How Erik ten Hag BROKE Guardiola’s System.

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this right here was the moment where Manchester City threw away a cup final that no one thought they could lose that alongside Eric hhog doing brilliantly getting the better of Pep Guardiola and we're going to talk about that but penny for your thoughts Lads penny for your thoughts oh to be the woman in the turquoise is that turquoise whatever that color is dress uh to hear what on Earth they were saying and I have an incredibly important question that I want to ask you guys but let's break down this game first and foremost because tactically Eric tenh got this absolutely spot on and he deserves huge credit for it petu had to make some big changes at halim did make a difference but it was too late and of course we're going to dive into the goals as well so let's have a look at the tactic of the two teams because if you see the general setup I think what we thought previously if you think about how they set up and how other teams set up against Man City it is one where you kind of have this and you have 442 and you play a bit further back what man united did which was brilliant was that they made the whole game be played in this area of the pitch and they said wizard Pep Guardiola I've always known as you shall not come through the middle so if I get rid of that guiol was the out ball throughout the game which I'll show you in just a second but garnacho was staying very very narrow as was rashford incredibly Nar narrow Delo staying in tight giving Varan and Martinez that help Waka staying really really tight as well and throughout the game gardio was the out ball now the one problem was that of course AK will then come around here Stones would come and play here Walker actually played pretty centrally as well actually a lot of the time and de bruyne and foden are the players that they want to get on the ball but they weren't able to do it they were they were isolated kovic could have relieved that and we'll get into that but if you think about the general setup of this man united team that was the state of play keep it tight and do not let them through the center of the pitch now I think the thing that they were looking to do was to be able to move the ball quickly make those short passes that what that's what guardiola's plan was that if you have Walker a little bit tighter AK a little bit tighter you can then move the ball quickly to to gardio let me get on the ball here to gardio if he's able to get it and then you can play that ball into those half spaces or the same with Silva on the other side who can dribble and he did at different times and that's how you can hurt them or you can put those crosses into the back post there was a moment where kovic actually made a third man run and that kind of hurt them but what I think he wanted to see was kovic picking up the ball here or this another player an extra player in the middle things had to change at half time because of course they found themselves two knil down but the out ball throughout was gardio and this will show you it right here right now before we dive into the goals of course now so here we have it this is the starting position and exactly what we're talking about here kovic here instead of here as an extra player to get through it but also if we're looking at Man United and thinking about how they're playing exactly what we've just said and obviously you can't see in the out screen that's that sort of horseshoe that you get to stop people being able to play through the center of the pitch foden was unable to get on the ball much at all the tenacity of amrabat was fantastic Harland completely isolated and when they did play the ball into him his holdup play was really really poor and as we've said a couple of times gardio always the out Ball but for Waka you had the perfect person at right back who was keeping an eye on him but also allowing him space because if you allow him to get the space he's got the time to get over there and with guardal he's not really going to run at you let's see if they've got some other examples of that this is the other side of it when it came to man united in terms of how they were going to move the B and how they were going to create chances this is a great example of it where they actually really really focused about staying together and kind of being compact but vertical so if we do it this time what you can see is again so many players in the on one side of the pitch but the one person who was always going to offer up that little bit of width for them was garnacho who had an absolutely cracking game who normally has about 4.95 shots on target per game I got that St from stathead by the way go check them out links in the description in this game he had three shots on Target and this is a great moment actually where the Press is coming I thought the Press was pass was poor sorry but you had options you had four options to play to he could have come back here as well and of course that outb if you needed it now actually they they sucked in a couple of players and then that ball was able to be made and actually ball got to uh Fernandez forgive me at the end of it and then again that width was always there with garnacho be him stretching it uh vertically or out wide let me show you another example of this this is uh defensively The crucial element of it in terms of keeping foden out of the game you can see KL Walker very narrow here gardio always the out ball and not allowing foden to get on the ball Kevin De bruy is not even looking at this stage because they're going to have to work their way back around it was the wrong lineup from Guardiola a little bit but it was absolutely the perfect plan for Man United against Man City when you're not going to have the ball they didn't have the ball I think they had 74% possession in this game and he got his plan absolutely right to have amrabat and kobby Mayu there to help this is in the first minute of the game exactly what we're talking about in terms of that ability to work down this side kobby Manu can offer up as an option actually I think that's rashford coming to to show as well but a lot of players on one side of the pitch with that out ball always being garnacho out here and it worked it allowed them to keep the ball allowed them to move up the pitch at times really really well but it also kept them at Bay and and I think a great way that I can show you this is the momentum bar because if you show you the momentum bar here it is the higher the bar the more effective the attacks from the opposition and in that first half despite having the ball and we can scroll down look at the stats because I think it plays the part as well it wasn't about possession it was about being effective and in that first half man city were not effective at all man united took their chances got their chances of course and in the second half changes were made and the changes were absolutely crucial exactly what were needed um and I'm surprised it even took him that long one player that he took off kovic massively at fault for the second goal gardio who did survive um was at fault for the first goal so the first goal let's have a look at it so what's really important here is again the Press of Man City being really poor but a sort you know a positivity I'm a massive fan of amrabat I really really like him I think he's a great player and I thought what he did brilliantly and again this showcas is what we've been trying to say a couple of times is look how many players are on this side of the pitch you've literally only got Garo out wide stretching it and if we remember that gardio has been playing here this whole time he's got to get back and that is always the big thing when it comes to Man City and how you can hurt them the way you're able to hurt them is in transition and having some bodies to get around them but then having that out ball as well so garnacho provided that throughout the game but amrabat when he gets on the ball here what's really really important in terms of stretching them and allowing that pass to happen is that I mean the Press is really poor from man united but what he does do is he gets the ball and he could look for that pass straight away AK would have probably spotted that but he wanted to play short to then play long and what that does is it sucks in a couple of bodies what Amar actually did was he drove with the ball to around here let me move it along one you can see amrabat is now here and what it did was it just brought and again I thought it was a lethargic press from Man City I think they thought they'd had it won before the game even kind of really kicked off so to have that player dribble into this area of the pitch it sucked one two three and actually Four initially until the ball was then played back Delow then plays that pass gardio if you want to be super critical before the massive mistake that he makes isn't totally in line with his back line and if he is on the other side of it then maybe this whole thing doesn't happen but it's a great pass from Delow I thought was fantastic I think he's had a really really good solid season overall and looking to find Garo obviously you're not playing a striker so to try and find him was a big part of it does do that and of course we all saw how it played out absolute disaster from TGA absolute disaster from gardio in terms of that little header and just trying to be that little bit too cute when you probably don't need to second goal is the one though second goal we've alluded to it a little bit earlier on this is shocking absolutely shocking from kovic in a cup final it's ABS I can't and I can't believe No One spotted it so let's go back a little bit okay so of course the goal comes from again a team that's played very narrow out of possession then breathing almost you know going in and out and utilizing width when they can again we've spoken about it several times garnacho being an out ball being an option obviously you got rashford who actually play a little bit deeper in in this one and kobby Maya Who of course will come on to had a really great game in that double pivot but the 4222 out of possession there was that width there really really was that width and of course we move it on one you got kobby menu makes that run but obviously Bruno Fernandez crucial in this one and kobby menu gets the go goal and so from being really narrow you've gone from one side of the pitch to the other side of the pitch got yourself a goal but how did this happen well we spoke about it a little bit earlier on let me show you it here because tactically this is what they were trying to do right and kovic was coming here a lot of the time to get that ball over to gardio let me just take the Highlight off him what happened after a certain period of time and of course the first goal has gone in by this point and so now you've got to commit another body forward has Guardiola had a word with him I don't know there was actually a moment where kovic comes here and AK is here and Guardiola on the sideline is shouting at AK saying no kovic you should be in the middle here and AK should be the pass here he's seen the error of his ways and if you think about the changes that were made div divari came on AK came off came here um where's doku doku came on here and it absolutely changed the game kovic came off um but if we go back what actually happened in that period of time was that rodri looked to get himself and be in that 10 position so if we go back to what we had get a over here kovic is here rodri has gone and made a run into this area here I think foden's maybe to the side here might even be out wide here forget foden rodri gets to here so now with everything that's happening kovic you my friend you are the DM you are the last port of court so if you want to press as a team that's fine make sure you win it and if you don't win it make sure you get back right let's go back to it so rodri as I'm spoken about has gone into I guess you know another 10 position to try and get around this very clever setup narrow setup that man united have put together and Eric tenh har has put together and he's driving with the ball and if we move it along as I said kovic is that man at the back so if we move it on this is the moment and the reason I'm saying this is the moment is kovic is looking at Bruno Fernandez in a cup final and in a in any game of football God and this is Sunday League you go first five minutes who are our numbers who have who am I marking who's my man who's the guy that I'm going to get hammered for if I don't track his run and the other thing I would say is that generally if you're playing in the two in Midfield if you've got if your Center Midfield partner is in front of you you're then you know you're the last line of defense and ultimately you sit and you stay again if you want to press so be it but make sure you get back let's move it on so this is a few seconds before Bruno Fernandez has the ball kovic is trying to press he's trying to keep him in there Kyle Walker is ready to go at rashford all fine that's okay Bruno Fernandez is able to get the ball away and as we as we know rodri is completely out of it at this point and there's a lot of space to to to you know to catch up with and he has that look at him you know if we go back to you can see it and then he's making his way kovic has looked at him and he's gone n don't really fancy tracking you back one nil down 38 minutes gone and if we move it forward all of a sudden and if you if I was able to show you the footage I could show you that kovic actually looks at him again Bruno Fernandez and this is Bruno Fernandez who had an absolutely fantastic game this is Bruno Fernandez who is known for creating big chances this is their main threat this is the guy that has allowed Eric ten hog to drop his Center forward that cost him loads of money and you're not going to track him back and kovic when the ball comes to him and kovic when the ball comes to him is not with him great underlapping run from w Saka to take AK away has to go with him then and Bruno Fernandez could have had a shot himself but again he was scanning he was looking all the time and he sees that pass and he plays it first time taking absolutely nothing away from the pass the pass is world class but it shouldn't even get to him the ball shouldn't even get to him absolutely shocking a honestly so bad but it comes back to the system having players in the right places 52 or 5 odd um Touches for Bruno Fernandez in this game but it was about getting him higher up the pitch playing in transition which Eric tenh har has wanted to do throughout and getting him the ball in the right areas to make those big chances and five key passes five key passes I might said big chances before apologize for that but that goal comes from the width of the system but also kovic being pretty shocking second half as I said dku comes on things change a little bit um and first of all again I think there's a few players that I've got to shout out for man United one Waka amrabat gacho kobby Mayo I thought was great as well and I Look to a man I thought they showed the right application and again I've got that really important question when it comes to Eric tenh har and this whole mess that they've got themselves into but in terms of Man City getting themselves back into the game dku came on correct decision Jon Stones came on correct decision because it allowed rodri to be in front of him but you've got Jon stones to sit there and they they did start to to dominate as I showed you when it comes to the momentum bar but Aon Waka as you can see here maybe I can zoom in on him Aaron W masaka is only concerned with dku and in a game like this yes dku scores a goal and I'll show you how he does that but in terms of one to one or one-on-one wambas saaka had dku sorted when it was one-onone when it became an overload that was different Waka on a day like this when you're playing an opponent like this and you want to stay compact but you need someone to be able to get across and not get done by someone who's one of the best in the world in doku I thought he was absolutely superb but what happened was wac was able to deal with him there wasn't that overload and the reason for that was Bernardo Silva was over on this side understandably so this is a smart way for them to play and actually he did offer that intensity this is for the 58th minute I would say this is probably one of the first times that they actually started backtracking and that's why Pep Guardiola has won the Premier League four times in a row he's able to make those changes he's got the quality to make those changes he did make those changes quickly and you know this is a team that creates chances they I think this is their best season you have look on stat head you'll see this is their best season when it comes to shots on target 6.9 per game this game only four shots on target man united with 24% possession had more shots on target that absolutely speaks volumes but even in the game they made the change there's a bit more intensity but Waka he had the makings of him and dku kept trying to cut back it wasn't really working theend time it worked or started to work is when the goal came now Anana shocking really there's a lot of bodies there that get through but still he's got to save that but if we go back one more the reason he's able to do that and this is dku just before he has his shot is because of Bernardo Silva and because of Bernardo Silva waca has to allow for dku to go with garnacho because if that ball is played down here to Bernardo Silva Waka needs to be ready to go and this is one of the few times that that happened and after for about 3 minutes time and again Bernard Sila just stayed over on this left hand side so you have got an incredible team here with so many solutions all the time being created but they were able to figure out themselves but for the goal this is that allows dku to then get himself that little yard of space and then he gets that shot off and look Ana's got a save it individual mistakes for some of the goals and that's one of them but it because they had to take Waker out of the game because dku couldn't do too much against him incredible stuff great to see that you know man city can be beaten um but it could have been massively avoided if they'd been a little bit more switched on and I think if pepper got it right but importantly Eric tenar got it right and so the question I've got to ask and the reason why I think man united fans are so annoyed at the leak and the fact that ten hog as I'm recording this may be taken to a room and told that he is not the man united manager anymore is the fact that this didn't need to happen you know wait wait until next week and look if he wins the FA Cup and you talk about he spoke about compromise in his BBC interview and he was you know compromises excuses Doo then comes on and speaks and says we can't have excuses I think both can going to be true and whoever however you want to sit on it that is you know that's that's the way it lies right you have say look it's not good enough and I've given impels this year because I've not seen it and even in this again that phrase of two things being true you know this was an incredible bit of a master plan from tenh hard that he got set up a few weeks before ready for this game to win a final he's gone and done that but it is also something that is set up for being out of position for being deep for keeping the opposition out and being able to break that's not going to win you the league so there is a lot of difficulties here and it's a very tough decision and you could have given him next season and see okay were these compromises that you had to make is that what's cost you it you know the terrible season of which he said numerous times or do you need your own guy but you inos or whoever you could have given yourselves that time if you just waited if you just waited then you wouldn't be in this position now where you're laughing at each other going what do we do now because we were going to sack him tonight because we never saw him being able to win this game so that's the killer for them the important question is first of all two one did the news coming out Galvanize that group of players and give them a possible Freedom or desire to allow a man who I think maybe lacks a little bit of personality at times but is a Class Act they wanted to do it for him so did that did you get that extra bit of energy because the news broke out did it Galvanize you man united fans let me know how you feel second question should he stay I think either way you've got yourself in trouble here because that news doesn't break if that news doesn't break then you go do you know what we' finished the season on a high off you go go on give have a go let's we'll give you the benefit of the doubt maybe it was injuries but that's been taken away from you now because you're going to look so weird now if you keep him in the job because there's obviously truth around it the other side of is if you sack him now now that you've won the FA Cup Final whoever comes in now those shoes are harder to fill and the story that why why have you sacked him when he won the FA Cup and he's got more trophies than Etta poor play poor poor you know communication and just a general understanding of keeping stuff in house before the season's over wait for the season to end let me know your answers on those two questions congratulations to man united solid Victory deserved Victory and Man City how you feeling how you feeling about that let me know in the comments down below
Channel: James Lawrence Allcott
Views: 31,843
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Keywords: james lawrence allcott, premier league, james allcott, football, soccer, transfer news, premier league analysis, premier league tactical analysis, liverpool, arsenal, tottenham, chelsea, Arsenal, Man United, premier league news
Id: dQMjPsrQRxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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