How EA Sports KILLED Madden 24 Ultimate Team.........

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what is up YouTube Madden 24 Ultimate Team Deep die fair warning if you think I complain a lot about Madden You're Gonna Want to click off this video uh I'm going to keep it blunt I'm Gonna Keep It Real and we're gonna talk about all the things that are new to Madden 24 that EA has posted in their blog we're also going to tie in some mutt leaks because I haven't really made a video talking about the month leaks lately uh and we're gonna tie it into the new kind of field pass compact stuff and show you guys you know how it all kind of enter twine so let's get right into it grid our notes the first big thing there's gonna be a good morning Madden special stream on Monday twitch August 14th at 6 PM eastern time now Madden 24 is me a little bit different supposedly New Zealand is Nerf We're not gonna be able to have that it's gonna be a worldwide launch it's at 8pm East Coast time which is 5 p.m West Coast time so the Madden good morning Madden special stream is going to be two hours before the game goes live for the deluxe edition people that bought the deluxe edition on Monday August 14th they're gonna be more information on the five programs meeting Headliners team Builders comp pass field pass and I don't know what the fifth one could be maybe Legends they they talk about who knows 100 plus player reveals you will not want to miss that season one next Arrow and I guess the day I know it's down here okay so here we go live event program this the first bit of this really is a relevant information this part they're just talking about hey we released a lot of Promos in Madden 23 give us a Pat in the back we're gonna release even more from Madden 24. they plan on being seven full seasons I guess something you could tie in with that is that the seasons are gonna be probably more around 60 days long instead of 90 days long so that's a w um but yeah I mean Madden 25 didn't do a good job post Super Bowl um and I guess they're gonna keep doing that for man 24. cool as gutfox would say you're doing your job congrats live event Hub they just rearrange stuff in the main menus uh I actually don't even think Madden 23 had a bad main menu especially the field pass was like pretty easy to get to I guess it was a little bit hidden um this is just I guess more straightforward but it doesn't really affect anything in terms of Madness team just yeah just again it's just rearranged revamped onboarding they brought a tutorial system I guess they rest in peace mutt tips everything's gonna be probably now and maybe video form brief tutorial will allow you to have a better process understanding about making your Ultimate Team cool does it really um I guess it's cool for the newcomers uh but again doesn't really affect the ultimate team on a day-to-day level just you know wow mutt tips is different this year new item catalog this you might have seen in the beta and I guess we weren't really did I did I talk about this at all in the I think I might have talked about it a little bit but this doesn't really like matter none of this stuff is gonna this doesn't change Madden multi have you ever gone against an opponent matters being head to head and they've denied that you've never seen before no I've played mud for I've played mud for 12. 11 12 years since Madden 12 Ultimate Team I can't count I can't do the math no I I haven't and if I did I I would just go on the auction house and find the card like what this is the only thing that's cool about this is you can see the AP cost of abilities in the players items abilities when they first get put in the game meaning we won't have to buy the cars we want to buy an LTD for 2 million coins see their ability buckets or we want to wait till much EG yeah this is you know this isn't this doesn't do anything like this is just a side a cool side feature right but like it doesn't actually change anything you know like cool I guess like I'm probably I'm I'll be honest like I'm still gonna use as much as you to see abilities because because God knows how long the menus take to click on a card and view their abilities when I just go on Munch UG and you know two clicks and I'm there right so congrats they added machiji but it's gonna be way slower I'm never gonna use this dope cross play cool don't care economy changes okay here we go this is the stuff that actually starts to affect us so pretty much by them adding cross platform um they can't have cross gen markets meaning the Xbox One Market and the Xbox series X Market are going to be separate PS4 Market PS5 Market separate Xbox and Playstation are always different markets but now the generations are separated meaning for stuff and a lot of you guys we always talk about Madden 23 using the old gen version of Madden the snipe and like just be in the minis because it's a lot faster that's not gonna be a thing anymore we are pretty much forced to be on the next-gen version of Madden Let's cross our fingers that the menus are responsive and not super slow we're probably cooked um yeah that that is gonna suck because I mean I was on I was on Old gen more than I was on nexo this year just because I'm a menu more of a menu guy and it's just it was way smoother I didn't have to deal with you know slow menus um yeah I guess they talk about careers you'll be fine there if you use them on Xbox one you're having an Xbox connection they will transfer over money they're bnds anyway so it's not like it actually affects anything um that drastically uh yeah it'll be 84 overall launch they say Champions are going to be starting at 87 overall uh uh yeah here's 87 overall and I know core Elites I know I don't know exactly when they're see if they're see if they tweeted we'll get a little live look now if they have not so we did um they are gonna be maxed out to 86 overall that's what I've been told um per sources um I guess you're getting a little bit of early info um before they start revealing them on Twitter probably in a few hours after I upload this but let's get into this is the big thing the compass this is the Big Talk of the Madden community and where I mean things have already really nothing's changed that drastically um so far that we've read Compass has been revamped for Madden 24. we'll still focus on solo battles but Champs and headed Seasons instead of completely refreshing bi-weekly each iteration the compass will now start on the first Friday of each new season and last duration of that season meaning the compass is now not in 14 days but 60 days because that's what we wanted right less content less stuff right that's what everyone asked for to keep it fresh there will be competitive past specific daily weekly and seasonal long objectives for users to complete great more chores more stuff more happy to go into solo battles and force fumbles on rookie difficulty because I love doing that in Madden 23. I had a blast just doing these stupid stupid objective chores for a competitive fast that should reward winning why can't we just do win a Super Bowl you get a hunter Compass points no no we we that that's too simple right that's too simple because they don't like winning they don't want you to win they just want you to play more the alien seasonal objectives can be done across into three modes blah blah blah uh they'll be refreshed for each time period of varying and difficult thing to random from user to user why this is something who knows what actual benefit that it's random from user to user I'm sure one of them is gonna be like get five interceptions the other's gonna get beef get five fumbles the fumbles will obviously easier because you just go in Solo battles and plan rookie and get them in 30 seconds and then it's just like you know why that's this whole blog why w-h-y yeah why that I I don't know what they I don't know what they do I don't know what they think over their D.A they're not smart tell you that to raise the stakes even more mostly the objectives will require users to win and well in order to gain progress meaning they'll be objected to be like get 500 yards passing this week and the only way the yards are gonna count is if you actually win the game cool but it doesn't actually prioritize winning winning doesn't get you anything extra it just saves time which is bad we don't want that that is not that that's not the point of winning I want to get more for winning not to save time for winning God they just don't like they just don't think man they just they're just killing this mode they're just killing this mode another change in the combative fast would be the exclusive player items each season there will be two competitive pass exclusive players items to chase each player will have two versions a limited in a base the base version will be the same as Madden 23 being BND The Limited version of that player can only be attained by the first 1000 users to reach that level that rewards the player this limited version will have extra champion level ability buckets in his uh in his auctionable okay first off if any of you guys think this is a good change I mean it's not bad but it can't be the chain it can't be the main thing that's changed but I've always said with the competitive the competitive pass would be fine if there was weekendly rewards and then there was the week and then there's the compass on top of weekly rewards when you make the cop pass The Only Thing Worth playing for this is awful I'll tell you why again the cop pass is all based on just saving time so the first 1000 users it doesn't actually matter if you win games it's just it's just a race right Bobby V is probably gonna get the players before I even wake up on Friday let's be honest it it doesn't actually reward the players that are like winning games it's just who's playing the most and who's playing the earliest that is so dumb but why it's so duh and then to add on to this right so the limited version is gonna have a extra champion level ability that is a huge deal the BND then to be honest the BND version you are obtaining to me is irrelevant now again this only really applies to me and I would say the the top one percent of players but like Who's Gonna Wanna use a version that's worse than a version that's already out there right like oh man they just don't they just want I don't get it and then the 1000 the 1000 and again the um the compass players are gonna be George Pickens he's gonna be 89 overall and the AG Trail is gonna be 86 overall or so I've been told um and again George Pickens being 89 overall when the highest overall is to start at launcher 87 means that we aren't gonna be able to get George Pickens for at least a month and a half we're gonna be getting him probably the last week or the second to last week of the compass so like you're gonna like we're not you're not gonna see any damn rewards any good rewards that is until the last few weeks right God damn they're so stupid um yeah oh and and the car because again there's only one there's only a thousand probably on each console and they get the extra champion level ability bucket bro these cards are going to be so expensive I'm probably gonna I'm not I I will be sure I'm not gonna be one of the first 1000 users because you will not I will not be logging in every single day I will not be playing solo battles every single week I'm not doing that I'm not I'm just not I'm just going to buy the car because I will have coins I will probably get banned for buying the car because it's gonna be so damn expensive right and then I'll complain on Twitter like I just I just don't I I don't I don't understand the the point of making a race to get it when like the like why can't they just make hey you wanna you went ahead ahead you win a Super Bowl you get the card like it's that simple it's that simple losing doesn't like losing isn't a negative amount of 24. it's fine to lose it's okay to be a failure trying to tell you that's what he is trying to say it's okay to lose right losing is fine I just like I hate it I hate it because it's like the clock pass like there are there are modes there are there are like you have house rules you have solo challenges you have had that you know but like oh and we've even got oh yeah we can come back just so you know we're gonna get coming back it's gone it's cooked much Champs will not require you good decision should never record a token never it's the dumbest ever wow it stays in the same weekly Cadence but we're fresh on Friday great so the only thing you've changed about my Champs he said it starts on Friday and not Monday great great great great and also so I've Been Told the max wins you can get from my Champs for them to give you Compass points is 15 per week I hope that's wrong I hope my sources are wrong but that's what I've been told so much Champs even matters less it even it does it matters less realistically let's say there was like no Max to getting if you got like 25 wins per week and like you could again get all the compass points for getting 25 or like there was a bonus for getting 25 wickedly reward weekend League wins remote Champs win sorry per week would give you like a bonus that would actually make it to where like the people that are the best would technically be getting the card first but eaba and they want to give everyone a you know fair chance I guess for you know I just there there just has to be like there's it's it's cool and it's fine that there are you know that they're trying to make but like there are certain aspects of each mode that have to reward winning at the highest level like I'm sorry there has to there has to every mode does it but Madden now my God damn Champions ass now here we go this isn't cool this is actually a w my opinion by the way this is pretty much the in the last MCS here's a w of my opinion it's a big change for the market big change this year in order to make Champion sets more accessible we've changed some some now it's not all some of these sets to require any non-bnd players of Any Given overall rather than requiring heroes from a specific program or rather than meaning for example the changeably visible and Headliners rather than these sets requiring 500 and our heroes to complete it will require five any 8485 overall players which in my opinion is really really cool because that gives a lot of investing opportunities such as base overalls right like we're gonna We you can invest in 86 overalls if you need the next promo is gonna require 86 overalls to make a hero or make a champion that's really cool in my opinion really really dope um actually a huge positive for the I guess you could say like the niche investing Community I think a really really cool gives more value to packs as a whole um because you know and like it's not really gonna affect reals too much because the re-rolls the re-roll players like the headline of rero players are always being the cheapest Perler overall because they're in a reroll um but it just gives like an opportunity to where like certain overalls like the first day content drops will be a little bit higher overall based on if they were going to an objective or they go into a set and they can never requires just base overall so that's a w my opinion really really big w but yeah um that's pretty much it I was Limitless this morning we didn't get any news on like theme teams uh like abilities how their ability structure is going to be this year um yeah man I mean it's brutal I like really from this I got like a few good changes like a few W's there's gonna be seven seasons seasons are gonna be shorter um I wouldn't really even call the 1000 Player thing like a w because it it's just gonna reward the players that play the most but don't actually like win the most you know it's like the leaderboard of Madden 23 the number one player is like 2000 and 2000. hey he's five he's a 500 player but he's ranked number one you know Jay again everything EA does they just want to like just like a chore that's about an ultimate team feels like nothing's fun anymore everything's just a chore right it's a chore and it just it sucks to see the mode that once was just they just strip away like you would think going into the like every like every year there's always something to be paused about something new something fresh like there's nothing new and fresh about this mode and they dropping this Vlog everything to me is really a negative for the most part it except for the overall um stuff with like sets but I mean some people are probably gonna take that as a negative right and again it's only for some so I'm sure if this if the stuff if they aren't getting the pack sales for the new packs because people aren't buying them because they don't need the new cards I'm sure they'll revert back to their old ways right like this is just so it's just so sad it's depressing it it really is it's depressing because we knew we knew that the whole problem with Madden 23 was that the replayability factor of the mode was just terrible in the menus and in gameplay and it looks like yet again the only thing like we're just been playing Haddad Seasons the entire time because I'll be honest like you're gonna again for to get the actual car like to get the George Pickens 89 for the first you're gonna have to play the Comcast for weeks on weeks on weeks on weeks you're better off just playing head-to-head Seasons the entire time and and stacking as many coins as possible not having to worry about being one of the first 1000 people and just buy the ark like you're you're much better off doing that but again like with it being limited to a thousand the card is gonna be like again that's not a lot for how many people there are and considering the card is going to be a better version like it's gonna be the one of the best cards in the game which is again that's that's probably a good thing that is a good thing in the car it's gonna be really really expensive because every every single competitive player is gonna want this card right so the card is going to be expensive but yeah man I just wish they would have went I just wish they would have added like you know I mean I could go on and on what they could do and they just nothing like that that was this that was their Solution that's what they that's what their Solution that's what they came up with and it uh I know our only hope is maybe this week they hear the feedback and maybe they change some stuff uh you know when they announce on stream on Monday um but I guess we'll just quickly go back into my leaks to show you guys and you guys probably have already seen this but for the people that haven't um these look to be the season one field pass rewards Reggie White um DeAndre Hopkins Jalen Ramsey DeAndre Swift and then Bryce Young um is the other card um overalls of room I've heard rice youngest in 84 overall Hopkins is an 87 those are the only two I've heard um but yeah team Builders it's a return to launch and they are 84 overall um yeah that's all that's all we really got let's check if there's annoy from EA nope doesn't look like it uh yeah that that's the video give me your thoughts down in the comments we're in for the wrong gear hey bring back we can leave around 25. uh I'll see y'all next time peace
Channel: iJoebruin
Views: 2,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Madden 24, madden 24 beta, mut 24, madden 24 gameplay, madden 24 beta gameplay, beta madden 24, madden 24 ultimate team, madden 24 wishlist
Id: ZHJ3bsEKvHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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