How green energy will change our future - Docu

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We're going to hold a procession through the city centre of Leeuwarden. We're going to say goodbye to all kinds of machines that don't belong there. The petrol leaf blower, or a gas stove. They have no place in the future. We're taking them all on this final journey to thank them for services rendered. There are lots of villages underneath. There's a village over there. And over there and there. They're all submerged now. And your house? Under water. It's under water. It sank. This was the biggest mine in Asia, but all the mining made the ground collapse... ...and the farm villages had to go. The state decided to relocate them. When the area sank, this project was initiated. Workers have been doing manual labour here since September... ...and my standard of living has gone up too. The mines have affected the quality of the water. The water contains many heavy metals. So there are some limitations to what you can do here. So it's a good idea to use this lake... generate solar energy. That way the lake can serve a purpose after all. These panels can generate 150 megawatt. On the land, you have to level the ground. You don't need to here. You don't have to remove any weeds either. The warmer these panels get, the less efficient they become. It's cooler on the water, which leads to an electricity increase of 8,1%. You can install these panels much faster than on land. They're easier to assemble... they take less time to install. I think this new energy is an improvement. There used to be too much pollution. It was very bad for the farmers' health. What's remarkable in Shanghai is that mopeds and motor bikes... ...became electric very early on, eight or nine years ago. Every time I'm back in Amsterdam and see a moped or scooter go past... ...making lots of noise and stench I'm surprised they still exist. I think Chinese cities with their high density and good transport systems... ...are sustainable to begin with because energy consumption is limited... there is less need for cars. The basic difference between Holland and China... that 80% of the Dutch live in a house with a garden... ...whereas in China, 80% live in tall apartment blocks... ...close to facilities and work, which reduces energy consumption. Not just because an apartment requires less energy to heat and cool. But there's also less need to travel. I believe the biggest hurdle toward a sustainable Dutch society... ...from an urban planning point of view, is the house with the garden. What does a part of town look like that could contribute to the energy transition? I think this district in the centre of Shanghai is a great example of that. There are four metro stations within a four-minute walk. Three different lines. That helps create a city that requires very little driving... get to where you want to be. The way this area that covers hundreds of square kilometres... ...with 600 square metres of metro lines and stations was realised... ...was truly futuristic and unique. In fact, it's all in reverse. Public transport is no longer added later... ...but forms the backbone for the transformation of an existing city... ...and the expansion of new urban areas. Buying a car is greatly discouraged. Licence plates cost 20,000 euros, and 40,000 for companies. That means the price of the car is largely made up of the licence plate. And in order to buy one you have to take part in a lottery... ...which takes place once a month, so it can take a year before you win it. This is one of the main commercial hubs in the city. Offices, homes, facilities. Malls, office towers, experience entertainment, more offices. Here you can really see what public transport... ...can do for urban dynamics. If you offset the number of cars against the number of people walking around... see how few cars there are.
Channel: vpro documentary
Views: 162,972
Rating: 4.6532559 out of 5
Keywords: green energy, future, change, green energy future, renewable energy, clean energy, sustainability, sustainable design, sustainable architecture, environment, solar panels, solar panel, solar, vpro documentary, documentary, Sustainability, Backlight Sustainability, Sustainability documentary, vpro documentaries, vpro backlight, Free documentary, subtitled documentary, documentary subtitles, docu
Id: cEjT2_NCeFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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