these things when they go man like this sites better the one is aesthetically pleasing is better and with with the site that you launched I mean we have other designs and you could choose other designs to new to make it stand out even more but you sent you put your logo on there you put a video up there it doesn't look like you changed any of the content really in the main body you've got a couple testimonials in there you swapped out some video you swapped out some pictures like in the hero sections you got in your land you're investing your land coaching page then you've got your guarantee and some about stuff but really it's our pretty standard care site right what's with some optimizations you made and it's crushing it for you which I love to see that um if you did want to make it look more on the pretty side and convert well we've got like our Hemlock design and some other ones that kind of add a you know prettier aesthetic yeah off of the wall so confer converse but that's the thing I tell people like if it's crushed before heated work you can just keep it as it is and just keep on adding more Authority and content like don't worry about the design because here's the deal I don't know my cell phone with me the funny thing is people look at their websites on desktop when they're saying hey is my website pretty but they forget to pull up their website on mobile yeah and so if you were to pull up this site on mobile you really couldn't see a lot of those fancy elements anyway you know like it's it's it's a mobile it's a mobile thing so all those fancy elements everyone has their websites he likely can't see eighty percent of those fancy elements on a cell phone when it's done anyway you got a hyper folks for performance yeah especially for land sites a lot of these leaves and I mean most land investors are using by Facebook to find these deals and like people are using Facebook on their on their phones mostly you know mobile mobile is huge exactly and on your site stats it's just 51% mobile but I think you mentioned you had your VA taking people off for the Facebook and put them on here are they putting it into your care site directly are they going to CRM or something so they should be going they should be putting it into MailChimp I think okay cool yeah that was one thing I was thinking about because the majority of your traffic it shows in here is coming from Direct which means someone's putting the URL in okay having the mobile device thing lower given how much traffic's coming from Facebook that's the only thing I was thinking about like hmm it doesn't matter that that might be what's dragging that down maybe they're putting into into here which is going to MailChimp didn't matter yeah this matter what cool well do one yeah I do want to do is kind of toss it your way now and we have a lot of customers I'd love to do more land flips and have them add on the land side if you're if you're an investor caret member and you want to start flipping land go in there and choose the land site and add that puppy on there and you don't have to do much modifications there's not as much competition kind of follow it what what Willie's done here at WG Lance comm if you guys have land you need and sell go there and connect with me if you have lands you want to buy go connect with them but what are you doing right now because you you mentioned you started to work with some people helping to coach them up on how to do land what are you doing with people who want to learn land yeah so I created a course a little while ago this was before I like partnered up with that business partner we're really focused right now and so I was doing so I I'm not like course group coaching kind of thing and that's still rolling and that's going very well cool um so probably have like around 70 students at the moment so there's I'm doing group coaching also deal partnering for those that like kind of want to work with me to help help them choose a market and build a list price to get it out in the mail and then have me review review the deals pretty much and advise on how to market and sell because I am still I'm still offering the group coaching and the deal partnering I'm no longer offering the one-on-one coaching and that that was a decision I made once once I started once I partnered up and more focused so that if people are interested happy - happy to help with that I put I put together a free mini-course let's call it you got a free land flipping course calm if you want to download that but but that's kind of what's going on with the coaching I love it guys guys go there free land free land flipping course comm check out what Willie's got and what I would do y'all if you're interested in the inflation plan like take this episode go back and list the other words in the show notes what we'll do is well link to the other three episodes of the land flipping site because you pull nuggets out of each one and then really right now I think it's just it's just you will n I know Jack does some stuff but he's got his own gig as far as what his is his training has you've got yours and when I suggest everybody is find someone you resonate with find someone that you based on the carrot cash to like man I really jive with that person's philosophy with their personality with with their with their way that the run in their business and go connect with them just one thing I can I can't hit can't profess this enough guys so for years and years and years I thought I was like being crazy crazy smart by just figuring out this entrepreneurship thing by myself and not getting help like not getting a coach not joining any mastermind I'd kind of buy some load all our home study courses and stuff but that didn't really do much with him so I ended up working out like I'm not good hey amazing it worked out but it took too long I think it took 40 50 60 percent longer than it should have if I would have had a good mentor someone to follow their process or what I was wanting to do someone to bounce ideas off of or have a group of people that were along the same journey so if that's something you guys be interested in go connect with Willie I go to WG lands like I'm he's got a link there or go to his free land flipping of course then I'll finish it with this guy's I think was three years ago when I was when I was really looking at personally here at carrot when I was kind of hitting up against these ceilings and I'm going man how do i crack through these ceilings these growth ceilings and what I learned was that the business can only grow as fast as I was growing personally and so I went and hired a coach my first coach ever three years ago and he came in the office every single week on Tuesday is a leadership coach and he worked with me for 18 months completely business completely changed a life my life and then once he helped get us where we needed to go with his services I went man I need to get a really great coach for in this case grown a software company right so I went out and found the best guy and what I do I found him on YouTube I found him doing some Instagram stuff started following him on content like this I found what it what I liked I reached out to him and I ended up joining his program and it's the same things completely changed the business and I mean I would highly suggest if you guys are not engaging in some sort of training coaching whatever capacity that it is that you're probably leaving you're probably extending your timeline that it's gonna take you to have success and so if you want to get into land guys connect with with a guy like Willie and kind of shortcut that I don't make any money from saying that I've never been through Willie's program I can just see the results in the back end and I can see the stats and I'm like this is obviously working and to go go plug in and see what see what what Willie's doing guys for sure well with any parting words man any parting words you want to toss out to people who are thinking about land or maybe try and land but kind of struggling in it yeah so I would say to stick with it it definitely works and I guess one of the more important pieces in the land business is kind of choosing choosing a good market so you know if the land niche works well and in so many different and like so many different states and so many different markets but you got to choose a market that actually works so if you're if you're struggling and it's possible that you might be like in the wrong market but just stick with it and like results will come over time and just yeah just be persistent because it's proven it's really easy buy this kind of property and it's almost impossible to lose money on these deals so yeah I don't know I love the niche so just yeah keep it up I love it man well dude I I appreciate the heck outta you reach now to us you know several months back and in hopping on the carrot cast with me and well guys if you want to dive in the land please foods listed as other episodes we're gonna link him up from show notes and definitely hit up Willie and see if you guys can work together in some way shape or form push each other on the carrot cast man and I just wish you all the luck in the world keep in touch awesome I appreciate you ever thanks a lot all right thanks buddy have a good one [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Carrot
Views: 6,445
Rating: 4.9490447 out of 5
Keywords: real estate podcast, CarrotCast, Carrot, Trevor Mauch, willie goldberg, flipping raw land, flipping vacant land course, flipping land real estate, flipping land, jack bosch land flipping,, landwatch, land and farm, how to buy and sell land for profit, land buy and sell business, wholesaling raw land, flip vacant land
Id: vhmQE0W53-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 49sec (2989 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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