How I got an RTX 3080 for $200 in 2021!

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I got an RTX 3080 for only 200 during the height of the mining boom here's how I did it back in 2020 I was gaming on a second hand PC with a GTX 760 and an AMD FX 8350 after years of sim racing on Console I wanted to see what iRacing was all about I racing ran fine on this build but I slowly gained the itch to max out the graphic settings I was using a single 1080p 144 Hertz monitor at the time and I figured an RTX 2060 would be enough to suit my needs I was also considering a tough gaming 1660 super but it was frequently out of stock one morning I opened up the Newegg daily deals to find an MSI RTX 2060 for 280 dollars after mail-in rebate I didn't know too much about the brand at the time but it seemed like a really good deal at 50 less than most 20 60s we're going for at the time so I decided to buy it while I had the chain chance it was just starting to get hard to find graphics cards they were still available but the good deals would go very fast so I got the MSI ventis RTX 2060. it wasn't a bad card at all it did have a pretty weak cooler on it and it stayed around 77 degrees most of the time I messed with the fan curve and did some undervolting and was able to get it around 70 degrees under load this card was able to run everything I played at Max settings at 1080p it was my first experience with Ray tracing playing control with rtfx on and I was blown away by the Reflections in the intro scene this card holds a special place in my heart simply because it was my first experience with a modern GPU don't get me wrong the 760 was fine for running eye racing on medium settings but to experience modern AAA titles on Max settings was a unique experience for someone who was used to PS4 level graphics getting the 2060 exposed how weak the AMD FX 8350 really was this was my first experience with a CPU bottleneck I ended up getting a great deal on a ryzen 5 3600 combo from Micro Center and it was a huge upgrade over the Aging FX series be sure to check out my video on CPU bottlenecks here but let's get back to the focus of this video gpus so now I have the RTX 2060 running to its full potential and everything was great until I decided to start shopping for Ultra wide monitors a few months later on Prime day I was able to grab an Alienware 34 inch 1440p Ultra wide IPS monitor for under 500 this was a deal that I couldn't pass up but would the 2060 hold up I was surprised to see how well it could perform at the higher resolution I did have to lower settings and make some compromises but I was usually able to get at least a playable 60 frames per second in most games you know how it goes though now that I had the fancy monitor I wanted a GPU that could Max it out and just in case you forgot this was during the height of the mining boom when GPU prices were skyrocketing I got a little caught up in the hype and became obsessed with gpus I spent all my free time learning how to find them I found a few different Discord servers that gave notifications when gpus came in stock at places like Best Buy and Newegg the first GPU I was able to score was actually one from the for sale listings in one of these servers someone was selling a basically new AMD RX 6700 XT locally it was a reference model and they were looking for 560 dollars which was only eighty dollars over the MSRP this was the best deal that I could find at the time and it seemed to be a worthy upgrade so I pulled the trigger I then sold my 2060 for 400 which was 120 dollars more than I had paid almost a year before I also earned about sixty dollars in ethereum from mining with the 2060. I gained a hundred and eighty dollars profit from the sale and Mining earnings after installing the 6700 XT I was not so impressed with the performance although it scored way higher than the 2060 in synthetic benchmarks like time spy in the games I played it didn't perform that much better and with it being a newly released card the drivers were quite finicky I had to update the BIOS and chipset drivers enable resizable bar and some other tweaks to get it running smoothly and since my monitor has a g-sync module I found that AMD freesync didn't work as well as g-sync did nothing against the 6700 XT AMD has polished the drivers and it offers great performance and value it just didn't work out for me at the time so I decided to sell the 6700 XT and keep looking for an Nvidia GPU I was able to sell it for six hundred and fifty dollars leading to a 90 profit I got lucky one day after getting home from work to find that a Best Buy drop was happening as soon as I turned on my PC I was then able to purchase an MSI gaming Z Trio RTX 3070 this is a beautiful card and I absolutely love the way it looks not only did it look great but it performed amazing the coolers shared with the 3080 and the 3090 so it is overkill for a 30 70. temps never exceeded 64 degrees even with a strong overclock the day I picked up the 3070 from Best Buy I entered the Newegg Shuffle just out of habit I had been entering the shuffle daily just to see if I would win anything it just so happened that two hours after I installed the 3070 into my PC I won the Newegg shuffle for an EVGA ftw3 RTX 3080 I was completely torn I had instantly fallen in love with the 3070 but the EVGA 3080 was the most desirable card on the market and I knew that with a 3080 I would not have to consider an upgrade for many years to come after some stressful contemplation I accepted the shuffle win and purchased the 3080 at its MSRP of 909 dollars I also had a purchase an 850 watt G3 PSU for 160 dollars which was significantly overpriced but I needed it for the GPU anyways this was one of the better deals at the time as these gpus were going for 1500 to 2 000 on eBay scalping was completely out of control I was then able to sell the 3070 for 900 200 higher than what I paid I was having good luck finding gpus so I continued to buy them and sell them for a small profit I used the situation to my advantage by charging less than what the scalpers were I was able to get a 3060 from evga's website for four hundred and thirty dollars I ended up selling this for 560 which was much less than the 700 average they were going for on eBay then when the 3050 was released I won the Newegg shuffle for one at the MSRP of 250 dollars I then sold this for 360 dollars which was a pretty good deal for the buyers since most were going for five hundred dollars if you add this all together you will see I ended up paying two hundred dollars for the thirty eighty I used a bad situation to help offset the cost of this card I'm so glad that things have finally returned to normal and gpus can be purchased at reasonable prices let's hope there are no more shortages or mining booms in the future thank you for watching
Channel: MANofYEO
Views: 20,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rtx 3080, gaming pc, budget gaming pc, gpu shortage, budget gpu, gpu flipping, cheap gpu, pc flipping, Budget pc build, rtx 3080 for $200, tech yes city, dawid does tech stuff, evga 3080 ftw3 ultra, how to buy cheap gpu, graphics card, rtx 3080 review, geforce rtx 3080
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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