How I beat RED in Pokémon SACRED GOLD!

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we've got two options here right what do we do next we do the rest of kanto or we can move on to another game the rest of kanto yeah i'll do the rest of kanto previously i had just been the johto region of my sacred gold hardcore nuzlocke but like any good nuzlocke would know the challenge doesn't end here there's still an entire other region to go through so in this video we're going to be going over the kanto region of my sacred gold hardcore nuzlocke as always the rules are going to be the same as the previous part and they're going to be on screen right now but if you guys did enjoy part 1 and end up enjoying part 2 as well then please like and subscribe and leave a comment on what challenge i should do next the first thing to do to get to the next chapter of our nuzlocke is to go to olivine city and sail to vermilion here this is where our adventure in kanto starts one thing about the kanto region in heart gold still silver is that it often seems unfinished and incomplete it doesn't seem like kanto had a lot of effort put into it kanto is part of the post game of heart gold soul silver and so it's often considered just extra content and thus it gets skipped over by many players sacred gold does its best to convert kanto into an entire separate region but the problem can still be seen even with an adjusted storyline the second part of the game still feels rushed and accelerated but i get it why put effort in if it's going to be skipped over by most players at the very least they did put in the effort to change up the entire encounter table something i mentioned about johto is that it offers you a lot of encounters between boss fights kanto is no different as we have an entire second region's worth of pokemon to catch even before the first kanto gym leader we got ourselves another six encounters which is already plenty one final thing about the kanto region is that it kind of feels like a boss rush realistically there actually isn't much going on in between gym leaders except for literally catching encounters so we're gonna go through these gym leaders one after the other remember what i said about not a lot of thought being put into kanto well the gym leaders are a dead giveaway it seems like brock just made a list of rock type pokemon that you don't really find in johto and just slapped it onto his team victreebel can giga drink to kill every single one of his pokemon without breaking a sweat every single one that is except for onyx it's faster okay it's faster [Music] now we have no grass types now you have no grass types you know what if that's the price i have to pay for barely even having to think to come up with a team for brock then i'll gladly accept that although what i did say about the grass type thing is true i don't have any other grass type pokemon in my box anymore but thankfully we still have an entire region's worth of pokemon to get so there's bound to be a grass type in there right before we can make even an inch of progress we again get ambushed by our rival and mount moon he still thinks he's better than us but at this point we already have so many options to counter him he leads off with a haunch crow so i lead off with an angry one to use stone edge which easily one shots him he then sends out his kingdra which sees surf as the highest damaging role so i swap in my own kingdom to quad resist he somehow outspeeds me next turn and hits me with a super effective dragon pulse but thankfully king just equipped with a habenberry to tank the hit a dragon pulse hits the kingdra to bring him down to red health so i swap and houndoom next turn on another dragon pulse and sucker punch the kingdra to kill it his gengar has the potential to use an orosphere and kill me but a sucker punch also hits him taking him out magmorta wants to go for a focus blast which lantern can take easily i hit him with the surf bringing him down all the way to red health and on the next turn he swaps out my mortar into meganium i swap into charizard as meganium goes for a sword stance and a single wide lens boosted fireblast takes out the magnio with a critical hit he sends his meg mortar back out seeing a potential thunderbolt so i swap in lantern with volkswagen to absorb the thunderbolt and serve to take out the meg mortar his alakazam is the final problem but thankfully we have a super defensive spirit tune with sucker punch so after the alakazam tries to go for an attack a sucker punch takes him out winning us against our rival i guess if there's nothing to do between boss battles i might as well cover the encounters we get a clefairy mount moon goldeen and cerulean city i'm going to chop on route 5 a hot pip on route 25 a curly on route 24 and finally a monet trick on route 10. this brings us to misty which the fight goes exactly how i planned i bet you can bet that this is just a wash with electrode right i mean what are you guys expecting here what do you guys expect in here polytoad sets up rain for us big bulky pokemon for us to easily take out that's a little slow for my liking i am honestly impressed honestly impressed we don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill don't kill okay backup mode boys and girls like i said exactly how i planned let's sleep powder perfect leech seed you turn out swap into setup combines [Music] still setting combines finally it woke up okay we'll hydro pump take out the sub question mark let's go for one more we still have this uh the leech seat up so let's go for one more is it going to heal or is it going to attack i think the best answer to consider both possibilities is just to substitute okay because in case it did um heal we would have gotten the substitute health back with uh the leech seed look at that plus four sub up healthy gardevoir from here our plus three gardevoir took out everything in his path lantern goes down with one psychic so too does the vaporeon starmie does take two psychics but that's because it's a psychic type itself so it's resistant and the final gold duck also goes down to a psychic this earns us a second batch of the kanto region you guys know the drill then except we've already been to vermilion so there really is no encounter so it's straight to the gym leader now i don't want to say i'm a [ __ ] god at this game but i got both of the switches back to back on the first try i don't care which one of you nuzzlockers think you're better than me out there try to beat that now just like the last two gym leaders i spent maybe five seconds coming up with a plan but this time it actually worked you see my dutch is actually fast enough to out speed their entire team with the naive nature so equipped with a soft sand earthquake was just a one pump chump that's one [Music] that's two [Music] that's three fourth one down that's five down and last but not least that's six down boys look at that no chance no shot on me man you got no shot on me with three badges obtained you guys know what time it is encounter time kangaskhan and rock tunnel vulpix on route 8 cool fish on 13 prime 8.9 bulbasaur on 12 swillow on 14 new arena on 15 a shiny cloister and fuchsia muck on 18 gulpin on 17 macargo on 16 and finally a gloom on route 7. this makes for a total of 12 new encounters between now and the next gym badge a little excessive if you ask me speaking of the next gym badge it's about time we face janine the fifth gym leader but the fourth batch we're going to be obtaining she leads with an aridos which is ridiculously slow so an air slash from charizard can one shot it the cool fish he sends out is much faster and bulkier so i swap into lantern to take the poison jab and use a thunderbolt to finish off the quillfish her drapeyonshin sends out once i hit a super effective earthquake so i swap into gyarados who can use an earthquake of its own and deal massive damage to the drapeon we don't take it out with a single earthquake but it only hits me with a weakened crunch so a second earthquake finishes it off wheezings tend to have a lot of coverage moves including thunderbolt which this one does have i swap in my lantern to take it with a volt absorb and a single thunderbolt kills a wheezing venomoth has been changed to a psychic bug type in this game so after swapping into hounton to take an incoming psychic a flamethrower burns up the venomoth her toxic croak has a wide range of coverage moves including stone edge cross chop and sucker punch i swap into gyarados to get off and intimidate then into my champ to brute force some damage onto it with an earthquake thankfully one is enough so we're able to get our fuchsia city gym badge we've actually already reached celadon once so there are no new encounters but we can buy a pokemon by exchanging some coins by grinding fifteen hundred coins we can buy ourselves a thai rook from the celadon coin exchange for erica we literally have half a box of possible options this fight literally cannot get any easier starting with a grass type so we don't get leach seated and we're gonna sludge bomb okay really hoping that they went for the uh sunny day there but that's fine we have drought on nine tails anyway so it really should be fine oh damn i always forget how garbage meganium is please use a sunny day okay the next time he u-turns again it'll be into tang growth which we can also take out yes [Music] cool what's what goes out first blossom or victory bell probably blossom let's predict the victory bell i'm actually a genius solid so solid there's that sunny day now we out speed everything and now we can kill everything that never would i would have thought this would be a venusaur sweep so easy so easy hmm it actually lived paddle dance this is gonna do zero damage literally zero damage [Music] if you're looking at sabrina's team right now and you're thinking wow that's a weak team don't be mistaken all right don't be mistaken delayed physically weak so we're going to brave her to kill and then depending on what it sends in we have exactly one counter uh two counters for each of them this team prep took me maybe five minutes max mr mime the counter is we're gonna u-turn first we're gonna take the psychic because that's what it sees into the crobat and then we're gonna sucker punch nice and simple meta champ okay so now this wants to see a high jump kick perfect this misses shadow punch could absolutely just kill nice and easy nice and easy hip knows next probably wants to go for a grass knot shadow sneak [Music] oh wow that actually doesn't kill wants to go for a psychic will this i don't think this will kill us it has the potential to baton pass but if it wants to psychic us we can go back into mightienna and sucker punch to kill nice and easy this would hopefully bait out alakazam with the focus blast sucker punch again should do enough damage to kill perfect last is wub effect [Music] oh we don't kill no no marianna's gone no oh shh unfortunately we lost my diana there but you know what it happens it happens from this point on i'm not gonna bother going over any of the other encounters unless i really need to there's just simply too many and a lot of them i don't even use they just end up sitting in my box and if you do see one on my team that i've never used before then it's probably from one of the 15 million encounter spots i got them from in fact listen to what i had to say about all these encounters never in my life have i ever had this many encounters that's one box and then plus the infernape this is two boxes i've never had this many encounters before it's so nice but even with two boxes full of encounters my strategy for blaine is still relatively simple what i'm hoping to happen is we just sweep through his entire team with earthquake that's what i'm hoping is going to happen that's one that's two cameras three magmota goes down fifth is my cargo [Music] oh intimidate right okay uh we might have to switch here then i forgot to give items that's perfect isn't it the pattern should be able to take an overheat that is quite interesting we'll go here to take the overheat and then we'll swap back in doug trio without the intimidated drop and then we'll just kill it like that [Music] so now it sees a thunder fang that's super effective oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we live right live live live live live live nope not even close not even close slight mistake by forgetting items but that's okay all right seven badges i gotta stop losing these pokemon to these gym leaders they're not that hard final gym leader blue starts off with a nidoqueen not his best pokemon you can easily take this out with a sir hi renatar already so he really wants to go for that crunch here hit him on top gets the intimidate off which is really really nice brunch is fine this is a resistant move we're pretty high on defense good no focus anything so that's fine rise to go for a bounce here get off the intimidate tight okay um i really thought it was going to bounce there so all right you're intimidated you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not gonna kill you're not thankfully i do have a backup in thunderbolt here but that is seriously disappointing from an electric there i'm so disappointed exeggutor wants to go for a leaf storm i presume says right here is quad resist should take it nicely completely fine we eat this for breakfast four times super effective executor goes down no question starmie i yeah this is gonna kill nice last is a riparian which does have the boost from the sand so we're gonna have to do it with either scissor or hitmontop and let's hit that cc and let's really really hope we kill all right see him on top didn't you too much but he did your job okay two deaths this is really not bad we're still we still got like almost two boxes of full of pokemon so this game is breezy guys this game is breezy before you proceed to the true ending of this game there are technically the rematch battles that we can fight however i decided that i will be skipping over these rematches this is because a it takes a long time to complete the subplot and b it involves catching a lot of legendary pokemon that let's be honest nobody really cares about also the rematches wouldn't be any different from the regular gym battles just with higher level pokemon it would basically just be a repeat of last video and this video combined so in the end i decided to move forward all the way to red one final encounter that i really want to encapsulate is a gligar glideguard is a guaranteed encounter because i've caught everything else on the mountain which guarantees me the glideguard due to dupes claws remember what i said last video about always getting a king draw on my teams well i think glasgow is an even better contender and not only that it also makes it all the way to the end whether it's the elite four champion red whatever it always makes it to the end before we enter the red battle i just want to say if you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe because it really means a lot to me this video took a lot of effort to make so i really hope it was worth it leave a comment about what you think about it because i really love making these videos for you guys i'm thinking of challenging a little bit more difficult of a rom pack for my next challenge so i'll keep you guys posted but without further ado this is red [Music] alright ladies and gentlemen this is it the final battle of pokemon sacred gold hardcore nuzlocke we're up against red and he starts with his pikachu now luckily we did get a glidescore that has massive massive speed and 12 attack iv but that is enough for earthquake to take out this pikachu we just out speed just out speed and we can take out this pikachu its defenses are paper but all we need is to attack perfect i chose an extremely aggressive team here so we will be swapping and killing swapping and killing blastoise loves the blizzard here right it's hailing on the mountain so he loves that blizzard we are going to go into lux ray which is at this moment my best electric type because all of my other ones died there is that blizzard blizzard should not kill it should not kill there is a one in 16 crit chance that it does kill but we have lumbery for freeze and volt tackle hits this should kill the blastoise okay venusaur wants to go for the earthquake we are just gonna do as much damage and die [Music] [Music] okay there it goes goodbye lux ray you did your job we're going to crowbat here [Music] definitely out speed definitely kills with breakboard [Music] nice and breezy this should bait out the espeon though it might bait out the snorlax okay so here's the espeon we'll do around half health maybe a little bit more is what i'm hoping that's good that's very good because we're gonna use scissors bullet punch to kill the espeon oh yeah plus the hail damage this is definitely in range this is definitely in range okay that's that's a that's good so we're gonna do that technician scissor is broken it's a busted ass pokemon charizard wants to go for a lane thrower i think what i'm gonna do is sack [Music] yeah okay i'll take that crate this war my man you have been if you if there was a contender for mvp you would be up there scissor has been so good to us thank you for your job strength rock type strength four times super effective half house charizard no way this lives yeah and a crit and a crit snorlax the big tanky boy the one we forgot to get on route 11 hope we win [Music] [Music] that's a good range that's a good range body slam how much damage is this oh we're so fine and we still have three pokemon in the back just in case i somehow messed this up okay goes for the rest now it's just a matter of time big damage please half health okay i think we're going down on this turn yeah para and hail damage we're definitely going down [Music] we don't have to be though yeah see a gly score you did your job in the one battle you had to batman let's go cc come on this is it right and with that sacred gold hardcore nuzlocke is over [Music] might do radical red might do sinking sapphire next who knows
Channel: DocZ
Views: 52,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i0lUMgBzwQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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