How Good Is a Forgotten Supercar? 2020 Acura NSX Review

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[Music] [Music] this time it's the 2020 acura nsx and i think today is going to be a good day because we have a beautiful supercar we have the angelus forest in front of us a sunny day what we're gonna do is i'm gonna show you around this thing show you some of the interesting and honestly funny things about the acura nsx and then most importantly we're gonna take it for a spin and you guys are gonna experience what it's like to drive this thing let's get right into it i really don't even need to talk about the looks of this thing you guys already know that this is an absolute stunner and what i will say is that even though i don't like yellow on most cars this is the color i would actually buy if you were to ask me that before the car arrived what color you'd want i would definitely not have said yellow but this has this amazing pearl to it and it just pops on this car with all the black accents as i said not a yellow guy but this looks phenomenal now one of the things that's really funny to me about this car even though it honestly doesn't take away from the car at all to me is the lack of storage space it's it's genuinely comical i'm going to show you guys where in most mid-engine cars obviously the engine is in the back or just behind you as a driver there's typically a frunk which is what we affectionately refer to as the front trunk but with this car there are two electric motors up here which drive these wheels independently and there's no room for any frunk so no room for storage up here which okay no room for storage in the front let's go to the back open up the back and you can maybe put a couple groceries in here and i tell you that because i did and what i found out is that if you want to super heat your groceries this is the place to do it because this area being so close to the engine and the exhaust running under here gets super hot so honestly kind of hilarious to me how bad the storage is in here this hump i thought when i first got it was just the carpet scrunched up but no there's a hump here uh it's unapologetically bad and honestly i find this so refreshing that it has no storage because look at cars like the c8 corvette when you make a requirement that you have to be able to put multiple golf bags in the back of it it gets very big and bulbous and to me the back of the c8 corvette is the worst feature of that car it looks hideous whereas this is super sculpted they didn't you know they didn't make it bigger just to put more stuff in it they made it small because they want it to look and perform well so bravo too acura honestly for that of course you have the hand assembled engine back here 3.5 liter turbocharged engine mated to a electric motor in between that and the nine speed transmission you also have two electric motors up front three motors plus a fourth gas engine it's friggin nuts man this is the future you've heard about the 918 and the la ferrari or the p1 those are similar cars in the performance hybrid category and this is like one of those just a lot cheaper one of my favorite hidden features of the exterior is this see-through sort of body panel here i know more cars are doing that or at least more supercars are doing that where there's like visible holes in the body panels for arrow i didn't even know that existed on this car until i got it but it's a really cool thing to find popping in the interior i'll keep it brief because i really just want to take this thing for a spin and show you guys what it's like to drive it's unique uh it feels special in here even though it does have some acura or honda qualities to it like some of the switches whatever the steering wheel is really cool sort of rounded off a little more square and i don't typically like square wheels but as you're going to see because of the front suspension and the steering on this car it actually turns out to be just fine i'm going to turn the car on the touch screen is fine but it's super ancient and guess what no one cares no one is buying this car for the infotainment system the audio system is pretty good and the gauge cluster center mounted tack it's at a bit of a weird angle i don't know if you guys can see that in the photo it's it's very much like laid back um not sure why they did that maybe it's a packaging thing they wanted to keep this sort of cowl low but you got alcantara here i can't wait to take this thing for a drive so let's just go you press these little buttons here like every acura or honda product what this looks staged what what are the odds that another nsx would be here i'm reviewing it actually all right cool man let's see it uh yeah i mean if i were you i would honestly think that that was totally staged right what are the odds that an old nsx rolls up as i'm pulling out with the new one i don't even know what to say uh i mean we could talk about the old nsx i think enough people have so i don't want to cover it too much that car was all about pushing the boundaries nsx stands for new sports car experience and guess what people say that this doesn't follow in line with the old nsx mentality but it totally does look at where the future is going i know hybrid is a dirty word to so many car enthusiasts me included i think instantly prius when i think hybrid but we need to start changing our minds about performance hybrids because this car [Music] is awesome [Music] it's so cool and it is the new sports car experience it is basically a little warm in here it is the future because we're using the best of the gasoline engines that we have right now and we're using the best of the electric technology that we have right now and pairing them together and using what makes them both good slow down here for some uh construction but what you get with these electric motors that really enhances the driving experience is that instant torque that we always talk about with electric motors so when you're even in gear and you're expecting there to be some turbo lag because this is a 500 horsepower 3.5 liter turbocharged engine you'd expect some lag but those electric motors just fill that torque dip and the power is so immediate i mean going into this car i thought it was going to be super digital basically i was thinking it was going to be a lot like a gtr and it really is not it's it's uncannily analog for such a modern thing that uses modern technology and uses electronics to aid in a driving experience but it doesn't sort of make that front and center to you it doesn't like in a gtr you know that there's so much stuff going on that's making you go fast and this car defies physics like the gtr but it feels more natural actually it feels more like a regular sports car experience and i can't believe i'm saying that there's a couple reasons for it first and foremost this steering okay maybe it doesn't have a ton of feel like we get in traditional sports cars but it is so quick and one of the most accurate steering systems i've ever felt and you'll notice in this drive now we're obviously on pretty big sweepers but my hands are barely moving like lock to lock your virtually never even pass 90 degrees when you turn the wheel on this car because it's it's just the steering wheel is that quick and then you also have the fact that with those electric motors that drive the front wheels both both the left and the right wheel you can under and overdrive those wheels which helps turn the car as well helps rotate the car there's absolutely no understeer in this car they have tuned this car perfectly and i don't know what it was like in what 2016 2017 when this car came out i know there was some criticisms but i can tell you for sure in 2020 they have the tuning sorted out it's it's mega um so much confidence but also so fun the suspension has mr dampers magneto rheological i can never say it right i always get it wrong you know what else has mr dampers formula one cars okay yeah my gt350 had mr dampers that's that's probably the cheapest car with mr dampers but mr dampers are amazing they make this car ride so well around town out here it performs well you can adjust them of course when you're in the sport plus setting they firm up nice and taunt but when you're in the lower settings the quiet setting the regular sport setting they get a little soft and just enough not to where it takes away from the sports car experience but enough to where it makes bumps not an issue when you're daily driving this thing this car is so fast guys like so fast i i think there were some criticism criticism was right when it came out that oh it wasn't as fast as like like a 570 as a mclaren or some other cars but the research that i did was you're looking at about a two point nine zero to sixty the sub three second listen anything that's sub three seconds zero to sixty it's literally so fast that it's uncomfortable people that haven't experienced it think oh yeah like i want faster i want faster i want faster which yeah of course we all want faster but look it gets to the point of being uncomfortable when you launch these cars because they're so quick and a sub 3 second 0-60 is absolutely nothing to scoff at that is deeply impressive that's close to 911 turbo territory and i guess that's a big competitor of this cars than the 911 turbo and in a little bit i want to talk more about why so few people are buying this car the sales numbers are not good but not quite yet because i am enjoying this drive you can see me working these paddles a little bit here nine speed dual clutch transmission flawless amazing around town doesn't have any jerkiness that some dual clutches have and lightning quick [Music] lightning quick shifts nine gears it's bananas i don't think it goes past seven when you're in track or sport plus mode or have it in manual those final two gears are probably just for fuel economy the only time i've seen it go into ninth gear is when i'm in normal mode and i have it in automatic maybe we should do a launch up here huh man this car is just something else yeah let's do a launch hold it all the way to the right for track mode and it's pretty easy to launch left foot on the brake right foot all the way on the grass launch mode ready oh yeah let me bang the rev limiter [Music] we're going uphill too we're going uphill this car is bananas it's not often that i experience cars that exceed my expectations by a lot i really thought this car was going to be numb i thought it wasn't going to be that fast i thought it wasn't going to be that sharp but i'm just genuinely blown away at this thing why don't they sell more of these one of the cool things that i really like about it is the fact that they race this car in you know gt3 and i think gtd class but what says a lot about the engine of this thing and the fact that it's honda and acura is that the engine that they race in their race car is bone stock the same engine that they are putting in your car that you are buying to drive on the street a lot of manufacturers basically all the manufacturers modify those engines within a certain allowance for the class rules you don't see stock cars or stock engines i should say being put into race cars and that speaks absolute volumes to the durability of this thing this engine is handcrafted in ohio represent ohio i love you that's where i'm from and it makes me so proud i mean the whole car is basically hand built in ohio and that makes me honestly so proud uh as an american as someone from ohio that we can make this amazing machine and once again that durability is really what is so impressive to me and you want to worry about you don't want to worry about when you having super expensive bills when it comes to a supercar like this or maybe some sketchy electronics like mclaren sometimes have this car has performed flawlessly i've had no issues with it whatsoever and i get the feeling just by driving it has a certain feeling that it's going to hold up it is going to last for you and if the racing program is any indication this engine is going to hold up for you it's it's a phenomenal car so why aren't people buying it my theory is two things first and foremost i think the badge is part of the problem people that are spending this amount of money for a car want a fancy badge they want a porsche they want a lamborghini they want a ferrari or mclaren you can't quite get into those you know ferrari or mclarens for this money but you can certainly get into a porsche for this money but it is shocking to me that so few people want to be a little bit different and buy something new and exciting and once again just different guys i live in la now and i see more 911s on a daily basis that i could even count the amount of nsx's i've seen in the wild in la in the four months that i've lived here won not including this car of course one i saw one nsx and a cars and coffee i've never seen any other one on the road and it's just it's so hard to stand out in a place like this in l.a where once again you see 911s you see even lamborghinis ferraris you see them all the time and i never see an nsx so in a way like to stand out why would you not want this car uh or yeah why would you just not want to be different from your friends don't be that guy that buys the 911 i love 911s i love porsches and i'm not saying that this car is necessarily better objectively those things can be different but it has the fizz this has supercar fizz and i was worried that it wasn't going to i was worried that the hybrid powertrain was going to just make it a little bit of a snooze fest and once again like a gtr where it just becomes a digital thing but it is not it is fantastic and i hope more people buy them and i hope they keep making them i it's not looking good they sold like less than 200 last year which is absolutely mind-boggling to me they were expecting to make around 600 a year i believe and god i hope they keep making them but i think this is one of those cars similar to that lfa that no one's going to buy when it first came out and then it's going to be pretty collectible probably not lfa collectible because that engine the lfa is something special this doesn't quite sing like that but for a turbo v6 it has a nice growl and has awesome turbo noises a bunch of whooshing and blow-off valves so i just think it's it's it's a generational car it's it's cutting edge sort of like the p1 and the 918 for a much less price and i really think that they are going to hold their value i don't really see these depreciating that much just because especially because they built so few of them so i mean look i don't have the money to spend on this car and i know a lot of people don't but if you have 200 grand 150 grand where this starts out at but with some options upper upper hundreds if you have that amount of money and you're only looking at a 911 turbo or even an r8 and at least go drive this car because it's different enough that i think certain people will appreciate it and i've absolutely loved my experience in it thank you so much to acura for letting me borrow it and yeah what what more can i say supercar sunny road or sunny day an amazing road guys thanks so much for watching if you enjoyed the content hit the like button hit the subscribe button if you want to see more and uh we will have another really fun and exciting card next week so you don't want to miss that one appreciate you guys watching guys peace [Music] foreign
Channel: EatSleepDrive
Views: 46,552
Rating: 4.9209042 out of 5
Keywords: acura, nsx, supercar, hypercar, sports car, corvette, ferrari, driving, review, angeles crest, angeles forest, southern california, socal, pov
Id: FSQ71Z3lBfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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