How Does it Feel to Ride the World's Fastest Train (Shanghai Maglev)?

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press the LI a man okay the museum is should be here oh yeah like in front Okay let's go looking for a for a LIF okay you see it says here it says here as well M lift elevator so I was I was looking for something like that a lift elevator wait they English in China do you use American words they don't use British just now we took a train from the central of Shanghai to this uh Metro station hello uh where tan oh G nice okay there some necklift o uh okay I'm not going to read it man and the last time I came to China so many years ago so I always found that the oh this is the mascot for ML like the service staffs right they're so young like even in my hotel like the front desk those service star are so young man seriously so young oh section one birth of me me left is that how you pronounce it section two Shanghai ma left line in section three the technology and four superiorities huh and five the future plans okay five section section one section one here go here go uh okay levitation how did they use magnets okay okay so this German guy he put forward the notion of uh see what what what kind of notion you put for it no no wheels okay oh look this heavy train is slanting because of friction it's not it's like C I don't know just friction and uh Central fig force is pushing it up but it's SL just leaning inwards it's a stuff [Music] oh this is a big magnet so okay big magnet oh this is the history of uh uh Wheels do know [Music] Wheels o o can I touch no touch no touch no tou no tou tou wait what is this it looks like loaf of bread oh it's a diesel locomotive Harvest knowledge right bir of mag speed is the Eternal te okay you know in the in the in the Metro the Shanghai Metro there is another mascot that looks like that also but the the mascot has he's on like he has roller blades there are wheel wheels there uh so uh yeah okay this must there must be the they must be related to each other the mli mascot and the Shanghai uh Metro mascot see there's no there's nobody in this Museum no one's interested in the museum everybody just wants to write the the the uh the [Music] mag M actually I'm wondering how do they keep the uh the how do they keep the uh the magnets from overheating you know because don't don't they need some kind nitrogen gas or something Nitro nitrogen gas yeah how do they keep the magnets from overheating H feels a bit like Back to the Future oh section two [Music] now oh it's German technology mft [Music] oh w what is this oh this is the pong airport right and that's the mlft station at pong airport I think so I'm [Music] guessing smt what is smt company it's a mlft driverless oh uh hey wait wait a minute is it in here what huh it's one me to co hello Too Close section three but section four that's section four I'm stop yo because in in in Singapore some of our trains are I mean they they're not highspeed trains you know but our Metro is uh a Metro is some of the train is uh are driver lless and I was thinking uh for the mlft uh I don't know maybe it makes sense to be driverless as well because it's traveling so fast so if there's going to be an accident what can the driver do seriously maybe the driver is just sitting there because they need a human to I mean human is always better than a computer so he can react like he can think on the Fly can you imagine having that job going you know just going here there everywhere on the train do they serve food on the train I was hoping for 5 minutes okay hey okay okay e e is uh first Buy in advance right not very sure let's go up where's the Li or escalator no elevator they call elevator here e okay elevator it is then pleas I wonder whether I I wonder whether I they'll require my passport huh you think they'll require my passport but I'm still inside China yeah people they are carrying quite heavy luggage there should be a lift somewhere for them uh let me know okay if we can f uh especially inside the train I'll be so curious okay we're going to buy we're going to buy buy the buy the stuff I want I want to buy this together with the return the return ticket together with the the Metro okay okay guys we I I I bought this one magli round trip plus Metro one day pass this is for Shang because we still need to go back to Shanghai I mean the the city center this is unlimited for 24 hours so it's very good very good for me small oh okay okay okay okay okay let's [Music] go okay guys here we go yay we are in the future okay let's let's see how let's see how fast the the the the the speed the speed meter shows if there's a spe meter ah to the airport do to the airport and back I think so let me ask again M very hot very hot very very hot uh okay yeah so the the next stop is is next stop is uh next stop is airport already very fast going to the moon to the Moon yes sir you're going to the Moon before you know it we are in the Moon because we are riding on uh magnets this is like a space bridge I want to capture when the train comes be so awesome how many minutes oh I'm kind of excited seriously guys y looking okay okay yell look King King is the train coming oh no the Train's not coming here yes oh it's coming it's coming hey I don't is it free seting is it they didn't they didn't give me a they didn't give me any seat so is it free seating oh it's here it's coming nice wait wait wait it's coming I can see itau I think it's free thing hey guys we are the Shanghai mlft uh train station fastest train in the world they're going to the airport one stop it's going to take 8 minutes like super super fast and I think it's free sitting but where's the uh where should we enter like uh here or there uh where do we where do we where do we where where do we line up sh with train oh this this train is so fast that you wouldn't even need to clean clean the outside because it just cleans on its own by air like you know Zoom like that you probably just pour detergent outside and you just vom everything's clean oh man and it's so silent you know just now when when the train came because there's no friction so it's like electric like that but of course it's floating now let's let's let's sit down for walk oh and the seats can be they're facing each other I can see let's go let's go let's sit near the the the the the speed why you never answer me I want to I want to face the I want to face the face this because all the all the seats are like that okay never mind never mind I can walk so the carpets here the carpets here they are M yeah just carpets then the seats are trees tree seats like that and you got reading rights here see read light and that's it it looks quite minimal this the good place so we can see the you can see that like that and we can see outside can I take a walk before the train actually rides off Let's Take a Walk Let's Take a Walk guys this is so crazy I'm walking in the train no one is no one is walking except me streamers are so annoying where's the toilet W this train looks very bare but it's so Advanced oh sorry there's no toilet wow no toilet at all it's amazing where's a toilet oh wow there's no toilet all serious staff only oh this is where the the driver is most of hey but seriously there's no toilet right is that a toilet oh probably uh probably uh won need to go toilet right because it's 8 minutes but yeah longer Journeys you know like to other cities what happens if people need to use a toilet huh no eating and drinking huh huh oh okay okay can see we can see here we go here we go guys here we go guys okay let let's let's do the let's do the um okay we accelerating ready to the Superman oh it's going the other direction 96 my gimbo my gimo's behaving a bit wonky let me fix my gimbo okay okay 17 you just plus 300 over the top speed is 600 I think for such a short distance we might not might not even go 600 it's uh [Music] it's uh yeah it's very stable there is a minimal sound a bit of like friction sound but other than that is pretty stable um we swing left and left a bit of vibration but it's but I would say it's for this speed very stable 403 uh we just left so we should be arriving in 1 2 3 410 411 8 minutes it's 300 what's the cruising what's the what's the cruising speed for this distance there's no toilet okay remember okay everybody you remember next time you come to Shang Shanghai you want to take a mlft there is no toilet make sure you do your toilet business and make sure you eat make sure make sure you eat make sure you do a [Music] 31 we are slowing down you think they allow me to walk all the way the train is moving oh they slowing down why I want to go super sonic I want to go mark one at least mark one please mark one don't take this tra if you have tired here only 8 minutes but I think this train goes no I mean I believe there are other M lives right it goes to other cities I'm sure those those trains will have toilets right why no toilets this is faster than 8 minutes I think so we reach about 3 300 300 300 I saw 301 that's why I say for such a short distance right uh we we won't really feel the uh the effect of the uh yeah the me left that's so fast so fast it's too fast I think for the I think for this distance 300 yeah probably they they calculated everything already and probably if they go like 400 you will shoot past the airport and we will be in the Moon or something or somewhere oh my gosh you're here already what the heck man that fast that's fast very fast [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's take a let's take a look at at the train yeah they're going to take the train back later let let's see if uh it will hit uh 300 again we're going to airport now he look they love cure code as well a bet [Music] okay let's just walk around just a very little a short while then we'll take the me LIF back to the city okay so far away this the airport wa wait wait wa okay okay let's just walk a bit see what's there to be seen okay okay so this would be probably be how this will probably be how we would be coming to Shanghai like say we arrive at Shanghai then we come up from the departure Hall somewhere somewhere and we need to walk here to the m station okay oh right oh nice travel laters yes greatest invention don't need to walk so much oh hey that's cute hello thanks for gifting anonymous thank you thank [Music] you huh this is a very good option to have a very fast uh ma lift from the airport very good option but I believe the me me left uh goes to other cities as well okay Shanghai airport Shanghai P airport looks very clean Mt h a bit too empty further further do we need to walk because the travel later there is uh it's close how much further do we need to walk how much is the train Fair uh okay so I I bought the pay to show you show you I I mean I bought the package so the package is for return together with a unlimited uh ah man do I really want to enter the airport okay the unlimited Metro ride in the city uh which is actually good so let me let me pull out my uh let me pull my RK how much do I pay for it I P 85 oops I think this is the mascot for the for the metro and this one's the the mascot for the meft can you see the the feet of the meft guy it's uh it's got It's got no rollers right but can you see okay you see my index finger there are rollers at the bottom of the Metro so this one is the the red one is slower because he has like uh roller blades or something but this one is uh flying it's literally flying and uh even the head is different like this one's the hat is like uh one of those people who's you know when they they ride bicycles and they are Competitive Cyclist like that so it looks like that Competitive Cyclist even he even has a visor but and uh yeah but this guy has just a normal hat yeah and a normal visor right kind of cute and my this and the yeah so like that uh okay tell you what I don't want to go to the airport I think it wouldn't make sense as in uh because there's nothing there I'm I'm I'm looking looking I'm looking through I'm looking like there and that's that's the uh departure Hall already and I don't see any shops or anything interesting I might be I might be mistaken and I I I need to pass through security so oh open on pile okay here okay no filming okay let's let's head back towards um let's head back towards uh City and let's see whether the me left uh mix it to 300 as well yeah um okay because it's only 8 minutes right um I was thinking like what happens if the trip were longer longer than 8 minutes maybe to other CI and because it's traveling so fast you know maybe if it reaches the top speed of 600 everything will be a blur you know and some people might might feel a bit like like that you know it can happen especially for small kids so um you know it's like on the Aeroplane they are like bags in front of them for puking the puke bags I don't see that uh maybe one day they will have that for those trains they reach up to 600 600 km yeah cuz everything everything was be super blurry you know outside imagine okay now we on a travel later so it's like everything sh look at that oh yeah yay let's go back you never get used to this he said inside ins okay go good thing they didn't ask me to to drink the water where the Train That's the platform huh this the platform how do we know A or B yeah we just do what everybody does this time around I'm I'm going to make sure I I sit in the dire direction of the of this sign somehow oh the the AC is pretty strong okay I'm going to sit here facing the speed there's no toilets in this train oh this is just to put your backs oh uh so the time now is uh 233 uh it's supposedly it's going to like take about 8 minutes uh but seriously it feels like it's a so much less so much lesser hey take a look at the seats man guys I take a proper look at the seats like that and then the uph whole street up whole streets like that yeah no cup holders because uh no food allowed yeah no eating and drinking like that wait this is a Shanghai Metro mascot it's not the the mlft mascot oh this is so strange look so strange do you know what I'm talking about guys take a look at this take a look at this right this is where my thumb is that's the metro mycot and right at the top uh like top right that's the uh the white and white that's the uh mli mascot so why are they using the Metro uh mascot I'll make this oh okay maybe they the same company and uh maybe no food and drinks also on the Shanghai Metro but like I said my observation of the Shanghai Metro even though no food and drink supposedly they are vending machines they are vending machines man on the Shanghai Metro uh so I think uh I think the people in Shanghai they're very um they really follow the law they're very respectful you know yeah you don't eat or drink I think that's very good yeah and the seats here they are fixed fix maybe there's a reason may it's too fast I don't know but anyways yeah it says like this train has undergone this infection uh six 15 what to oh today is the 15 okay it's good maybe this train only yeah that's what that's what I'm thinking like no toilet very very basic right like the upost stre is basic is functional uh yeah I think like I said I think the mag LIF serves other cities as well and if it serves other cities uh maybe there are different classes like I don't know first class or whatever whatever and your maybe you can even book your seats but from here is like free SE free sitting I don't know which direction the train is moving uh but but this right is only like 8 minutes so it's okay right for you anyway I W be showing the outside all the time I'll be showing this mostly yeah 300 km per hour and the signal is the signal is so good man [Music] oh you know you know I'm looking at the DD app right looking at the DT at from the to the train station uh long long longang station it cost 69 69.8 so actually the Train the ticket you know the ticket I 85 is returned and there a Metro ticket oh it's very worth it man oh man it's worth it it's not expensive at all oh oh oh oh oh oh my gimbo oh my gimbo is is going sideways W this train is so fast my gimb is going set ways okay experiment 300 sunpai sunpai gold 244 244 300 top speed 3011 the water should should turn should slung sideways as well this is what is happening in my gimbal the phone the phone is uh is slanting so it's the same with the water yeah it's really messing up my gimbal so I turn my gimbal off I'm hand holding my phone now what about 120 oh it's going down so fast you know just now you know I mean like yesterday in my hotel they were two foreigners they were two foreigners they were they were going to take the me so so they asked the hotel front Des oh where's the mag station oh Time 4 2 2 5 250 what time what time do we start we start at 2:45 or something like that now it's 250 250 what time do that forgot 8 minutes perfect wow wow so accurate so accurate byebye mft
Channel: JustMeowPurrs
Views: 441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's fastest train, shanghai maglev
Id: Shd8nGN_2ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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