How Expensive is Traveling in Israel? One Day in Jerusalem

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another day another smoothie hey there I'm here in Jerusalem on a amazing sunny and nice and warm day in February smack in the middle of winter can't complain and I just bought a smoothie here this is like mango banana pineapple orange berry and super delicious so that smoothie was 17 shekels there's about 3 shekels to 1 US dollar so 17 shekels is about 5 bucks so not too bad especially when that thing is like gonna be lunch practically chabot own choir concert for Shalva just thought I'd show a few of the events going on around Jerusalem it looks like summer which is not in English so I don't know what they're saying alright so in this video I'm going to show how expensive is Israel and Jerusalem show some of the streets of Jerusalem I'm meeting another guy in a little bit that I know who I met in India who actually recognized me from having seen my videos he's from Israel and he said if you come to Jerusalem to get in touch and so I'm not sure exactly what we're going to do but we might go like to the Old Market or something and just kind of explore around Jerusalem a little bit and so here is the city market probably a good place to get some decent deals on groceries Israel is not cheap however there are to be found I'm staying at a hostel in the area here paying about $25 per night for a really a nice hostel that includes breakfast and so right here is a cool like sort of Plaza walking shopping street right there is another Main Street you can see a bus going by and the train goes along there I took the train from the central bus station to this area to my hostel and it was six shekels which is about two dollars [Music] today is a Sunday yesterday was Saturday the Jewish Sabbath and it was a completely different scene it was totally dead around here so it's nice to see it back nice and lively this is not where I got my smoothie but looks like they might be making them as well lots of juice places around here [Music] and so there you can see the train going past this is Jaffa Street up here or Jaffa Road it says the train makes kind of a straight shot going out that way and then my hostel is straight down that way and so my hostel I can kind of see the building up ahead it's called the post hostel because it is in the old post office building and this is a great neighborhood to the end because for one thing you have easy access to the train and two buses as well as tons of opportunities around here lots of great restaurants and also the old city is just a 10-minute walk straight up ahead there winter sail 70% off that'll be some decent deals in there but check out the prices of shoes this is pretty mind-blowing here so remember one dollar equals about SRI shekels and so you divide the prices by three basically that means those shoes six hundred shekels are almost two hundred dollars $9.99 that is almost three hundred dollars some for $4.99 150 bucks and so this is a cool little Plaza here it's a little hard to understand what this thing is saying from the side because that is backwards here we go it's I JLM I love Jerusalem [Music] [Music] and so my hostel is right down there just a half a block down that road there maybe I'll show it in the video later on but I wanted to show this place that I got a meal a few days ago that was super cheap a big old meal there's lots of people eating there and so I don't want to like get too close I'd like to be able to shows a the meals on the windows but I don't want to be poking around too much but just a little simple a eatery place right there and I got a plate of Meatballs with steamed vegetables and beans and couscous and it was about thirty five shekels I think so ten dollars for a really big meal now by comparison I was here on Friday night and it was completely dead Jewish Sabbath starts at sundown on Friday and so everything was closed and I managed to find a restaurant just down here somewhere like a nice kind of fancy restaurant here we go is down here it was Matilda Matilda restaurant I'll poke down here and so back down this little alley was like one of the only restaurants that was opened at that time right down there so I got this amazing dinner of chicken and pita bread and mashed potatoes and then they brought out this whole spread of different like sausage hummus and coleslaw ha and like shredded but there was like five different things that came with the meal and I got a beer and the total price with the tip ended up being 100 shekels and so that's about thirty dollars and so that is three times the price of that other place but you know a very nice restaurant and a amazing meal so there was a guy sleeping in the bunk next to mine there so I didn't want to talk but anyways that is my hospital a room at the post hostel here pretty cool place other than the usual hostel problems people waking you up middle of the night and too early in the morning all that kind of stuff this is the first time they've stayed in a hostel in a while on this trip and so I'm glad that tomorrow I will be in a private room in my next country that I'm flying to tomorrow but anyways at least you can see a nice hostel for a good price here in Jerusalem again it's about 25 dollars depends you know which website you booked it on etc and it also might depend on the season maybe that is a achieve low season price but around 25 dollars including breakfast so I'm here with Ben and we're walking around now we're not actually in the Old Market area here or if this kind of the edge of the Old Market or yes is the start of the Old Market from the city center side so we're in the Old Market now yeah okay cool and this is like a sweet shop it looks like obviously and we're walking over right now to this place to get interesting drinks that with mystical properties health drinks with mystical properties so they're curious to see what exactly this is classic pita falafel there okay this is the place huh [Music] urban great food that's what I was thinking and you are describing at yeah but but it's not great for the house waste within it - oh but the ad Trog is - if the Citroen that you're talking about yeah exactly sure how [Music] releases tension fills your body and soul with an energy gives you a fun high helps menopause [Music] [Music] so how do you say cheers with l'chaim l'chaim and so we have here the the Rambam drink it is sweet [Music] that's nice kind of a milky really but you know almond milk with the date no flavor all right so this is called etro Ghats and it's a Trog which is the Citroen fruit that I'm not exactly sure but it is and gap which I don't know what that is and grapefruit this is going to be kind of intense flavor I think it's the specialty of Rosie Ali here laughs I'm [Music] that's nice it isn't as I thought it might be kind of more bitter dancing or something but it isn't too much probably one of his more refreshing drinks [Music] Pizza failure did I say that remote leave correct yeah yeah and and what does that mean it's basically like a store where you can get all like snacks okay Pizza Fame in general means all the little knots and snack items we can get I think so any place that sells that kind of stuff is called the pizza fair thank you this is a really good place because this will be the cheapest place to get yeah this is the real local prices yeah and those drinks were were quite cheap I noticed like the little bit bigger one that we had first two almond milk that was five shekels so that's like a dollar fifty for that little thing well he has a really good turn artery so you saw that there was another group over there with the tour guide exactly it's always done yeah cuz it's a unique sort of shop there [Music] artichokes I love artichokes [Music] on Fridays Thursdays and Fridays [Music] what's this thing what is it from Ella home Ella yeah it's like a very large grapefruit okay but it's all never before I don't think it's a lot sweeter it's not bitter the skin is very thick like with you peel it realize yeah okay really chunky so which square is this up ahead like like the road this is like Yoko oh it's your again okay this would I guess would be the main entrance okay what's very close to sook in Arabic yes shook mean Margit like its name is not gonna Yehuda that's like the area so we call it shook okay boffin Mia Buddha and that's this whole neighborhood yeah okay back into the soup restaurants American this is from up north now this is Belgium the style gotcha Belgian they're all they're all made in Israel in different styles I see them it's really you know exactly so that's nice so it's just like Israeli surfing beer I don't even know where they come up with some of these names or like again the beer for Cheers thank you [Music] traditional like Jerusalem bagel they sell a lot in the old cities but that's a bagel ha ha ha that's a bread it doesn't have the texture a big architecture of like if it's a breadbox yeah it looks quite similar as far as the type of bread but then it's as you can get here is this however some of this yeah this is and it's tahini and some spices or something depending on which guy in here [Music] peanut butter it's really good this is [Music] Baba Wawa canopic okay it's very very good really good and so this place it's just called falafel huh spicy yes that's 65 years Wow I remember coming here like first year is there very artificial landing and how much are these each like four dollars there are places you can find it cheaper but obviously here yeah that's just the difference between ten and fifteen shekels in so dude yeah it's just a doll and so we have in here falafel and french fries and these various different additions tahini and cabbage and pickle and and it's gonna take two hands to deal with this so I'm gonna put the camera away and here we go how do you sayin but a Vaughn yeah enjoy your meal like [Music] all right thanks a lot for watching hopefully this video gave you a good idea of how expensive is Israel and Jerusalem tomorrow flying to Cyprus the island in the Mediterranean Sea [Music]
Channel: Gabriel Traveler
Views: 351,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Morris, Gabriel Traveler, travel, traveling, budget travel, adventure, adventure travel, world travel, tourism, holiday, vacation, backpacking, Jerusalem, Israel, cost, costs, expensive, cheap, food, restaurant, restaurants, hotel, hotels, hostel, hostels, accommodation, dine, dining, market, Israeli, middle east, Jew, Jewish, food market, old market
Id: Sq3e8gZltSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2018
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