How does a DNA sequencing machine work?

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these machines might look like an odd collection of white goods but they're doing some serious work every machine you see here is a DNA sequencer all of them can read genomes a genome being the complete genetic material of an organism which is made up of DNA these sequencers can analyze DNA from any source blood from a cancer patient plant material from a wall mi pine microorganisms and wine ferments or escapes from a quokka for example we sequence the entire koala genome this is perhaps our biggest achievement to date to read a genome or sequence the DNA we need to start by extracting that DNA from the tissue or specimen that can be blood saliva or plant tissue DNA when it's in solution Lily looks rather unremarkable it's just a colorless odorless liquid and what it relieves that of Heights is the power of information that's contained within that tube we prepare DNA for sequencing using liquid handling robots through a series of enzymatic and chemical reactions we prepare the DNA in a format that is ready to be loaded onto the sequences much of the work that we do you design largest flagship sequencer the Illumina Nova seek with this technology we can simultaneously sequence multiple human animal or plant genomes in just one to two days to sequence or reap DNA on the Illumina Nova seek we first attach it to the surface of a glass slide or flow cell once attached to the surface of the slide the DNA is then replicated to form billions of small clusters of DNA each with the same sequence when sequenced each cluster of DNA molecules will emit a light signal that is strong enough to be detected by a camera with each base a G t or C having its own unique signal these signals are then decoded to produce the DNA sequence for each cluster but not all sequence earths take up as much room as domestic French or cost as much as an inner-city apartment some of them can fit in your pocket this is an Oxford nanopore min eyes it is a pocket size the next generation sequencer what this is really doing is democratizing sequencing and allowing researchers to take it into the field and do sequencing in real time whether that be an abort on Antarctic or in a rainforest looking at green tree frogs for example so let's go to the lab and see how this amazing new pocket-sized technology is being used in teaching and research this smart little sequencer works by monitoring changes to an electrical current as the DNA passes through a protein nanopore the resulting electrical signals are decoded to provide the DNA sequence these small sequencers are an affordable accessible way for our undergraduate students the next generation of scientists to sequence genomes simply by plugging the device into their laptop or desktop computer and running the program this mobile sequencing instrument is really making a difference in how we teach genomics in the lab and out in the field and in the future it can become a routine part of public healthcare one day you might be able to carry your genome around in your pocket for a tailored medical treatment these devices represent the future in mobile sequencing technology you [Music] [Laughter]
Channel: UNSW
Views: 50,537
Rating: 4.9420891 out of 5
Keywords: UNSW Sydney, UNSW Australia, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. University, unsw, university, DNA sequencing, DNA, NovaSeq, Helen Speirs, genomes, genomics, Ramaciotti Centre, Wollemi pine, quoka, nanopore, tree frog
Id: rA8MUR4pqNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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