How GOOD GOLFERS Break 80! Simple Golf Tips

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in today's video i'm going to give you some super simple tips that are going to help you break that 80 barrier some are technical and some don't even require you changing your golf swing let's have a look at tip number one a good golfer who is breaking that 80 barrier they don't just go out with no plan no force out of what they're trying to actually achieve they may have already looked at the scorecard they may have had a course planner they might be a regular to that golf course but what they do is build a score they don't just go and hope that that 79 that 78.75 comes at the end they plot their way around the golf course and they build it take for example the first hole here at formby ladies golf club a gorgeous little hole only 266 yards but it is through with danger and if i were to just walk up and think well 266 if i hit a good three-wood i'll get on to the green only problem is if i miss this green by about five yards there is heather all the way down and around that fairway as opposed to if i were to just hit my five iron now that down this wind today is going to go about 220 yards it's only going to leave me a 40-yard pitch up the green i've got a big portion of fairway to play to and then i've got that 40-yard picture 40 yards should hopefully get up and down from there if not i'm not really bringing that bogey double bogey lost ball into the equation but i've still got the chance of building my goal score so don't just look at the score card and think oh short hole i'm going for it or long haul gotta whack it build your score almost play back from the hole up to the t position your golf ball now that you've got some control of it let's give it a go [Music] perfect slap bang down the middle and i've got that easy little pitch into the green let's go and take a look at the next tip the next thing to help you break that 80 number is developing a really good short game now this is going to take some time for you to go to the practice ground you're chipping green or even just out on the golf course when you're having a knock working on different shots the person who's breaking 80 has the ability to hit the high shot over the bunkers they've got the ability to play that chip and run along the green what they're not doing is just relying on one shot for every aspect around the green so what you need to do is get familiar with those chip and runs those little pitches those soft pitches but like say it takes a little bit of time so something that over time and as your skill sets developing now you're gonna start to be able to play these shots so when you find yourself in a different scenario like so for myself now i know the shot i want to play here and i can stand up have the confidence i know i have the technique for it and play the appropriate little chip shot that in the end is going to lead to less drop shots around the green and help me break that 80 barrier let's go and have a look another tip the next tip for someone who's going to be breaking 80 and this is all to do with mindset the player who's breaking 80 is starting to understand their game they've maybe sought the pers the advice from a pga professional or they've just got to know their game more and more they understand what their swing does they understand what their general shape does and they're spending some time developing themselves as a player we can do all these things out on the golf course but if we don't understand how i function as a golfer or you function as a golfer when you come to actually put it all into play out on the golf course it's going to be pretty hard so for me here i'm on the second hole it's 413 yards par 5 here at formby ladies golf club but the wind's hard off the left today if i did hit a driver it might just tail off into the rubbish so you know what i'm gonna hit my four iron down here put it in play because i know i'm actually pretty good with my five my six iron so i'll probably have one of those into the green and i can build my score that way i'm not going to try and do something that i'm not overly confident with and that would be another tip make sure you understand yourself as a golfer and like i said a moment ago maybe seek a little bit of professional advice to develop your golf swing understand your golf swing and understand your game so when you do come out here you know what to go for and what not to go for don't be a pretender it's not going to help you break that 80 barrier everyone who's doing breaking 80 they're smart golfers their iq their golf iq is on the up let's get this four iron down this fairway there we go slap down the middle even with my little fade you know what i've just caught it's just actually bouncing just to the right side of the fairway so smart choices are going to lead to better golf scores the next thing that a player who is breaking 80 will do is understand their yardages most average golfers leave the golf ball short of the hole on an approach shot so for me now as i stand to my golf ball i have 162 yards now you've got to know your yardages like i say most golfers will leave their ball short of the hole and if it's not getting up there the chances are i might catch some trouble at the front i might get onto the green but then the pins at the back and i've got a 50 60 70 yar foot putt and all of a sudden i bring three put into the equation if you watch the pros on television especially we always see they're somewhere around pin high and even if you're looking to break that 190 barrier knowing your yardages is a crucial thing so for me i know that my a iron goes 165 yards i also know that it's exceedingly downwind here today and it's playing about a one club wins length my nine iron goes 147 yards so i can take this knowing that that extra wind is going to push this up towards that 162 yardage so know your yardages with your irons especially even if it's only from six iron down to wedge and you get those to start off with those are the clubs that we're going to be hopefully attacking greens with and you should be hopefully getting them up into the right barriers you want to try and play for the second to two-thirds of each green don't be leaving it in that first third like most amateurs do let's give this one a go see how we get on nice not my best directional it's actually just on the right hand side of the green but what it's done is got pin high right instead of falling short because i know my yardages my fifth and final tip for breaking 80 is all about enjoyment and a bit of acceptance you're not going to do it every time you might have one of those days where it just isn't going to plan but the player who is breaking 80 even if it isn't quite going to plan they do start to turn it around don't let bad shots affect you too much accept them move on even laugh at them i've got lots of rounds in the past when i was playing turn from what could have been a 75 into an 85 because i got hot-headed hot-headed even and i didn't focus on the next shot at hand so even if it's not going to plan just focus on your next shot enjoy yourself i mean look at it out here how good is it for me ladies golf club i've got the chance to play golf go out and enjoy it and if you can you're probably going to build a better score because you're not panicking you're not worrying you're staying in the moment and you're focusing on your golf swing so there we have it five tips to break 80. hope you've enjoyed them guys enjoy your golf and i'll see you in the next lesson [Music]
Channel: Matt Fryer Golf
Views: 108,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf instruction, back swing, over the top, golf swing tips, golf coaching, golf swing basics, driving tips, driving lessons, matt fryer golf, matt fryer golf lessosns, matt fryer golf chipping, Golf Tips, Golf Advice, How to play better golf, review club lesson, Golf lessons, Manchester, Online golf, facebook golf, twitter golf, Rory Mcilroy, Stop slicing, stop hooking, how to play golf, improve ball striking, stop shanks, reduce handicap, golf, golf instruction driver
Id: gWY0qDYZM5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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