How I Capture & PROCESS using Readwise & Obsidian

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I'm going to show you how to seamlessly capture knowledge that automatically goes into Unified Inbox in obsidian and most importantly how to process it and at the heart of all of this is a popular service called read wise but the thing is read wise is now divided into two Services the regular read-wise and read wise reader so what's the difference between the two well read wise acts as a middleman or a bridge between all the highlights that you make while browsing the web or reading and the place where you want to store them like notion or obsidian read wise then released read wise reader which is in my honest opinion the best read the letter app that there is but it's a lot more than that reader's purpose is to be an inbox for anything that you want to read on the web that means newsletters RSS feeds Twitter threads articles and even YouTube videos all of those things land there and if you choose to highlight anything in reader it gets safe to read wise and Export it to your app of choice on top of that you can add your own notes to each highlight which will also be exported alongside it but you can't have reader without also having a read wise account because read wise is what makes reader possible it's what handles the importing and exporting of your highlights there's a lot more to this but first why bother with this at all and in all honesty I was actually not a read by subscriber until reader came along it was a good service sure but it felt more like a nice to have rather than a need but with reader it became a no-brainer for me it added a ton of value to my workflow and I'm going to go through all of my use cases and by the end of it you'll see why I'm so passionate about it alright so first we need to set up a place where we want to export all of our highlights for me that's going to be obsidian so I'm going to come here into my mastering obsidian Vault and I'm going to go into settings Community plugins browse I'm going to browse for the read wise official plugin I'm going to install it I'm going to enable it and then head over to options and I'm going to connect it to read wise but before that there's one thing that I change here which is the configure resync frequency and I change that from manual to every hour and now we need to set up read wise so I'm going to come here into and if you don't yet have a read wise account they have a 30-day free trial available and If you use my link below you get an extra 30 days on top of that so once you have your account we need to add the obsidian as an export location so over here under connect and sync highlights we can go to export and over here you see that I've already connected obsidian and if we press on configure we can configure the way that read wise exports into obsidian and up here is the folder structure and the way this works is that read wise will create a folder in your Vault name read wise and inside that folder you'll have a subfolder for books another for tweets Etc and by default you'll have them as it shows here so everything that read wise classifies as books will be placed under the book subfolder in your obsidian and the same goes for articles and so forth this is the way that I have mine so up as well and then you can configure how your highlights get imported you can leave it as is or use custom formatting which is what I do and there's a few things I change here you walk them through the same and I'll leave a link in the description to a repo that has my exact configuration if you just want to copy and paste it and the first change is in the yaml front matter which is all the way here at the bottom you can see I added the tags read wise inbox as well as read-wise and the way this works is that every new highlight will have a read wise inbox tag which tells me that I need to review it more on that in the later parts of the video I also add a note created and last modified this isn't necessary but since every note in My Vault has it I have it here as well and lastly I completely changed the code for the highlights and there's no point going over this but the result is a much more organized way of seeing the highlights this wasn't done by me it was done by Eleanor and I'll put a link to her read by settings in the description as well and once that's done you can come back to obsidian and initiate sync and everything will show up here in the readwise folder in the formatting that we've done and if I come to the highlights of this book the shallows you can see it looks much better than the default configuration and then you're going to want to set up read wise reader so if you come here to read and press open reader it's going to open up readvised reader and because it connects with your readvice account there's not much that you need to do other than download the mobile app and maybe a browser extension I'm not going to go in depth on this because I made a full video dedicated to just read wise reader and I'm going to link to it somewhere here on the screen but in short reader is like pocket or insta paper but on a whole other level because it's also a Twitter newsletter and RSS reader and it even works for YouTube videos and everything that you highlight inside reader will be exported to obsidian using the same configuration that we just did in read wise I use reader as a landing ground for nearly everything that I consume online everything lands here but not everything goes in my obsidian Vault and the first use case for me is all the RSS and email newsletters that I subscribe to because when I sign up to someone's newsletter or an RSS feed I can just give them my read wise email instead of my actual email and I'm definitely not alone in this because if I pull up my subscribers to my monthly newsletter there are hundreds of you using a readwise email to get it in your inbox you can find your readvice email by coming here to the plus icon and then more import options and it's right here under subscribe to email newsletters this is great because not only is the UI so much better in reader but if there's something that I want to save I can just highlight it and it's going to show up in my opinion Vault immediately and if there isn't I'll just archive it and move on then we have Twitter which is an interesting one because you can save tweets to read Wise by either replying to that tweet with save to read wise or if you want a more discrete approach by sending it to read wise's Twitter account as a private message and then those tweets are going to show up on your obsidian vault which for a single tweet is fine because you've definitely read it and you found value in it before sending it the problem comes when we're talking about a long Twitter thread that we want to read inside of reader but don't want it to necessarily end up inside obsidian because what if we got nothing of value out of it and luckily there's a way around this so if you come here to reader and we go into our preferences and then we come to Integrations and we connect our Twitter account and then we go into settings we can just side where we want both single tweets and threads to be saved I personally disable threads from read wise and enable them in reader that way if I bookmark a thread and find nothing of value out of it I can just archive it and it's not cluttering my obsidian Vault and then we have another one of my favorites which is YouTube videos I watch a bunch of YouTube content both for fun and for Learning and all the videos I watch for learning I opened them in reader using the browser extension which is going to look something like this and as you can see it has a transcript here and you can highlight anything you want and leave a note and it's going to be exported into obsidian another great quality of life Improvement is highlighting on my Kindle I read all of my books on my Kindle which is connected to read wise so every time I highlight something there it goes to my read wise and then obsidian and lastly we have articles that I come across that didn't arrive to reader this usually happens via Twitter recommendation or via newsletter for instance this happens all the time with Hacker News which compiles a bunch of relevant links related to programming I then move the ones I want to read over to reader and if you want to learn more about programming then you're going going to want to check out which is a sponsor of today's video brilliant is an online Interactive Learning platform geared towards stem topics it's the best way to learn math data science and computer science interactively it doesn't matter whether you're just starting out or if you're Advanced whatever your skill level brilliant customizes content to fit your needs and lets you learn at your own pace if you're not sure where to start with programming the new thinking in code course gets you designing simple programs to solve real world problems right away from Maps app navigation all the way to writing a program that automatically responds to work messages to try everything billing has to offer free for a full 30 days visit from Sergio and the first 200 people that sign up get 20 off Brilliance annual premium subscription and the big thank you to brilliant for sponsoring this video alright so now let's go over processing because without this step you're really just archiving all those highlights in your Vault and if that's all that you want that's great but I know myself well enough to know that I'm not going to actively search for what I saved there will never be a day where I go okay let's go through every single thing I've ever highlighted so the first thing I do is to create an easy way for me to see which highlights have not yet been processed in the previous section when we configured our export settings in read wise we added readwise inbox as a tag so if I come to one of those highlights like the shallows you can see here we have tags read wise inbox this means that we now have that tag inside our obsidian vault as well so over here on the right if we go to tags and we scroll the way down we have here read wise inbox and if I click on it we can see this note right here which is yet to be processed and this is fine but I prefer to have a dedicated page for this I'm going to make a new page by pressing command n and I'm going to title it read wise inbox and then I'm just going to add a very simple data view query which goes the review table from readwise inbox and then when I press command D to go into preview mode it's just going to list all the notes that have a read wise inbox tag so now every time I add a new highlight to read wise it's going to show up here in this page telling me that I need to process it and and the way I process my highlights depends on the Highlight itself some highlights will inspire me to build my own notes and thoughts around them While others are just meant to be compliments to my own existing knowledge but in both ways it's essential that I integrate them with my obsidian vault in a way that I'll stumble upon them again without trying and this is all done by using what I love most about obsidian which is the local graph view which is over here on the right and if you don't see it just press command P for command power type in local graph hit enter and then you can drag this to wherever you want in your Vault I'm not going to go in detail on this because I did a full video on it but in short it lets you see not only What notes are linking to the current node but it's outgoing and neighbor links I have a very short example here in this vault in a local graph folder so if I press here Note 1 and then I come here to the local graph go into the gear icon filters and then increase the depth you can see that all I have in Node 1 is a link to node 2 but because node 2 also links to node 3 I'm able to see that over here on the local graph view this is just a very basic example but it shows that it's no longer the case that I have to actually search for a specific node to find it I'll stumble upon it by opening any of the neighbor notes and this is how I often come across highlights from many years ago which adds a ton of value so is read wise worth it and for me yes definitely like I said in the beginning I didn't think read wise on its own without reader offered enough value to justify the subscription costs which is why I never even made a video about it before and if you go to read and you scroll all the way down to the frequently asked questions there's one here that is how will reader be priced and they say here that once reader exits beta sometime this year they intend to reprise read-wise and read wise reader for new subscribers but they also say that they won't increase the price for existing subscribers as long as you sign up before the beta ends either way you can give it a try completely for free and if you sign up using my link below you'll have double the trial period to a full 60 days but the thing is all of this is just to get other people's ideas and content into our vault but what about our own ideas and thoughts and that's exactly what I went over in this video right here so I'll see you there
Channel: FromSergio
Views: 16,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: readwise, readwise obsidian, readwise vs readwise reader, readwise in obsdian, obsidian readwise plugin, readwise workflow obsidian, readwise reader in obsidian, readwise to obsidian, readwise reader, readwise reader review, readwise reader tutorial, readwise reader app, readwise reader rss, readwise obsidian workflow, readwise obsidian sync, readwise obsidian template, readwise obsidian integration, readwise app, readwise review, readwise tutorial
Id: CH84CsBViOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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