How Dopa Counters OP Champions

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What runes was he running? I never know what runes to run on our small mage boi

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Oturo_Saisima 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone if you don't know dopa is back in Korea on another account playing with all the pros that are over there bootcamping he's currently a challenger 350 LP with a crazy 75% Winry all the best players in the world are playing Korea right now so this is insane in comparison fnatic caps is at masters 135 LP with a 54% win rate anyways in this video we're gonna analyze dopa playing another signature pocket pick of his vigor first EDG scalp playing irelia let's hop into the matchup breakdown vigor is an AP control mage force irelia a melee ad bruiser by gar has the range advantage and the waveclear advantage but irelia has the damage advantage in burst rates and all-in traits vigor doesn't do much damage early and I relia is honestly just super overpowered right now basically my guards are supposed to survive this lane not really win it but you don't always have to win 1v1 fights to win the lane so let's see how dopa does it dope was missions will look like this mission 1 let the wave push if he ever pushes I really will just jump on him and kill him there really isn't much he can do about it also he's easily ganked if his stun is down mission to thin the wave I'm sure you know where this is going by now but when preparing for a freeze he's gonna make sure the minion wave doesn't get too big mission 3 freezing harass he wants to freeze the wave outside his tower suit can't be all end but he also wants to get as much harass as possible so I really a tank able alright let's get into the gameplay before landing even starts a fight breaks out in mid with enemy team flashing on dopa he uses both summoners but he gets away this is a pretty big deal since i relly will still have her summoners and it's already a pretty difficult matchup also in high yellow the whole game knows your flash is down so if dopa pushed the wave i relia would freeze and the jungler would come in to gank anyways let's start laning and see how dope it gets out of this unfortunate start as the minions touch dopo starting mission one and not OTO anything he walks up and uses his Q going through a back line meeting and hitting irelia this is where things get a little tricky using his Q on backline doesn't push the wave as hard as using Q on frontline because if you damage the melee minions they are the ones being focused if one of them dies before the other it makes the wave push a lot faster since there will be less minions doing damage so I'm not sure if dopa knew it was gonna push to him anyways but I'm a hundred percent certain he doesn't want to push the wave towards irelia also I'm really not sure why the minions start randomly changing aggro anyways they both go to collect the last hits but do you see the difference between them this seems like something small but it's actually a big deal when it comes to wave management dopa is killing the minions when it has as low health as possible where irelia is killing it a little bit earlier this can make the difference if the wave pushes to you or not after that I really have grabs one more CS with our E which finishes mission one for dopa as the wave is pushing to him now now that the wave is pushing he wants to be looking to harass when I really goes for CS he gets AP from every spell he hits on a champion and since he wants to freeze the lower you can get irelia the higher the chance of gank would work out if his jungler comes so when i raelia walks off this yes dopa shows us all that even the greatest miss easy skill shots whenever doing a strategy like this when you're letting the lane push you need to make sure to backup like Dhokla is doing now since the enemy mid will get level 2 first but the next thing dopa does is seriously just genius I've never thought about doing this even though I know to never do it when I'm playing I never thought about using it against someone his third minion wave is arriving so he stands next to a low health minion baiting I really aim for a trade and he puts a stun down on top of himself I really get stunned and eats a ton of minion damage dropping to 50% health and before you say how do you know that he did that on purpose well Doba isn't stupid he knows how strong my irelia is level 2 and he would never be caught off guard like that right after he chunks are his jungler is looking for a gank and jumps in flash gone irelia and barely getting the kill so when people wonder how dope would get such insane win rates these are the players we're talking about the only reason they got this kill was because of that bait he did so now Camille gets first blood on a really snowball a jungle champion after they kill her his wave is in kind of a weird spot where he wants to push it in and recall but it takes him too long Camille eventually comes and helps him but really gets back in time to make sure it doesn't crash what this does is if dopa recalls here the blue minions will kill the red ones and he would lose CS wall he's gone but since I rarely I was taking a lot of damage from tanking the minions dopa cancels his recall he has to be really careful here not to get ganked with the wave this far up so he leaves vision which does two things first like I said in the vel'koz versus TF video leaving vision discourages the jungler to come to your lane and second it makes them think that he left a ward and if we look at the mini-map I realize pinging that dope awarded over the wall even though he didn't now he heads back into lane playing very cautiously since this is literally the most dangerous place the wave could be in he's so far away from his tower that I really can chunk him or kill him if his done is down so he's just walking up when something gets low and grabbing it with his W or Q also a concept that is very known to higher Yili players when your Lane is in a risky spot or the junglers near don't use your escape tool to harass like his Ed's W syndra stunned and in this case fieger's cage save it in case you get ganked or the enemy laner gets aggressive the wave should finally start pushing back now because of the even minion rule so dope who puts a ward and top brush for some extra safety then goes back to what he was doing before even with how safe he is playing I really it gets aggressive 'only snitch past the warden comes up behind him he job does that religious done first then puts his box in the perfect spot completely zoning them away from him limas is queue and dope escapes without having to use his exhaust his John low was already on his way since he was getting ganked so when she gets there don't put steps close to the minions baiting poor Scout once again into his Camille dopey uses exhaust to slow in and make the gank easy you would think Scout would learn by now that doba isn't going to give him openings like that for no reason finally after all of that he shoves the wave in and recalls when he gets back to lane the wave is pushing him already submission one is done he's gonna grab a few CS and clear this ward he knows he can do it safely because Lee is bot lane right now they trade a little bit while dopa also works on mission 2 they need a minion wave out scout finishes clearing the wave stopa backs up letting the waves meet in the perfect freezing spot that we normally talk about after that I really removes Top Sider destroy dopest control ward dopa tries to land some harass on her while she's doing it but he can't do much else since Lee has to be near if she's just now deciding to do this he goes back to its wave and sadly through the minions randomly switching aggro they run into the tower and break his freeze I rarely comes back to lane and immediately goes all in meaning Lee is definitely here she alts him then he puts his cage around himself and runs out of it then he flashes right before I really does but make sure he flashes completely diagonal away from her so she isn't in range to use cue Kamiya altar but then plays kind of scared for whatever reason dopa doesn't big damage with his W so they try to chase and he uses his all Don irelia but she catches him with her stunning kills him Camille tries to finish off irelia but she gets away with the sliver of health I'm pretty sure they should have won this fight pretty hard since they were both level 6 and Lee was one of all five look like Camille played too scared after they used all of their abilities on dopa but maybe not it's tough to tell anyways after responding the action continues as the enemy team is evading and fighting in dopest jungle so he uses a summoner spell book to swap to teleport and teepees behind them says enemy team is outnumber now dope book it's an easy double kill when he gets back to lane the wave is in a pretty sucky spot again since it's pushing towards irelia he clears it quickly so it will crash on the tower which it does it will push back now but he needs to play like he was before as he's vulnerable to ganks again he's just gonna grab CS with disabilities while standing pretty far back in the lane [Music] they spoke Robeson River who needs to be even more careful now he's standing as far away as possible but making sure to be in range to get experience while doing that crowd comes from behind looking to gank I relative lands are stunted over exhauster then puts his cage in the perfect spot again giving grog no way to get onto him then his recon comes in for the counter gank halting irelia setting up dopa for an easy combo and kill at this point the lane is pretty much over so let's head into the recap for the lane started dope but lost both summoners from the enemy team trying to choose him he survived but this makes him have to play extra careful in lane he came back to lane and started mission 1 making sure not to push they both hit level 2 and dope abated our alien to trading with him into his cannon wave chunking are really hard giving Camille great setup for a gank to get first blood after that he tried to push in the wave to recall but couldn't do it in time as I really caught the wave and froze but since she took a lot of damage from the minions and because dopa didn't want to lose CS from recalling he canceled his recall he stayed in lane playing super safe into the way eventually pushed back to him as it was pushing back Lee came from behind for a gank but through really nice box placement he avoided it then dopa betas got into jumping on to him since Camille was looking to gank giving them an easy kill he finally got the recall and when he came back to Lane the way was already pushing to him and he repeated his missions to freeze I rarely went to clear pink which gave away that Lee was near right after she cleared the pink she came in Delaney got aggressive a 2v2 broke outward oppa dies and I really lives with the sliver of Health as soon as you respond ETP to help a jungle fight to get an easy double kill then when he got back Delaney quickly bounced the wave off the tower to set up his freeze again he played cautiously for a while and took Gragas tried to roam up and gank him but he used his box perfectly once again surviving the gank then his own support rekon showed up altered irelia and dopa finished her off closing the lane out that's gonna be it for this one thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 955,090
Rating: 4.8246441 out of 5
Keywords: SkillCapped, league of legends, play, pentakill, lolskill, proguides, Pentakill, Yasuo, Riven, Zed, Yassuo, Challenger, Riot Games, Voyboy, Trick2G, imaqtpie, Dyrus, doublelift, hi im gosu, gosu, faker, outplay, annie bot, iwdowminate, dominate, bjergsen, tsm, tyler1, best players, season 8 placements, season 8, placement results, apdo, dopa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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