How I Grew The Isles Biggest Bully

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foreign [Music] starvation dehydration Victory or a failed hunt we must begin like every good story must right at the beginning of our allo's journey today's Journey Begins With good friend of mine his name is al-time he had already been playing on the server for a day or two so he was already full adults which meant that he was old enough to Nest me in so we could get straight into the action we started off by the large river and slowly made our way down towards the Avery right now our top priority was surviving and getting me to adopt so we were trying to avoid dangers as much as possible well it's just like a kind of troll video that I made a while ago where I was just like going around spitting on people kind of thing now just for some context I was talking about my hipsy video I didn't actually like go and spit on people however most of what we spoke about while growing wasn't important to the story not extremely interesting so get used to hearing my narration quite a bit a while later I'd finally reached the sub-adult phase although I was still very weak it at least meant I would be able to keep up with Al just a little bit better so as the process goes we ate we drank spoke some more absolute rubbish life on the dinosaur player a bunch of nothing and that's when we ran into a bunch of Connors or at least we heard we had decided to go check it out we might be able to Ambush his Kano yeah oh he's only there on the other side of this tour we're gonna have to wait till I come this way oh he's right next to you he's right in front of you yep same same did you wanna open up this party or me oh you go you're closer let's go over closer to this tree here so the hunt began without time taking the lead [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful yeah once they're bleeding they're all bleeding this one yeah [Music] and just like that the corners died they were just a little bit too focused on this Acro that they didn't even realize they were being hunted they just didn't care I I I can't really tell but they didn't expect that at all not a nice man good [ __ ] so we filled our stomachs eating up the body and headed off we got our hunt we came in we killed we're out I just came around in the tree and you're just biting everyone our journey eventually led us to Great Falls being a popular spot where people like to hang out we were hoping to go there and find something to hunt I'm gonna have candles true for a second Yeah Austin you know we could go to bathroom so thinking we're safe we sat under a tree took a quick bathroom break and waited for day however the game had different plans for us plenty new model any second monitor just don't like the other day oh [ __ ] oh crap it's overrated here whoa that was close holy oh God go up close did he see us he mustard I think he just had mercy on us I think he's chasing he's chasing he's chasing yeah he's chosen he's chosen I don't think I can or maybe I can actually maybe he didn't say this well well we thought we were safe under a tree a giga managed to sneak up on us we're still not sure if he had mercy on us or if he just didn't see us but either way we ran for a long time in the cover of night we ran so far we were completely drained of stamina no giggers should be able to keep up with an aloe so we figured we were safe enough to lay down for a moment to catch some stamina again oh I got my heart going mate holy [ __ ] if I wasn't awake I'm awake now I hear him what what I'm dead there is no ways dude it literally outran an alloy stamina pool so yeah I'm just gonna leave that there weird but whatever the journey must continue I had logged off for the night after that death but the next morning I was feeling inspired to finish my adventure so I hopped back on grew an aloe again and headed to Hidden let's see what we got here oh there's something there in the distance I had spotted akano without ambushing it there was no ways I was going to catch it so I decided to sit out and wait it's gonna come for the Ava can't move [Music] now if we just chase him down nice we got him now I'd just like to say before you guys go into the comment section and be like Island are you really sick of this game trust me I already know okay you don't have to remind me not long after that fight a spider decided I was not worthy of that corpse and swiftly took it away from me bleeding in her and well because it's a spino I had no choice but to give up the body we should go here damn it our meal was stolen from us so I went to go here waited out the night and returned in the morning oh could go attack that Sarah hello Lily ceratosaurus was sitting on the side of the Hill an easy meal to fill up my stomach unfortunately however once I got closer I realized there was a body and on This Server if there's a body down you may not attack I could contest for it but I didn't want to do that it is a body however when one door closes the next opens and this time behind that door was a lonely Suka could attack a Suka but they're a lot stronger than us there really wasn't much else in the area however so I decided to bite the bullet and fight the suko ah how do we fight this can't trade bites they definitely have a bite a stronger bite force foreign did I hit I think I hit that I think we hit it did I hit it yeah it's bleeding okay okay let's play this out then that was good our first attack was successful I managed to get the first bite in without getting bitten myself off to a great start now I'm no broke but the trick with the aloe is to keep your opponent bleeding so that's what we did by not allowing him to sit we made sure he was taking as much damage from the bleed as possible I didn't bleed as much as I can we played this the long game I think I got another hit I'm not 100 sure did I get that I'm not sure if I'm hitting sometimes in Legacy it's a bit tricky to really understand if you're hitting or not oh he hit me there I'm not sure that I hit him though no no I don't get stuck on trees asuko was getting desperate and started to chase us down hoping we would make a mistake that's how we know the bleeding is starting to hurt now this is where I start playing it a bit more risky and make some moves that were definitely not necessary and it ends up well literally biting me in the ass foreign now as much as this seems over this is where the aloe's second superpower comes into play while the suko is bleeding out and healing is so are we and aloe's heel is extremely fast and is able to out heal almost anyone so if we sat down healed and went back in we might have a chance to still take it out yeah something we should have done let them sit get some space hill because we're here way faster bleed I forget how it works that's the main thing but it's fine we'll just bleed up we'll heal up a little bit and we'll go back in so that's exactly what we did healed the bleed and went in for the final blow this could definitely go both ways so I couldn't afford to make any mistakes let's go see if that guy's still bleeding well this was it the final Tango knowing that he's still bleeding and hurt I took the risk [Music] did we kill it oh my God we killed it we got it and just like that the hunt was a success we managed to take out the poor super GG said this guy for making such a fun hunt who is trust the bleed that was so close he let me get a little bit too close so now starving I ate up the body and decided it was now time to leave hidden our next destination Great Falls as always great force was packed with players mostly apexes that were near impossible to take out however there was one Dino that stood out from the rest but catching it that would be the real struggle I really want to catch this car no but so I had to get a little bit smart about it using this tiny heel to line off-sided I managed to have just enough time to get my ambush up and now being out of sight it was the best time to strike foreign [Music] oh okay never mind well as it goes when I take out a corner it seems I'm just not worthy of the body so an accurate let me know of that pretty quick and being hurt and bleeding and well it being an Acro I had no choice but to give up the body but things were only going to get worse for me oh okay actually you're gonna hunt me ah well never mind it seems like they actually had mercy on me thank you guys with my new friends protecting me I quickly healed up and we parted ways eating nothing but some AI I decided it was time to hunt something else hopefully this time I could actually enjoy it what am I going for this power [Music] I hit it the bleeding okay it's bleeding it's definitely bleeding and we'll play the waiting game as I said with a couple bites in and seemingly no rush to kill it I decided I would play it patiently and let the bleed do it and bleed it out and we'll just have to play this slow [Music] okay we've got another hidden that's good let's create some distance keep it running however this is where the tides changed another herd decided they'd had enough watching this go on and well did what all herds are best at in Legacy swarming what [Music] we got another hit in it that's good it seemed to have missed me as a okay [Music] not sure why they're coming [Music] and unfortunately just like that our journey ends in games like these You Can't Win Every fight death is always around the corner and unfortunately this theory was there to shut it all down I hope you guys did enjoy this story though if you did leaving a like and a comment helps boost my video out to reach new people so it's if you guys want to see me play more Legacy let me know in the comment section down below and maybe we'll do a bit of a Rex gameplay but anyway without further Ado I'll see you guys in the next video foreign
Channel: Islander
Views: 64,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Isle, The Isle Legacy, The Isle Evrima, The Isle Allosaurus, How I Grew The Isles Biggest Bully, The Isle Legacy Allosaurus Gameplay, the isle gameplay, the isle update 5, the isle suchomimus, the isle allo vs sucho, the isle allo vs carno, Islander the isle, islander documentary, OwLTime, OwLTime The Isle, the isle evrima, The Isle story, Solo the isle, Solo Gameplay, Allosaurus, Dinosaurs, Dino Game, Animal Survival game, Dinosaur game, dinosaur survival game, Movie
Id: gjLOkBcyHNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2022
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