How I Create This Beautiful Scene Using CGI & VFX || Render With iRender GPU Render Farm

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So today we are going to learn how you can make such a flat scene visually interesting with the power of CGI ad visual effects and if you are troubled by the slow rendering of your computer, then I want to introduce you. From render, iRender is a GPU based rendering platform with the help of which you can get renders very fast, so if you are a 3D artist, a freelancer or you have a production house, then iRender can prove to be very useful for you because It gives you multiple GP rendering service at a pebble price so you can choose your machine and finish your project before the deadline. I will talk about this in more detail later when I finish rendering my scene. So for now let's move on to my tutorial. So first of all I will track my camera and this time I am going to use a new software called PF Track so if you want to do it with After Effects or Blender then you can watch my previous videos so I am here I am in the PF track and first of all I have to track my camera so as you can see the camera which is ours is the primary motion and the characters which are there are the secondary motion so now we have to mask them out so for that I just right click here. And take auto track Then I go to mask And we 'll select this Bezier roto here Then we'll draw the mask like this Then we 'll go ahead in the timeline and press control and adjust the mask [music] Then we'll go with this parameter If we go to the option and click on the preview, then as you can see, as soon as we click on the preview, our tracking points will become visible. Now to track them, we will have to click on this auto track button. Track our scene. Now we will go to errors and click on fit view and from here we will delete the points which are not tracked well, then I will click on this trim option and I will set this slider to something around 0.1. Due to which our points with more errors will be deleted. Okay now now we will go back to the parameters and from here by right clicking we will take the camera solver and from here we will click on solve all but as you can see our grid is attached to the ground. If not, then to fix it, we will again right click from here and this time we will take the Orient scene and after selecting any one point, we will click on Set Origin, after that we will have to align our grid a little, so to align For this, we select this rotation from here and go to two views from here and align our scene a little, then our grid is properly aligned, so if you want, you can also scale it etc. If I could, I would have scaled it down a bit [Music] Okay, nice, so now let's test how our tracking is doing, so this time we take a test object. If you want, you can skip this step. But let me test it here, so here you can add as many objects as you want and see how your tracking has been done. Okay, so my camera has been tracked perfectly. Now we will export it. So this time. I take export and from here I take the format collad de because we have to import it in blender and after choosing the file path we will click on export scene, I have tracked the camera, now let 's go to blender and there I will tell you. How can you create this flowers particles and tree growing animation, so I have imported my camera and background video into blender, so first of all I turn off this mushroom, from here I will press shift a. And I take a plane and now I press S and scale this plane a little, now I will subdivide it, so for that I will go to edit mode from here and I will right click on it and subdivide it, then again we Will come in object mode and now I select it in wire frame mode because we have to sculpt this plane according to our ground, so we go to sculpt mode and we want to give shape to this plane according to our ground. If you try then you just pick any brush and try to shape it randomly, it's very easy okay it looks good to me so now I will add flowers and grasses etc. in this ground and for that I am going to use here Botanical Because of the addon, it becomes very easy to add vegetation etc. to your scene, so if you want, you can also use the particle system but I am going to use the Botanical addon here, so I will go to this option from here and open the Botanical addon and we will go down from here and click on this plus icon, then you will see a lot of variations of flowers and grass here. Inside the Botanical Addon, I leave this first one selected and click on OK, then as you can see our grass and flowers have been added here, then I click on Plus once again. And this time I will take this variation, okay so now we fix its size and count, so I reduce its numbers and I make the scale around 0.5 and okay now this white flower also. We randomize it a little bit and I also adjust its scale a little bit. Okay, that's fine. Now we will put an SDRI on it. So from here I go to the Shading tab and from here we will go to the world. End By adding new material and pressing shift A, we will take the environment texture from here and I select my SDRI from here, you download it according to your scene, I have done it as per my choice, here OK, so our HDRI is here. Is here so now I go to the render view and now we will go to fill from here and the transperfect SDRI will become visible now we will adjust it a little bit so for that I just select this node and press control t so I can adjust its Z rotation. Let's set it to something around 60 and it looks fine to me and we turn this transparent back to tick and I set its strength to 1.5. Okay, so now you can see that our lighting is also a little bit. The match is done, so now I come back to the layout. Okay, so I have added flowers and grasses etc. Now I will create my hard shape tree growing animation, so for this also I am going to use an addon named Any Tree. So with the help of Any Tree you can convert any shape into a tree so let me show you how I'm going to create this Okay so for now I have disabled my ground so from here I right click and I create a new collection and I name it Heart Tree Okay so now we need a basic shape of heart so I type in blender kit heart so we will get this heart balloon here so I leave the single heart I delete all the other objects here and I adjust this heart a little okay and for the tree trunk I take a cylinder and scale it down and now we merge these two objects so I select both objects. And press control J OK Now this is our base shape of single heart tree is ready Now we will convert it into a tree So we select our object and I open the Any Tree addon from here and we add a new shape. If you click on the tree, then as you can see, as soon as we clicked, our ground became visible and the base shape went into wire frame mode, so let's take off the ground for now, so now you can see that we have a MT here. So now we keep this MT in the center of our base shape. So as soon as I keep this MT in the center of our base shape, you will see that the branches of our tree will start becoming visible because this is our The origin point of the tree is now, we turn off this shape from here because we don't need it, so right now our tree does not seem to be of hard shape at all, so to fix it, we will go to the Modify tab and here we Controllers are available for any tree, so if I increase this tree detail, you will see that the density of branches increases, so in this way you get a lot of options inside it, so I am not going to go into all the options right now, I think this is right. So I will just animate it, so to animate it, I will just make this tree detail around five, because the rendering time of our view port should not increase much, so to animate it, we can enable this. Let's turn on the growth option from here and I'll go to the first frame and put a cree on this growth option and increase it to full and I'll go ahead and turn it to zero and put a key here, so if I play it now So you will see that the growing animation of our branches has been created, so now we supply the material on it, then we will go to this import material and tick this material and I will select this brown bark material from here. I take it ok so now we will do this If we also add pay leaves, then we will turn on the check box for this leaves and from here we will click on import leaves, then you can see that we have a collection of different types of leaves here, now from here we Let's go down and I take this pink leaves, okay so it looks good to me but I want to fix a little bit of its texture, so for that I will go to the shading tab and from here I adjust its brightness and contrast a little bit. If I do this, I will get variations of leaves of different colors here. Okay, so our tree is looking great, so I come back to the layout tab and from here I change the tree detail back to 15, okay. Our tree looks very beautiful Ok so our scene already looks very beautiful but to give it a little extra touch I will create a particle animation here and it is quite easy to create so I made another copy of my blend file. And here I have deleted everything except my camera and the leaves collection. Okay, so first of all I take a plane here and here I apply particle system. So now you can see that Our particles are falling downwards, so I will go to the field weight and make the gravity zero, now we will go up and I will make the end frame start - 100 so that our particles are like this from the first frame. Float from and I set the life time to 200 and now we come down and do this rotation tick and from here we will increase the randomize a little bit and then we will go to render and from here I will take the collection And I select the collection of leaves and we will increase its scale a little bit but if I play it now, you will see that our particles are floating but there is no rotation in them at all, so its rotation. To fix this, we will go to rotation and I will set this axis to random, so now if I play it, as you can see, we are rotating our particle, so now we add wind. So from here I press shift A and take the wind force feed [music] and I will set its strength to 0.3 OK let's play and check OK it looks good Now I reduce the size of the particle a little bit so our scene is complete All we have to do is render it, but the problem right now is that our scene has become quite heavy, meaning it has millions of particles, so if I press the render button on it, then as you can see, it is taking 40 minutes for one frame. And my entire animation has 288 frames which means it will take two to three days to render the entire animation but I have so much time otherwise here comes I render I render a CPU and GPU based cloud rendering platform Here you just have to upload your project and it renders your pro very fast and here you get to see many different types of graphic cards which you can choose as per your choice. Yes, I have simply uploaded my project here, then I will go to the machine GPU and select the card from which I want to render, then I will click on boot. After booting, we have a new desktop. Now we can start our project. If you can render then simply I will open my project then hit render animation as you can see how fast is that so if you want to check out I render platform then I have given the link in the description and I have added my flowers tree and I have made different renders of the particles so that I don't have any problem in compositing . So now we will import all these in After Effects and there we will do our final compositing. So in the final compositing, I just replaced my sky and Added some colors to our scene so that our scene looks a little better and that's it. Here is my final output
Channel: SCS TREND
Views: 97,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, vfx tutorial, blender vfx tutorial, beginner vfx tutorial, after effects tutorial, vfx in blender tutorial, blender tutorial, blender beginner vfx tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, vfx editing tutorial, blender vfx, vfx editing, blender, how to make vfx in blender, blender basic vfx tutorial, after effects, adobe after effects tutorial, after effects tutorials, after effects for beginners, after effect, after effects beginner tutorial, scs, edit, vfx compositing
Id: GYrQY14eYiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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