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the incredibly talented and comedic Wayans family got their start on television and film in the 1980s the second oldest of the Wayans Kenan kicked off the family's comedic careers with the popular 90s sketch comedy show in living color which featured some of his siblings including younger brothers Marlon and Shawn those two starred in their own sitcom the Wayans brothers where they played the self-titled leading roles the Wayans family took their comedic talents from their humble beginnings and turned them into a billion-dollar family-owned franchise part of that billion dollars was derived from their pioneering work on the scary movie franchise but here's how the scary movie franchise was stolen from the Lance pinky this summer don't answer the phone I'm in the house you're behind the couch I can unsee your feet dimension films presents [Applause] [Music] [Applause] removing the Wayans family was born and raised in New York City the ten kids along with their parents grew up in the Fulton Street housing projects and their household income was only $17,000 between their parents in 1996 the movie screen reinvented the horror film genre Shawn Wayans came up with the idea of scary movie when a bunch of slasher films hit the theaters in the late 1990s he pitched the idea to brothers Keenan and Marlon who helped write the script when the Wayans brothers came to dimension film studios with an idea for a spoof of the film the mention was so ready to create the movie that they bought the script before it was even finished despite it spoofing one of their own films the film starred John Abrams Carmen Electra Shannon Elizabeth Anna Faris Regina Hall Cheri Oteri Dave Sheridan Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans screenwriters Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer had already developed a similar spoof horror project before the Wayans titled scream if you know what I did last summer and it was bought by dimension with Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans writing the script and their older brother Kenan Wayans directing the movie the studio knew the Wayans were onto something Bob Weinstein who released the movie through his company Merrimac said both scripts had funny points but we favored the way in script a little more I think this is what's going to lift the whole a dynasty off this is going to widen their audience even more when I thought about it I said who better to spoof the screen franchise than us scream still stood on its own because scream was great we had the guts to do it I'll put it that way when scary movie was finally released it defied all odds by quadrupling its 19 million dollar budget in sales topping the box office its opening weekend with 42 million dollars the film went on to gross two hundred and seventy eight million dollars in sales worldwide due to the success of the first scary movie the brothers were rushed into a sequel which was never meant to happen the Wayans brothers assumed that the film would be a one and done deal but because of how well the movie did the film companies insisted that there be a sequel the insistence rushed the process and the script suffered for it the sequel only made half of what the first movie made in sales even though both Shawn and Marlon started they said there would be no sequel and they lied a year after the hugely successful scoop the Wayans brothers are back with scary movie 2 and we're here at the premiere [Music] you know James booth came in and did an amazing job he's hilarious Lee funny and okay and he's a nut it was just great having him on board basically the movie is sort of a couple years after the first one the kids are now in college and we go off for the weekend to do an experiment that's supposed to be on sleep deprivation and ends up they take us to a haunted house just to see what happens definitely out there too it's just I mean you know we said to ourselves let's not try to compete with ourselves as you go out try to make another funny movie and that's what we did we picked the supernatural kind of haunted house genre for this one and doing a bunch of pop culture stuff as well and you know try to mix it up and they get violent told the Chicago Tribune what my brothers and I did was take a nineteen million dollar movie and we made it into a half a billion dollar franchise we got rush to do a sequel it's still performed but it wasn't as good as the first one it was alright it wasn't using his jabs or hook it was a little more desperate after the second movie the Wayans brothers came up with an idea for a scary movie three but unbeknownst to them the film was already being made with another company Marlon Wayans told the Chicago Tribune that he was reading The Hollywood trade publications one day and saw that scary movie three was being made with someone else dimension films an extension of the Weinstein brothers owned the movie franchise and the film rights when they pitched their idea for a scary movie three two dimension the company basically stole their idea and put together their own creative staff which failed completely as a third movie only grows two hundred and twenty million dollars on a forty-eight million dollar budget which is nowhere near what the first movies made on a smaller budget the Weinstein brothers were not trying to give them what they thought they were worth Marlon also said in the article and then we read in the trades one day that we're doing scary movie three with someone else we were like wow that's interesting they took a franchise we did and that bond we had talks with the Weinsteins but couldn't come to terms they thought we were worth X and we thought we were worth y they thought they could do the franchise to recreate those results without us I wish them luck in love but we have a certain flavor that nobody else can do we had an idea to pitch them for scary movie three and they basically stole our idea they came to us to do scary movie 5 and we no we had our time and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that first day when we won and we're like yo we said it was gonna cost EXO we played because then I might six to five of the studios in everybody project and so and then they come in like you know we've been scary movie one and two the funny ones and then it was kind of everybody thinks we left the franchise away so no it was taken from us like you saw them we had a worse deal on that scary movie then we had then the Indian sold Manhattan for you know and so you know so they went and did three and four and then five I mean they got Charlie Sheen Lindsay Lohan and Heather Locklear it looked like an episode of Celebrity Rehab I don't [Applause] is out flavor if you like Wayne's movies like little man skin but we want skate movie - don't be a minute living color like this is what we do so scary movie is is that franchise I'm haunted house scary movie yes on the subject of sequels yes what the friggin heck happened with three four five with you part three they kind of tricked audience to think that we was still in it for it was like well eat the winds aren't in it and five there was just like oh hell the way has paved the way for all spoof films that came after and created an entirely new genre for comedy with films like don't be a menace Blankman and scary movie the Wayans family is still working and directing in television and film today Shawn and Marlon has since written and produced and starred in blockbuster hits like white chicks and little man and in 2009 the family returned to spoof films with the movie dance flick that starred the second generation of Wayans thank you guys for tuning in to another video make sure you hit the subscribe button hit the thumbs up button and also leave a comment below [Music]
Views: 785,195
Rating: 4.7934499 out of 5
Id: g7o3mmBddL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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