How does carving on a 2SWIFT compare to a Onewheel?

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[Music] foreign [Music] but in my last take that I just recorded for this video I talked for nine and a half minutes and all I wanted to do was talk about how the two Swift compares to carving a one wheel and somehow I had a lot more to say so I'm gonna try to keep it brief okay first thing my background is in snowboarding maybe like 25 years and I just like to carve I carve a snowboard it is the best sensation secondly I've been interested in some other board Sports more recently like longboarding um and oh longboarding on the pump track the pump tracks mostly for exercise and then the longboarding I try to do the longboard dance no I could do like three steps but mostly my husband and I just like to cruise around on those we both wish we got into longboarding or skateboarding earlier in life because we're 40 now and we wish we did it sooner but we cared too much what people thought at least I did I always feel like people judge you when you're on a board I think it's just my age though I come from kind of a different time period where the skaters were a little more rebellious than they really are um yeah so I find those boards for activities very engaging and so that led me to riding a one wheel um I think for maybe five years now we've been one wheel owners and I've always appreciated the one Wheels design I remember the first time I tried it I was on a gravel parking lot and I just stepped right on and the one wheel went and I turned it and I controlled it and it was just fine and that's because of that other board sport experience so if you are a person who has board sport experience you know you can try any of these skills and they all interrelate you know okay so another story though about how I even found the two Swift because I I just think it's kind of cool how it happened so I was watching the braillescape video where they test things that people send them so when they pulled the two Swift Out of the Box I kind of thought it was a joke because it looked like a scooter without handle I'm like what is that so once they started writing it I could see though that there was more to it I'm noticing that Aaron Cairo was smiling and you say no way this shouldn't work everybody's turning it they're saying that it that it carves okay so we know on snow there's nothing like carving on a real snow surface that is the best thing in the world but yeah whenever someone says it's carving my interest is perfect so yeah I was I was intrigued I watched the whole video till the end and then it said in the rolling credits designed and made in Cleveland Ohio and that's where I live I'm 45 minutes from Cleveland so I knew I had to try it I went on my one-wheel Facebook group asking okay who has one of these two Swifts I can try I wasn't really expecting a response I wasn't even sure if other people had heard about them much but basically it led to me getting right in touch with the company and the guys who run it were so nice they offered to give a demo to my husband and I and just come out and show us the boards and let us try them out for free and just give their time and that was so kind and um I will say I was I was uh pleasantly surprised I want to say blown away but I don't want to be too excited but no I really was very surprised in a good way so I could talk to you about what it was like that day and stepping on it for the first time and all of that but I'd rather skip to the point now and talk more about this whole carving thing does the two Swift really carve and and how does it feel so because of my background I can't help but talk about the one wheel so if you ride a one wheel two you might be able to use this information and maybe notice the differences too so um what I like about the two Swift is that the carving feels even more fluid and natural than on the one wheel the one wheel has that that foot pressure in the front because the sensor of the one wheel is only in the front you've always got that little extra bit happening with your front foot as it's controlling your toe and your heel for me it's not even that physical but it's very mental and very aware of my front foot actions because you have to be because the one wheel is very sensitive and that's what make it makes it such a great design you can use very little pressure and get very instant results with turning and maneuverability so that can be cool I always remembered when carving the one wheel that it still didn't feel like I could lean as much as I wanted to into a turn ever because we're always worried about nose diving and that's a real thing um I mean it's not always a problem once you have knowledge of how to ride the one wheel you know it's it's not likely to happen to everyone but it can happen so I would always want to feel like I could push more and lean but I couldn't it was more like I was holding my feet in a certain position and then kind of going easy you know so that it wouldn't push too hard on the one wheel and I could carve it and make it look flowy but it was more like a forced posture and it was almost more like I was doing a little extra with my body to make it look like it was flowy but the actual feeling felt like an extra sense and a little Interruption between the carbs that didn't need to be there when I jumped on the two Swift this was gone and I noticed it instantly this is because the two Swift is such a simple smart design you've got a platform you've got your two wheels but the back wheel is powered by a motor and everything else is just your own physics and balance so the platform doesn't have sensors um you know no gyroscope or any of that and for turning there isn't a sensor pad you're just turning with your own weight and this really opened up a new feeling for carving my first impression was oh wow my feet are stable and planted and I could press them however I want not that I would want to press them in a strange way you know when you're carving your your carving rhythmically but it was nice to know you couldn't nose dive or you know press too hard or you know on the one wheel sometimes if you do accidentally press a little bit on your back foot you're going to slow down so then you have to always compensate with your front foot here kind of doing this juggle in your head about the pressure but the two Swift is so relaxing you plant your feet and you can just push on the edges as you turn so if you're doing a toe side turn I always do this for my toes toes so if you're doing a toe side turn and you're ready to go to your heel you can like lift up and you can push into your heel and there's a little bit of a pop it's not like a snowboard pop where your snowboard actually can fling you into the air when you turn that's like the best feeling when you're carving but there is a light weight feeling there is a sense of lifting and there's that lightness in between each turn and it is such a cool feeling so if you have a chance to try the two Swift and you um enjoy that carving Sensation from other sports I really recommend it and don't be discouraged by its silly looks because it does look weird you know sometimes people are like Hey where's handle on your on your Suitor and I just laugh but it's just a really smart design um oh my video is eight minutes well at least it's not nine and a half I was gonna talk about hills and breaks so yeah it's gonna be nine and a half minutes all right real quick though because it's important to know the two Swift is affected by gravity now on the one wheel I'm coming down a hill it's pretty easy to hold whatever speed you want and yeah I have seen people go down really steep hills and they actually just let gravity let them slide down but that motor is always competing like with gravity and it's not a natural feeling you're you're using the motor so with the two Swift if you come up on a really Steep Hill too fast and you're not planning ahead you can have a problem with the brake and maybe not being strong enough and that might just be because it's the first generation out but you have to kind of plan and work with the landscape but I really enjoy that aspect and it makes it a little more interesting and it makes me more aware when I'm riding as opposed to the one wheel the one wheel can feel a bit static and a little bit robotic but with the two too Swift you're looking at the um the landscape so yeah sometimes you can actually ride down the hill and let it let you speed up which is cool and then you can slow down as you go up the hill which I really enjoy and then lastly the handbrake I figured the handbrake would drive me crazy I just maybe I was a snob like oh I'm not gonna like it oh my gosh it's past nine minutes and 30 seconds whatever so I'm like I'm not gonna like the hand control but I will stay within five minutes I didn't care at all because of that good feeling under my feet yeah I hope that helps you get a basic comparison between the two Swift and the one wheel and if you have a chance I recommend you try it
Channel: Emily's ActiviTV
Views: 7,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2zFzTxyV8Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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