How Does He Play So MELODICALLY!?

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i really like that one hi there sorry it took so long to make a video school is up and running and it's kicking my butt already by the way the players at this university are absolutely insane anyway i have some good news to announce number one chris guarino gave me this awesome shirt thank you mr chris number two this is me without lighting wait this means i have lighting now yes it is true i've invested in lighting equipment my room is very clean as you can see all i do is click on this little guy and what do you know i have some light it's really cool i can turn down the sensitivity that's a lot of light and i can actually do yellow light as well now i'm already a pretty yellow man so using the yellow light does not look very great on me i told you other good news mario kart lick is now a mask if you want to buy this the link is in the description below and of course just to serve the tradition i have to play the lake now while i'm wearing the mask oh god i can't see anything ah and that brings me to the final point saxologic scio's mouthpiece is officially out now this is a prototype if you actually buy this which the link is in the description you not only get this cool engraving where it says sexologic on the other side there's going to be a really cool pattern so i really like how this sounds they sent me several prototypes and this was the one that definitely won out of the bunch if you want to expand your mouthpiece collection i do recommend this this is a really good mouthpiece all right so let's get started with the video so there's a guy named alex han he was part of the monk institute he went to the university of north texas and at one point he was actually in the one o'clock lab band he has an instagram with a giant following and he just plays so melodic and so technical [Music] he never sacrifices his melodic playing for technicality he sounds so good and a really cool thing he's also a fantastic teacher so i actually took a few lessons with him over the summer and i learned a lot so after a few lessons he had asked me if i wanted to help him proofread the transcription book of his coming up which is now out and transcribed three of the solos in there and i was like uh yes yes mr han so i'm gonna open up his book here and man there's a lot of good stuff in here i'm telling you it also has some really cool features i'm about to show you okay so once you buy the book which link is in the description below it costs 20 and it's gonna send you this email thanks for your purchase and you'll notice it comes from soundslice and man this is the coolest thing ever so i'm just going to click a random one ladybird i like this team okay so as you see we have all these fancy features we can choose a measure and repeat a measure and we can loop it and play over and over with the recording it's probably not the measure you'd be practicing over and over maybe a more harder measure you can click this metronome button and it's going to play the metronome with the recording and it'll show you the little orange line to always show you where you are with the real-time recording this thing here shows you the audio waveform very fancy this thing literally shows you the piano notes insane this is super cool and then this gear you can control the zoom you can decide if you want the notes there or not i want the notes or if you want the chords there or not to me this really blew me away you can literally change the transposition this is going to be really helpful as a source for just sight reading and hard keys so i'll be using this book as a resource for a long time and here are some other features really really freaking awesome alright so let's go ahead and learn this tune so first let's hear mr alex han do it [Music] do food mm-hmm oh man i love that ending i've heard charlie parker do that a lot and it's so satisfying every time they do it okay so let's go ahead and just walk through the solo what is going on here so this first part so in these first few lines here the definitely the most important thing is this rhythmic concept so right there that last one i just sang he kind of teased it and then he transitioned to the next melodic motif really really slick very melodic and it's just all the right notes go ahead and analyze these notes so we have five five five and then we resolve it to the third four three four five so definitely that five is kind of the anchor point good voice leading with just the minor third interval here we go up to the flat seven of that d minor seven flat seven flat third and then right here that is an enclosure these three notes here are an enclosure around this b natural which is a third of this g7 chord and then right here is another enclosure around the 5th of this a major 7 chord so right here we go up to a major scale again two one two three five with very good voice leading he was able to resolve with just the half step onto the fifth of this g minor seven chord and then right here it's a really cool way to go from a six and resolve to the third within your dominant seven chord and then right here this is a fully diminished chord starting on the third and what's cool about this is when you do this you actually outline your dominant chord with the flat nine in there it takes away the one and puts the flat knight and then the really cool thing about the flat nine if this is your last note in a 2 5 1 and your v chord it resolves downward with one half step to the fifth of your one chord the f major seven and what do you know and now this new melodic motif he does this again just shifts it up to match the f sharp minor chord here with very very slightly different rhythm very very similar rhythm in very similar notes but he played the changes so on the f major seven chord he played c naturals and then g natural and f natural and then when you go to the f sharp minor seven he's playing c sharps g sharps and f sharps so it's really cool and then this next part that he's literally just starting on the fifth of this b minor seven chord and then goes down five flat three two one so really you can see that e as an early entrance into that e7 chord the one of this e7 chord and then here what do we have here [Music] okay cool so if you look at it this is actually really simple you have one three five three of that c major seven and then you go to the next chord you have one two three five a very very common pattern to play in a major seven chord and then the next chord you have one and then you have an enclosure around the fifth of that a major seven you're playing one six five leading tone to that target note and then target note [Music] so he he hangs on this 9 which is such a good note in a major 7 chord if you don't already know [Music] he plays the same rhythm but he changes the notes to fit the incoming changes very very nicely executed and this is all improvised by the way by him you might think it's fake but no it's not fake he really does this when i took lessons from him everything he played was really this melodic it's truly crazy okay still going i really like that one okay so starting that g minor seven he arpeggiates up leading tone into that flat third arpeggio up to the nine and does this shape and then approaches the flat 7 on that next chord with that line that's a fancy way to approach that sharp 4 which is a very key tone of the c7 alt and right after that we have a flat nine that's c sharp which is another very key tone to a c7 really really really cool way to resolve a five 5-2-1 i'm stealing that i'm stealing that i'm sorry mr han okay so when he resolves to this major seven chord he resolves very smoothly if you play a flat seven as your final note to a five chord you can very smoothly resolve down with just one half step into the third it's a very common technique and that's what he does here and then he literally goes up he just arpeggiates up diatonically and literally this whole time he's playing f major seven all this is diatonic he's not playing any chromatic enclosure and it sounds so cool he just arpeggiates up and then he resolves down to the one and it does one two three five it's that really common pattern that we saw earlier and then he goes i'm the worst singer ever it goes seven eight six seven five if you practice your thirds that's not really that hard and then at that final f he resolves up to an f sharp now he's in f sharp minor seven territory here [Music] oh that's very similar to the rhythms he did towards the top of the piece he was definitely thinking of the big picture this entire chorus he wasn't just rambling random stuff he had a melodic idea this entire time that's why we're seeing familiar rhythms come back to us because he never really left them in his mind anyway and then starting at this b minor seven i love that oh i love that line okay so what's going on here starting on that minor third we just arpeggiate all the way up to the 11 and then he does this really cool thing so so those notes work in both of these chords but it sounds cool because those notes transforms their function even though they're the same notes the chords are different so their functions are different so they sound different even though the notes are the same that was really confusing to say so that first d was a minor third in this b minor 7. so we go down to that c natural and now this c natural is a flat 13 and this e7 chord which is a really nice exotic color tone to use in a dominant seven chord and then it goes back up to the d which is no longer a flat third this is now a flat seven and then he goes back down and then he travels down to the third and plays an enclosure around the fifth of a major again and then really simple patterns here five one three one three five and then here he's outlining an f major seven chord starting on the seven and then after he plays the fifth up top he resolves with a whole step and two the third of the b flat major seven chord once again we're on the fifth of this a major seven and then we play that really cool line i love whatever i just played sounded really similar to a thing on braxton cooks somewhere in between the album i don't remember which part if you know it is please comment all right so let's go ahead and try this whole thing i'm going to get rid of the video and then i'm going to change the zoom level so i can see the entire thing okay so let's go ahead and try it one two huh [Music] wow ah that's really satisfying all right well there you have it i hope you liked this video i hope it helped go ahead and support mr alex han by buying this book and also support yourself by buying this book because this is an excellent resource i'm definitely going to be using this a lot the melodies are really apparent they're very easy to understand and there's a lot of melodic density in here this is really good stuff all right thank you mr alex han and thank you all for subscribing i'm at 60 300 subscribers oh and thank you for all the views on my last video what the heck in just nine days it's already at 180 000 views are you guys okay are you guys okay all right i'm gonna close this video with maximum yellow light ouch ouch all right have a good day
Channel: undefined
Views: 170,229
Rating: 4.9550896 out of 5
Id: 1gXttRr80H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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