How Does the Experience of Our True Nature change our Life ?🧭

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I've been thinking about uh rert Spa had said something about there being how sometimes there can be a phow period or a fellow field I think is a term that he used after Awakening or after you know realizing who you truly are and this fellow time usually can look like a loss of Interest a loss of Desire um a really deep abiding peace but nothing is arising in you and I'm curious if you if you know what I'm talking about um or and if you can speak to that at all yes it's it's not necessarily A disappearance of the desire it's a it's a collapse of the desire for phenomena in object in the redirection of the desire toward the truth so that the usual things you were interested in the the loose some of them definitely others temporar the attraction for instance in my in my case uh definitely uh going to nightclubs that lost complete attraction was a Residual Attraction it had at the time but other things for inance I stopped tennis playing tennis or I sto skiing to a large extent because my teacher didn't do Sports and but later on in my life I I resume that so there was a temporary uh lack of attraction for some activities that later on I enjoyed again for many years for say I I I wasn't watching TV or and then later on I bought a TV set started watching the news again so the point is that uh it's not necessarily that we don't go back to some elements of our previous lives but uh big changes occur the most significant perhaps is is with the kind of people about the kind of of company uh I like I like to keep that really the the people the the company of r i discovered I enjoy the most who are truth lovers and uh and uh people whom I I I thought I knew well like uh high school or college friends acquaintance I mean I don't feel different about them in a sense I don't feel bad about them I could mingle with them and but after a while it would get boring because they would feel to me to to set in their ways like they have not evolved since over the last 50 years or 60 years you know so there is a distancing that takes place not that we don't like them or don't love them but uh we find better company to keep look usually like-minded company people who are in love with the truth these have become our real close friends same thing with relatives also so and perhaps it's not always the case but it's something I've observed in my my case this changes Jan used to refer to A A Little Piece written by Hugo F Hoffman called the Lord chandor letter you can look it up online in which um a gentleman farmer an aristocrat writes a letter to a friend and uh in this letter describes the change the strange changes that have occurred in his life kind of thisin for most of most things although he keeps fulfilling his duties as a you know managing the estate taking care of people who are under his responsibility but at the same time a lack of interest for all things of the world some Mystic have described that as a kind of a crossing the desert Jean kin had a beautiful description as a as a journey that start in the jungle right then movees through a desert and then ends up by the ocean and uh with a beautiful sunrise is above the ocean that sounds right so one of the things that I have noticed um is that there can be there can kind of be this altern feeling of of deep peace and abiding that nothing needs a change everything is okay but then this human physical life there are demands that need to be that need to be met or need to be addressed and figuring out what this there can be a tension and perhaps it's a it's a false ention or an illusion that you need to wait for a desire to arise in order to to know how to meet this demand um as opposed to going out and trying to figure out how to De how to how to meet it right so there's you want or there's a there you know there's a desire that that things want to come from this place of Peace instead of my ego self wanting to go out and to make something happen um yeah you you have to assertain the true nature of each desire and uh does it come from ignorance does it come from need or does it come from happiness and enthusiasm the only one that you have to be careful about are those desires who come from ignorance in other words desires that have their origin in the belief to be a separate human being needs are different needs are belong to the body not to you as a manager of of the body it's only normal to take care of it and to take care of the need of the body and that may include the need for companies the need for social interaction in other words there are physical need like food shelter Etc but they are also more s psychological need related to other aspect of our human condition but this is our needs and as a manager of the body you take care of them and they're normal they are not personal desires you don't have to do anything about these just do your best to take care of it and then there are desire that come from happiness oh it would be fun to to to to watch a movie it would be fun to invite friends it would be fun you see there if it doesn't happen that's okay you see this type of Desire these ones they are beautiful you also you go for it you see we are not in a business of restriction and and uh life is beautiful life has to be lived to its fullest it's not uh we're not in a religious type of living in a cave or living it has to come not From Misery as a possible way to get out of misery but it has to come from enthusiasm Joy already thank you so much
Channel: Francis Lucille
Views: 15,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Advaita, Non duality, Consciousness, Awareness, Awakening, endofseeking, selfinquiry, sources of desire, Lack of interest in the world, Life as enthusiasm, how to live life with enthusiasm, live with enthusiasm, Spiritual Awakening, consciousness evolution journey, what does it feel like to awaken spiritually, awakening process, francis lucille, Truth Redirection, Illusion of Desire, Nature of Desire, Enthusiastic Approach, Life After Awakening, after awakening, Our True Nature
Id: oYUe_1bjQGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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