How I cracked their Flutter Interview? Home Assignment + Tech Interview

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hey there this is akit Manan welcome back to a new video and this video will be super helpful for all those people who are looking for flutter internships and flutter Developer jobs so I cracked ticker tape which is by small case uh as a flutter engineer as a flutter intern in 2022 September so the position was uh for flutter interns not for flutter uh full-time developers and it was a LinkedIn post so first point here that I got this position through Linkedin so in uh September I opened LinkedIn and I found that HR of ticker tape had put one job post and they were hiring flutter interns from 2022 batch and 2023 batch so I was from 2023 batch and I shared my resume with the HR through mail and within two days I got one phone call so I would consider this as a round one which is a normal phone call where they were testing my communication skills my current experience uh my current role my current comp compensation and my future plans right so and also they asked me about my projects so I would consider this as a round one and this was a non-tech round the HR only had called me so it was a non-tech round and she basically asked me about my projects first of all my current position so I was working in a food Tech startup so I told her that I'm working in a food Tech startup then why want to leave the current position and want to join ticker tape so in that scenario you have to actually mention uh why you why would you love working at ticker tape and what exciting things you can actually find working at ticker tape so this you can mention and this the same thing I did so why I want to join ticker tape and why I want to leave the current company that was a third question next was uh my previous experiences whether I had actually worked uh or because I was a college student so like definitely she was asking about the internships not full-time or like work experience so this was the next question previous experiences then compensation so she uh disclosed the amount that they were offering for the inter position and I was okay with it right so that's that's that's it and then the final thing was my future plans whether I was looking for ppos or whether Ive already got one poo so at that point of time I did not have a PO so I told her that yes I'll after the internship of 6 months so that internship duration was 6 months after that yes I'll be looking for placements also right so this was it uh about the first round that was a HR round it is a non-tech round next thing was after the phone call she told me that within a few hours I'm going to get one home assignment so that home assignment I can say it as the the second round uh it was a home assignment so it definitely it was a tech round right so now let's talk about this home assignment because this was the biggest round and after that I only had one Tech round of one hour and after that that it was a final HR call right so in this home assignment what I got I got a PDF through mail in that PDF they were asking me to create one flutter app so flutter app I had to create in that PDF they had given me five stocks so five stocks I was given right stock tickers basically or you can say that stock IDs I was given let's say stock ID One stock ID 2 stock ID 3 stock ID four and stock ID five so I I got five stocks and definitely they are into fintech they are a mobile app where you can actually see the stock prices so basically the assignment was related to that right so with this stock IDs I also got one API endpoint api. something something something and it has some query parameters right in that query parameters I can actually pass the stock IDs okay so this I got from them next they had mentioned that I have to create one application where it will look something something like this they had given me some screenshots also which were very helpful and they asked me to copy the same design in this app I should have a in the first page I should have one list view okay these list view will have five elements basically depicting all the five stocks here should be the stock name here should be the current stock price and there should be the arrow up or down whether that stock price went up or went down basically what I had to do is I had to run one periodic function which which will fetch the stock prices after every 5 seconds and based on that price can go up down or remain the same based on that this UI should update that means UI had to update after every 5 Seconds got it it's simple after that the thing was here it will be one history button in this history I can actually view the previous prices let's say before 30 minutes or before one day next was one pause button if I click on this pause button the prices should become become constant and there should not be another periodic call after the pause button there it should become a play button if I click on this play but button again the periodic function should continue right another thing was when I click on this style it should go to another page where I can see the graph right I can use any library to render this graph right so in this graph I can see the prices and this graph should also update after every 5 Seconds right below that I can have the stock name price and arrow Up and Down based on the uh price whether it went up or went down right so this was a home assignment and I was free to choose any State Management Library I was not comfortable with block at that point of time so I used provider so I used provider to complete the assignment and which all factors they were testing so they had mentioned in their PDF that clean and modular code uh then AR architectural design and principles which all software design pattern I'm using so they had mentioned they were checking that that runtime performance and persistent whether my app is not very laggy my graph is not uh whether my graph is rendering the values properly uh whether it is consistent uh so these things were they were checking error handling which is very important because I was making a API call so I should also handle the exceptions because that API call can give you any status code right 400 500 or 4001 unauthorized bad request server anything so whether I'm maintaining or managing that error handling or not right so this was the next point then documentation they were I was uh expected to write a read me file and explaining my code putting some screenshots so they were expecting that next was git commit history so I had to upload this code on GitHub within a private repository and they would check my get commits and get commited messages whether I'm good with Version Control or not so these are the things they were checking in that home assignment and they had given me six days which I feel it was a big amount of time so I had completed this assignment in two days and I submitted it and after uh two days I got my result back and I was selected for the tech interview now let's go to that this was round number three right in this round it was for 1 hour so they had scheduled this meeting for 1 hour where I was interviewed by the mobile team lead of that uh company ticker tap company right now in this round what I have to do is first of all not after do they had to ask me questions so first thing they asked me about my projects then my home assignment how I felt it was whether I found it easy difficult or intermediate so I answered those questions and they asked me about my projects basically uh which all projects I have made so I had made that emotion detection app in flutter so then they asked me about how I actually built the ml model or how I was actually communicating with the ml model through my app so they asked me this and soon within five to six minutes they came on a tech problem now one thing this Tech problem was not a DSA question it was not a CP question it was a flutter question itself so in this entire interview I was not asked any DSA question right so many people think that you have to do have to do have to do DSA CP it's not compulsory if you are applying for developer position they may not ask you DSN CP questions that's a fact right so in this uh Tech interview problem they asked me to open my assignment in that assignment they gave me some additional problems right that I have to code in front of them sharing my screen and my camera should be on and that was expected right so first thing was I told you about this uh play and pause button so this was kind of I would say it was not an easy thing to do and I was actually stuck at that point of time and interviewer also helped me to get to the solution but finally I I was able to code it and get got selected but interviewer had to help me right and in these interviews don't assume that you have to code everything on your own interview do help you at some point of time it's a fact and they are actually seeing how you're approaching towards the solution it's not like that you have to have to reach to the solution uh on your own they help you and they see your approach right so in this assignment or in this problem statement what I was expected to do was uh so I told you that I was making periodic calls after every 5 seconds so I was using a future Builder and I was not very comfortable with block at that point of time so uh if I would have used block it would become a very simple problem but I was using provider so it was kind of difficult for me and I was my Concepts were not very clear at that point of time right so um what I have to do is this will go as as it is like it was going like after every 5 Seconds your value should change for these stocks but when you click on this pause button it should pause that's okay now here is the cross if you double click on this pause button that value should go from 5 Seconds to 1 second right and if you click on this pause button again it should go from 1 second to 2 second so this was kind of the problem and I got stuck here for around 20 25 minutes I was actually trying to do multiple things I did one thing I was able to do this one second but again I was not able to do this because I was stuck in State Management right and this might solve this might sound a simple problem here but at that point in time when people are looking at you and your screen it can become difficult right so uh this became a problem for me but at the final uh interview gave me some approach using while loop and timer package and finally I was able to solve the problem and show the code so this was the tech uh round and it lasted for around 40 45 minutes or around 1 hour I can say but finally uh I got selected and after one day I got my um uh result that I'm selected uh I have passed this interview round also and again that again as you know that the final round was HR round and in this they asked me about uh my future plans again and the same thing and why I want to enter into uh fintech industry why I'm connected to it why I love it these are problems the basic questions uh basically it was this was the main interview that this home assignment was the first thing the complex thing and second was this uh Tech interview round right so this was the uh then I finally got selected as a flutter intern in this position I worked for 6 months and then shifted my company changed my company so this was it I hope you like this video and I hope you would get some value from that if you want me to make more such videos on interview experiences and taking mock interviews of some other developers you let me know in the comment section and if any kind of other video you want let me know in the comment section till then keep coding keep innovating and thanks a lot
Channel: Akshit Madan
Views: 5,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #developer, #flutter, #appdevelopers, #ios, #android, #google, #apple, #data, #datascience, #collegestudents, #engineering, blockchain, freelancer, college, students, internship, web3, solidity, python
Id: h5zlZe2tzxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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