How far could the far-right go? European elections could shift balance of power in Brussels

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what if the farri gets its act together Europeans pick a parliament this week the first since the eu's uh significance went to the next level what with covid the war in Ukraine as well as showdowns over Chinese dumping US tech Europe matters more than before yet for the first time in a quarter Century the status quo is in play why one woman's one woman is at the heart of it all Georgia milone Italy's Prime Minister has proven a team player to mainstream Partners at the EU level while harking back to her far-right routes on the current campaign Trail could she Tax Center right as she claims to be or strike a deal with the likes of marine Leen whose National rally posters pollsters say could smash its record high here in France even if Nationalist and far-right voting blocks remain splintered in the next Parliament what impact on policy if the center left fades will nasset efforts for a common European Defense die a quick death will the eu's green deal and the move away from fossil fuels run out of gas what migration policy more broadly as another campaign unfolds over in the US how strong is the nativist sentiment here in Europe today in the France 24 debate we're asking just how far the far right could go with us he's a former Italian EU fairs Minister member of the European Parliament Sandro GOI running for reelection foran mol's renew block uh a lead candidate they say for a new Europe for for for a new Europe as well with us fais leeri candidate for Marin leens National rally party in the European elections former head of the frontex uh group thank you for being with us uh French Senator Milan Vel co-chair of the European greens welcome to the show thanks and colonist and political consultant Philip Mor good to see not a candidate not a candidate happy to be there though your reactions on the # f24 debate shout out first to Estonia early voting's already begun there uh they're voting in staggers across the continent places like Ireland it's on Thursday some places it's Saturday here in France it's Sunday how far will Brussels traditional balance of power shift when the PO when the votes have been counted Eliza Herbert has more one week out from the European elections France's national rally party held its final campaign meeting Marine Le Pen their current parliamentary leader exerted confidence for the Party candidate Jordan bellaa who is far ahead in [Music] polls there is something teric in this movement that will create hope for millions of French and Europeans who are fed up with being despised robbed and hopeless in Italy there was a similar tone prime minister Georgia Maloney the head of a party with Neo fascist Roots was thinking big our objective is clear we want to do in Brussels what we did in Rome a year and a half ago to build a right-wing government in Europe too both represent a market shift seen across many parts of Europe in recent years with the rise of far right parties this map shows the evolution of national rightwing populist parties in European countries since 2010 by 2023 almost all of them had farite parties in their parliaments in some form in Italy and Hungary they are in power and in Slovakia and Finland they hold ministries in the Netherlands the leader of the party for Freedom reached an agreement in May to form part of a right-wing coalition government 6 months after his legislative victory in Portugal the leader of the chga party made a historic break through last March coming third behind the left and center right the trend has a lot to do with the progressive normalization of far-right parties according to this researcher so these political parties that were once looked like looked at as essentially completely outside the realm of respectable politics have become more and more common and other political parties have started normalizing them by copying their ideas the more extreme right parties have established themselves in the political landscape the more they have multiplied suggesting there could be a shift in the balance of power in the European Parliament following the European elections well let's start with France 40% that's how much the far right could Garner uh next Sunday this is a latest poll by uh The Institute EOP for the Figo newspaper it's got Mah leens party on 33.5% and uh you see their reconquest or Recon on 6 and a half% Rec of leen's n Mar marishal uh meanwhile mol's Renaissance uh within the margin of error of finishing third behind the Socialist backs slate of Rafael glesman phip Mo let me begin with you here what's going on in France why why is this some kind of seismic shift or what's what's happening it all depends on what the results will be we don't know it yet so we only have polls we need to be cautious but if there is a 10% margin a difference of 10% between and's party it will be a tremendous political shift if maon is beyond Rafa glesman and what we have isal Jordan B Rafa glesman and valer a for Emanuel Macon it would also be a tremendous shift uh we we don't know because we all have expectations post and the people that are voting for the national for instance are for for big part of them they are young people they don't always vote they would say that they vote for the r National but they won't always go to vote on the day of the elections it's a volatile um so the polls could be a little bit wrong it could be wrong yes but what is happening is that for a long time now the national has been campaigning with a very good strategy they know what they're doing and they want to be in government soon so they decided to normalize their approach they succeeded didn't doing it because in the parliament uh macron's party didn't have a clear majority they needed to have allies and sometimes these allies were found on the far right and the the fact is several votes several votes did happen with such an alliance which seems to be not possible but has been possible a lot of time and theal they have proven to be good MPS that were voting working on their issues and doing their jobs and the is the far left has proven the Opposites and of course there is kind of a striking difference that benefited to the but if to the to the it's been a strange campaign here in France a lot of times National issues of course as always uh taking precedence this morning we had the head of macron's list valer being interviewed on public all news station when the Prime Minister who just finished a radio interview in the same building made a cameo Gabriel atal taking the mic making his pitch for more than 3 minutes there uh before the before handing it back to to Val s GOI uh the Optics on that look like some complain this is mansplaining and why don't they let her keep the mic she's doing a a very difficult and tough campaign I'm very I'm very glad that the prime minister with the ad of the presidential majority is committed I mean few days few weeks ago few days ago in the background comments in the Parisian microc CA everybody was criticizing Gabriel atal oh he doesn't want to take responsibility as the polls are not great he wants to move away to shift away I think he's committed and I personally as a candidate I'm very happy that the prime minister is fully committed that he he was with us and the head of the list and the list and the government he's not upstaging her I be pardon he's not upstaging her I don't think so I think that we say that we are a team and we play like a team remember the the re-election night the people are waving the European Union flag this should be your party's election how come how come you're not in first place well first of all uh we see I agree with what was saying uh in general the they always overestimating in the pool and we always always underestimated but I'm not here at a week less than a week from the polls to comment what could happen according to the opinion polls I'm here to change the trend and Amia to uh try to win the election in the real polls which will be uh on Sunday so then is the the the the discussion tonight it is true that the extreme right is fueling everywhere in Europe faer you were courted by the uh conservatives to join their list the the conserv the party of Nicolas sarosi for for our viewers uh uh consider themselves the gist party you why did you opt for the national rally well I explained to the Republican that in fact they are supporting F Alliance president F Alan the president of the European commission and I want to be involved in politics against her because what she did is very bad for the European Union and uh there are different topics where uh I think that is the only party that can offer uh a different option to to the French uh voters uh we want to transform the European Union as insiders and we also want uh very soon to have to be in charge of France and we are the only ones who can offer Solutions it's not limited to migration it's all about our identities but also our economic power uh e economic power I mean we won't redo the 2017 and 2022 presidential elections but uh Marine Leen who wanted to leave the Euro at one point and had to had to backtrack on that Ian you say change it within Europe does that mean dismantle Europe no this means that we want to to play a role an important role within the EU and in particular the European Parliament um we have um many um friends and and supporters uh in other political parties in other European countries uh and we see that the reasons why citizens are concerned in France concerned by European development uh are the same reasons uh that will drive other citizens in other countries to vote for let's say our political friends and allies 2019 the last European elections man anel the greens did really well it was a time remember there were the Fridays for future uh climate protests the world's gotten hotter since then and yet in the polls again which phip warns us to take with a grain of salt but still uh your your numbers are down why why is that I think um I mean first of all as the other said before we will see on on Sunday and our responsibility and my task since Sunday is to have the better result possible for the greens but I I think we are in a in a situation that indeed has changed since 2019 um not because people don't want climate action anymore but basically because so in 2019 there was the Green Wave the Green Wave um did something people who voted for the greens had a major impact on the future of the EU they made the green deal possible which was a democratic answer to Citizen requests for climate action um we saw the green deal being um agreed on for five years and then in the course of these five years progressively um Democratic conservative liberals allying with the far right on an anti-green narrative basically it's been one two years that we see people who have been saying to voters for a few years yeah we agree like climate change is really important we are going to do something about it seeing that there is an electoral interest in the short term to say that so voters should be outraged in voting for you in great numbers then as a result right I mean it's true that it's for the for the campaign of the greens in France uh we have this problem that everybody made the greens responsible for things that are related to climate in action if I want if I can just say one thing today the biggest problem of people when you see the studies it's the cost of living crisis right this is the the thing people are the most interested and Care the most about why is there a CL crisis of the cost of living because of climate inaction the cost of electricity the cost of transport of housing of food all this is related to climate inaction but then you have politicians who tell people that the big problem in their life is migrants it's environmental legislation etc etc okay this is dangerous second if I if I may just really 30 seconds we have in France like in many countries you said it at the beginning a difficulty to europeanize the debate so we have people who are campaigning on things they're absolutely not doing in the European Parliament they're doing exactly the opposite and then of course it becomes a little bit difficult for voters to have Clarity it's a parallel universe it is totally parallel universe because I mean if it's was it is true what she saying everybody should vote for the green if it is true that you are the only one to be committed for climate change everybody should vote for you if it's true that we haven't done anything where at the green deal it thanks to us in European Parliament whereas whereas without the role of renew Europe you would got the green deal whereas you didn't vote the climate law you didn't vote the reform of the the reform of agricultural policy I have interrupted you you you haven't voted the reform of agricultural policy which is the greenest one and you are telling me that we we campaign we campaign yeah you say politician there two M uh and you telling me that our campaign is only National issues me I mean the transnational candidate of the of the majority you think that I am campaigning on on on National issues in this campaign so I mean really this a parallel universe it is what you think it is but the reality is totally different I was not thinking about you when I said that you are campaigning on National issues but you are the political force who claimed few months ago we need an environmental POS yes or no no ah okay sorry I thought you were with M I'm sorry because I Mis I can tell you what we were saying M didn't say that we are saying that thanks to us and not to you because you were absent when we were we voted the key text in the European Parliament we have set the legislative and strategic framework and now you don't need further legislation you need to find the resources to ensure company they exactly you need invest you need you need you cannot invest yeah because the the tax carbon at the bo at the European border it is thanks to you huh because because yes I yes so we were we were absent we in the council Mac in the council and we in the parliament so no so you are talking about the resources we have started to find the resources to finance the green transition little problem you didn't vote the emission trading scheme reform so I mean you are here you you do you do you do ideology we we we make laws that's the difference between you and me there is a difference that you talk about climate change and I act I act against yes just s go very honestly why do you think the European commission came out with the green deal in 2019 do you think seriously that it was because of the result of Emanuel MC in France or do you think that it was because of the Green Wave who showed to the commission that citizens wanted climate action why do you think ser that it's because we put rule of law digital Innovation and green deal as as an element as a condition to vote President W of underl and we put in the PCT of the Mandate which you didn't sign we put in the F between the Socialist and the P we put climate change as one priority and you didn't sign that agre what the point is is that the way the the sausage is made for laws is that you do have to have Cod itions and blocks and and the sort let me ask you um the you talked at the outset about the youth vote yeah one of the Striking things when you look at polls is how many young people are ready to vote far right and mainly they are voting far right and then they're voting the far left LF and then uh at the presidential election they are kind of splitted between the majority the central majority maon to make it short and and the you're you're a younger man than I am F but when you were young I'm not much younger unfortunately there were there were not many young people who voted far right in those days in those days no what changed you mean you mean the lot back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth yes days yeah what has changed is that they're looking for radical solutions they want to be heard they want changes and they are exhausted by the current Democratic parties they don't believe in them anymore the currency has been you know devalue it's not Poli politics are are being attacked and especially in social networks but not only in social networks they want change I mean the the the young people want change and they want to to to to find a new way of doing things and the only way that that is being currently offered to them desirable way is the uh far right so we've had a discussion here that's unfortunate we've had a discussion here between Sandro GOI and then but how how to govern to hear phip describe it the your the attraction of your party is that you're insurgence you can say well to screw the system to speak no no first of all first of all I would like to correct uh we have many supporters now in all generations and recently uh president macron's supporters or let's say elderly Generations were scared by President maon especially when he was talking about sending troops to Ukraine um but also they are scared by the high rate of criminality uh in France which is now the result of course of this flooding um illegal migration um but there is also the problem of let's say economic and and the the cost for example of electricity everybody knows that the result this is the result of the commission policy uh in France we could have very cheap electricity this is what we used to have it's carbon free it's nuclear electricity it's carbon free so at least as a transition it fits the objective but what we uh want to fight against is this kind of punishment so for us uh we are not denying that there is a need for let's say environmental action but we simply say the way it has been conducted by the European commission and maon because they are the same in fact and this is why when we talk about Macon we talk about feran and when we talk about fan we talk about macron but the the way the GRE they not the same they are the same they have the same policy and and and and ferion became the president of the commission because maon wanted this to happen but the the the problem is that the green deal now is conducted and implemented in a way that looks like a punishment a punishment of our citizens I mean we have had five years of adopting legislations now we need to but to answer that point is it is it a is it is is there a way to make no no no is there a way to make the the question about uh whether or not the measures are perceived as punitive from the green deal so I was going to answer that question now uh in order to not have this in order to have a green and Social Deal which is the the the program that the greens are campaigning for um we need investment now in the next 5 years we need to implement the green deal in a socially Fair Way and in order to do that we need to invest money it's not that it's expensive right because climate in action is much more expensive that than action the thing is that the money is there right it's just not at the right place so we need to have Fair Taxation and investment in green projects in a fair way and also Investments about everything that combines the two the green legislation with the social legislation when you insulate housing that's good for for the planet that's good for people's pocket when you invest in public transport that's good for the climate that's also good for the cost of living so if we want to do a green deal in a social way it is possible if we want to do it in an unfair way it is also possible that's a matter of political Choice the thing is to do it in a non-punitive way we need to invest and the problem is that lastly we have seen a majority in the European Parliament voting in favor of going back to austerity times which is not possible you cannot have the green transition with austerity it is contradicting each other so at some point we need to be clear we have legislation now we have to implement them in a fair way so with investment investment meaning taking on a debt burden at the European level because how are you going to come up with the money but that's the the money is in the the we we are a rich economy the thing is it's going to become so first with public investment but also with investment coming from the private sector most of the green deal is going in fact to be financed by the private sector agreement on this on on this last Point absolutely not on tax I don't think that the taxation is the is the answer to the green deal but the fact that we have to abandon the dogma of a budget of 1% but the European Union budget is 1% of European wealth this budget was conceived in 1988 I think I was the high school and we want to go to 20 2034 with a budget ConEd before the fall of the Berlin Wall this is why we say we have to double the budget European level we have to build up on our successes Next Generation you the recovery plan is a success what was the Compromise it must be temporary and it must be exceptional no as it works it must be the permanent and normal way of financing new action in the green transition in the digital transition and the defense and this is what we are saying we have to work on European level on new common debt on the basis of the Next Generation you and even the reform of the stability growth pack that is not as ambitious as I would have wanted but start to draw a distinction between current expenditure and green investment digital investment and I think that we have exploited all the margin of this reform fa Jerry uh we can agree that there is a need to invest in European Industries for example if you if you look at the the the CH the electric cars for example the the current European policies is beneficial to Chinese industry and very soon in Europe we will not be able anymore to produce cars or even to design cars so what we want is to promote European interests to say uh National priority and European preference this is what we want to promote which means that we we should use external borders trade uh and you agree that if if you're taking on China uh in a war on tariffs when it comes to things like EVs and solar panels one country alone in Europe can't do it no but what we want to promote so you agree that it's the European Union as a whole that it should be the European Union it should be the corporation of European nations all together promoting uh European industry but what is going on is exactly the opposite we're simply opening the borders and I can tell you I have this experience it's not just limited to to migration it's everywhere the same story that the commission says we are creating the free movement the the the common market inside Europe and then at the end of the day we realize that there is no external border there is no external border for trade for example our farmers are not allowed to use certain substance and what is now happening is that the European commission without ratification by the member states allowed to import uh substance which are normally banned in Europe so there is no external border Europe doesn't protect us at least the commission doesn't protect Nations thank you was too busy in dis dismantling frontex energy agency in the last year so he hasn't noticed two things the four things that your party didn't vote on the carbon tax on external Bard you are talking about external border as an assem National when we could put a carbon tax to protect our our firms from the unfair competition for the rest of the world they did they did they they didn't vote it you were you were absent when we introduced the rules on foreign subsidies on screen to better protect our Market from unfair Chinese competition so and Leen yesterday say exactly the opposite of what we are saying because what your real leader which not B LA but is Marine Leen is saying is that you want you want a free Alliance of Nations incapable of doing anything and tonight you are here to talk about a common Approach at the border when you want to double the border and to put reestablish even National border among the 27 may you have to you have to make up your mind I mean you are you are you are the civil servant who was working for Europe or what you are the merary that now is a service of theal to promote a nationalistic agenda because you cannot say every time one thing and the and the opposite I'm AER let's say I'm a former civil servant that decided to be a whistleblower and then to enter in in politics I can explain the the the question about the Border when we say that we want to have a double border it's first to use the external border the the Shen external border to protect uh the European Union uh and and the nations of the European Union against illegal migration against criminality but then of course we want to have the national border which means which means that we want to have a referendum in France so that the French people can decide who or which kind of people we want to accept in France so we want to have the shenen free movement area for European citizens yeah but we don't want to have it for foreigners especially I can explain no need to laugh I can explain I can exp I am I I I arrive at I arrive at at a domestic it is not written near argentinan but I could be Argentinian I could be Brazilian I could be Italian I could be French so how do you recognize the people are EU citizens and the non what are you talking about at the very beginning at the very beginning of sang there was a need to declare that well non citizens had to declare when they entered the French territory at that time it was not possible for technological reason to implement it right now what we can do and we have the experience with covid we can have online declaration that can generate uh C code that you have on your phone or that you can print out and then this would be a possibility to have checks to have random checks at the you made IDE we demonstrated that your IDE now you're trying to make stories no phip phip yes the uh uh the week Beginning by the way with the Border blocked between Spain and France the largest Farmers Union are staying away from these protests against the cost of living but still uh we can see from these pictures that um minority unions have uh have closed the Border again they say they want to press the issue before these European elections this is interesting because the these uh these protests are also illustrating how uh there is this sort of polarization of the debate that's going on within the European Union in the build up to this vote yeah sure and they they are doing it a bit late to to have any kind of influence on the vote itself but we saw that kind of movement happening all over and over again with the far right supporting it men men um in Canada for instance in the US too and they they use this kind of social forces in order to put their agenda uh forward and it's it's difficult for nowadays to distinguish who are the leaders of such movements what are the real agendas if you look at Canada for instance the same kind of movement ended up in the capital with people demanding civil civil Riot basically a revolution that's not in the that's not an economic you know Quest anymore that's not a an issue that is economic or social that's Insurgency for insur yes it's a cover up for people that have hidden agendas it's beginning to be the far right has many many many many layers if we vote for the farite in 2027 in France we will have the strongest farite in Europe since the second world war and these people are composed of many many layers some of them are not rational layers they is the Q unnown movement for instance it's part of the far right there is the masculinist the Pro male movement that's another layer the far right by the way they did some shootings in the US and real actual atona I don't know to translate that attacks and public services and there are many layers that's not the far away again I'm sorry it's just it's not sorry something was said and I think it cannot be uh left like this you said that you are withle block a whistleblower is a person who uncovers unlawful Behavior misconduct or fraud you are actually the opposite of a whistleblower you are someone who are who was being investigated by the anti fraud European agency because you committed fraud unlawful activi this is defamation be careful I have the right to reply to this yes if I if I may finish the European Parliament voted a resolution explaining what Olaf the anti fraud European agency was in investigating about frontex which you were you were the leader of because of illegal push back attack on human rights and Meuse of eont I don't call this a whistleblower now I can answer there is no investigation currently on me the the report the Olaf report concluded that they recommended disciplinary procedings which is not nothing criminal nothing related to fraud they proposed to the management Board of frontex to uh start or to initiate disciplinary proceedings because of because of this mention of the fundamental rights uh allegedly well push backs Etc now I can explain you so there is no disciplinary proceeding because the management board decided even two years after I left the disciplinary proceeding don't exist and what I can tell you and this is what everybody knows that the commissioner ilva yon who is a leftist wanted to kick me out with the NGS and maon let them do and this is exactly because I wanted and what this is why I'm saying I'm a whistleblower because I didn't want the agency the Border guard agency of the European Union to be transformed into a troyan horse for ngos I can give you example the fundamental rights monitors do you know what they in writing they proposed to transport all the migrants illegal migrants waiting outside the European Union to bring them to the European union and they were not happy they are militants they are former members of NGS and they went to the radio in Lithuania in 2021 to criticize the Lithuanian government and to criticize frontex operation plan because they said that's not normal because you don't want you want to block migrants you want to do push back so member states they know what they want they want to protect that's why a whistleblower wh blowers spoke against you you're not The Whistleblower you're the is really for me it is really for me outrageous in listening what I've just listened outrageous first of all because we have you are going to join you are joined the party who has always been against the strengthening of the frontex agency we have increased the budget by 800 by from 800 million euro to three thou to three billion Euro we have increased the guards uh we have strengthened the Mandate and you and you are joined the party has always been against all this and you are telling me that I saw so many dead bodies in lampedusa that what frontex should do is only block the migr migratory flows only block VI violating the human right violating the fundamental freedom because your criticism to Johanson was that the commission of course ask you to act in the respect of fundamental rights and that you refuse that so I mean you are telling me that I so bad is in lampedusa that you want to act push back everything you your head of the list B is saying that he wants to change the Geneva Convention on refugees he want to he want to push back everybody so basically instead of saving life you let people die in the Mediterranean that what that what the consequence the consequence of your policy the conse of the policy of of what of what J theoni was talking about and she's not implementing it is to let human beings dying in the Mediterranean yeah because we have toal proposes that people in need of international protection can apply for asylum in consulates out of the European Union European consulate so that we would avoid they go to that we have victims of traffickers because the the the current European asy I I let you talk sorry but this is we have to be disciplined uh the current European Asylum and migration pact simply continues the current business of the traffickers the Smugglers and the ngos saying then you have to let them in all right we I can say that if when I was in government I had got I had the Asylum migration PCT I would been better off but also the Asylum Seekers would have been better off all right we and I know what I'm talking about you also know what I'm talking about but you are denying today because you decided to be the of the we're running short on time so I just wanted to ask about um just about this key look look ahead to what the next Parliament could look like we talked at the outset about the status quo in Brussels for 25 years the center right is emerged as the biggest voting block uh usually the EP which is the um uh the center right party ofan France the sdu in Germany uh that called the shots wait these so the uh this is uh it's a bit the the graph there a bit disjointed the EP was the biggest was very good for you 75% but the joys of Life television but uh uh but there would be coalitions with the center the centrists the center left the center right this time could be different uh we can show you a poll of polls of projections uh this is done by Politico um a compil of different polls and okay so the Socialists are in the two-hole again but uh you could see in this poll that there are at least two and possibly even three groups uh that are represented by the far right which means that if there was some kind of a deal then they would become the second biggest force in the European Parliament back on May 19th in Madrid Spain's farri Vox party hosted a rally that included Marine Leen they sit together in the same uh voting block at the European Parliament Georgia Maloney whose party sits in a different voting block at the EU Parliament joined the rally by video uh link uh and we had the uh Hungarian prime minister who's not in either of those two uh voting blocks uh urging them to do a deal and to have a single voting Block in the next the parliament would that be a good idea would it work I can confirm that there are very good discussions and and let say uh we we can see that uh we are all facing uh the same difficulties and the same uh sense of emergency it's all about our identities but also the economic growth or not of the European Union so we can see that in different uh European countries you mentioned Italy you mentioned Poland you well the in different let's say the the the members of the identity and democracy uh group uh were together in Prague I was there uh we had a public rally um I have to say that afd was not part of it because now they they they they have been excluded uh and we had also representative uh one representative of the European conservative and reformist and they are but ital's prime minister is pro uh supports Ukraine uh against Russia yeah but isn't that a deal breaker for you but is in favor of supporting Ukraine to defend the Ukrainian territory and and to to stop the the the war so there is no stop the war to well to to to to make it possible for Ukraine to arrive at the negotiation table in the best possible situation meel um yes what is your question the question is do you see this the possibility of this happening a a far right the far right coalescing and becoming the second biggest voting Block in the European parli that's seriously the the biggest thing that is at stake on the 9th of June um also Kion has been playing a very dangerous uh game recently basically trying to differentiate between the two Fire Group saying Marine Leen it's bad but Georgia milone it's good let's take a listen to her we take get a listen to her and then I'll I'll give you back a clip outgoing thego European commission um this was at a debate where where Sandro gy I believe was present um uh speaking uh on in Brussels on May the 23rd I've have been working very well with Georgia Malone in the European Council as I do with all the heads of state and government this is my task um as president of the commission um now uh the topics we're going to offer there we're going to see whether those who are pro-european and she is clearly pro-european um against Putin she's been very clear on that one and pro rule of law if this holds and then we offer to work together exactly thanks for showing this so basically we have from and the current president of the European commission saying Georgia Mone I can work with her Marine Leen the rest really know you can see that this difference that she makes even themselves they're not making this difference they had you said it a joint event in Madrid all of them together Trump mle Orban Len meloney all together so what is at stake at on the 9th of June is are we going to be clear on the fact that we don't want to have a majority with the far right and some people are clear and some people are not and I'm sorry but Sandro godi is not clear because no let me please let me I will answer I think people who are watching this have to know that the sisters party of Sandra godi is already governing today with his party in the Netherland and in Finland and what happened nothing The Finnish liberals they are still a member of your group you didn't exclude them the Dutch member of your group there still in your group you didn't exclude them so the fact they say the Liberals say the fire right is very bad but in reality when you have party members of the liberals who are going into governments with the far right this is not apparently a red line otherwise The Finnish liberals and the Dutch liberals wouldn't be in your group anymore and once again parallel universe I will never and we will never and we have said it clearly written said Rewritten re say that we will never join in an an alliance can I any level this written in the yes an alliance in the European Parliament with no you said at any level in the Declaration you sign debate that I did with underly on behalf of the renew Europe group does Mar's group belong in your in your voting block does Mar's group belong in your vo block we will see whether they will remain but certainly they agree at European level that we won't strike any Alliance neither with the not with ID and I got a certain experience to deal with Melone as she wanted to withdraw to withdraw my nationality and my citizenship in 2019 because I was a candid in France be sure that I will never Strike an alliance with extreme right but there is another thing which is much more important that this electoral speculation on a position that is our position is very clear what they are going to do because they are saying we are talking we are doing a group we are doing two group three groups they the only thing that they can do is to agree to disintegrate and block Europe because as the say you heard Europe come come last point is I have to ask you not don't to ask me ask the European People's Party what they want to do do they want to build up a new Pro European majority with a thep which I think we should be open also to the greens or they want to change unfortunately unfortunately we have nobody here from the EP yeah but we have but I have to but I just have to ask you this question because we're running short on time you heard Milan Vel saying that she sees Ursa vline uh trying to make a deal with with with Georgia Malone you heard uh Fab Jerry is saying that her political family is with him what will Maloney decide which way will she go then you should ask Malone I know that the closer usion gets to georia Melone the far she gets from us and she if usion won't to strike a de with this year it will be without renew Europe phip quick word on this at one point you have to ask yourself whether the far right is becoming the new right or not and if the containment strategy is still doable I don't know about that it's a very it's a very difficult question but it's a question even in France we saw again votes between the macon's majority on the far right already happening we saw people elected of the assembl national to the parliament at very high positions with the agreement of the actual majority so you have to ask a question about the feasibility of a containment strategy is it still the good strategy that we can have and melany by the way is prate and what I see of is a very very strong pro- Russian stance so I think there are huge divides again it's you have many layers in the far rights it's not a unique block can can I answer this about Russia Jordan B was very clear and said that Russia is a threat to French interest it's not just about Ukraine what's going on in Ukraine it's not just the threat for the security of Europe it's also a threat for French interest for example in our overseas territory didn't vote all the measure that we took against Russia they didn't vote anything and today they gentle it is crazy gentl we could go on for another hour none of that none of these issues have been debated so far in the European campaign in France we have a Tik Tok campaign we don't have this kind of Campaign which would be great I love this campaign have today to do it a little bit too old I want to thank you I want to thank you s go I want to thank fa Jerry I want to thank as well menel and Philip thank you for being with us here in the France 24 debate [Music]
Channel: FRANCE 24 English
Views: 8,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EU Elections 2024, Elections, Far right, Giorgia Meloni, Marine Le Pen, Ursula Von Der Leyen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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