How I ACCIDENTALLY Unlocked DJ TV MAN In Toilet Tower Defense

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today's video was supposed to be a classic summon 100 units challenge but instead I'm going to tell you the story of how I accidentally unlocked the rarest unit in toilet Tower Defense the DJ TV man and coincidentally how I lost it 20 minutes later if it wasn't on video people wouldn't believe it so goats definitely definitely stick around to see what happens in this video it's insane I challenge you to a one versus one where we summon 100 units okay sunny but also we get a guaranteed Santa TV man yeah I agree but here's the thing melon whoever loses is going to have to cough up the ultimate trade they are going to be losing their spider TV are you serious Sunny that thing is one of the rarest units in the game too bad bro if you lose I'm taking your original classic most goated rare unit ever and on top of that I'm going to pop a luck boost boop boop boop and I'm going to get my first 10 summons ooh legendary uncommon and epic let's go will I get a legendary let me summon 10 and I don't really want any basic or uncommon so I'm going to put those on auto sale here we go oh dang it sunny at least I got the Epic I got the jetpack already which does 7,000 DPS now let me go here and Auto Sell all this trash we don't need anymore all I need is a Mythic come on give me a legendary no legendary but I got three bat speaker yeah I just added the bat speaker man to my squad just in case I don't get any else but I need this I can summon eight more times oh come on summoning 10 yo no way I got a Mythic glitched cameraman curse you bro you're actually going to be so strong what is his DPS M 12,500 Sunny bro that thing is going to be crazy strong but I still haven't gotten a legendary and I've summoned 40 units here we go 50 dude I don't know why legendaries is so rare what is going on that's crazy that you got a Mythic but you haven't got the jetpack speaker man yet this has happened to me so many times now Sunny 60 unit summon no legendary bro I summoned in 60 and I got three of them so far make that four here we go nopes I I don't understand I really don't get it guys 70 80 there we go finally on my 80th summon I got it okay melon I can now summon it three more times one Ah that's trash two dang it and I only have 10 more summons I'm going to do these one one by one um Sunny I'm going to do them one by one too by heading into the units and goats I'm going to pop 10 exclusive booster crates and come on give me that DJ give me that DJ yo what are you doing melon no way I got it sunny what the heck how are you this lucky holy crap melon how many DJs are in the game uh 1. 29,000 that's actually insane how did I just do that oh yeah well you know what what I have five summons left and I just got a car speaker man you're jealous oh I'm so jealous hny I got a camera woman and now I have three summons watch this open one crate come on Sunny give it up you're never going to get a DJ TV man yeah but I still have two summons left let's see here two summons remaining what would be an optimal decision oh yes that could be quite fascinating let's go corrupt cameraman oh monster speaker man yo I'm going to use that it's actually not too shabby sunny and now I have one final summon what should I do goats I know what I should do I should go to the shop and summon in one of these bad boys but I don't want to be a complete cheat so I'll summon in the flamethrower Sonny I still have 10 more summons but I don't even know what to open at this point like bro check my party my squad is complete why do you have a flamethrower Sunny you don't even get that from an unlock yeah you do you go to the shop and you unlock it you're so cringe bro it's not even from a crate or anything whatever dude don't be salty that I'm more goated all right check this out bro I'm about to get myself a Titan present man here are you really opening 10 more crates what the heck you're an actual cheat you cheated way harder oh I didn't get him well pick your final unit and let's go to battle all right well I'll pick the elf camera woman and I'll replace that with my dark speaker man oh wow so impressive and now melon let's head to toilet laboratory actually Sunny you know what I'm going to keep my squad I'm not going to use anything from that Santa TV crate yeah yeah yeah whatever you just wasted some crates just like I'm going to waste you in this game vote Nightmare and prepare to lose there's no chance you're going to beat me sunny I got a DJ TV man and a Mythic oh true that's a lot of bramage guys when there's a will there's a way Autos skip enabled time to place some money makers oh sunny I equipped the wrong unit uh hold on I I'll be right back guys cuz this is technically cheating what did you do so I accidentally clicked the spear speaker man instead of the jetpack speaker man in my squad you're an actual cheeser bro the spear is trash yeah then just play with it no dude it's too late wait a second this gives me a head start which means even if I remove Autos skip I'll be ahead of you yeah but Sun you're not going to beat toilet lab you idiot watch me brother watch me cook I got all me santies placed I just need a little bit of Shoney come on let's go one flamethrower deployed and he is cooking and I've got my first Sant to deployed Sunny dude you are lagging behind brother I'll be caught up in no time don't you worry I'm not worried about you bro I'm just disappointed what do you mean disappointed wasn't even that big of a deal you literally cheated yeah and I made up for it by rejoining you no you unlocked a DJ bro what are the chances of that and that's a filthy nasty cheat how was that cheating bro I played legit you're too good you're your luck is too strong my luck is very strong today sunny I won't lie whatever I got a level two flamethrower so I won't cap either you don't stand a chance against me all right well I will inform you that my toilet lab is taking some damage so it's good news for you let's go okay this is starting to look sketchy bro I'm going to turn Autos skip off that's a mutant with 14,000 health I'm going to take some more damage but in the process I will upgrade my sent to TV men I'm going to purchase this just so I have a little more damage on this wave can actually going to place him back here bro this guy hits so slow he hits so slow oh no I might lose in the beginning yeah bro and wave seven gets crazy there's a mutant toilet with 14,000 and a boss with 16,000 and oh no they're definitely getting away skip wave I got to make some money uh Sunny this is really not good for me I I don't know how I'm going to survive all my units attack so slowly I'm going to die at wave six bro you trash you trash am I actually going to die I'm dead I'm going to die there is no way you just died already I'm dead I died I'm dead melon you owe me a spider TV you realize that no no no no no no no no I get to play One More Time sunny all right change up your strategy change up your strategy okay goats I've got to change my strategy big time I need to deploy the glitched cameraman or else I'm doomed let's see the front line how's my squad doing oh we're cooking still one Minun heading to the back lines not a problem think I'm going to upgrade my money makers melon you're an absolute amate bro I'm trying my best your best just isn't good enough oh yo 300 for this upgrade that's it bro this guy's actually nuts go off on him jetpack speaker man is not bad bro it's a lot of damage I know but bro he doesn't kill the little guys oh we got a problem that's a jetpack police toilet who is zooming absolutely zooming but he's getting cooked bro he does kill the little guys you upgrade him in his cool down drops yeah but not enough bro his upgrade is cheap dude I couldn't even survive the first six waves I died instantly oh oh yeah there's a lot of little guys huh maybe you should have got yourself a AOE unit yeah but I didn't I just didn't unlock one I'm sorry sunny but now I'm deploying my glitched cameraman he is a coold down of one uh it's not great I think I'm going to skip this wave and upgrade my flamethrower so he can actually cook oh man the attack range on the jetpack is also pretty goated let's wait a second flying buzs saww we want to make sure we do enough DPS here skip wave and upgrade oh we need money okay we'll upgrade this instead oh we got oh we got him melon this is light work bro this is light work okay I got two glitch toilets deployed hopefully that's enough to clean up all these toilets please please survive okay some toilets are making it through but toilet Labs should survive that's what's important yes very important skip wave and upgrade and now we absolutely smelt these bosses bro this is crazy there's so many little toilets and they're still making it through oh that brings me so much joy melon dude toilet lab is at 20 health this is ridiculous how am I supposed to win I can give you more tries bro this is crazy this my squad is so good but I can't do anything on this map oh your hubris shall be your demise melon yes destroy these toilets one flamethrower is destroying all the little guys and then my Jetpack speaker man is cleaning up house okay glitch toilets you need to start killing things nah you you kind of don't though it's okay 1,000 buckaroos upgrade melt the mutant just melt everything you got to melt oh my goodness I'm going to lose again are you kidding me how how am I supposed to beat this game you're not I died you actually died again yeah at wave 10 bro I I I don't think this squad can win I need AOE at the beginning melon just put a turkey in your party and try one more time no I'll try with the exact same Squad third times the charm you're actually stupid this is just embarrassing I know what I did wrong Sunny tell you what bro I feel bad for you you're going to lose a spider TV for sure this time so put it in your party so that you can say goodbye to it no it's too late Sunny I'm attempting it with the same Squad why nothing's going to change I believe in myself that's the difference I believe in myself too which is why I have all my Santas at level five and I'm making that money and you know what I could mix in a little more AOE here why not we'll put a monster speaker man right here make sure I got all my units placed oh yeah melt that multic claw let's go oh I might even skip this wave let's do it and then upgrade that oh boy that's an airplane toilet I don't feel very good about this wave deployed my first glitch toilet back here come on die die airplane oh this is bad oh no we killed it easy melon I'm on Wave 15 I'm not saying this is going really easily but I'm still crushing them I am not crushing them sunny I will say that much now with this wave I go 200 here 200 here this will allow me to purchase one glitched cameraman per wave skin SK should allow me to barely survive yeah I cannot Auto skip that would kill me got two glitch cameraman oh this nasty parasite toilet needs to die I want to max level my flamethrower but I should keep upgrading my Santas it's so tough three glitch cameraman please stop all these little toilets I think I got to do this I don't have a choice I need more damage this time toilet lab has 90 Health oh I'm cleaning up melony the fourth one come up here and I'll buy some more money these Buzz saws are getting melted on Wave 17 I'm chilling boss toilet no problem then we'll start investing in the main guy here 600 bucks and I need $1,000 can I get $1,000 before the mutant toilet arrives probably not realistically I need to increase my DPS here though I'm going to do this yes I can I got it 1,000 bucks this should be enough come on stop everything I killed the mutant yes this time my strategy is working good for you melon I'm on Wave 18 and I'm going to press skip wave upgrade that upgrade this oh my goodness ch pack police toilet what is this what is this come on hopefully we can take it out please okay yeah we melted it we melted it let's go the glitch cameraman Squad in the back is holding strong oh boy this is concerning that is a giant blind toilet with 350,000 Health this is a problem this is a big problem so instead of addressing it I'm going to make some money I lost what even killed me how did you lose melon I don't understand bro I give up Sunny you won my spider TV even though I had the god Squad let's go I'm done giving you more chances bro I'm just enjoying my run here and you're getting cooked hey melon hey melon hey melon what do you want Sunny are you ready to meet me in the lobby and pay up yes I am dude I'll make you a deal all right what's the deal sunny I will allow you to trade me a djtv man instead but the DJ TV man is far more rare yeah but you only got one SPO and I'll see you in that Lobby so what's it going to be melon a spider TV or a DJ TV man fine I'll trade you my DJ TV man I've got three of them after all bro you have three well I mean you're holding on to one that's mine right now just so you know no no no it's mine it's mine now I have two and you have one so I'm better than you no this this is this is stupid I unboxed all three of them so give it over whatever bro just you win a Deal's a deal let's get goed I did it I actually won a challenge and I didn't just win I destroyed you bro it's only because my squad didn't have any AOE and you know what the viewers should do destroy that like button press it right now
Channel: Melon and Sunny
Views: 247,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NC6ds8RJt9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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