How Hunter x Hunter Reveals the Secrets of Finding Your True Self

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who are you now when I ask this question I don't mean what's your name or what's your job or even what your friends May sometimes call you no I mean who are you the person a question that at first seems kind of easy becomes more complicated the more you look at it so let's break it down and see if looking at it through the lens of Hunter Hunter will help us draw a more conclusive [Music] answer a couple of weeks ago I saw this video on Instagram and it basically said to talk about yourself without talking about your name your occupation your country of origin your age Etc and it made me think a lot of us Define ourselves by these things very often we have little control over or are imposing us due to socioeconomic circumstances you'd say I'm a lawyer or I'm a waiter when you were not born as that who is the person behind the housing of Flesh that thinks feels and experiences and in today's day and age it's harder than ever to dissociate the two how scuss a concept individuality is but as I often do I decided to put this question the context of media that I have read and upon thinking I noticed a similar question of identity being asked in Hunter Hunter starting from the top when we take a look at the main character gone young boy who defines himself and his selfworth in being someone worthy of his father's approval and standards or character like Cora person who defines himself through trauma and the weight of guilt a responsibility for avenging his people even with kiloa we see how the so-called boy Jin the Future Hope of the zodic family struggles to break free of these labels put on him whatever example we look at we see a common theme of characters who also struggle to answer the central question themselves this struggle for identity Murrs our own as we navigate a world where Conformity often takes presidence over individual expression we find ourselves in snared in a web of expectations based on our gender race profession or social status obscuring the essence of who we truly are like the characters in Hunter Hunter we yend for enlightenment a revelation that transcends the limitations of societal constructs and unveils the authentic [Music] self now we' have established the parallels that Hunter Hunter holds to the real world in this context but what solution does it give to the question of finding out who one is well probably the best way to look at is through the lens of gone the main character as previously established he had lived vicariously through his dad and what he thought his expectations of him where Hunter should be strong and not be AB to others or Hunter should be someone who can protect someone who doesn't lag behind should be in tune with our surroundings and know the people around them and what we did see gone progressed rather quickly we quickly realized it was nothing more than a cision Cause towards eventual disaster we all know how the story goes go loses his N and is very lucky not to die in the process and eventually when he does meet his father he cries about all the things he's unable to do or all his expectations he was unable to meet but eventually when he and his dad talk he comes to realize maybe him losing his abilities was a good thing maybe it's time to find out who he is know who his dad expects him to be maybe that Enlightenment that brings fulfillment is just by the wayside and the flip side we see kilawa go in his own journey of self-discovery he through pure genuine connections breaks free from the idea of himself imposed in him by people other than himself aside these two we have various other characters going through their own journey of self-discovery in the manga so the question then is does Hunter Hunter provide a one fit all answer to this question well no kind of I think what the story says is that it's up to you to decide who you want to be don't spend your life living through someone else's expectations go out and live love and experience the world around you g spent his life chasing a shadow an idea but he was was at his happiest when he was just himself a kid a beacon of nature that could sometimes be Brash sometimes be somewhat airheaded but was good friendly a lover of animals and like the sun warming itself and the bodies around it helping even people like Kila find out who they are or Kapa a person who's filled with rage finding out who they want to be and maybe that's you and similar to going you just don't know it yet no one has all the answers I mean I sure don't but it's our duty to live and find out to be in touch with ourselves because the answers we seek may not be as far away as we might think but just by the side of the road so I'll try and answer the question myself who am I well I'm a young man who burning Des desire to learn create and meet new people I want to write stories and scripts that get people inspired I'm a person who wants to love and be loved I'm someone with a huge ambition and a great desire to achieve my dreams and through that help others with theirs I'm also someone who doesn't know everything and I'm curious to find out new aspects of myself so what about you then who are you
Channel: Phantom
Views: 1,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Who are you, Hunter x hunter, Hunter x hunter 1999, Hxh, Anime, Analysis, Essay, Identity, Purpose, Finding yourself, Gon, Killua, Hisoka, Nen, Chimera ant arc, Hxh 2011, Hunter x hunter 2011, Hxh manga, Video essay, Anime analysis, Hunter x Hunter analysis, Hunter x hunter essay, Hunter x hunter identity, Hunter x Hunter purpose, Hunter x Hunter themes, Hxh tagalog, Self help, Inspirational, How Hunter x Hunter approaches writing
Id: NUimZ-EaDiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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