How God is Active In All Our Lives by Dr Mark Hanby

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right praise god hosanna hosanna in the highest praise our god our real a real god welcome welcome this is a great day this is a great day we are welcoming so many people i don't even really know where to start um of course i've welcomed the nearest and dearest the closest those i know uh truly bro as brothers and sisters but today we're gathered with a greater family a greater family a larger reunion so my name is ryan roth and i'm with active living ministries love you guys you guys you guys rock and [Applause] and uh just to start us off i the scripture keeps coming to my mind behold what manner of love the father has given unto us that we that all of us should be called the sons of god how special is that wow that is special and that's what we are that's what this greater family this father's heart ministry all of us we're a part of the sons we're the sons and daughters of god so welcome welcome to this special zoom session here today we have a lot of people a lot of people from all over all over the world with us and i see we have we have friends from mexico so to you we say buenos dias we have friends from south africa hoyodak hope that was close we have friends from nigeria there are 500 native languages in nigeria so i'm just going to say hello and and i'm sure they understand that um then we have friends from united kingdom hello mate welcome the west coast and the east coast are represented with us many friends joining from all over from the south howdy howdy partner welcome to all of you uh we have um just a lot of people i i don't know if i could i see you've got jose mara yolman mandanado we have ralph dennis and on fourth and on on and on i i won't be able to list them all but we are truly blessed just to have you uh and so many others with us and not just individuals but churches with pastors that are showing their congregation as well this is a special day for us all right so in a minute before that i just want to go around the world and welcome our co-host uh the pastor of house of my glory pastor piet to say hello and to open us up in prayer i think this is a momentous moment good good day to our beloved family oh how we long to have been with you for so so long and today we can gather all in one room we can call it whatever we want to it is the personal father's heart family zoom room how do you feel about that welcome to each and everyone all over the world we love you love you dearly i want to thank ryan i want to thank roger and karen for the initiative of just allowing the opportunity for us to gather again and obviously let me start at the patriarch of this beloved family my good day papa from south africa it's a joy to see you and uh we don't see mamma t we heard that just a few seconds ago and the voice sounds as lovely as ever uh it is it's so good to see you uh we love you not just for who you were raised and called to be in this earth we love you by heart we love you for the person the man and the woman that you are your death to us part and then there cannot even be a separation i want to specially welcome you and um our hearts are open this is your seed these are your sons and your daughters and many others whom they will connect to and reconnect what you sow upon our hearts for today to the rest of the family especially the alm family good day and and thank you so much as i have said ranty karen for opening this portal of communication and importation for all of us i see david and candice um for all the administration everything that you've done to make this possible for all of us and if you look on your screen and look at all the faces what a marvelous family this is you are just beautiful as we behold and and look at your faces and our hearts are for you so welcome welcome all over the world we greet you with the warmest greetings from south africa and what a privilege it is to participate um sunita is pretty as always as you can see i always bring into the picture because she beautifies the picture in some way you know and um so i always do that so from our side in the family and house of my glory and the larger family in south africa good good day can we just gather in this moment in prayer father i'm reminded of behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity this is the place father this is the moment in time we surrender to you father we send our spirit out to connect with one another let the gates swing wide open as we prepare our hearts and our spirit father to receive from him whom you have given unto us in the earth from them whom you have connected us in the earth let this body let this man arise from the earth father as you've destined us to be i thank you for not just a vine connection but i also thank you for divine manifestation in this hour and from this moment on the father's heart family will never ever be the same again as we step into this moment and the sport of father will you send your word forth and optimize this moment in our spirit father and we pray this by the name that you've given us and we thank you for placing your word above every name and every experience in this life amen in jesus mighty name amen amen and amen good day to all of you and i give the microphone back to you ryan thank you so much thank you uh piet and tsunade always wonderful to see you as to see all the faces that are online let me just first say before i make an introduction to mark that a week or so ago tess had a tumble and she sent a picture to karen of her knee this morning and it's good i didn't eat anything for breakfast because it it it it it needs health and healing so father we just send grace and healing and life into that knee and restoration and perfection to her as a song that we sang last said i see the king of glory coming on clouds with fire the whole earth shakes i think that's what's happening now the king of glory is coming and he is shaking the earth as our father mark had uh said to us for quite a while now but he reiterated it last february when he was speaking with us that god knows how to shake the earth and he can do it in one of three ways he can do a plague so we can say virus or he can do it by natural catastrophe we can say floods and earthquakes and economic uh certainly we it just came on right down here let me see hello okay i mean i'm hearing mark i'm sorry no you can't if you we have we have a lot of names coming up on the screen i'm just yes sorry go ahead national natural catastrophes and then yeah hey he was listening okay uh and through and through warfare and certainly we see a lot of uh warfare as well so uh for us mark and i were talking about a half a year ago and we were talking about um you know can the church change can there be does it have to start does god have to start a new thing or can he renew something that is established and so we are talking specifically about about our uh body here at active living uh among other places and i just wanted to say that in these last number of months where mark and tess have been coming to us via zoom it has revolutionized our body we've always had manifestations of miracles and healings and things like that but what has happened since mark has come to us is that there is an atmosphere that has gone beyond the house and has gone into the entire community and it has changed and is changing and just dramatic and what i would say are miraculous ways i was telling someone the other day and this is all an outgrowth of of the interaction we've had with mark uh and because of his position as father in the house and and because of his transitional position in uh in the coming age uh and so i'm noticing and perhaps you have too i'm noticing i'm driving down the street and here are lone people with signs saying jesus loves you or i saw a woman the other day she was walking down uh uh with a handmade sign uh maybe she was you know maybe 60 or so she's just walking down the corner and her sign says jesus is the answer no condemnatory kind of statements but just like an awareness that god is real he is here things are changing god told us last year in preparation for this year he said different things were going to happen which obviously have and then he said i am in to win god is in to win this isn't some great catastrophe and what's going to happen in all my goodness no god is in to win and he is preparing his people in a marvelous and uh wondrous way so uh mark we just want to thank you for all you have done for our body uh in particular and in conversation with piet what you have done for the house of my my glory uh it is marvelous in our sight and i know it's also marvelous in god's sight we can receive you uh if we we can take a cup of water and we can receive it and it will be a refreshing message to us today or we can receive you as a righteous man and get a righteous man's reward which is a change in our thinking leading to more order or alignment or we can receive you as indeed you are the prophet of god in this age for this time at least to us you are and we receive you that way and we want all that god has from you to be imparted into us we receive you as father we receive you as prophet we receive you as apostle we receive you as a transitional figure in this age praise be to god uh for all he is doing uh and we'll turn it over to you thank you roger wow what a powerful introduction i hope i can live up to some of that a little of that at least i am so excited to uh to greet our family today i let me just let me just take a little time here and and say i am honored by being accepted by the family of the house of my glory and also by active living roger karen ryan all of you at active living have i guess you've kind of drug me out of my cave because we have been talking now for the last uh few weeks about some of the things that are very uh important at least in the spirit in my mind and i have so much i want to say my problem today and other days is going to be trying to find enough time to unpack so many of the things that the spirit has been saying to me and i don't think it's just only to me i feel like god is speaking to so many of us at this time and you're right roger you're absolutely correct i cannot accept this um attitude that i hear or sense in so many of the uh of the organized christian uh broadcasters who are blaming all of this on the devil and all of this terrible thing happening it's terrible there's no question about it uh covet 19 all of this stuff wearing masks you know social distancing not being able to go to school all of the political facets that have entered into all of that and the fighting and the warring in our government right now this is all terrible stuff but i can tell you that god is in control of all of this the bible says that the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord and nothing they can do nothing they can say political parties organizations unions systems all of those are only going to press forward in bringing to pass the ultimate purpose of god in the earth god is not having to get up every morning and have a board meeting and decide what he's going to do about what someone said yesterday before the foundations of the world and that's what we're going to be talking about before the foundations of the world god already predetermined the ways of man we already have a plan that god has established not what we're doing what god is doing in the ultimate plan to bring about his greater purposes far beyond our ideas so anyway hi psynette hi i'm i'm i'm blessed to see you i i i was looking uh by the way let me just uh tell you the tess is going to live it looks like uh she did have a fall she has a pretty pretty uh bad little crippled knee uh as a matter of fact i can't look at it very much it bothers me too roger but she's going to be okay and she gives her love and she can't sit without stretching her leg out so she's not going to sit here today but she's sitting over there stretched out saying hello to everybody and she wants you to know that she loves you all also as well more than 45 minutes ago tess took off a list of names i'll just show you this that's probably upside down i don't know is it right okay well i've got pages of these pages i'm talking about many many many pages of these here and these are the names of people who have already pre-registered to be with us today i want to greet all of you and uh ryan has already named some of the places i'm looking here london nigeria north carolina georgia alabama uh there's another los angeles maryland uh obviously south africa south africa south africa mexico mexico mexico mexico arizona kansas um man tennessee let's see we've got california again i already said it in africa africa africa and here we've got mexico mexico um so florida wisconsin obviously high wisconsin i'm just i'm really amazed here we have central america we have people here from from men ohio new york let me gaze down through some more i would like to send a special love to jose moura uh in california san diego and all of the apostles more than 50 of those that he oversees in mexico and the great work that god is doing there with us and father's heart also in guadalajara and all of the family there i send you my love i miss you uh i wish we could be there uh mercy look at all of this i'm sorry here just california or north carolina somebody's going to get upset with me because i didn't mention we have here also colorado idaho we have uh several from arizona and it goes on and on um so from many and also i saw on the australia we have someone oh some of our family from australia welcome i want to also greet my uh council the father's heart council those of you who are are hi daniel i see that i got you okay uh those who are joining us today many of these names represent congregations uh many of our fathers are family pastors have uh are registered registering their entire congregation so we have not just hundreds but we have thousands of people who are watching today which means i probably should get busy uh i think that it's possible we're going to have to change our format this uh the next time i would urge you to look at the uh the website to see when we're going to do this again but i'm having to move this to the farm even though we have a very poor internet service there i think david i told you i would say hello to you i saw you taking a sip there that is good clear water i assume uh yeah well okay uh thank you for helping me so much and you and and the the family there at active living i think we may david i think we may have to change our format somewhat because uh uh going to the farm i'm not sure how you told me you were going to fix it for me so that we can hook the computers into the phones and all of that stuff uh god bless you if it weren't for tess and all of you uh being as technically challenged as i am i would not be with you today so anyway uh we'll get it all worked out and if you go to the website make sure that you do that we'll get back in touch with all of you i sylvia as soon as we can and let you know when we're going to be doing this again now i want to get down to business okay i'm sorry tess is talking to me well baby i can't hear what she's saying um anyway i want to talk about uh paul by the way ryan i understand that you titled this uh you know god's activity in our lives or god's actions in our lives that's a pretty broad brush uh i think i can probably uh fit everything i've got to say inside of that okay um i uh i want to talk about something that has been on my heart now for several years but i want to talk about more specifically as we go along and especially in this time we're living now and that is the relationship of the church to the kingdom the kingdom of god the uh more than 40 times in the new testament jesus mentions the kingdom of god the gospel of the kingdom one time we're told that we are saved that the gospel that saves us more than 40 times we talk about the gospel of the kingdom the real questions that we have to answer have to start way back i'm i'm sorry you cannot go forward if you don't know where you're coming from now we're down to business now listen very carefully this is where we're going to get into some real meat something that maybe is going to challenge your thinking because i'm sorry the way we have been thinking for all of these years i've been in ministry now 60 years more than 60 years and the way women think the way my father thought the way his fathers thought through all of the great spiritual evolutions that they came through and that we've come through we are in an age now a time when it is extremely important that we go beyond just the average common mundane attitudes of what we call evangelical christianity we have not won our world through our means what we have done has not been as successful as we would like we are still using a pseudo-evangelism that has never in my opinion been sanctioned by the new testament or by the spirit of our lord we are in a new reformation i announced this i think probably three years ago four years ago that the lord had shown me and now i'm hearing it all over the country of course that we are entering the third great reformation reformation and that requires a revelation and revelation requires a well you know we have to turn around so you're going to have to if you have a revelation it's important for us to have a revolution to revolve to turn not a revolution of judgment not a revolution of uh bitterness or hatred but a revolving turning not just from something for the last 20 25 years people have been turning from religion turning from organized religion from churchianity but the problem is they've never known what to turn to he brought us out not just so we can wander around around in the wilderness he brought us out that he might bring us in to the land that he promised to our fathers we are not coming out of a religious attitude just to go and sit at the house and do nothing and so this is not a this is not an indictment against church but it is in fact a very strong indictment against what we have called the church and what the church and its attitude has been i strongly and i have been doing this for years strongly believe that we can't just come out of something without aiming towards something he brought us out that he might bring us in and the question is into what so if we're coming out of something what are we going into that is my message my message is not just get out my message is get in and what we've got to come into is into the understanding of what the kingdom of god is let me now become very controversial and i am old enough and i've been around long enough that i really don't care okay so if folks don't like this you know you've got a little button on there you can hit it and you can go someplace else okay but i'm going to tell you that going to church and getting saved is not the kingdom okay so just because you go to church just because you've been saved and i thank god for that that's all wonderful stuff but that does not put you into kingdom focus that is only a beginning that is a starting point salvation is not the ultimate purpose of god and i'll get into that a little more as we go along salvation is a subset it is an underlying important step to getting to a place where we fulfill the purpose that god has for us so my message has got to start way back you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you're coming from you can't know what you're supposed to do if you don't know what god has ordained for you to do so just to wander around in a glory spell somewhere in your in your activities say we'll go to church on sunday we worship we have a wonderful time so you think that that was the ultimate purpose of god from the foundation of the world is that really all there is and that's the question that keeps being asked and has been being asked now for years is this all there that's why people are leaving almost 40 years ago it began when people and barna and the report on evangelical christianity made the statement very clear there are more levers in christianity right now than believers there are more people leaving christianity than there are joining christianity there are more leavers than believers why do people stop going to church why do people they hate god no is it because they don't believe that jesus died on the cross no is it because they don't think and again obviously i'm targeting what i'm saying right now toward the evangelical world toward the christian world there are multiplied millions of people that uh have no clue what we're talking about and those people you know i i remember what paul said hey seeing that you have rejected the counsel of god lo we turn to the gentiles uh daryl i you and i have been talking about this i'm i'm ready i'm almost ready to say hey listen you guys have a good time in church have a wonderful time doing what you've done for the last 50 years 75 years go ahead with your little programs make sure you got sunday school working right make sure that's all going along real good and you all be happy and make sure you got somebody to dedicate your babies somebody to marry young people somebody to bury the old folks make sure you've got that all done and do it all in the name of jesus and that is fine that's good that doesn't mean you're lost doesn't mean something bad about you but there are some of us who are not satisfied to live the rest of our lives wanting to do what we have always done god is continually moving and he's continually revealing himself and if we do not walk in a powerful new revelation of god's spiritual direction we are not going to fulfill the purpose that god had for us before the foundation of the world so many years ago i talked about hunting i'm an old hunter and bow hunting when you pull a bow back here on the string when you're pulling back the bow there's a little spot on there we learned to put a knocking point not a knocking it's to not to knock the arrow to slide the arrow into a little slot so that the arrow is in the same place every time on that string because when you pull that bow back if the if you're up here on the string the point of the arrow may be on the target but you're going to hit the ground if you slide your fingers down the back of the arrow is down too low on the string you can have the point out here you can have that point of that arrow right on the target but you're going to shoot way up in the sky you have to be at the same level back here the same point so that when your point is on your target the back of the arrow and the point of the arrow is directed toward the target that's why if we don't know where we're coming from we have no clue where we're going when jesus said to nicodemus except you're born again you cannot see the kingdom of god he was not talking to a backslider he wasn't talking to somebody who was an unbeliever or was not saved he's talking to a jew who is as saved as he can be a teacher of the law as saved as he can be in his generation in his dispensation and he's saying we're coming into a new dimension and you're not going to see that unless you're born again that's why years ago in the big superdome in in uh where is that so where's the superdome oh you uh where new orleans yeah sorry i'm getting old the superdome in new orleans 68 000 people there i preached you must be born again again because christianity says that new birth is getting saved i'm saying that new birth is for the saved i'm saying to the christians you need to be born again or you can't see what we're talking about and that is the higher dimension of god's intention that he had from the foundation of the world to be fulfilled by the church so many things that i'm saying today are going to have to get unpacked a piece at a time and i'm coming to the conclusion that i'm probably going to have to do this more often because i'm going to take these pieces that i'm giving you highlights for right now and break them down let me explain this to you again let me let me share this with you again the kingdom of god is god's the fulfilling of god's intention for man in the earth the church that's the people that's us i am the church not where you go on sunday morning i i don't know what i've been saying that 50 years i am the church we don't go to church we don't have church we are the church that's not new that's that's man that's gotten that's old now it's so old now that's just become a warbled tone yeah we're the church praise god no no the people are the church we are the ecclesia we're the called out ones called out ones with the church the kingdom is why we were called out fulfilling our kingdom purpose is to fulfill the purpose for which i am the church so the relationship to the church as it relates to the kingdom the relationship of the church to the kingdom is that the church are those who have been called out not not to be taken out to be called out for the world he didn't just save us from the world he saved us for the world he saved us for his greater intention which he purposed in christ jesus before the world began so the knocking point on this arrow that we're aiming toward the kingdom of god has got to be before the foundation of the world if i don't understand what happened before the foundational world 11 times in the new testament in the beginning the beginning was the word was with in the beginning think think maybe all of you watching out there say that beginning in the beginning in the beginning okay and beginning when well the scripture talks about before the world was or it says before the foundation of the world we were chosen in him not when i got saved but before the foundation of the world so when he saved me when in my human form in this world of matter time and space when he saved me he already had called and chosen me before i was predestined in him before the foundation of the world not to be predestined just to be saved or lost but not predestination according to whether okay some can be saved some are going to be lost there's nothing you can do about it no no no no no the predestination was for all of those he had chosen and all of those that he had called from the foundation of the world now that may seem a little confusing to you and there are doctrines that sort people out you know they would love to say for god so loved the church no god so loved the world and so his goal is not the church his goal is the world the way he intends to reach his world is by the church so the church in and of itself just to get into the church or to be the church or to get saved and say i am the church that is not the final goal of god's intention on how many times i need to say this how many ways i can say that but that changes the world when you stop because we have made the cross and the gospel and believe me it's precious i love the message of the cross i love the message the gospel by which i am saved the redemption through his blood the power that's in his name thank god for that how precious is that but that was not his final goal god's final goal was not to save me he saved me so we could reach his final goal he found me so he could fulfill the greater purpose that he had for me so all of the christians are sitting around in congregations today saved and happy and trying to upgrade their music department to make sure that they've got enough buildings built they take care of the children and son of school make sure that they keep a record of who's coming and who's not coming and all of that that's all wonderful that's just all great stuff but when you think that that is what christianity is all about you have made a dire mistake there is a great error in your spiritual thinking when you make salvation the end of god's intention you have already put a stop sign up you're not going to get through the intersection to the kingdom of god because the kingdom of god is the goal that god had that he intended to reach through the church okay so this gospel of the kingdom what is this gospel of the game and i've been hearing it now for 20 30 40 years and i've been been talking about it for a long time you know well i'm saved praise god i'm so glad i'm in the kingdom you know uh that's just like saying i'm so glad i'm in jerusalem but that doesn't mean you're in zion all of zion is in jerusalem but not all of jerusalem is in zion you know everybody that's in the kingdom is certainly saved but not everybody that's saved is fulfilling the purpose of the kingdom so you cannot make synonymous i'm saved so i'm in the kingdom no you're not no no you're not no you're not i know i've made some enemies right i don't care i really don't care i'm sorry but just because you got saved doesn't mean that you have fulfilled the kingdom purpose salvation is not the kingdom purpose salvation is a necessary part of god's manner listen to this carefully salvation is a necessary part of god manifesting his mercy and grace to fallen humanity to bring us back to the father back to his original intention i don't think i need to go through all of these scriptures with you you you know we've talked about all of the jeremiah i i knew you before you were formed in your mother's room no no did he know him or have an intimate relationship with him it said and ordained you a prophet to the nations so god did not just choose jeremiah well where was jeremiah he wasn't even born yet who was jeremiah he wasn't even known yet in our world of time and space so we have to go back uh and i'll test this a little bit we'll have to unpack it more uh as we go along probably take little pieces of this uh but i'm just trying to give us a greater overview of where i intend for father's heart family to go now don't mistake is salvation wonderful yes is it worth singing about yes is it worth writing poetry about yes is it worth preaching about yes is it everything there is no no no he did not save you because you were lost he saved you when you were lost how many okay fathers are family how how many times you heard me say that but i'm getting really serious about this now he didn't save you because you were lost he saved you when you were lost or in your lost condition he saved you but not because of that he saved you according to the purpose and grace that he purposed in christ jesus before the world began you were saved for the purpose that he had for you before you were formed in your mother's womb okay let me see i'm looking at pictures anybody nodding their head anybody understand am i am i making any sense to anybody the reason i'm saying that is because that's the knocking point i've got to get i've got maybe i should go this that's the knocking point what did god intend when he not just made you when he made man so here's another little slice and i'm just watching time roll away uh here's another little slice that you've heard me talk about in father's heart meetings at other times uh and that is why did god even make a man why hey why did he make man and you know uh to put it in the short version i continue to say god really didn't have a choice he had to make a man because with all of god's sometimes i feel like a broken record here i hope i'm not boring you to death in all of god's character nature the bible says god is love and so with all of god's bountiful abundant knowledge understanding you know there's nothing he doesn't know there's nothing he can't do there's no place he can't be he's omniscient he's omnipresent he's is he's all powerful he's omnipotent omnipotent uh all of those things and yet you've heard me say god lacked something and what god lacked was that his very character in his very nature as full as it is as much as it is as great as it is filling all things all in and all he lacked something he lacked an object on which to place his love he had to have because love is not complete it is in and of itself incomplete unless it has an object on which to place itself he could love a tree could love a cow he could love a a mule he could love a whale he could love a bird but those things cannot respond so he had to make something in his own image after his own likeness so that it could respond in kind because love also is incomplete unless it places itself on something that has the same ability to love back in kind okay so we've talked about that and then it came to me okay well why didn't you do that with angels does god love the angels did the angels love god and yet there's no you know no redemption there there's nothing there why why didn't he just leave us as spirits why did he leave jeremiah where he was he already had a relationship with him his spiritual relationship as he has had with all of us we just don't remember it because time and space drew a curtain and so when i arrived in time through my mother's womb when i was born into this world i am a spirit man in a body this is not all there is to us this is not all there is to me this body will lay down like a curtain this body will lay down and not long from now like a tent folded this tabernacle will be dissolved we have a building of god eternal that doesn't mean it's just from there on it means from beginning to end eternal in the heaven in the spirit eternal in this i was in him before the foundation of the world i manifested in flesh now the question is why then would he create a world of time and space why would he form an earth that it might be inhabited and put a material world together and then take something in his own likeness have his own image and put it in time and space and put it in a material form we talk about the eyes of the lord are never yeah well he gave us eyes but the eyes of the lord you everybody ever see the eyes of the lord the face of god i seek thy face where's his face because in the spirit all of those things that were spiritual his face his eyes god hears our prayer his ears all of those things that are spiritual he manifested that in time and space in this body of matter all these little signals all these little vibrations all these little things that make this come together in a form and so why would god do that and i was sharing with someone the other day i think i figured out something else god lacked and may not like me for that i think god lacked an image on which he could place his love love is incomplete without an image on which it can place itself and it has to love back and kind something else god lacked think about this god lacked limitation he's never been limited by anything so what if he took the power of his spirit and all of his being and put it in a limitation what if he limited it by time and space is he still god can he be god in a limited form can he be the treasure in an earthen vessel can he manifest glory in a fleshly failing human form is he still god greater than the image that he takes on wow and how would you know that unless he did it and so he did that's why it's so glorious to be a son of god that's why it's so amazing to be a child of the king wow because spiritually i am in him he is in me we are one with him he has gathered all things together in christ jesus wow wow in the person of jesus christ in the man christ jesus he gathered all things the fullness of the godhead dwelleth in his body in him body and you are complete in him wow in christ all things are made new if any man be in christ wow that means that jesus then becomes the master manifestation the image of the invisible god the limitation that's why he's asleep on the back of the boat that's why he's hungry in fasting in the wilderness because he you say well who is he he's god in man he is emmanuel god with us and he says as i am so shall you be wow as i am in this world so shall you be we become god in the earth we are christ in the earth that's who his church is you say well he's the head of the church yeah well who's the body we are oh well we don't just have a god who has a head he's got a body we are the body of christ you say well yeah but you know but i've got problems and i've sinned enough yeah that's the whole trick that's where we went astray now man thinks that the answer is imperfecting our humanity that the cross was there to make us humanly perfect and so we build our religious ideas and we build all of our religious doctrines based on jesus saved me and now i've got to save my ego i've got to save my soul i've got to save my self and that's where we get all the doctrines all of the doctrines that have to do with human perfection you can't go here you can't go there you can't do this you can't do that you can't wear this you can't wear that you got to look like this you can't do that you know all of these doctors that we add to redemption to try to make our humanity worthy so i become worthy by what i do don't say no it was all about god no no it's all about us we got saved and then salvation along with it came religion and religion tacks on and adds he said well what are we supposed to just live into it no the holy ghost was supposed to be our teacher he was supposed to lead us and guide us into the greater truth if i could i don't know if i have time i'm going to see this little blue line right here say a little blue line let's say over here see my fingers over here on this side of it that's the creation of the world see this over here on this side that's the final end of the ages the fulfilling of god every night every tongue will confess that he is lord boom so from the beginning to the end one line one straight line is that line straight one straight line here is god's original intention over here is god's absolute final fulfilling of this purpose what happened to man was we got about this far out in our humanity and man went boom down man fell say well that was a terrible problem well god had it all planned too that's part of the beauty is that redemption i've told you over and over god knew they would eat the tree calvary was not plan b it's not like oh man since so god had the sins god didn't add to nothing he didn't had to nothing he already had it planned he knew that man in humanity would fall off that line boom so man falls down below the line what is this line this is probably going to be important most of you who are students you think about that this week okay see that line right there that's the line of the kingdom the kingdom is god's original intention and his final what is the final thing oh look at the book of revelation the four and twenty elders that would be the twelve the fullness of his foundations reflected on the sea of glass that means what is in heaven is also an earth why is it 24 why is it not just 12 because it's a reflection of the 12 man in fleshy manifestation the 12 in the heavenly manifestation come together this is where heaven and earth kisses this is a mirror things in the earth are as they are in heaven that's the prayer like that will be done in earth as it is in heaven get back on the line okay so around the throne you see them four and twenty elders okay they cast their crowns before and they cry holy holy holy and then they say glory honor and power that is the final analysis of god's original intention glory honor power glory what does that mean that means understanding and giving glory to the god who through our fleshly journey has given us the opportunity to fulfill his heavenly purpose we glorify god in all things we give thanks in every situation we glorify him we glorify him and every i used to get i used to get tickled when i'd see a boxer that he fight you know whom they knock somebody out and they'd say you go anything and say yeah i want to thank my god and savior he gave me the power to knock the daylights out of this guy and i think but that's crazy man how nuts is that you know the inner ring fighting and know somebody throws a touchdown he cross he runs across the line he drops out on one knee and goes oh wow i started thinking that maybe that's not so crazy as we thought it was and everything and everything glorify god he gets the glory glory honor what's that that means that our relationship honor has to do with the relationship those ministry sons and daughters who look to me as a spiritual father they honor me and i thank you i want to take this time and thank you for the honor that you give this in prayer and blessings financially for your tithe i thank you and i know these are hard times i know the difficult times but you know this is how honor in relationships in the earth bring about power because if you get honor together with glory glorify god glory honor to whom honors do you get those two things that when heaven and earth kiss boom power authority that gives you dominion that's what god gave adam in the beginning dominion that gives you the authority to speak things into the earth don't speak with authority if you have not married glory and honor because you're powerless you have no authority you're powerless you have power when you marry glory to god honor to whom honors do and if you don't have someone in spiritual leadership in your life that you honor not just with your mouth not with your lips but with your heart and with your time and your talent and your treasure that's why god set up the art of sacrifice in the beginning and the giving into ministry in the levitical priesthood as an example in the new testament you find that they brought they sent they saved they stored up all of those things in honor in relationship marry that to glorifying god honor in the earth glory in the heavenlies power glory honor power again glory honor power i uh could take a long time to talk about why people pray in the name of jesus and then don't seem anything doesn't seem to happen you got to make sure that your glory is correct and the glory is not just saying oh hallelujah glory to god i love jesus praise jesus no it's not just doing it means that your life manifests his purpose your life manifests his purpose glory is when your life manifests the purpose of god it means that your whole life is not just to make a living you make a living so you can survive to give him glory glory glory glory you understand that your citizenship is in heaven from which also cometh the savior so the savior and the earth comes because of the glory in the heavenlies glory to god in the highest and on earth wow uh am i wearing everybody out i'm about to wear myself out am i making any sense to you at all so i need to find out what god's purpose was for me before the foundation of the world when he called me when he chose me that should be my pursuit so i've got to get from down here somewhere where man has fallen down here i've got to get back up to that line see that see the line i fell off that line what is that line that line is the kingdom that line is the will of god that line is the purpose of god let me deal just a little bit i know my time is almost gone let me deal just a little bit with the will of god i hear people i have for years here brother have you pray for me because i just really want the will of god in my life you want me to pray for you because you want the will of god in your life what you're really saying is you want god you want to know what you're supposed to do with this problem you got because your car is broken down because you can't pay your house no because the electric bill is so high because you're going through all kinds of tribulations and trials and struggles in your humanity see that that was the plan the whole plan was that you would be limited that god would limit his power and his glory to humanity he put this in human form in the beginning was the word the words with god the word was god the same was in the beginning with god what the word what word the word that he spoke for that is the hierarchy that's the highest point of god's intention his word okay his word and so what man has done he's fallen from that so the bible says in the beginning was the word the words with god the word was god all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made and he goes on to say there was a man sent from god his name was john he was not that what he came to bear witness that he was not the truth he came to bear witness of the truth and then that beautiful verse and the word was made flesh so that original intention was made it took not on him the form of angels but took on him the seed of abraham and was made in the likeness of sinful flesh god knows your flesh is a mess what he wants to do in redeeming us is not just take our flesh away he wants in our flesh to receive glory honor and power in our human form our vessels are marred there's no question that our flesh is weak he knows that he knows our frame he was tempted in all points the differences yet without missing the mark he never missed the mark yet without sin he never missed the mark we we missed the mark and then we condemn ourselves and the bible says he came not into the world to condemn the world but that the world to him might believe believe what believe in what he has originally intended for me so roger when we talk about maybe we talked about jacob's ladder and i'll have to do this the next time i get if you drop down from man's fault it ends in the final boom there's a cross there that's where the cross is the cross is in man's final fall boom and the cross then becomes the foundation for the latter you will see the angels of god ascending and descending upon the son of man jesus then becomes the ladder out of that fall back to this line so down goes man here comes christ so here see the v here so down goes man boom then we have the cross and up then up through him in christ we then ascend back to where back to the original plan of the father that was established before the foundation of the world you say well that's all wonderful rhetoric and but you know how do we do that first thing we do is understand we have to come to an understanding that salvation is not the end of my journey salvation is only the beginning of my journey that's when i start when i believe on the lord i start climbing on the ladder to get am i making am i making any sense at all i wish i had my house i wish i had my white board so i could draw pictures i need to draw pictures really bad i'm going to see if i can't fix that in our next meeting so i got something back here i can scratch on or draw i think it would be i think it'd be better so so down falls man boom and then here comes oh here's the latin who's the latter jesus we see the angels of god jacob's ladder he's asleep he's in a place called luz luz it means a very dry place he's running from his brother his brother has sworn to kill him he's hiding out in the wilderness in a place called luz in a very dry place he lays his head down on stone he has a vision of a ladder stretching from earth to heaven boom earth to where heaven what is heaven this is heaven this is heaven not a destination a dimension in the spirit heaven is with us now heaven is a spiritual dimension heaven is not just a town in the sky heaven is the spiritual dimension the dimension that we were in before the foundation of the world before god limited himself in us through time and space and flesh and so in that excuse me just a minute in that fall i have fallen below this line i've come short of the glory we have all sinned and come short of the glory of god my way out is christ he's the only answer he's the only way out out of where to get saved no he's the only answer to get me back to god the original intention so that i can fulfill my purpose in the earth so in my being saved or delivered i believe i identify often with water baptism and then the baptism of the holy spirit i identify with his death and his burial and his resurrection and what does that do well it brings me into the spirit of truth when he the spirit of truth this is truth this is the will of god start talking about the will of god a while ago the will of god is not just what i do with my problem the will of god is what did god plan for me before the foundation of the world i think i kind of slipped over that a little bit let me go back just for a moment i understand my time limit here roger i hope i'm not can i go on just for just no this is mark yeah you have as much time as you need this is fine okay roger are we okay yes we are can't hear anything okay roger yes ah thank you oh okay yeah yeah my mic was off sorry is it okay if i go just a little bit absolutely mark we have we have plenty of time no problem okay yeah so let me go back to the will of god this line the will of god is what god willed belima what god willed what he determined before the foundation lord that is the will of god so the will of god is not just what i do about my car but what i do about my kids the will of god is how do i fulfill the purpose of god and then this this to me is very important my struggle my problems my children my wife my husband my my house my business my occupation you know my illness my frailties all of these things we look at all those things as horrible things trying to torment us when in fact it is my honest conclusion including kofi 19 okay that everything works together for good to them that love god to those who are the called according to his purpose the reason why that all works is god keeps bumping us shoving us allowing us to go through these crises these struggles make it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you the trial of your faith is more precious than gold why is it more precious than gold it's more precious to gold because it brings you back it bumps you over it lines you up it creates in you a hunger after truth so that you seek god's answer not your human answer so that you allow the spirit to direct you not your carnal mind so that you look for a spiritual dimension not just not just falling over in your human inability not just failing in your flesh but looking unto jesus the author and the finisher the author and the finisher of our faith so when i receive the baptism of his spirit when the spirit of god comes in he's supposed he's supposed to be given a free reign in my life i should know by the spirit i should know that there are some things not to do some things not to say some places not to go some attitudes not to have for me to try to legalize that or to legislate that creates a religious format that's why we've got almost 3 000 different denominations of christianity it's everybody's idea about how to perfect humanity none of those will perfect humanity only the holy spirit amen you can be told in your head don't go to the racetrack that's a sin and as soon as you go on vacation you're going to head for saratoga watch the horses run as long as the preacher doesn't find out it has created massive hypocrisy massive hypocrisy you can't drink that you can't eat that you can't go there can't act this way you can't do that all of those rules and regulations created to try to perfect your humanity will fail only the holy spirit has the authority and the power it's when he works on your heart not just you working with your head it's not making a new year's resolution you break all of those anyway you're going to lose 30 pounds you've gained 20. it didn't work you can resolve all you want to to change but only the holy ghost that's why on this ladder believing on the lord identifying with his death and his barrel and his resurrection receiving his spirit that ladder climbing up who are you climbing to i'm climbing to a place where i hope that i can make this i'm climbing back up to the line so that my spirit my soul wow the end of my salvation is not just believing on the lord the end of my salvation is when my soul doth magnify the lord when my human thinking when my mind is his mind remember where that ladder was with jacob jackson he said whoa surely the lord is in this place then he made another statement this is the gate of heaven this is where heaven and earth kiss this is where what god intended from the beginning and where i am in the earth that's where this comes together this is the connector between my humanity and his ultimate intention wow and then we could go back and say they're just things that jacob had no control over for example god chose jacob over esau not not after they had done good or evil it wasn't because esau was bad jacob was good he said jacob have i loved he saw it i hated before they had done good or evil paul wrote god had preordained that jacob would be in charge and that the younger would the elder would serve the younger the second birth would take the blessing as always the second birth always takes the blessing so you can get saved and hang on to the center rung of the ladder all you want to until you die and when they bury you you will be blessed because you are saved but have you fulfilled the purpose that god intended for you as the church to fulfill before the foundation of the world have you fulfilled your kingdom purpose have you allowed god to lead you to those that he has given to you so you could glorify god in those relationships that you can honor those that god has put you in connection with and been faithful in that honor so that you have authority and power to speak the word of the lord as christ in the earth so that all things eventually can be said were created by him and for him and the bible says they were created for his pleasure which means and this will have to be our next lesson we have made the gospel all about us and the truth is that the gospel was supposed to be all about him he didn't save me because i needed help he saved me because he had an inheritance in the saints that he intended to get out of the saints some purpose they intended to get through the church something that he intended to be able to use in the consummation of the ages that came by and through the church that we would give him glory that we would give him honor in the earth that we would fulfill his purpose in the earth so that he would be king he would be glorified he would be honored glory power and honor to the king that reigns forever and ever amen now i know i've probably worn everybody out mark uh this is this is uh this is wonderful um thoughts if i could share those with you yes and get your feedback uh i'm i was uh praying about this virus and other things that are uh going on in the world and it goes back to the point with that you are making that we think everything or many people think everything is is of the devil get me out of this problem and so on and god was saying actually this is my mercy to you yeah because it's rea if you look at what god is doing he is waking up the world his mercy is coming to us so that we don't live in this chaos and in this conditions but that we we come out of it um but uh a question i had for for you relates to and maybe you can just carry this on a little farther when you're talking about flesh and spirit and we're always trying to perfect the flesh a while back i realized that most of christianity in most of my christian life what i was trying to do was to make my flesh good i was trying to get my soul right i was trying to pray right i was trying to do the right thing think the right thing and finally he said to me look it's your spirit if your spirit your soul will manifest either what is of the flesh or of the spirit if you allow your spirit to mature then it will then it will your soul will manifest your spirit and you won't have to worry about the flesh part could you just carry that on a little oh yeah first of all let me go back to the the first part of what you said there is a place where judgment becomes mercy and where mercy can become judgment if god is merciful merciful delivers us from everything that could be the worst judgment in the world and if god allows judgment like this flag that could be the great as you have said that could be the mercy of god because that keeps moving us and moving us moving is to make alteration and to change and then to the second part of what you stated trying to make our flesh right roger i've been saying a long time i don't know if anyone has heard me or not i've been saying for a long time that we've got to come to a place where our spirit teaches our flesh where our spirit if you're right if my spirit we've tried so much we get people in the church and get them baptized and get their name on the roll and then we say okay now here's how now you do this and do this new don't do that don't do that don't go here don't go there and then these people sit for years in self-condemnation right because they're trying to keep all the rules if we had spent as much time trying to nurture their maturity in the spirit the more they grow in the spirit the flesh will follow the spirit the holy ghost will tell you no it becomes a convictor of sin the holy ghost is a convincer of righteousness not the preacher not the rules that doesn't mean the preacher can't relate things that are right and wrong that doesn't mean you go out and do anything you want to do but you should not be able to do anything the holy ghost won't let you do and you should be able to enjoy your family to enjoy life to enjoy all the things that are free in this world abundantly should be able to enjoy them and then my mama used to call it a check in the spirit she'd say i feel a little check in the spirit and and what she meant by that was i'm not sure we should do that i'm not sure we should go there i'm not sure we should say that and when mama had a check in the spirit everybody listened because that chickens she was saying i think the holy ghost is telling us something here and that's the only voice roger that's the only voice that can bring us back into his intention that's also the voice that when i reach that line it starts telling me the reason i moved you from boulder to phoenix is because you have some people in phoenix that i gave you before the foundation of the world and when you're in boulder colorado you will never be able to speak glory honor and power to them so i allowed you to lose your house in boulder to lose your job you moved to phoenix you thought you were doing all of that i was in charge the whole time because there's somebody living on the street that you move into a house in who needs your voice because i gave them that's part of your kingdom purpose i gave them to you before the world began however that word that i spoke to you before the foundation of the world you would never remember with your human limitation you will only know that by the spirit two more things that they can mark uh um one is you're you're holding this string yeah it's it's the will and purpose of god all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god can we therefore say that we do the we glorify god or to glorify god we need to know and do his will that that is the essence of glory glorifying god yeah the the greatest glory i can give to god is to learn by the spirit what my purpose is why am i here and what am i supposed to do not what my mama said not what my daddy said not what the preacher said not what my college professor said i am not who the world says i am i am who god says i am i am who he said i was before the foundation of the world he determines the ends of the earth and the ways of man he but see that's why jesus said to them when when he the comforters come he will teach you all things watch this and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have spoken unto you wow you said well they're gonna then these little disciples gathered up here they're all going to remember what jesus taught when he was out but he said no did you ever think about the greater family of god the things that he spoke because in the beginning was what the word everything that is his word was spoken before the foundation of the world oh i almost said everything that is was or ever will be spoken from god was spoken he finished all his work before the foundation of the world so he spoke everything that has to do with my life the people that i touch the way i should go the things i should perceive the purposes i should pursue all of that was pre-spoken i will bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have spoken unto you and lo i am with you always even to the end of the age the age will end in purpose because i will cause you to remember what i said concerning you and about you before you were ever born that's why the holy ghost searches out the deep things of god because it knows what is the will of god but my infirmity is my humanity my limitation we he helps my infirmity because he that's why he goes past my understanding we do not know how to pray as we ought the spirit itself makes intercession for us according to the will of god that's why we pray in the spirit my understanding is unfruitful that's why i sing in the spirit my understanding is unfruitful and yet in the spirit we speak mysteries things that my human mind never understand see until we start and that's why we say we're christian i'm walking in the spirit that people say because they go to church no no no you're not walking the spirit just because you go to church you're not gonna walk in the search just because you had an experience you're walking in the spirit when the spirit is able to speak to you go here go there don't go there don't do this act this way be this way do that that was what he wanted to find out can he take his god-ness and put it in time and space can he take the unlimited glory of his power and put it in human limitation can he take his treasure and put it in an earthen vessel that the excellency of the glory might be of god and out of us that's the real question amazing amazing yeah powerful uh mark i i just want to ask you one more thing i know we we but i think we have we have uh uh time here because i want i want to go back to what you said we can't know where we're going if we don't know where we've come from right so if we're trying to make this journey i think one of the things you've shown us over the years is uh the adjustment in things from where we came from if we look at for example the transition from the previous age uh in the day of of jesus the hebraic age into this church age or whatever that we find herself leaving now or or going on past we see that the church back then had to undo certain things or understand certain things they didn't understand so they certain things about about circumcision for example and the big fights they had about about that so the church didn't just all of a sudden wake up one day back in the first century and understand everything and do everything perfectly but they had an adjustment and they had to walk certain things out i think just like we are walking certain things out so i think in over the past years as they look at your ministry i see you defined for us in kingdom ways things related to salvation and hell and eternal damnation uh baptism uh the name of jesus heaven father son holy spirit uh uh many of these things you've helped redefine and the spirit is redefining or finding refining further in us all those concepts because if we can't let go of the way we are thinking about these these items we won't be able to receive the greater revelation or the greater understanding that comes with the kingdom and then something you just mentioned uh remembering before we actually have the ability and power to remember what has happened prior to our earthly existence because that is also something from our history if we don't know where we've come from how are we going to know where we're going so i i i guess uh my question uh just briefly is what are what do you see as the things that the church may be holding on to that it does not understand just like the early church maybe didn't understand certain things it doesn't understand they have to let go or they have to allow god to refine and define further uh these things if they are to go on into kingdom okay roger that's a that's a lot of stuff to talk about okay uh i want to go back i want to go back first of all and uh you know uh by the way bishop dennis i saw you i think i i wanted to tell you you and i have always understood that there were some fundamental things that we did not necessarily uh we never disagreed we just never came to a conclusion that one of us was right and one of us was wrong because that was never necessary it wasn't and so to answer your question more specifically roger there are lots of things that we've said were necessary that are not nearly as necessary as we think they are including you know you're not going to like this including how often we go gather together how often we meet with each other i think that a lot of times we try to keep people in church so busy so they won't go out and do bad things when in fact a lot of life is being missed by people and a lot of the people they probably could meet could happen outside of just our little religious club meeting now i'm not saying that going to church is just the club meeting i think we need to gather together i agree that we need to come together it says when you come together did you know it doesn't mean you've got to do it every three times a week but and and i've said and i think that's one good thing about copen19 i really do i think it's teaching some of us that we don't have to be in the same room three times a week to stay safe maybe we do this kind of stuff we're doing right now and i don't mean that sarcastically i'm just saying i think god may have to use other means to teach us some things that we've never learned because we've just said it and said it and said it roger i don't know that i can go back and cover all the things you say i would not and i would not even begin to say well we've said this but we we don't have to do that anymore i think the holy ghost has to lead us individually and i think that one size fits all and i don't think that everybody gets the revelation at one time it's obvious to me that simon peter the great keynote preacher on the day of pentecost he didn't even get the revelation that the gentiles were included until you get all the way into the 10th chapter of acts when god says you go down to cornelius house you know and this is the and you're right there were things that under the law were not necessary under the law were changed i will tell you this and i've said this for many years there are constants and there are variables there are things that can change and there's some things that cannot change there are some things that must change other things must never change there will never be a substitute for the blood of jesus never there will never be a greater name but whereby we must be saved other than the name of jesus how we treat these things how we say they are applied how we claim they are manifested to us some of those things may take on a less legal format than they have in our past and become more understood by the spirit as to what they are to manifest but there are some things that are constant as a north star every other heavenly body can cycle around it but it never moves the name of jesus never moves that the blood of jesus never moves the cross and what he did for us redemption never moved how we act on that may vary from south africa to mexico to australia i've preached to congregations of people for example in indonesia that were only half dressed i've preached congregation where i just wish the ladies had brought something you say well they need a shower on their head no these ladies need to show around their shoulders in their front i've preached to people that were naked you couldn't put them in an american church and they're all out there worshiping god and i'm saying you know i mean i preached in over 80 countries in this world and they were not all the same they love the same jesus love the same god their culture their upbringing their understanding their humanity was absolutely not an issue because their spirit was so pure so clean so right now i'm not saying that in america all the folks i'll take clothes off i'm not not saying that but i'm just saying that the things that can change there are the constants you can never change the variables some of them can change some of them should never change you've heard me teach for years on constants for variables you know blessed are thou among women the angel says to marry she had there were other choices among women okay god chose mary uh but then the catholic church says she they took a variable mary made her a constant put her in the godhead now you've got can him get to jesus unless you go through mary all my catholic friends i love you very much you do not have to go to mary to get to jesus you can get to him right this very minute right now in the name of jesus he's there right now i love mary but she fulfilled a purpose in flesh that brought about an eternal glory in christ jesus and when that was over she was like everybody else on the day of pentecost she's one of the 120 in the upper room she's receiving the holy ghost like everybody else yeah god uses her picks her up uses her humanity to get glory to himself there will never be another jesus we don't need anybody else nobody can save us with him he's the only door he's the only way but how we serve him how we worship the way you worship in wisconsin there's a lot of difference in how they're going to worship in philadelphia or how they worship in mexico or how they worship in south africa everything we are not trying to make everybody look in our flesh the same way we're trying to get everybody in their flesh to serve the same god and to fulfill his purpose amen i i i know um we had spoken in the past and maybe we can pick this up in another uh at another time uh but the things that happened in our life and you touched on it today uh they may be more orchestrated by god than we understand it may be a lot less happen chance and maybe we can pick that thought up on some of the other things you'll be sharing uh mark we just want to uh thank you so much we give you an applause hey roger roger yes i would i really would like to urge everyone i i know you asked me if we could do this again next week or if we could you know or on the 30th or what i am not really able at this moment to make a determination like that and i do think the format when we get to the farm may have to change but uh david uh i'd like for you working with uh everyone you know maryland and and with folks in wisconsin or wherever we're gonna be at coming from the farm i'd like for us to work on that format but we will put uh can't we make proper announcement to all the people are watching today get that information to them as to when we will be doing these things again and and roger i want to apologize i realize we've only scratched the surface of i keep talking about the high points i'm not really getting into a lot of the details of things man i wanted so badly to talk about young men children young men fathers look at the steps on that ladder i want to talk about that i write listen listen to this i write unto you little children because your sins are forgiven okay this is first john chapter 2 i write unto you young men because you have overcome the wicked one listen to this i write unto you fathers because you have known him who is from the beginning so i write have to write to little children because your sins you go back to the cross watch david david roberts watch this i write to children because and so that means everybody who is just jesus saved me hallelujah i'm saved i praise god for the blood that's wonderful you're just a baby i hate to tell you you're a little child and if that's where you stop that's where you are come on dave let's walk a little farther here i ride you young men because you've overcome the wicked one now you know how far you went back all the way to adam you overcame the snake you put your foot on the head of the serpent wow but now what's that third dimension i write into you fathers why because you've known him who is from the beginning you have gone all the way back to the original purpose wow that means a great majority of christianity they're babies because they live in salvation they never matured to overcome the wicked one to have authority in the earth and they never understood what their original intention was they're not fathers that's something we'll talk about next time roger powerful thank you i love you love you yeah thank you papa mark we appreciate it so much we are so blessed by your time and your willingness to be with us your greater family couldn't help but think uh you know the the resources the spiritual resources we have in you as well as in the greater father's heart family and i just think about like i don't own a kayak but i use my uncle's kayak i don't own a truck but when i need to move something i use my brother's truck and i just thought about all the spiritual resources we have in this greater father's heart family connected through you that we really need to explore and see how we can uh come together more and uh get to know each other more and see what god speaks through all of us uh more as well so thank you for your for your leadership and in bringing us together here uh today so god bless everyone we want to end the service as we have uh traditionally in the past with papa mark and house my glory but include everyone else uh watching as well and i encourage you on your computers wherever you are to go to the gallery view you can click on that and your upper right hand box and it'll show multiple maybe 16 or 20 different boxes and then toggle through left or right and you can see other people so turn your cameras on if you're able to uh right now and we're going to play a parting song and this is an opportunity for us to wave to each other to see the greater body of christ our brothers and sisters everyone go in peace you are all loved look forward to seeing you real soon bye [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] till we [Music]
Channel: Dr. Mark Hanby
Views: 3,222
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Mark Hanby Dr Mark Hanby Ministries Father's Heart Family, Apostle, Mark Hanby, Father's Heart Family, Fathers Heart Family, Mark Hanby Ministries
Id: sNPJWywuQts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 49sec (6049 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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