How I Designed a Free Music Font for 5 Million Musicians (MuseScore 3.6)
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Channel: Tantacrul
Views: 284,709
Rating: 4.9801269 out of 5
Keywords: Tantacrul, music notation, music notation software, music software, musescore 3, musescore 3.6, music notation history, music notation app, music notation funny, music notation explained, music notation software free, music design tutorial, notation design, music notation tutorial, engraving, musescore, sheet music, tantacrul musescore, sheet music presentation, sheet music quality, notation font, music font, music fonts, music font video, free font, font
Id: XGo4PJd1lng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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Don't forget about MuseScore 3.6 release!